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Editing of Foreign Relations of the United States, Statutes at Large, treaties, proclamations, Executive orders, and other publications of the Department; compilation of the session laws; custody of original laws, treaties, proclamations, Executive orders, and archives of the Department prior to August 14, 1906; correspondence relating to ascertainment of presidential electors and constitutional amendments; distribution of publications. Editing of Territorial Papers. Library of the Department. Office of the Geographer.

TYLER DENNETT, Chief of Division and Editor of the Department
S. W. BOGGS, Geographer and Assistant Chief of Division

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Preparation of news items for the press; receiving and replying to inquiries from newspaper corre spondents; preparation and distribution to officials of the Department of daily press summaries and special articles; furnishing them with press bulletins, copies of texts, and general information bearing upon foreign relations.

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General administration of the Foreign Service, including matters of appropriations and expenditures, rentals, equipment and supplies, organizations, instruction of diplomatic and consular officers, etc. Correspondence relating to the foregoing and to customs courtesies and free entry, letters rogatory, decoration of American citizens by foreign governments, international exchange of publications, diplomatic pouch service between the United States and foreign countries, and the designation of commercial, military, and naval attachés; whereabouts and welfare of Americans abroad, shipping and seamen, settlement of estates of deceased Americans in foreign countries, consular protection of American interests and, other than commerce, the general work of consular offices, such as immigration, quarantine, notarial acts, protection of the customs revenues, etc.

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Recording and indexing the correspondence of the Department; custody of the archives; telegraph, telephone, and cipher communications.

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