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Chapter 205 (Н. В. 11) AN ACT to authorize the boards of supervisors in their discretion to appropriate money in aid of travelers and society.... 255


206 (Н. В. 253) AN ACT to provide a method of establishing drainage through and over the land of another when necessary to place in cultivation the land so drained.


207 (Н. В. 476) AN ACT requiring the board of supervisors to notify the state tax commission of the creation of any new district in which the board levies a tax, and also to include in said notice the names of all public service corporations situated therein...... 256

208 (Н. В. 254) AN ACT to empower and authorize municipalities to borrow money and to make loans to citizens for the purpose of constructing sanitary plumbing and all necessary fixtures for connection with sewerage system.....


209 (Н. В. 509) AN ACT prescribing restrictions upon the power of counties, municipalities and other taxing districts to incur debts and issue warrants, and provide, and providing for the payment of outstanding warrants....


210 (Н. В. 413) AN ACT to validate all drainage district bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, and other obligations.


211 (Н. В. 561) AN ACT to require the auditor of public accounts to make special reports...


212 (Н. В. 230) AN ACT for the admission of children to fraternal benefit societies and providing benefits to be paid them...


213 (S. B. 334) AN ACT providing that state farms lying wholly or in part within a drainage district created or which was in the process of being created at the time the state acquired title to the same and benefited by such district shall be liable for its pro rata part of the cost, expense, and assessments for the district and providing how benefits and damages should be assessed and for the payment of costs, expenses, taxes and assessment.. 262

214 (S. B. 296) AN ACT to cure any defects of irregularities or any supposed defects or irregularities arising on the question of the sufficiency of the caption to, and section 1 of chapter 173, acts of the legislature of 1916 to authorize and empower boards of supervisors of the several counties of the state of Mississippi to create good road districts within their respective counties; said chapter 173 being, "An act authorizing counties, county districts, supervisors' districts and special road districts in any county, or



county district, regardless of the present mode or manner or under which law the roads thereof are now being worked, constructed and maintained, to construct and maintain improved public highways to connect with improved public highways of adjoining counties, county districts, supervisors districts and special road districts, so as to form a continuous system of improved interstate, inter-county and inter-district highways, and to provide for the issuance of bonds for such purposes, etc.".


215 (S. B. 254) AN ACT to provide for the control and eradication of tuberculosis among cattle in Mississippi and to provide for the expense of conducting the work in the several counties and to authorize the boards of supervisors in the various counties to appropriate moneys out of the general county funds to pay the owners for cattle condemned for this disease and provide penalties for violation of this act....


216 (S. B. 166) AN ACT for the protection and conservation of fish, crabs, oysters, and shrimp taken from the waters contiguous to the Mississippi coast, by providing the conditions under which said fish, crabs, oysters, and shrimp may be taken and bought and sold, providing a closed season for roe mullet, making it unlawful to have in possession fish, crabs, and oysters of certain sizes at any time, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof and providing for the enforcement of this act by the board of oyster commissioners of the state of Mississippi 265

217 (S B. 388) AN ACT requiring any person entering into a formal contract with this state, any county thereof, municipality therein, or any political sub-division whatsoever therein, for the construction of any building or work or the doing of repairs to execute bonds with sureties, with the obligation that contractor shall pay labor and those furnishing materials therein; providing that any person so furnishing labor or materials and not having been paid, shall have the rights to intervene and be made a party to an action by the obligee for adjudication; providing affidavits that labor and material have been supplied; providing that time of beginning suit and the manner of proceeding; providing that the surety on said bond may pay into court the amount of liability for distribution, and for other purposes.

218 (S. B. 370) AN ACT giving authority for the planting and cultivation of oysters on oyster beds or bottoms on which oysters are growing, which have been planted and cultivated under preexisting laws, and providing the conditions under which said beds or bottoms may be cultivated...





219 (Н. В. 517) AN ACT to prevent the introduction into and dissemination within this state of insect pests and diseases injurious to plants and plant products of this state, to create a state plant board, and to prescribe its powers and duties...

220 (Н. В. 538) AN ACT to require the board of supervisors of the several counties of this state, on petition of twenty-five regular travelers of any public highway within their respective county, to have prepared and erected within certain zones on said highways, certain signals or sign boards indicating danger zones and prescribing the manner of payment therefor..



