Chapter TITLES TO ACTS Page 1 (Н. В. 52) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the state government, and to pay the interest on the state debt........... 2 (Н. В. 90) AN ACT to make an appropriation to cover the expenses of the regular session of the legislature of 1918. 3 (S. B. 459) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 additional for the senate contingent fund, and the sum of $2,000.00 additional for the house contingent fund... 4 (S. B. 271) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, improvements, furnishings and equipment of the Mississippi Industrial Institute and College.. 5 (Н. В. 615) AN ACT to appropriate nine thousand dollars ($9,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for and equip two elevators in the dormitories at the Industrial Institute and College 6 (Н. В. 570) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $4,125.00 to the Industrial Institute and College for the purpose of making available a like amount allotted to the Industrial Institute and College by the United States government for the purpose of giving instruction in the teaching of the subject of home science. 7 (Н. В. 148) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of twenty-seven hundred and fifty dollars ($2,750.00) to the Industrial Institute and College for the purpose of making available a like amount allotted to the Industrial Institute and College by the United States government for the purpose of giving instruction in the teaching of the subject of home science. 8 (H. B. 13) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, additional improvements, furnishing and equipment of the Mississippi A. & M. College... 9 (S. B. 24) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at McNeill, Mississippi 10 (S. B. 41) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Stoneville, Mississippi 11 (S. B. 45) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Holly Springs, Mississippi 1 9 9 10 12 12 13 14- 16 16 17 Chapter Page 12 (Н. В. 20) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, improvements, furnishing and equipment of Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College.. 18 13 (Н. В. 709) AN ACT appropriating the sum of two thousand five hundred and fifteen and 50-100 dollars with which to furnish equipment to purchase machinery and install same in the new industrial building at Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College and providing for the method of its expenditure. 14 (S. B. 43) AN ACT making an appropriation for the year 1918 and the year 1919 for the extension work under the Smith-Lever act of congress approved by the president on the 8th day of May, 1914, and providing for the payment and disbursement thereof. 19 20 15 (Н. В. 35) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, additional buildings, improvements, furnishings and equipment of the University of Mississippi, providing for the support, maintenance, repairs, additional building, improvements, furnishings and equipment of the University of Mississippi 20 16 (S. B. 10) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support of the Mississippi Normal College and for equipments needed thereto for the years 1918 and 1919. 22 17 (S. B. 40) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of the institution for the blind and for the support fund for the blind institution for the years 1918 and 1919, and for other purposes.... 23 18 (S. B. 433) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of the Mississippi State Insane Hospital at Jackson, Mississippi, for the years 1918 and 1919. 19 (Н. В. 37) AN ACT making an appropriation for the maintenance and support and providing necessary equipment for the indigent soldiers, sailors and their wives and widows at Beauvoir, Mississippi 20 (Н. В. 25) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support and maintenance, repairs and permanent improvements for the East Mississippi Insane Hospital for the years 1918 and 1919. 21 (Н. В. 701) AN ACT to amend house bill No. 25 "An Act to make an appropriation for the support and maintenance, repairs and permanent improvements for the East Mississippi Insane Hospital for the years 1918 and 1919" so as to change the manner of drawing out said funds. 25 26 28 29 Chapter Page 1 22 (Η. Β. 725) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the construction of fire escapes at the East Mississippi Hospital, and providing for the expenditure of same... 30 23 (S. B. 395) AN ACT to make an appropriation to defray the expenses of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb for the years 1918 and 1919. For support of Deaf and Dumb Institution. 31 24 (Н. В. 84) AN ACT to make an appropriation to pay for water for 25 (S. B. 422) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the Mississippi state council of defense......... 33 26 (S. B. 198) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay the expenses of the highway department of the state of Mississippi for the years 1918 and 1919. 34 27 (S. B. 15) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay salaries, expenses and equipment of the board of state commissioners for the years 1918 and 1919....... 34 28 (Н. В. 374) AN ACT to appropriate money for the support of summer normals 35 29 (S. B. 66) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of conducting the capitol building and departments therein of the state government and to improve the grounds. 30 (S. B. 215) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of conducting the old capitol building and to purchase furniture for the departments therein. 31 (Н. В. 38) AN ACT to provide for the maintenance of the Mississippi department of archives and history; to provide for its publications and for the publications of the Mississippi historical society 32 (S. B. 379) AN ACT making an appropriation for the distribution of the Mississippi official and statistical register of 1917; for display cases, for frames for preserving Confederate battle flags, for furnishings for the department of archives and history; and for the removal of the publications and library of the Mississippi Historical Society from the State University to said department............. 33 (Η. Β. 29) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs and permanent improvement for the Mississippi Industrial Training School for the years 1918 and 1919. 36 38 39 40 40 Chapter Page 34 (S. B. 408) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, permanent improvements and equipments for the South Mississippi Charity Hospital for the years 1918 and 1919. 42 ...... 35 (S. B. 18) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs and improvements for the Natchez Hospital, at Natchez, Mississippi 36 (Н. В. 47) AN ACT making an appropriation in aid of the Mattie Hersee Hospital, of Meridian, Mississippi, and providing for the disbursement thereof for the years 1918 and 1919. 37 (S. B. 50) AN ACT making an appropriation in the aid of the King's Daughters' hospital and training school at Gulfport, Mississippi, and providing for the disbursement of same for the years 1918 and 1919 38 (Н. В. 40) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support, maintenance, additional buildings, improvements, furnishings, and equipment, farm stock and equipment for same for the Mississippi State Tuberculosis Sanitarium... 39 (S. B. 330) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of eleven thousand four hundred and eighty-two dollars ($11,482.00) to cover deficit in contracts for buildings and equipment for the Mississippi State Tuberculosis Sanitarium for the year 1917. 40 (Н. В. 28) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs and permanent improvements for the Mississippi State Charity Hospital, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. 41 (Н. В. 39) AN ACT to appropriate money for the support, maintenance and repairs of the State Charity Hospital at Jackson, Mississippi 42 (Н. В. 9) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for the year 1918 and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for the year 1919, for pensions for confederate soldiers, sailors, widows and servants of the war between the states, appropriation for confederate pensions. 43 (Н. В. 46) AN ACT to appropriate money for assessors' commissions for 1918 and 1919..... 43 44 45 46 48 48 49 50 51 44 (Н. В. 108) AN ACT to appropriate $4,275.26 to pay tax assessors for services rendered during the years 1916 and 1917..... 51 45 (Н. В. 30) AN ACT appropriating the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for the use of the live stock sanitary board for the years 1918 and 1919.. 51 |