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and at intervals the superintendent, examined the school in sections, and the teachers, for several years, furnished half-yearly reports as to the attendance, lessons learnt, and progress made by their scholars, as well as an opinion on their religious state.

I have said much on minor points, but I hope my readers will not think this last point-the root, the life, the end of all Sunday school teaching-was forgotten. It was far otherwise. Our good pastor, for years, when he attended our meetings, or gave us addresses on the nature and means of carrying on our work, was constantly impressing upon us the necessity of watching and praying for the new birth of the soul of each one of our scholars; and while we cared for their mental and bodily training, tried to subdue ill-behaviour in school and church, and to guide them properly to follow and to respond to the service, it was always to the end that they might become religious in feeling, be able to pray for themselves, and find Christ as their Saviour, the Holy Spirit for their Sanctifier, and the true God, as their Father.

Many were the suggestions which were made, and the means tried, with this object in view. We visited them in their homes, we observed the influence of their associations there on their character; we aided them in sickness; we gave them rewards for good conduct, and treats to show our wish to give them pleasure-but all with the hope that we might lead them to feel satisfied that we desired their good, when we urged them to give their hearts to God, and to follow the ways of holiness. And a long connection with one school, for nearly seventeen years, has enabled me to see the fruit which might be looked for in vain in a shorter period. Young wayward children years ago, are now thoughtful; some have become earnest teachers; others far away still write and tell us of their sympathy in our work; some few have passed away, testifying on their deathbeds to the preciousness of their faith in Christ; and many more have gone forth into the world, doing their work in it cheerfully and honestly, respected for their uprightness, and walking humbly with their God. Of many others we know little, yet may we not rejoice in what we have seen, and take courage, hoping for a blessing far beyond our deserts, upon the feeble efforts we have made to win souls for Christ? I am sure my dear fellow-labourers will feel that work for God carries with it its own reward, and His smile is an abundant recompense for toil and weariness, hope deferred, and long continued watching.

May we all, though now unhappily scattered here, meet again in the day when Christ makes up his jewels, and may our crown of rejoicing then, be the privilege of presenting to Him the children whom He gave to us, brought to Him and saved by Him, from

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In the hope that many of our fellow-teachers have remembered our Tuesday Morning's Prayer Union, and in the full assurance that our united prayers cannot but have an influence upon our Sunday-schools, we furnish another list of subjects, intended as suggestions, and as a means of union in our petitions; and we again invite our readers to earnest believing prayer for the blessing of our God upon our work; for "this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to his will He heareth us." 1 John v. 14.


October 8th.-For the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that He may shed abroad the love of God in the hearts of both teachers and taught.

October 15th.-The Sunday School Institute, and that all its officers, and all who take any part in its work, may have a single eye to the glory of God in their efforts to promote the efficiency of Sunday-schools.

October 22nd.-The Ministers of the Gospel, that they may be instant in season and out of season, and may faithfully preach the Word, the Holy Ghost applying it to many souls.

October 29th.-For all Superintendents, especially, that they may unite firmness with love, and while they maintain order and discipline in their schools may manifest in themselves the meekness and gentleness of Christ.

November 5th.-For all Sunday School Teachers, and chiefly that the love of Christ may constrain them, and may enable them to be witnesses for Him to the souls which are committed to their charge.

November 12th.-For all Sunday Scholars, especially that the truth taught them may be applied to their souls by the Holy Spirit, that they may truly repent, simply believe, and lay hold on eternal life.

November 19th.-For the Parents and Families of our Sunday Scholars, that in God's 's own way, and in his own time, every member of them may be brought to Christ.

November 26th.-For those who have passed from our Schools into the world, that they may fight manfully under the banner of Jesus against the world, the flesh, and the devil, and continue Christ's faithful soldiers and servants to their lives' end.

December 3rd.-The due observance of the Sabbath, and that while all in authority so far as possible encourage it, the people of the land may be led to consider the day as holy unto the Lord and to spend it in his service.

December 10th.-The Church of Christ, especially that it may be kept pure and distinct from this evil world, and that multitudes may be added to it daily, of such as shall be saved.

December 17th.-For the spread of the Gospel, especially that a great and effec tual door may be opened before all missionaries, and that the Lord of the harvest may send forth fresh labourers into his harvest both at home and abroad.

December 24th.-For the Church of England, and especially that God will pour forth upon all who are called to any office therein his grace and heavenly benediction, and that every member of the same may truly and godly serve Him. December 31st.-For our Queen and Rulers, especially that they may govern in God's faith, fear, and love, and in all things seek the well-being of the people, and the glory of God.


Copies of this Paper may be obtained Free, on application by Letter to the Editors at the Offices of the Institute, 41, Ludgate Hill, E.C.


Sunday School Enstitute.


QUARTERLY DEVOTIONAL MEETING of the Members of the Institute was held at its Rooms on Tuesday Evening, the 9th of July, conducted by the Rev. EDWARD AURIOL, M.A.

A Course of

LECTURES TO SENIOR SCHOLARS has been given at the Rooms of the Institute, during the months of August and September, as follows:

Tuesday, 20th August. On "The Tabernacle and its Services," by G. T. HART, Esq.

Monday, 26th August. On "Japan and the Japanese," by N. HARTNELL, Esq.

Tuesday, 3rd Sept. On "Christopher Columbus," by J. F. REID, Esq.

