Chapter 289 (H. B. 431) AN ACT to authorize and empower the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Shaw, Bolivar county, Mississippi, to sell its white public school building and lot to a consolidated school district..... Page 334 290 (H. B. 463) AN ACT authorizing and empowering the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Tupelo, Mississippi, after first obtaining the consent and approval of the qualified electors of said city voting at an election to be held for that purpose to issue the bonds of said city, to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of all bonds heretofore issued and authorized by law, for the purpose of raising funds for the construction and equipment of a hospital to be located in the said city of Tupelo 334 291 (H. B. 721) AN ACT to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Tylertown, Walthall county, Mississippi, to borrow the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and therewith supplement the school fund of the Tylertown separate school district for the year 1917-1918 and to levy a special tax for the year 1918 against the taxable property of said separate school district in order to raise funds with which to pay the amount borrowed and accrued interest... 292 (H. B. 633) AN ACT to empower the city of West Point and Clay county to take over the house and lot, in the city of West Point, Mississippi, and other effects of the late Sid A. Deane, as per his will, for a hospital in the city of West Point and the state of Mississippi 293 (S. B. 141) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Alcorn county to transfer money collected from fire insurance on the court house into the general county fund... 294 (S. B. 487) AN ACT authorizing the board of supervisors of Attala county, Mississippi, to issue bonds for the purpose of building and equipping an agricultural high school in the McAdams consolidated school district.. 295 (H. B. 493) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Attala county, Mississippi, to pay to G. T. Blanton, sheriff and tax collector of said county the sum of $37.92 as a refund for expenses incurred in going to and returning from Kosciusko, Mississippi, to Nashville, Tennessee, in the effort to apprehend and bring from the city of Memphis, Tennessee, to Kosciusko, Mississippi, a fugitive from justice......... 336 337 338 339 340 Chapter 296 (H. B. 670) AN ACT authorizing W. A. Hull, superintendent of education of Attala county and I. F. Bridges, superintendent of education of Choctaw county to transfer $150.00 each from the school fund to the normal fund; said amount to apply to each of the years 1918 and 1919.. 297 (H. B. 120) AN ACT to validate the organization of the Deer Creek separate road district in Bolivar county and to authorize said district to issue bonds and borrow money and exercise the powers vested in other separate road districts under chapter 174 of the acts of 1914.. 298 (H. B. 727) AN ACT to amend section 1, of chapter 94, of the laws of 1898, being an act entitled "An act to authorize the board of supervisors of Bolivar county to sell and convey certain lands in said county and provide for disposition of purchase money received therefor," so as to change the description of the land described therein from range 7 to range 8.. Page 299 (H. B. 706) AN ACT to legalize certain expenditures made by the board of supervisors of Calhoun county, Mississippi, in purchasing certain lumber, supplies and material for the working and improvement of the roads in said county during the years 1916 and 1917 300 (H. B. 192) AN ACT to authorize and empower the board of supervisors of Calhoun county to pay Howard Edmonson the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) or so much thereof as may be deemed necessary for money expended in satisfying the owner of certain cattle killed in the process of dipping. 341 341 342 342 343 301 (H. B. 530) AN ACT to authorize and empower the board of supervisors of Calhoun county, to pay F. B. Watkins for cattle killed in the process of dipping.. 302 (H. B. 200) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Calhoun county, to pay D. B. Aycock $24.00 attorney's fee for the prosecution of violations of the state wide tick law. 303 (H. B. 587) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Chickasaw county to refund to C. R. King the sum of $205.00 paid the said county for one mule, which proved to be permanently disabled 343 344 344 304 (H. B. 155) AN ACT authorizing the board of trustees of the Choctaw county agricultural high school at Weir, Mississippi, to pay certain back claims for the year 1916 not to exceed $377.60.......... 344 Chapter 305 (S. B.. 113) AN ACT arranging the various drainage districts of Choctaw county into three separate districts and providing that each district elect its own commissioner.. Page 345 306 (S. B. 329) AN ACT authorizing the board of trustees of Choctaw county agricultural high school, at Weir, Mississippi, to pay certain back claims for the year 1917 not to exceed $377.60........ 346 307 (S. B. 240) AN ACT authorizing the board of supervisors of Claiborne county, in its discretion, to appropriate money to aid in the support of the Claiborne county library... 346 308 (H. B. 130) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Claiborne county to pay to R. S. Cade, the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, or so much thereof as they may deem proper for nineteen head of cattle killed through the careless handling of dipping solution near the vat in the pasture of R. S. Cade 347 309 (H. B. 321) AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the agricultural high school of Clarke county, to pay Miss Sara Harding, the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, ($120.00) for teaching two months in the agricultural high school of said county..... 