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both have nice little growing mill-you want to carry on the affairs stones hung about their necks; of the nation?

and the latter, if she do not shake her mill-stone off, will, in a few years, be cut up into little states,

BUDGET. Fifty or Sixty mil


LANDLORD. The deuce you

hostile to each other, and formi-do! Can't you do with less? dable to nobody but themselves.

I dissent wholly from Mr. BARING'S doctrine, that it is "the first duty of the House to "look to the expenditure, and "then to provide for it."


BUDGET.-Not a single far

thing, by

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LANDLORD. Don't swear!
But, let us see:
What do you
want it all for?

BUDGET. Why, there are the

first duty is to redress grievances, Fund-lords; and, to pay them

to take care of the liberty and property of the people; and, its next, to grant money to the King for carrying on the government; and, the grants are, to be sure, to be proportioned to the people's means of paying; and not to the projects and demands of the Ministers. It is no part of the business of a House of Commons

their bare interest, demands about 30 millions. And, you know, they lent you the money at your own request.

FUNDLORD. Aye, and in a period of pressing exigency. BUDGET. And for your benefit. FUNDLORD. Aye, and without any selfish motive.


BUDGET. And always upon


FUNDLORD. Aye, and out of pure love to you.

BUDGET. And, would you now defraud the widow and orphan.

to superintend the expenditure."terms highly advantageous to It is a body unfit for that in exactly the same degree that it is fit for the purposes just mentioned. But, at any rate, what need is there of between fifty and sixty millions of tuxes? What is all this money wanted for? If we grant (which I do not) that the Fund-lords have a right to press "industry!"


FUNDLORD. Aye, defraud us all of the "fruits of our honest

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BUDGET. And, then, only fries without a single standing sol

think of the national honour. FUNDLORD. Aye, do, do think

of the national faith.

LANDLORD. But, Gentlemen, Gentlemen! You won't hear me

speak. I did not talk about touching the fruits of any body's “honest industry.”

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LANDLORD. But, if you will but hear me, you will find, that I have no intention to rob you, as you call it. I wish you to have your interest to the utmost farthing.

FUNDLORD. Oa! Dat ish yera vell den!

LANDLORD. Well, Sir, (turning to BUDGET) we have 30 out of the 50 or 60 millions. What are the other millions wanted for? BUDGET. What! Would you have the King and his family to be beggars?

LANDLORD. Oh, no! Set down a million for the Civil List.

BUDGET. There is the army. Don't you see the necessity of that?

lier. And, as to Colonies, we should be better without them, if they demand the expence of armies in time of peace. I, therefore, see no necessity for any expence on that account, except to pay the pensions of those who have served in the war.

BUDGET. Nor of the navy, I suppose!

LANDLORD. Oh, yes! As large a navy as during peace in the reign of George the First, to cost about half a million a year.

BUDGET. Nor of any police, big-salaries, great pensions, grants, sinecures, nor of

LANDLORD. Indeed I do not. BUDGET. Nor of any Secret Service money?

LANDLORD. No faith (shak ing his head.)



Don't you? Then you are a purblind fool, indeed! LANDLORD. Well, then, we have, got, I think to only 32 or 33 millions. What need is there of the other 25 or 30 millions?

BUDGET. What need! What! Have you forgotten the Sinking Fund!

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FUNDLORD. Ah! Don't forget de Shinking Fund for de love of Moses! Don't forget de LANDLORD. Indeed I do not. Shinking Fund! Here is my penEngland did very well for centu-sh.l: mark it down!

BUDGET. Oh! You are alive Isions, sinecures, grants and secretnow, are you?

LANDLORD. Sinking Fund! Why it has long been called a


service money; and I shall leave

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you to answer for yourself. (Exit BUDGET.)

LANDLORD. National honour!

FUNDLORD. Ah! Tish vera Does that require that one set of goot thing. T makes the money.proprietors should tax the rest of

for me.

thewhole nation to raise money to

LANDLORD. For you! What be laid out in a way to keep at a have you to do with it? It was high price the property of that intended for our use. If you get particular set of proprietors? your interest, is not that enough National folly may yield to it; for you? but national honour never can demand it.

FUNDLORD. Yes, yes! But, den de Shinking Fund makes de. prinshipal so goot in de market. Makes it sell so well!

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FUNDLORD. Mr. Pitt, goot Mr. Pitt, "heaven-born Minis"ter," did make de bargain. LANDLORD. Barguin, indeed! And for whom? You but may as well tell me of the bargain that old Rebecca, made for poor Esau in behalf of the sleek and crafty Jacob.