Monday, Sept. 9th. On "The Rivers of the Bible,” by H. W. GREEN, Esq.

Tuesday, 17th Sept. On "America," by F. NORTON, Esq.

Monday, 23rd Sept. On "Astronomy," by N. E. GREEN, Esq.

Only a limited number of scholars from each school in connection with the Institute could be accommodated in the Rooms on each occasion; and, according to the plan adopted in previous years, Prizes of Books were offered to the scholars present, for the

best notes made by them on the Lectures.

The Committee have in preparation


for the ensuing year, notes on which will appear in this Magazine, and they propose (D.V.) to publish

A SCHOLAR'S ALMANACK FOR 1862, containing such information and instruction, as will be useful to children attending Church Sunday Schools, and also

NEW YEAR'S ADDRESSES to Teachers, Scholars, and Parents, as heretofore.

All of these, they trust, will be ready for circulation before the end of the present year; and they look to the kind aid of their friends, and of those interested in promoting the efficiency of Sunday schools, to make them known as widely as possible, so that the plan of teaching, followed by the Institute, which has been tested by long and wide experience, may be adopted in many Sunday schools throughout the metropolis and the country, where it is now unused.

The present part completes the fourteenth Annual Volume of the SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLY; and the Committee would ask the readers of this Magazine, who may see in it a means of improvement, mental and spiritual, for

to help it in its further progress, by promoting its circulation in schools and among teachers who do not now possess it; and by obtaining or supplying contributions to its pages. Especially would they ask for results of actual experience in plans of usefulness, or in teaching, and for any suggestions by which the difficulties of those engaged in teaching may be removed.

And they would also ask the increased support of the friends of the Institute, for their Monthly Publications, THE TEACHER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, and THE SUNDAY SCHOLAR'S COMPANION, both of which are also carrying on the good work of the Society, the one by supplying encouragement, instruction, and hints on teaching, to the Sunday school teacher,—the other, by furnishing a useful source of amusement to the scholars in our schools. A large increase to the sale of these works, in times when readers are happily multiplying, could easily be obtained by the influence of good words spoken in their behalf by many friends, and their extended circulation would materially add to the finances of the Society by which they are produced.

The only arrangement which has been made at present for the ensuing quarter is :

The DEVOTIONAL MEETING which will be held (D.V.) on Tuesday evening, the 8th of October, to be conducted by the Rev. E. AURIOL, M.A., and to commence at half-past seven o'clock.

The Committee thankfully acknow. ledge the receipt of the following contributions to

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THE SPECIAL APPEAL which the Committee felt it necessary to make during the past summer, to the friends of religious education, in behalf of the Society, has been most liberally responded to by many kind Christian friends, to whom they desire to express their thanks for their ready aid and sympathy in helping to place the Society on a surer basis than it has hitherto held, and thus to fulfil its purposes with increased efficiency and success. But, grateful as the Committee are for the encouragement they have thus received, they yet feel that but very few, comparatively, of those to whom they might naturally look for aid, have strengthened their hands in this effort; and they feel compelled, therefore, yet more earnestly to appeal to all who are convinced of the imthose engaged in the work of teaching,

portance of extending the knowledge of Divine Truth, as a means of salvation to help them in the good work of improving and promoting the efficiency of the Sunday Schools of our own beloved Church, through which the children of the poor of our land may be brought to a knowledge of their Saviour, and be builded up in our most holy faith, being taught intelligently, and grounded in the elements of a pure and soberminded Christianity, such as that which the Church of England gives to all her members in her open Bible, her Scriptural Liturgy, and devout services.

It has already been explained that the present pecuniary pressure on the Society does not arise from any improvident use of its Funds, or any decline of its influence, but, on the contrary, rather from the efforts that have been made to meet the demands made upon it for larger supplies of school materials, and the other agencies by which it seeks to increase the efficiency of Church Sunday Schools. Thus, year by year, fresh expenses have been incurred, covered, indeed, by additions to the stock, but adding an nually to the liabilities of the Committee, in consequence of the Society having originally commenced its operations without a capital, and having been therefore compelled to apply the income of one year to discharge the debts incurred for printing and publishing in the preceding one.

By one general and liberal effort, however, the Sunday School Institute could be placed in a position in which -free from debt and liability, and with means of improving and more widely circulating its publications, and other means of instruction and guidance to Teachers in Sunday Schools,-it might, by God's blessing, become an agent for

elevating the character of the religious teaching of the young in our Sunday Schools throughout the country, and our Colonial Empire, and thus be not among the least important of the agencies which are now at work in spreading the knowledge of the Gospel, and advancing the Saviour's kingdom through. out the world.

The following list of the sums received, in answer to the Special Appeal, is given, trusting that those whom God has blessed with means to spend on his service, may be inclined to help the Committee by their Contributions :

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S. A. Hankey, Esq.
Thomas Prothero, Esq.
W. Claypon, Esq.
C. Meeking, Esq.
E. Wigram, Esq.
Two Friends
Francis Wright, Esq.
Rev. G. H. Watkins
Rev. E. Hollond
S. Marshall, Esq.
I. C. Symes, Esq.
Rev. C, R. Alford
H. E. Murrell, Esq.
W. C. Towers, Esq.
Miss Ogilby
Messrs. Tildesley
Herbert Mayo, Esq.
C. Hardy, Esq.

G. C. Courthope, Esq.
Sir O. Mosley, Bart.
Rev. H, Linton

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