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fions of duty, affection, and gratitude for his Majefty, and fome compliments to their Excellencies, they exprefs their hopes, that the fufferings of their abfent fellowcitizens, many of whom had been driven away by the calamities of war, and the fpirit of perfecution which lately prevailed there; or fent to New England, and other diftant parts; will plead in their behalf, and engage their Excellencies, on thefe their dutiful representations, to restore the city and county of New-York to his Majesty's protection and peace. Accordingly, foon after, Governor Tryon was re-established in his government, and the feveral courts re-opened for the administration of justice.

His most faithful Majefly has lately published a general pardon to all his fubjects who had fled their country for different crimes, on condition of their ferving five years in the army.

Between eight and nine at night, the General Wolfe Packet was run down, between Liverpool and Dublin, by the Hawke tender, then going at the rate of fix knots (miles) an hour; and out of fortythree paffengers, exclufive of the erew, but twenty perfons, in all, were faved.

The king's forces


18th. camped on New York Ifland, having got behind the Provincials ftationed at King's-bridge, and obliged them thereby to abandon their almost impregnable in- trenchments at that place.

Lord Berkeley having been ftopped in his poft-chaife, about ten at night, near Salt-hill, and robbed or is money, watch, &c. one of his fervants, who came up at that inftant, purfued the high

wayman, foon overtook him, and, difcharging a pistol at him, killed him on the fpot.

An addrefs of the Lord19th. mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Commons, of the city of York, in common council affembled, congratulating his Majefty on the fuccefs of his arms in North America; approving of his measures with regard to his colonies there; and affuring him that they are zealous friends to law, liberty, and order, and determined enemies to faction, licentiousness, and fedition; and that they regarded the honour and dignity of his Majesty's crown, and the fupreme authority of the British legislature, as the great pillar of that excellent conftitution, on which depends the freedom and profperity of every branch of the British empire, was this day prefented to his Majefty, and most graciously received.

When, in the beginning of this year, the Houfe of Commons was moved to inquire into the methods used to obtain 'addreffes in pretty much the fame style with the above, Sir William Bagot got up, and related to the Houfe the origin and conduct of the Stafford addrefs. He faid, that having, while in Warwickshire, feen the addrefs to all the electors of Great Britain, which was figned by Deputy Pi. per; and, not being willing that the gentlemen of the county which he had the honour to represent fhould dance to Deputy Piper's tune, he went home immediately; and at the feffions an addrefs. containing fentiments very different from that of Mr. Deputy Piper, was propofed and agreed to, only one perfon, whom the



Houfe well knew, (Mr. Wool- During the mayoralty of the dridge, who had last year spoken prefent Lord - mayor, John Sawat their bar) objecting to it. bridge, Efq; eighty-eight perfons received fentence of death, and thirty-nine were executed; fix of them, for murder.

The Bishop of Ely took poffeffion of an houfe in Dover-itreet, erected by act of parliament for the future town refidence of the Bishops of that fee, and to be called Elyhoufe for the future, in lieu of the old palace, on Holborn-hill. The feffions ended at the 21ft. Old Bailey, when feventeen capital convicts received fentence of death, viz. three, for coining; one, for forgery; two, for horfetealing; one, for fheep-ftealing; one, for burglary; one, for a robbery in a house of ill fame; and eight, for various footpad and other highway and street robberies. Five more convicts were fentenced to hard labour on the Thames; and feven, to hard labour in Bridewell; feven, to confinement in Newgate; four, to be whipped; eight were branded in the hand; and twenty-two were discharged by proclamation.

And, on the 11th of December, two of the coiners, the forger, and five of the other capital convicts, were executed at Tyburn. The unhappy man, for forgery, having been once a tradefman in great credit, both for honefty and industry, was indulged with a mourning-coach. He made a very affecting fpeech to the populace, at the place of execution, of near a quarter of an hour's continuance, in which he attributed his unhappy fate, not fo much to any extravagancy, as an indifcreet defire of being able to carry on a great trade. Before his death, he fa-` tisfied all his creditors to the utmoft of his power, though by fo doing he left his family in the moft wretched circumstances.

The Grand Duke of Tufcany, by an edict of this date, has brought feveral places under the immediate dependence of his crown, which were formerly under that of the Camadule Hermites. The queftion is under which jurifdiction the inhabitants of these places are likely to be happieft.