LANDLORD. What, then, not content with your interest for your "hard earnings, "purely for love of us," you must have besides sums raised upon us annually to be expended in purchases of principal in order to keep up the price of your property!

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FUNDLORD. Don't abuse Jacob, Sir, in my hearing!

LANDLORD, Your hearing!

FUNDLORD. Yeash, and dat's It is come to a pretty pass, in

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FUNDLORD.-You a Shentleman! My mortgage runs over every inch of land that you call yoursh.

LANDLORD. You lie, you

no necessity for salaries, pen- rascal! (Kicks him.)

FUNDLORD.—I'll tear your we are to look at, and not the eysh out! (Flies at him, fastens figures. His remark as to the in his hair, and exeunt in a scuf-tax-gatherer "helping himself fle.) "first," and leaving the landlord not even the means of sparing the tenant is very just: it is precisely what was said by farmer GRUB, in the farce of Sir POMPOUS JOL


What is to pass on the other side of the curtain it is not, as yet, given to us to know; but, perhaps, this is no very exaggerated representation of what we shall TERHEAD, which farce has, by

see and hear long before Peel's Bill arrive at the last stage of its effects.

the-by, danced about pretty merrily through the country newspapers, to the great edification, I trust, of the whole of the numerous family of Jolterhead.

Lord MILTON touched on the tender point, on the heel of the Achilles of the system. He could see no reason for raising money to keep up the price of stock any more than for raising money to keep up the price of

Mr. WALTER BURRELL spoke like a plain and sincere man. He said, that he had supported the Ministers in the war, in order to obtain an honourable and lasting peace, which peace he expected to produce a great reduction of tax s; but, he now found that the ministers came down with the same demand for establishments corn. That was a good thrust, as before. This was all very and a home one! It was a good simple, to be sure; but, it was way of putting the thing. If the honest, at any rate. Mr. BUR-reader looks at the Preliminary RELL should have read the Re- Part of Paper against Gold, just gister always, and then he would published, he will see, that I not have been deceived. How- pressed the necessity of stopping ever, his eyes do not appear to this fund, in 1806! What troube open yet. The taxes have bles would have been prevented, been doubled since the peace of if that advice had been followed! Paris, in 1814. The Fund-lord, Who that has common sense and

Pensioner, Placeman, Judge, common soul in him can endure to Police-man, and all others, who live on the taxes, actually receive twice as much wheat now as they did in 1813. And, it is the whea

be oppressed and insulted as this system oppresses au I insults every one who has to labour for his livelihood? Indeed, men will not

endure it. To be told to our the growth of ages. When mere

shuffling clerks, and orange boys, get to be millioners, during a few years; ten, twenty, or thirty; when this is the case, the prosperity is false. All must come It can come from And labour will


out of labour.
nothing else.


not, in a short space of time, create so many fine showy things,

heads, that we are "roblers," unless we not only pay the full nominal interest, and double the real interest, but, unless we pay an additional 3 per cent, or thereabouts, to keep up the price of the principal; to be told this, and to be compelled to act up to it, too, who will endure that can get away from it? Accordingly if it have its due wages to be conthousands are fleeing with what sumed by the labourer. The slow they can scrape together. Sixty surplus of labour will create fine inhabitants of the little Isle of showy things; but, if labour Wight, a third part farmers, have be robbed of its due, of what it lately sailed for America in one needs, in order to create fine ship. From Sussex they are things, those things are no proof following each other in droves. of prosperity. And his lordship Mr. WALTER BURRELL can tell is very much deceived, if he how many of his farms have imagines, that our fine things are been flung up; and, probably, to remain, if the taxing system is how many of his late tenants are to be brought down, I beg him off, or setting off to America! to bear this in mind: Peel's Bilk To be sure! Would I stay here knocks the eyes out of Scripto farm, and to pay double interest Castles, and replaces the notes of and an annual 3 per cent. besides; the Piano by the chackling of and be called a "robber" if I the Jack-daw, as sure as his lord-grumbled? I would hang myself ship has a head upon his shoulders. first. Thirty thousand attorneys and LORD MILTON was, however, ten thousand bankers and bankwrong in his notion that the gayers' clerks and a hundred thoucities and towns were marks of sand tax-gatherers and twenty or prosperity. They prove that a thirty thousand half-pay officers part prospers. When they are and a hundred thousand nabobs the growth of time, they show have arisen out of this system, that the prosperity is general. and can be upheld only by this But, they must, in this case, be system! Let his lordship bear


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