LITERAL TRANSLATION FROM THE ORIGINAL GREEK, OF ALL THE APOSTOLICAL EPISTLES. WITH A COMMENTARY, AND NOTES, PHILOLOGICAL, CRITICAL, EXPLANATORY, AND PRACTICAL. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THE APOSTLE PAUL. BY JAMES MACKNIGHT, D. D. IN SIX VOLUMES TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. VOL. III. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY W. WELLS AND T. B. WAIT & Co T. B. Wait and Co. Printers. 1810. 1 GALATIANS, p. 1. ESSAY Sect. I. That God would greatly bless him......II. That he would make him the father of many nations.....III. That he would give to him and to his seed, the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession.....IV. That he would be to him and to them, a God in their generations.....V. That in him, all the families of the earth should be blessed..... VI. That in his seed, ESSAY VI. On justification.....Sect. I. Of justification, as explained by PREFACE TO GALATIANS..... Sect. I. Of the time when, and of the person by whom the Galatians were converted.....II. Of the time when this epis- tle was written.....III. Of the occasion of writing it.....IV. Shewing that the decree of the council of Jerusalem, respected the converted prose. PREFACE.....Sect. I. Of the introduction of the Christian religion into ESSAY VII. ON THE MEDIATION OF CHRIST...... Sect. I. Of his media. PREFACE TO PHILIPPIANS..... Sect. I. Of the founding of the Christian PREFACE, in which the character and manners of the Colossians are de- A NEW LITERAL TRANSLATION OF ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE GALLATIANS. ESSAY V. On the Covenant which God made with Abraham the Father of the Israelites. Our Lord, John v. 39. thus exhorted his Jewish hearers; Search the scriptures, (the writings of Moses and the prophets) for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. Also, at his first appearance to his disciples after his resurrection, he said to them, Luke xxiv. 44. These are the words which I spake to you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me. And that they might know what things were written in these books concerning him: 45. He opened their understandings that they might understand the scriptures; he gave them the knowledge of the meaning of those passages of the scriptures which relate to himself, that they might be able to confirm the gospel which they were to preach, by testimonies taken from the law and the prophets. Accordingly the apostle Paul, who, like the other apostles, had the true meaning of the Jewish scriptures communicated to him by inspiration, hath on these writings founded those enlarged views of the doctrines of the gospel, and of the divine dispensations, which he hath delivered in his epistles, in so much that his explications of the Jewish scriptures, and the conclusions which he hath drawn from them, make a principal part of the gospel revelation. The passages of the writings of Moses, which Paul hath explained in his epistles, and which deserve our especial attention, |