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year the following letter is sent to all the heads of departments:

New York, April 22, 1906

The Year-Book of St. George's Church will soon be made ready for press. It is of first importance that all reports, reviews, and records of work be sent in before May 22d.

Will you personally see to it that the reports as below for the year beginning Easter, 1905, ending Easter, 1906, are forwarded to me prior to that date?

In order to secure manuscript of uniform size, we ask that you will please make your report upon the paper which is sent under separate cover, writing on one side only. Besides the descriptive matter, a full and corrected list of officers and members is needed.

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The Year-Book is arranged as follows:

1. Corporation










2. Treasurer's report.

3. List of special church collections during the year.

4. Canon law concerning removals.

5. Rector's or Vestry's Introduction.

6. Members of the staff-names.

7. List of ushers.

8. Hours of services.

9. Statistics for year ending 19

(a) Work of the staff.

(b) Number of services.

(c) Membership: last reported.

Individuals and communicants, how gained,

[blocks in formation]

10. Persons baptized-names. II. Persons confirmed-names. 12. Persons married-names.

13. Persons buried-names.

1. Choir.

N.B. This practically ends the vestry's report of the work (and from the foregoing can be made. the annual report to the Diocesan Convention). Then follow the reports of the clergy, deaconesses, and officers of the various organizations.

2. Chancel Committee.

3. Christmas Festival contributors—names.

4. Easter Festival contributors—names.

5. Parish building: short history of the same, followed with a list of classes and meetings according to days.

6. Deaconess House: Same as parish building.

7. Missionary Society-Foreign and Domestic.

[blocks in formation]

15. Inside cover: names and places of parish buildings.

When the Year - Book is ready for distribution the following letter is placed in the pews, the same in substance year by year, but changing with the changed conditions:



209 EAST 16TH ST.

New York, November 1, 19-.

I want you to read the "Year-Book" for 19- carefully. I wish you to see in it not merely a partial description of what we have set ourselves to do, but a call to you to join hands with us and help us in the doing of it. If you are going to get good from Christ's Church and help for your own soul and life, it will be because you are willing to give the service of your life to that Church. So many stand aloof and look on. So many leave others to do their share, that those who are working are often distracted and necessarily wearied for lack of aid and help that is often held back through sheer thoughtlessness. Many of you who read this book can do something to make St. George's work easier to those engaged in it, more helpful to those who are sought by it. What can you do?

1. If you attend the church, let me have your name. A common habit of to-day of floating round from church to church can do no good, weakens the churches, and does not help the wanderer. If you come to St. George's regularly, it is due to me and to my assistant clergy and deaconesses that we should know where you live.

2. If possible lend us a hand. As you read this “YearBook," you may think to yourself that we have workers in abundance, all we need, and more; but this is not so. We are sometimes at our wit's end to find round pegs to put in round holes. We need teachers in the Sunday-school; associates in the Girls' Friendly Society and King's Daughters. If you can only give up two hours a week to trying to know your fellow-citizens, and bring to them from the richness of your life what their lives lack, you can help us much. We want young men and young women in our

classes, in our societies, in our clubs. We want the parents to send their children. We want college men to come and give us help with our boys' clubs and in the trade-school. Can you not lend us aid in some of these works? If you want more information, come and visit the Memorial House on Monday evenings. From eight to eleven you will find the Rector and the clergy there.

3. As you are able to give, I want your financial aid. St. George's is almost entirely supported by its envelope system. This system means voluntary giving. Through this system you may give once a year, once a month, or once on Sunday, whichever way pleases you best. Some will say, "I can only give a very small sum; it would not be worth my while to take an envelope." It is worth your while to help forward order and system. It is worth your while to help us to carry out a plan which is vital to the church's support. If you have confidence in those who manage the church, it surely is worth your while to prove your confidence by your works. We have now nearly one thousand envelope subscribers, and these one thousand gave last year $19,727.62. If you wish to join the envelope system, fill out the slip on the second page, tear it off, and return it to me. If you do not understand the system, say so under the heading of Remarks, and my secretary will call and explain it to you.

It is not an easy task to carry on successfully the work we have attempted in St. George's. Perhaps you are doing all you can. Perhaps you are standing in the marketplace idle. I cannot judge for you. Judge for yourself. And oh, remember the night cometh, and cometh soon, when none of us can any longer work.

I am, your faithful friend,



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