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manners, he contented himself with a deciduous laurel, of which the verdure in its fpring was bright and gay, but which time has been continually stealing from his brows.

He was in his own time confidered as of unrivalled excellence. Clarendon reprefents him as having taken a flight beyond all that went before him; and Milton is faid to have declared, that the three greatest English poets were Spenfer, Shakspeare, and Cowley.

His manner he had in common with others: but his fentiments were his own. Upon every subject he thought for himself; and fuch was his copiousness of knowledge, that fomething at once remote and applicable rushed into his mind; yet it is not likely that he always rejected a commodious idea merely because another had ufed it: his known wealth was fo great, that he might have borrowed without lofs of credit.

In his elegy on Sir Henry Wotton, the last lines have fuch resemblance to the noble epigram of Grotius upon the death of Scaliger,


that I cannot but think them copied from it, though they are copied by no fervile hand.

One paffage in his Mistress is fo apparently borrowed from Donne, that he probably would not have written it, had it not mingled with his own thoughts, fo as that he did not perceive himself taking it from another:

Although I think thou never found wilt be,
Yet I'm refolv'd to fearch for thee;
The fearch itself rewards the pains.
So, though the chymic his great fecret mifs,
(For neither it in Art or Nature is)

Yet things well worth his toil he gains:
And does his charge and labour pay

With good unfought experiments by the way.


Some that have deeper digg'd Love's mine than I,
Say, where his centric happiness doth lie:

I have lov'd, and got, and told;

But should I love, get, tell, till I were old,
I fhould not find that hidden mystery;

Oh, 'tis impofture all:

And as no chymic yet th' elixir got,

But glorifies his pregnant pot,


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If by the way to him befal

Some odoriferous thing, or medicinal,

So lovers dream a rich and long delight,
But get a winter-feeming fummer's night.

Jonfon and Donne, as Dr. Hurd remarks, were then in the highest esteem.


It is related by Clarendon, that Cowley always acknowledges his obligation to the learning and industry of Jonfon; but I have found no traces of Jonfon in his works: to emulate Donne, appears to have been his pofe; and from Donne he may have learned that familiarity with religious images, and that light allufion to facred things, by which readers far short of fanctity are frequently offended; and which would not be born in the prefent age, when devotion, perhaps not more fervent, is more delicate.

Having produced one paffage taken by Cowley from Donne, I will recompenfe him by another which Milton feems to have borrowed from him. He fays of Goliah,

His fpear, the trunk was of a lofty tree, Which Nature meant fome tall fhip's maft fhould be.

Milton of Satan:

His fpear, to equal which the tallest pine
Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast
Of fome great admiral, were but a wand,
He walked with.

His diction was in his own time cenfured as negligent. He feems not to have known, or not to have confidered, that words being arbitrary must owe their power to affociation, and have the influence, and that only, which cuftom has given them. Language is the drefs of thought: and as the noblest mien, or moft graceful action, would be degraded and obfcured by a garb appropriated to the grofs employments of rufticks or mechanicks; fo the most heroic fentiments will lofe their efficacy, and the moft fplendid ideas drop their magnificence, if they are conveyed by words ufed commonly upon low and trivial occafions, debased by vulgar mouths, and contaminated by inelegant applications. 3


Truth indeed is always truth, and reafon is always reafon; they have an intrinfic and unalterable value, and conftitute that intellectual gold which defies deftruction: but gold may be fo concealed in baser matter, that only a chymift can recover it; sense may be so hidden in unrefined and plebeian words, that none but philofophers can distinguish it; and both may be fo buried in impurities, as not to pay the cost of their extraction.


The diction, being the vehicle of the thoughts, first prefents itself to the inteleye: and if the first appearance offends, a further knowledge is not often fought. Whatever profeffes to benefit by pleasing, must please at once. The pleasures of the mind imply fomething fudden and unexpected; that which elevates must always furprife. What is perceived by flow degrees. may gratify us with confcioufnefs of improvement, but will never ftrike with the fense of pleasure.

Of all this, Cowley appears to have been without knowledge, or without care. He makes

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