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13-152 0-83--27

49, X

20, VIII

28, I; 41, 128

21, II

4, II

28, III

41, 28

45, V

8, I

28, V

20, VII

20, IV

20, V

20, VI

41, 60

41, 29, 50

29, II

29, IV

30, I

29, XVII

29, XXV

41, 50

29, Subtitle A

29, V

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Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank, Department of

24, X

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Redesignation Table

At FR 77367, November 21, 1980, a document was published transferring and
redesignating certain regulations of the former Department of Health, Educa-
ton, and Welfare to Title 34-Educaton, Subtitle A-Office of the Secretary, De-
partment of Education.

The following table shows the relationship of the CFR section numbers under
Parts 1 through 199 of Title 45 to their redesignation in Title 34.

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