Chapter Page 241 (S. B. 353) AN ACT authorizing the Mississippi Centennial Exposition Company to be sued. 298 242 (S. B. 494) AN ACT to fix a closed season for catching or canning shrimp and providing a penalty for the violation of said act........ 299 243 (S. B. 52) AN ACT to provide for the transfer of title to the two limestone crushing plants, one near Okolona, Chickasaw county, Mississippi, one near Waynesboro, Wayne county, Mississippi, to the Mississippi state penitentiary, and to make said plants a part of the property and assets of the said Mississippi state penitentiary 300 244 (S. B. 343) AN ACT providing for the discontinuance or abolition of a separate school district......... 245 (S. B. 164) AN ACT prohibiting persons convicted, and in default of payment of fine, or appeal bond from being removed to convict farm or other place of punishment before the expiration of five days after conviction... 246 (S. B. 191) AN ACT ceding to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over certain lands acquired for public purposes within this state and authorizing the acquisition thereof. 247 (Н. В. 491) AN ACT to provide for the liquidation and dissolution of solvent corporations engaged in the business of banking in the state of Mississippi. 301 301 302 303 248 (S. B. 412) AN ACT authorizing any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of Mississippi to become a member of a federal reserve bank; allowing any such bank or trust company to comply with the reserve requirements of the federal reserve act of congress and amendments in lieu of those established by the laws of Mississippi. 306 249 (Н. В. 6) AN ACT designating the collector of the sixteenth section school funds. 306 250 (Н. В. 426) AN ACT to validate all consolidated school district or separate school district bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness and other obligations.......... 307 251 (Н. В. 310) AN ACT to authorize the board of trustees of any school district to spend funds raised by local tax levy for maintenance of evening or part time schools and to authorize the state board of vocational education to license teachers in certain vocational schools 308 Page Chapter 252 (Н. В. 389) AN ACT to provide that lessees of sixteenth section school land shall have credit for valuable permanent improvements put on the land after the passage of this act. 253 (Н. В. 168) AN ACT to authorize and empower the board of supervisors of the various counties, entitled to share in the distribution of the Chickasaw school funds to make settlements with any separate school district within their various counties that have received more or less than the proportionate part of the Chickasaw school funds to which said separate school districts were entitled; and to appropriate any or all Chickasaw school funds now on hand in, or that may be allotted in the future to, said counties in making such settlements. 254 (Н. В. 302) AN ACT authorizing the payment of teachers who have taught public schools heretofore located in territory afterwards established as a consolidated school district, where because of a failure to erect a school building or for other causes the consolidated school has not been taught. 255 (S. B. 348) AN ACT to authorize children of separate school districts to attend county public schools....... 256 (S. B. 350) AN ACT to validate the establishment of certain school districts 257 (Н. В. 493) AN ACT providing for the levying of a per capita fuel tax in any public school district on the patrons of the school 258 (Н. В. 143) AN ACT to compel the attendance at school of children within certain ages in the state of Mississippi; to fix exceptions to such provisions; to provide means for the enforcement of this act; to require reports from private or parochial schools; to make it unlawful for any parent, guardian or other person occupying the place of parent to violate the provisions of this act...... 259 (S. B. 338) AN ACT authorizing the transportation of children within a separate school district. 308 309 309 310 311 311 312 315 260 (S. B. 347) AN ACT to provide schools for Indian children and other children not otherwise provided for by law. 316 ..... 261 (Н. В. 456) AN ACT requiring all railroad companies to keep for sale to their patrons mileage books at all stations where tickets are sold 316 Chapter Page 262 (Н. В. 228) AN ACT to create the joint Mississippi-Louisiana boundary commission, to name the members and prescribe the duties thereof, and for other purposes.. 317 263 (Н. В. 479) AN ACT providing that the equipment of persons having certain contracts shall be assessed in the county where such equipment is on the first day of February of each year. 318 264 (Н. В. 165) AN ACT providing that the chancery court, or the chancellor in vacation, shall have the power to authorize the executor or administrator of a decedent to continue the business of the decedent for a limited time as a going concern, and in mercantile, or other like concerns, to permit the sale of the stock of goods at retail in the regular course of business. 319 265 (Н. В. 115) AN ACT to authorize the Homochitto swamp land commission to refund to Frank V. Eisele, sheriff and tax collector of Adams county, the sum of $127.89 erroneously paid by him to it.. 319 266 (Н. В. 675) AN ACT to provide for an increase of salary for the two assistant attorneys general in the department of justice of Mississippi, on account of the increased cost of living. 267 (Н. В. 523) AN ACT to provide for an increase of salary for certain employees of the departments of the state government on account of the increased cost of living... 