347 310 (S. B. 245) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Clay county, Mississippi, to construct a macadam or rock road, or roads for the benefit of the United States aviation field and for the benefit of the traveling public in district number two, in said county; and to issue the bonds of said district, the proceeds of said bonds to be applied to the building of said road or roads.... 348 311 (H. B. 329) AN ACT to allow the board of supervisors of Clay county, to build rock road to aviation camp near West Point...... 349 312 (H. B. 575) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Coahoma county to pay in their discretion to the person or persons, damaged, a sum of not more than $500.00 as compensation for damage, resulting from the burning of a building in the town of Friars Point, Coahoma county, Mississippi, in an effort to arrest a negro criminal... 313 (H. B. 398) AN ACT authorizing the board of supervisors of Copiah county, to pay in their discretion, Robert Magee, a sum not exceeding forty dollars ($40.00) for a cow killed from the effects of poisonous solution of dipping vat.. 350 350 Chapter 314 (H. B. 69) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Copiah county, Mississippi, in their discretion, to reimburse W. W. Broom, a citizen of said county, the sum of $80.00 out of the general county fund for value of a horse fatally injured and afterwards died from falling through a bridge of said county... 315 (H. B. 506) AN ACT to authorize the superintendent of education of Covington county to pay Miss Cora Henry for teaching children from Covington county, in the Lux line school during the scholastic year 1915-1916... 316 (H. B. 441) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Covington county to levy an additional tax, not to exceed three and one-half mills upon the assessable property in the Sanford consolidated school district of said county, for the purpose of paying the outstanding indebtedness of said district.... 317 (H. B. 142) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Covington county, in their discretion, to pay S. B. Crawford, out of the general county school fund, a sum not to exceed forty-five ($45.00) dollars Page 351 351 352 352 318 (H. B. 240) AN ACT authorizing and empowering the board of supervisors of Covington county, in their discretion, to refund to Presley Watts, a former treasurer of said county, a sum not to exceed $447.85 353 319 (H. B. 547) AN ACT authorizing and empowering the board of supervisors of Covington county, in its discretion, to reimburse J. F. Speed for monies advanced by him and used to repair the county road truck and also for monies advanced him and used in repairing and maintaining the public road of district number three of said county.... 320 (H. B. 718) AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the Covington county agricultural high school to rent the land of said school and use the proceeds to improve said lands.... 321 (H. B. 461) AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the consolidated school of Helena, Forrest county, Mississippi, to pay Mr. & Mrs. Lawshee the sum of $47.00 for the services rendered in the year 1917 322 (S. B. 213) AN ACT authorizing the board of supervisors of Forrest county to pay the Hattiesburg hospital a sum not exceeding $100.00 for hospital treatment and service to Shelly Pyner, a prisoner of said county, wounded by a deputy sheriff thereof while resisting arrest.. 353 354 354 354 Chapter 323 (S. B. 214) AN ACT authorizing and empowering the board of supervisors of Forrest county, Mississippi, in its discretion, to pay Dr. T. E. Ross a sum not exceeding $50.00 for an operation performed on Shelly Pyner, a prisoner, wounded by a deputy sheriff while resisting arrest.... Page 324 (S. B. 312) AN ACT authorizing and empowering the board of supervisors of Forrest county, Mississippi, to purchase for and on behalf of the Brooklyn consolidated school district, upon petition of a majority of the patrons of said school district, the land and building of the Brooklyn high school situated in Brooklyn, Mississippi, and now occupied and used for school purposes by the Brooklyn consolidated school district.. 325 (H. B. 369) AN ACT authorizing the board of supervisors of Franklin county, to pay L. J. Whitehead seventy-nine dollars ($79.00), this being the amount due him for services rendered in tick eradication and to legalize same.... 355 355 357 326 (H. B. 176) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of George county to pay L. M. Dickerson the sum of $35.00 out of any common school funds for the fifth months transportation of pupils to the Bexley common school for the scholastic year of 1915-1916 and for which there were no funds to pay for said service ...... 357 327 (H. B. 177) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of George county to pay J. W. Ward the sum of $55.00 out of any common school funds for the fourth and fifth months transportation of pupils to the Shipman common school for the scholastic year of 1915-1916 and for which there were no funds available.............. 358 328 (H. B. 170) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of George county to pay W. A. Avera the sum of $216.35, out of the common school funds, for salary, as county superintendent of education, for the months of June, July and August, 1916, and for which there were no funds to pay said salary. 329 (S. B. 59) AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of George county, Mississippi, to appropriate money to co-operate with the board of revenue and road commissioners of Mobile county, Alabama, in maintaining a bridge across Dog river near Latonia in George county. 358 359 330 (H. B. 662) AN ACT to authorize and empower the board of supervisors of Greene county, to pay the Anderson Mercantile Company, of Perry county, two hundred eighty-nine dollars ($288.00) for oxen killed by order of sanitary live stock board.. 359 |