Chapter Page 46 (S. B. 75) AN ACT to provide for the maintenance of the geological, economic, topographical and soil surveys of the state of Mississippi, and to provide for the co-operation of the geological surveys of the United States. 47 (S. B. 6) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay the mileage and per diem of the presidential electors for one meeting held in the city of Jackson, on the 8th day of January, 1917, as directed by section 4209 of the Mississippi code of 1906... 48 (S. B. 64) AN ACT to authorize and direct the state treasurer to pay to the board of oyster commissioners, twenty-three thousand dollars ($23,000.00) out of the oyster fund, for each of the years 1918 and 1919, being the amount authorized to be expended under sections 3499 and 3506 of the code of 1906. 52 53 54 49 (Н. В. 55) AN ACT making an appropriation for the general expenses of the state board of health, and for the eradication of the following diseases: tuberculosis, malaria, typhoid fever, venereal diseases, pellagra, hookworm, diphtheria, smallpox and other infectious diseases, for rural sanitation, for chemical and bacteriological work, for such investigation of diseases as may be necessary in their prevention....... 50 (S. B. 239) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of one thousand and eighty-four dollars and thirty-four cents ($1,084.34) to pay the necessary expenses for fixtures, plumbing and equipment for moving the laboratory of the state board of health and for other expenses incident to moving the state board of health into the old capitol, during the year 1917....... 51 (S. B. 63) AN ACT to appropriate money for the support and maintenance of the Mississippi state penitentiary, state farms and lime crushing plants for the years 1918 and 1919 and for the permanent improvement and equipment of the Mississippi state penitentiary and state farms. 52 (S. B. 222) AN ACT to make an appropriation to cover the deficiency now due by the Mississippi state penitentiary for the maintenance of the lime crushing plants during the months of October, November and December, 1917. 54 56 56 57 53 (S. B. 223) AN ACT to make an appropriation to cover the deficiency now due by the Mississippi state penitentiary for its maintenance during the months of November and December, 1917 58 54 (Η. Β. 22) AN ACT to appropriate money for the maintenance of the public schools of the state of Mississippi for the calendar years of 1918 and 1919. 58 Chapter Page 55 (S. B. 19) AN ACT to appropriate money for the aid of the agricultural high schools in the state of Mississippi during the years 1918 and 1919. 56 (S. B. 30) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $21,499.99 or so much thereof as may be necessary to cover a deficiency in the annual appropriation for the maintenance of county agricultural high schools for the scholastic year 1916 and 1917. 59 59 57 (Н. В. 24) AN ACT making an appropriation to defray the expenses incurred by the Mississippi text book commission.. 58 (S. B. 27) AN ACT making an appropriation to defray the expenses incurred by the Mississippi text book commission. 60 60 59 (Н. В. 246) AN ACT appropriating the sum of three hundred and and twelve dollars and sixty cents ($312.60) to pay salaries and expenses of the agricultural high school text book committee. 61 60 (Н. В. 638) AN ACT to appropriate four thousand two hundred and eighty nine ($4,289.28) dollars and twenty eight cents to the Mississippi railroad commission for the purpose of paying the expenses of certain litigation and repealing chapter 12, laws of 1917 61 (Н. В. 33) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $46,849.00 for the year 1918 and $15,849.00 for the year 1919, for the support and maintenance of the Mississippi national guard and Home guard.. 62 (S. B. 118) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $1,250.00 for the year 1918, and $1,250.00 for the year 1919, for the purpose of paying the expenses of any troop of the Mississippi National Guard, or Home Guard, and the expense of carrying their equipment and equippage when called out to aid civil authorities or storm or flood sufferers, or for any other purpose for which said troops may be used. 63 (Η. Β. 658) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per annum, to be used by the state plant board, to prevent the introduction, dissemination, and to eradicate citrus canker, pink boll worm, potato root weevil, alfalfa weevil, and other injurious insects and diseases for the years 1918 and 1919 64 (Н. В. 15) AN ACT appropriating the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars for each of the years 1918 and 1919 to pay the per diem and expenses and incidental expenses of the board of pardons, or pardoning board, and providing how such amounts shall be paid 61 62 63 64 65 Chapter Page 65 (S. B. 74) AN ACT making an appropriation of thirty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars and forty-three cents (33,957.43) out of moneys turned into the state treasury from the sale of feed, fertilizer and cotton seed meal tags, for the use of the department of agriculture and commerce in enforcing the said laws during the years 1918 and 1919...... 66 66 (S. В. 4) AN ACT to appropriate five thousand five hundred dollars ($5,500.00) for the year 1918 and five thousand five hundred dollars ($5,500.00) for the year 1919 to be expended under the supervision of the state board for vocational education; and to enable said board to co-operate during said years 1918 and 1919 with the federal board for vocational education under the provisions of the act of congress approved February 23, 1917, entitled, "An act to provide for the promotion of vocational education," etc. (Public No. 347, 64th Congress). 