His excellency the Marquis de Noailles, Ambaf- 25th. fador from France, had his first private audience of his Majefty, to deliver his credentials.

The Marquis de Bernard

Tanucci, who, for a great 27th.

number of years paft, had been Prime Minifter, and chief or fole favourite, to the present and the late King of Naples and Sicily, was difmiffed his employments, but in the most honourable manner. He is fucceeded by the marquis Della Sambacca, the fon of Prince De Campo Reale, Counsellor of State, and President of the junto of Sicily..

The Registers of the Court of Chancery, and their clerks, took poffeffion of their new office in Chancery-lane; and, next day, an elegant buft, in marble, of the prefent Lord Chancellor, executed by Mr. Nollekin, was put up in the faid office, with the following infcription: "The Right Hon. Henry Earl Bathurst, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, 1776."

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About a quarter before 28th. eleven o'clock, a fudden fhock of an earthquake was felt all


over the town of Northampton, of Northampton, ed the feffion of parliament with

and in many adjacent villages, attended with a noise much like the violent jolt of a cart, which very apparently jarred the houfes, and threw the windows into a noify agitation for about two feconds; and a ball or balls of fire were feen at the fame time by many perfons in the fame town and neighbourhood. The like phænomena were felt and feen at Harborough, and as far as Loughborough, in the county of Leicefter, about the fame time. The concuffion did not appear fo great in thofe parts; but the light, from various defcriptions, feems to have been equal.

His Majefty was pleafed, 30th. by two feveral proclamations, to order that a public fast and humiliation fhould be observed thoughout England, and the kingdom of Ireland, upon Friday the 13th of December next, for the purposes,, befides the other ufual ones, of imploring the intervention and bleffing of the Almighty, fpeedily to deliver his loyal fubjects within his colonies and provinces in North America, from the violence, injustice, and tyranny, of thofe daring rebels, who had affumed to themfelves the exercife of arbitrary power; to open the eyes of those who had been deluded, by fpecious falfe-, hoods, into acts of treafon and rebellion; to turn the hearts of the authors of thefe calamities; and finally to restore his people in those diftracted provinces and colonies to the happy condition of being free fubjects of a free ftate, under which heretofore they had flourished fo long, and profpered fo much."

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a most gracious fpeech; which, with the addreffes in return from both houses, and his Majesty's moft gracious anfwers to them, the reader will find among our State Papers.

The following humane order has been fent from the war-office, to General Howe, in America. "State of Allowances and Regu.lations.

If a wound fhall be received in action by any commiffioned officer, which fhall occafion the lofs of an eye or a limb, he fhall receive a gratuity in money of one year's full pay, and be further allowed fuch expences relating to his cure (if not performed at the King's charge) as fhall be certified to be reasonable by the Surgeon General of the Army, and Inspector Gene ral of regimental infirmaries, upon examination of the vouchers which he fhall lay before them.

If the wounds received fhall not amount to the lofs of a limb, the charge of cure only fhall be allowed, certified as above. When any commiffioned officer fhall lofe an eye or a limb as aforefaid, the Commanding Officer of the corps in which he serves, fhall deliver to him a certificate, fpecifying the time when, and the place where the faid accident happened; a duplicate of which certificate shall likewife be tranfmitted with the rext monthly returns.

When any commiffioned officer fhall be killed in action, his wi dow and orphan children (if he leaves any) thall be allowed as follows:

The widow, a full year's pay according to her husband's regi mental commiffion; each child


under age and unmarried, one third of what is allowed to the widow; pofthumous children to be included.

All perfons dying of their wounds, within fix months after battle, fhall be deemed flain in, action.

The commanding officers of the corps in which the flain officer ferved, fhall, on demand, give a certificate of his being killed in action to his furviving wife and orphans refpectively, fpecifying the time when, and the place where, the faid accident happened; a duplicate of which fhall likewife be tranfmitted with the next monthly returns."

His Majesty has befides been gracioufly pleafed to order 100l. to each of the mafters, and 50l. to each of the men of the undermentioned transports, who bravely exerted themselves in their country's caufe in the late affair at New York ifland; viz. Robert Roughead, of the Good Intent; Rickman Fowler, of the Symetry; John Randall, of the Grand Duchefs of Ruffia; Thomas Brown, of the Saville; John Chambers, of the Mercury; and James Stuart, of the America.

In the courfe of this month, the Continental Congrefs refolved to borrow eight millions of dollars, at four per cent. intereft, and iffued a proclamation accordingly.

