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types specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be added to and become a part of such revolving fund.

(5) The Secretary shall submit an annual report to Congress not later than December 1 of each year with respect to the use of the revolving fund in carrying out export credit sales by the Corporation in the previous fiscal year. Such report shall include, for the previous fiscal year, the names of the countries extended credit under this subsection, the total amount of such credit extended to each such country, the names of the United States exporters that received any such credit, the total amount of credit provided to each such exporter stated separately for each commodity for which the credit was extended, and a discussion and evaluation of the market development and expansion activities of the Corporation under this subsection during such fiscal year. The first such report shall be submitted to Congress not later than December 1, 1982.

(6) The revolving fund created by this subsection is abolished effective October 1, 1984, and all unobligated money in such fund on September 30, 1985, shall be transferred to and become part of the miscellaneous receipts account of the Treasury.

(7) The authority provided under this subsection shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any authority granted to the Secretary or the Corporation under any other provision of law.

(8) The authority provided under this subsection to incur obligations to make loans shall be effective only to the extent that such obligations do not exceed annual limitations on new direct loan obligations which shall be provided in annual appropriations Acts.

Sec. 5. This Act shall take effect as of January 1, 1967, except that section 4 shall take effect upon enactment.

3. Agricultural Trade Act of 1978

Public Law 95-501 [S. 3447], 92 Stat. 1685, approved October 21, 1978

AN ACT To strengthen the economy of the United States through increased sales abroad of United States agricultural commodities.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Agricultural Trade Act of 1978".

Sec. 101.





Sec. 201.2 (a) To develop new market opportunities for the sale of United States agricultural commodities and to maintain and expand existing foreign markets for such commodities, the Secretary of Agriculture may provide Commodity Credit Corporation financing to exporters of such commodities who wish to provide deferred payment terms to buyers in other nations in order to meet sales competition from other nations or to make additional export sales. Except as otherwise provided in section 202 of this title, financing under this section shall be available only with respect to sales to those nations that are eligible for financing under the short-term export credit sales program conducted by the Commodity Credit Corporation.

(b) Exporters who are willing to sell United States agricultural commodities to foreign buyers on deferred payment terms of not to exceed three years and who must provide such deferred payment terms in order to meet sales competition from other nations, or to make additional export sales, may apply to the Commodity Credit Corporation for financing such sales. Financing under this section shall not be provided by the Corporation until the applicant's export sales plan has been approved by the Corporation and the applicant has established to the satisfaction of the Corporation that exports have been made in accordance with the approved plan.

(c) Repayment to the Commodity Credit Corporation shall be made in dollars by the exporter in accordance with the terms and at interest rates contained in the approved export sales plan. Inter

'Sec. 101 contains amendments to sec. 4 of the Food for Peace Act of 1966 (see page 599 for text). 7 U.S.C. 1707b.

est rates on such financing shall be no higher than those charged for financing under the short-term export credit sales program conducted by the Corporation.

(d) The Secretary may, if the Secretary deems such action appropriate to protect the interests of the United States, require a performance guarantee from the exporter at the time of the sale.

(e) Financing agreements with exporters entered into under this section shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as the Secretary may deem necessary or appropriate and shall be subject only to review by the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies.

(f) The authority provided under this section shall be in addition to, and not in place of, any authority granted to the Secretary or the Commodity Credit Corporation under any other provision of law.


Sec. 202. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in order to expand and develop markets for United States agricultural commodities, the Commodity Credit Corporation may provide financing for commercial sales of agricultural commodities out of private stocks on terms of not to exceed three years to the People's Republic of China under (1) the short-term export credit sales program conducted by the Corporation, and (2) the deferred payment sales program for exporters established under section 201 of this title.


Sec. 203. The term "agricultural commodity" as used in this title includes any agricultural commodity or product thereof.

Sec. 301.



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Sec. 401. Title VI of the Act of August 28, 1954, as amended by title III of this Act, is further amended by

(1) adding immediately after section 605 a new subtitle B as follows:

"Subtitle B-United States Agricultural Trade Offices

"SEC. 605A. (a) For the purpose of developing, maintaining, and expanding international markets for United States agricultural commodities, the Secretary of Agriculture, after consultation with the Secretary of State, shall establish not less than six nor more than twenty-five United States Agricultural Trade Offices in other nations.