67 (S. B. 188) AN ACT to appropriate three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) to Honorable Hannis Taylor, of Washington, D. C., et al, attorneys at law, for their services in representing the state of Mississippi in the litigation involving the constitutionalty of chapter 122 of the laws of 1908. 68 (S. B. 48) AN ACT to make an appropriation towards supporting the fire department of the city of Jackson, for the better protection of state property for the years 1918 and 1919. 69 (Н. В. 49) AN ACT to make an appropriation to carry out the provisions of sections 2927, 2947, 2498, 2949, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349 of the code of Mississippi of 1906, providing for the relief in repayment of money erroneously paid in privileges and state taxes and lands purchased. 70 (Н. В. 577) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $2,824.00 for the year 1918 and $2,824.00 for the year 1919 to pay the increased salary allowances as provided by house bill No. 523.. 71 (Н. В. 595) AN ACT to appropriate one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to defray the expenses of the joint Mississippi-Louisiana boundary commission 72 (Н. В. 717) AN ACT authorizing the payment of $2,500.00 to the Jackson State National Bank for money borrowed to pay fee in the Woodruff case. 73 (Η. Β. 679) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to pay the principal and $175.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the interest, on the amount borrowed from the Merchants 66 67 68 68 69 70 70 Chapter Bank & Trust Company, of Jackson, Mississippi, for the support and maintenance of the state game and fish commission during part of the year 1916. Page 74 (Н. В. 147) AN ACT to appropriate $1,600.00 to pay loan obtained from the Merchants Bank & Trust Company, of Jackson, Mississippi, on authority of pledges of a majority of the legislators, to pay for additional clerical help in the auditor's office on account of the registration of motor vehicles. 75 (S. B. 443) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of one hundred and forty five thousand dollars, principal and thirty five hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay and retire the notes executed by the governor of Mississippi under authority of senate bill No. 397, chapter 126 of the laws of 1916, to purchase land for penitentiary purposes. 76 (S. B. 201) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay certain obligations of the state of Mississippi authorized by house bill No. 39, chapter 23 of the laws of Mississippi of 1917. 77 (S. B. 176) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $3,210.16 to pay note held by the Merchants Bank & Trust Company given by the governor of the state of Mississippi by authority of the legislature to pay a deficit in the Mississippi national guard. 78 (S. B. 177) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $55,735.54 to pay certain obligations of the state of Mississippi incurred by the governor authorized by the legislature. 79 (S. B. 158) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $110,224.08 to pay certain obligations of the state of Mississippi incurred by the governor authorized by the legislature... 80 (S. B. 202) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay certain obligations of the state of Mississippi, authorized by house bill No. 39, chapter 23 of the laws of Mississippi of 1917... 81 (Н. В. 712) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of two thousand and five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to defray the expenses of publication of the constitutional amendments, as provided by law.... 71 71 72 72 73 74 75 76 77 82 (S. B. 471) AN ACT to appropriate $270,000.00 to pay interest on the bonded indebtedness of the state authorized by house bill No. 349 of the legislature of 1918, to the amount of $3,000,000.00 for the first eighteen months after the issuance of said bonds.... 77 Chapter 83 (Η. Β. 480) AN ACT to appropriate $960.00 to pay the deficit in the appropriation, by chapter 1, laws of 1916, to pay special judges and chancellors, for their services, during the years 1916 and 1917 Page 78 84 (S. B. 327) AN ACT to pay W. M. Lofton for services rendered as special chancellor 79 85 (S. B. 326) AN ACT to pay D. C. Enochs for services rendered as special judge 79 86 (Н. В. 576) AN ACT to supplement the salary of the state assistant librarian, for the years 1918 and 1919. 87 (Η. Β. 418) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $900.00 for the year 1918 and $900.00 for the year 1919, for the salary of a stenographer for the railroad commission. 88 (Н. В. 719) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $800.00 for the year 1918 and $800.00 for the year 1919 to pay the salary increase of the two assistant attorneys general, as authorized by house bill No. 675 79 80 80 89 (S. B. 484) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $340.00 for the year 1918 and $340.00 for the year 1919 to pay the salary increase of two stenographers in the attorney general's office, as authorized by senate bill No. 481.. 81 90 (S. B. 476) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay a twenty per cent (20%) increase in salaries of two clerks of the state department of education 81 91 (S. B. 435) AN ACT to increase the pay of John T. Harris, foreman of porters for the years 1918 and 1919. 92 (Н. В. 501) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) to W. E. Hopper, for the capture and delivery of Robert Reaves, a convict who escaped from the Forrest county jail, before being transferred to the state penitentiary, to the proper penitentiary authorities 93 (Н. В. 669) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $80.54 to pay Thomas S. Bratton, of Jackson, Mississippi, for legal services rendered the state of Mississippi in collecting the sum of $536.95 for the state under the employment of the state land commissioner 81 82 82 |