In the courfe of this month, likewife, a great revolution happened in the government of Madras; fome of the gentlemen of the council there having thought proper, by their own authority, to depofe and imprifon Lord Pigot the Governor, and confer the goverament on Colonel Stuart,

DIED, the 3d infant, Mr. Etheridge, a celebrated architect, wo, among other public works,, built Walton bridge.

The 4th, Mrs. Roflanley, the widow of Mr. Wells Rodanley, an ingenious defigner, in Oxfordftreet, who died the 1ft inflant; Mrs. Roflanley having refufed to take any manner of fuitenance, after his death, till fhe expired.

The 26th, the Rev. Dr. Pierre Francais Le Courayer, in the 95th year of his age, in Downing ftreet, Weftminfer.

The 18th, John Ellis, Efq; F. R. S. Agent for the Province of Weft Florida, and for the inland of Dominica; but better known, as the firft difcoverer of the properties of thofe curious fubftances, called corals and coralines, and ftill better, for his public-fpirited endeavours to promote the ftudy, and extend the benefits, of natural hiftory; at Hamstead.

The 25th, Mr. Levy Marks, principal fcribe of the Jews fyna gogue, and a gentleman of unble mifhed character, aged 96.


Lately, Sir William Yorke, late Chief Juftice of Ireland, after retiring on a penfion. His death was owing to a mistake of his fervant. Sir William was grievoudly afflicted with the stone, and in his fevere fits he used to take a certain quantity of laudanum drops. calling for his ufual remedy, during the moft racking pains of his diftemper, the drops could not be found; whereupon the fervant was difpatched to his apothecary; but, instead of laudanum drops, he afked for laudanum. A quantity of laudanum was accordingly fenc with a special charge not to give Sir William more than twenty-foor


drops. But the fellow, forgetting the caution, gave the bottle into his master's hand, who in his agony drank up the whole contents, and expired in less than an hour after. For the great efficacy of coffee, in counteracting the power of opium, &c. fee the laft article of our Projects for this year.

The very celebrated Dr. Thomas Townsend, alchymift to his Majefty; at his lodgings in Southwark,

Mr. Carey, of Dartford, Kent, who loft both his legs, and one arm. in an engagement in the rebellion of 1745.

Mrs. Ann Simpfon, widow, aged 101, at Sunbury.

Jofeph Dobyns, a fhepherd, aged oz, at Rickmanfworth, in Herts.



A motion being made by Mr. Saxby, at a court of common-council at Guildhall, that an additional falary fhould be allowed the Lord-mayors, to enable them to fupport that office with dignity, without expending any part of their own fortunes, after fome warm debates, it was, at length, carried by a majority, that roool. per annum be added to their falary; on condition that the money arifing from the fale of all places be, for the future, paid into. the chamber of London, the LordMayors ftill to retain the benefits of the Cocket-office. See the 1ft of Auguft. By a lift of fhips already 4th. in commiffion, and put into commiffion this day, it appears,

that Great Britain had now a fleet of one ship, of one hundred guns; five, of ninety; one, of eighty-four; feven, of feventyfour; four, of feventy; and ten, of fixty-four; in all, twenty-eight capital fhips, ready to put to fea at a very short notice.

An elegant picture painted by Mr. Gainsborough, of Lord Folkftone in his coronation robes, was put up in the great room of the So. ciety for the encouragement of Arts, &c. as a just tribute of gratitude to his lordship, for his having been the first nobleman, both by his purfe and his perfonal atten dance, to patronize that moft ufeful inftitution.


An appeal to the House of Lords, from the court of feffion in Scotland, and of great confequence to trade, in which Campbell, Robertfon, and company, merchants in Glasgow, were the Appellants; and William Shepherd, and others, merchants in London, were the refpondents, was this day determined by their lordfhips. The conteft was for pay. ment of a large fum of money for thirty-five bags of cotton fold by the refpondents to one Rt. Vallance, which cotton was afterwards feized at Glasgow by the appellants for money due to them from Vallance. The Lords affirmed the decree of the court of feffion in favour of the refpondents Shepherd, &c. with 100l. costs.

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The entertainment given 9th. at Guildhall, this day, being Lord-mayor's Day, when Sir Thomas Halifax was fworn into that office, was honoured with the prefence of the Lord Chancellor, four of the Judges, feveral of the principal officers of fate, many of


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