COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS. Report on procurement of American cotton by Spain. 83d cong. 1st sess. 1955. Report on contracts for the purchase of tungsten ore in Thailand...83d cong. 1955. ✓ Activities report of the House Committee ..83d cong...1955. ✓ Report on foreign aid procurement...83d cong. 1955. Report on U.S. embassy, consular service Japan. 83d cong. 2d sess. 1955. Report on the Foreign Operations Administration end-use control program. 83d cong. 2d sess. 1955. Report on the administration of the Foreign Service. 83d cong. 2d sess. 1955. ✓ Report of an inspection trip to certain selected military installations in Europe, September 1954. 83d cong. sess. 1955. 2d 1956. Report on economic assistance to Spain. 83d cong. 2d sess. 1955. ✓Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended. The right of Congress to obtain information from the executive and from other agencies of the federal government. May 3, 1956. 84th cong. 2d sess. Supplementary real and personal property inventory of June 30, 1956. 84th cong. 2d sess. 1956. 1956. ✓ Recommendations and major statements of the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations... August 1956. 84th cong. 2d sess. 1956. ✓ Intergovernmental relations in the United States... November 1956. 84th cong. 2d sess. 1956. Federal timber sales policies... November 2, 1956. 84th cong. 2d sess. 1956. 83D CONGRESS) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 55977 REPORT ON PROCUREMENT OF INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1955 |