268 (Н. В. 726) AN ACT to provide authority for the state tax commission to pay the salaries of the two additional clerks created by this legislature, out of the funds appropriated by senate bill No. 15, and to provide when the appropriation made for timber estimators may be expended. 269 (Н. В. 537) AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the Mississippi state penitentiary to pay to Dr. R. E. Giles, for one horse killed in a storm while being used by the employees of the Belmont state farm 270 (Н. В. 715) AN ACT to authorize the state treasurer to transfer from the fish and game fund to the general fund, the sum of $899.19 320 320 321 321 322 271 (Н. В. 375) AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the Mississippi state penitentiary to pay Victor McLaurin for a mule killed by one of the horses of the penitentiary, which was turned in the lot of Victor McLaurin without his knowledge or consent. 322 Chapter Page 272 (S. B. 301) AN ACT to validate the light and water municipal coupon twenty year bonds of the town of Baldwyn, Mississippi, proposed to be issued by an ordinance passed by the board of mayor and aldermen of said town of Baldwyn in November, 1917 323 273 (S. B. 458) AN ACT authorizing the city of Brookhaven, Mississippi, to borrow a sum of money not exceeding eight thousand dollars for the purpose of improving its water works plant and system.. 323 274 (Н. В. 668) AN ACT to authorize the city of Clarksdale, in Coahoma county, Mississippi, to purchase certain lands for park and other purposes 275 (Н. В. 70) AN ACT providing that the town of Crystal Springs may borrow the sum of $5,000.00 for the purpose of repairing and improving the water and light plant of said municipality, and purchasing machinery for same... 276 (S. B. 410) AN ACT to authorize and empower the mayor and board or aldermen of the town of Drew, Sunflower county, to issue bonds in the sum of $15,000.00 for the purpose of constructing an electric light plant for said town.... 277 (Н. В. 217) AN ACT to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Eupora, Webster county, Mississippi, to transfer "deep well" fund of said town to the agricultural high school fund, to the amount of $3,600.00 and the balance of said "deep well" fund to the separate school district fund. 278 (S. B. 286) AN ACT to authorize the board of mayor and aldermen of Grenada, Mississippi, to sell and convey to Grenada College that portion of Church street, located south of Fourth street, in the east ward of said city... 279 (S. B. 229) AN ACT to amend section 2 of chapter 381 of the laws of 1912, being an act authorizing the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Gulfport, to issue bonds to the amount of $125,000.00 for the purpose of a public park, or parks in said city, so as to authorize said city to lease the said park to the Mississippi Centennial Exposition Commission for an additional period of time for the holding of an exposition. 280 (Н. В. 274) AN ACT authorizing the city of Gulfport to borrow money for the purpose of improving sanitary conditions in and around said city, and for the control, eradication or prevention of contagious and infectious diseases, and for the purpose of raising funds to pay for public emergencies requiring immediate and necessary expenditures not contemplated. 324 325 326 327 327 328 328 Chapter 281 (Н. В. 557) AN ACT authorizing the municipal authorities of the city of Jackson to refund to Dr. Julius Crisler, certain taxes erroneously paid to said city during certain years. Page 329 282 (Н. В. 580) AN ACT to authorize the city council of Kosciusko, Mississippi, to refund the sum of sixty dollars to C. A. Jones for taxes paid on an over-assessment of his residence property in the city of Kosciusko 283 (Н. В. 175) AN ACT to authorize the board of aldermen and mayor of the town of Magnolia, Pike county, to pay for the transportation of pupils residing outside the corporate limits of said town, to and from the public school. 284 (Н. В. 271) AN ACT to authorize the city of McComb City to re 330 330 fund to the McComb City Hospital, taxes erroneously paid............ 331 285 (S. B. 146) AN ACT to authorize the mayor and commissioners of the city of Meridian, Mississippi, in their discretion, to refund Threefoot Bros. & Company, a certain sum paid into the city treasury in compromise of a certain suit for back taxes on cotton 331 286 (S. B. 168) AN ACT to amend chapter 388, laws of 1912, entitled, "An act to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Moss Point to permit the board of supervisors of Jackson county to take charge of and establish a free or toll ferry across Dog river, or build or construct a bridge across said river within the limits of said city," so as to provide that the said board of supervisors may, in their discretion, establish more than one ferry, and pay the ferryman in charge of said ferry or ferries a sum not exceeding $125.00 (one hundred twenty-five dollars) per month when no toll is charged for passage on said ferry or ferries 287 (Н. В. 400) AN ACT to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Osyka, Pike county, to pay A. B. Allison, the amount due on his contract for transporting pupils residing outside the corporation limits of the town, to and from the Osyka high school 288 (S. B. 436) AN ACT to authorize the board of mayor and aldermen of the town of Philadelphia, Mississippi, to transfer such a part of its street fund to the water fund of said town as may be necessary to improve the water and sewer system and to pay certain outstanding indebtedness against said town... 332 333 333 |