37 U.S.C. 1707c.

47 U.S.C. 1707d.

Sec. 301 contains several amendments to title VI of the Act of Aug. 28, 1954 (68 Stat. 908910, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1761-1768). These amendments generally describe the designation procedure and assignment procedures of Agricultural Counselors and Agricultural Attachés.

"(b) Each United States Agricultural Trade Office shall be directed and administered by an Agricultural Trade Officer who by reason of training, experience, and attainments is qualified to carry out the purposes of this subtitle. Such Officer shall be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.

"(c) Each Agricultural Trade Officer may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5 of the United States Code governing appointments in the competitive service, and may be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5 relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that no Agricultural Trade Officer (1) may be paid basic pay at a rate in excess of the maximum annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-17 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of such title, or (2) may be paid at a rate in excess of the highest rate paid to an Agricultural Counselor or Attaché, as the case may be, who is appointed under subtitle A of this title to the nation in which such Officer is to serve.

"(d) Each Agricultural Trade Officer shall, through the Agricultural Counselor or Attaché or other senior representative of the Secretary of Agriculture in each nation in which the United States Agricultural Trade Office administered by such Officer exercises its functions, keep the Chief of the United States diplomatic mission fully and currently informed with respect to all activities and operations of such Office.

"(e) Each Agricultural Trade Officer shall be responsible for the exercise of the functions of the United States Agricultural Trade Office, and shall have the authority to direct and supervise all personnel and activities thereof.

"(f) To carry out the functions of United States Agricultural Trade Offices, the Secretary of Agriculture may appoint such other personnel as the Secretary determines to be necessary and may, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, assign such personnel abroad and employ local nationals for necessary professional and clerical help.

"(g) No employee of any United States Agricultural Trade Office may engage in any business, vocation, or other employment, or have other interests, that are inconsistent with official responsibilities.

"(h) Upon the request of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of State shall request for Agricultural Trade Officers and personnel of United States Agricultural Trade Offices diplomatic privileges and immunities equivalent to those enjoyed by members of the Foreign Service of comparable rank and salary.

"SEC. 605B. The functions of each United States Agricultural Trade Office shall be to

"(1) increase the effectiveness of agricultural export promotion efforts through consideration of activities, providing services and facilities for foreign buyers and United States trade representatives, and coordination of market development activities sponsored by the Department of Agriculture;

Public Law 96-465 (94 Stat. 2162) substituted thie reference to "Members of the Foreign Service" in lieu of the words "Foreign Service Personnel."

"(2) establish goals by nation or region and agricultural commodity for developing, expanding, and maintaining markets for United States agricultural commodities;

"(3) initiate programs to achieve the export marketing goals approved by the Department of Agriculture;

(4) maintain facilities for use by nonresident cooperators, private trade groups, and other individuals engaged in the import and export of United States agricultural commodities where the use of such facilities would aid in the conduct of market development activities, and cooperate, to the maximum extent practicable, with such cooperators, groups, and individuals to expand the level of United States agricultural exports; "(5) develop and maintain a current listing of trade, government, and other appropriate organizations for each agricultural commodity area and make such listing available to persons with a bona fide interest in exporting or importing United States agricultural commodities;

"(6) originate and provide assistance for exhibits, sales teams, and other functions for the promotion of United States agricultural commodities;

"(7) provide practical assistance for the use of the programs under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, the export credit sales program, the export incentives program, and related programs of the United States Government where use of such programs will serve as a market development tool for United States agriculture;

"(8) supervise project agreements with United States cooperators, coordinate the activities of the United States Agricultural Trade Office with those of the cooperators, and submit annual recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture on the efficacy of cooperator programs;

"(9) publicize the services offered by the United States Agricultural Trade Office through advertisements in trade journals or by other appropriate means; and

"(10) perform such other functions as the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of State, determines to be necessary and proper for achieving the purposes of this subtitle.

"SEC. 605C. Each United States Agricultural Trade Office shall carry out its functions under section 605B in the nation where the United States Agricultural Trade Office is located and in such other nations as the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may prescribe in order to carry out the purposes of this subtitle.

"SEC. 605D. Upon the request of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of State may use the authorities contained in the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, to acquire sites and buildings, including living quarters, for the purpose of establishing United States Agricultural Trade Offices.

"SEC. 605E. United States Agricultural Trade Offices shall be centrally located in the cities of assignment to facilitate foreign trade meetings and foreign trade reliance on such offices for assistance in marketing activities.

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