221 (Н. В. 377) AN ACT to prohibit tick infested cattle, horses and mules from running at large on the open range, commons and unfenced land and to provide for their removal from the open range, commons, or unfenced lands and to provide for the expense incurred in the handling and care of such animals and to prescribe penalties for violations of the provisions of this act.... 277

222 (S. B. 453) AN ACT to require county tax collectors and county assessors to make certificates to the best of their knowledge and belief as to the value of land belonging to the state in response to written inquiry by the state land commissioner...

223 (S. B. 77) AN ACT to establish a state board of embalming, defining the duties thereof, to provide for the better protection of life and health and to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, to regulate the practice of embalming in connection with the care and disposition of the dead, and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof.

224 (S. B. 317) AN ACT to give power to municipalities of not less than 10,000 nor more than 20,000 population, according to the federal census of 1910, in their discretion, to borrow money or give notes or certificates of indebtedness to pay for the repairing of paved streets

225 (S. B. 356) AN ACT empowering and directing the governor of the state of Mississippi to prepare and submit to each session of the legislature of the state of Mississippi, a budget for handling the state's affairs for the biennial period.

226 (S. B. 345) AN ACT to authorize the state board of examiners to issue licenses without examinations to graduates of certain institutions of the state not otherwise provided for; to students of certain institutions of higher learning in this state, and to graduates of agricultural high schools of the state on certain conditions





286 Chapter

227 (Η. Β. 497) AN ACT concerning notaries public who are stockholders, directors, officers, or employees of banks or other corporations


228 (Η. Β. 499) AN ACT giving additional powers and imposing additional duties upon the state tax commission, and empowering them to employ appraisers, accountants, inspectors and timber estimators and such other expert assistants as they may deem necessary; providing quarters for the same, fixing the term of office and providing for clerks for the same.

229 (S. B. 68) AN ACT to allow the board of supervisors to pay themselves for extra services in locating and constructing dipping vats in Neshoba county, Mississippi..




230 (S. B. 85) AN ACT authorizing, empowering and directing the governor of the state of Mississippi, upon warrant or certificate to be issued by the auditor to pay to the state treasurer the sum of $15,155.37 now, or heretofore, on deposit in the Merchants Bank & Trust Company of Jackson, Mississippi.

231 (S. B. 86) AN ACT authorizing and directing the governor of the state of Mississippi to pay to the state treasurer upon warrant or certificate to be issued by the auditor, the sum of $6,808.98, now, or heretofore, to the credit of the governor of the state of Mississippi in the Merchants Bank & Trust Company and authorizing and directing the state treasurer to receive and receipt for said amount

232 (S. B. 84) AN ACT authorizing and directing the governor of the state of Mississippi to deliver all cancelled notes, bonds and other obligations of the state of Mississippi heretofore or hereafter executed by the governor of the state of Mississippi for money borrowed or handled by the governor upon their payment to the state treasurer, and authorizing and directing the state treasurer to receive and keep as a part of the records of his office all such cancelled notes, bonds or obligations of the state heretofore or hereafter executed by the governor..

233 (S. B. 87) AN ACT authorizing and directing the governor of the state of Mississippi to pay to the state treasurer upon warrant or certificate to be issued by the auditor the sum of $2,515.50, now, or heretofore, to the credit of the governor in the Capital National Bank, of Jackson, Mississippi, and authorizing and directing the state treasurer to receive and receipt for the said amount







234 (S. B. 82) AN ACT to authorize any county in the state to sell any property heretofore used for school purposes, and to appropriate the proceeds thereof to the maintenance and support of the consolidated schools in the districts where the property is situated, or to convey said property to the said consolidated schools.


235 (S. B. 416) AN ACT to extend the season for catching oysters........ 294

236 (S. B. 206) AN ACT to provide for the appointment in this state of a guardian who, in any other state or country, has been appointed for an idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind residing in such other state or country; and to authorize and provide for the removal from this state by such non-resident guardian of personal property belonging to such non-resident idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind; and to authorize such non-resident guardian of a non-resident idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind to sue in the courts of this state for, or to collect and receive without suit and to give a valid receipt and acquaintance for, any personal property, or legacy, or distributive share of an estate being administered in this state, or debt or right of action in this state, to which such non-resident 'idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind may be entitled; and to extend the provisions of this act to all persons who, under the laws of any other state or country stand in the relation of guardian to such non-resident idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind, whether such person standing in such relation be known as curator, tutor, committee, or conservator of the property of such idiot or lunatic or other person of unsound mind, or by whatsoever other name or title he may be known.... 295

237 (S. B. 207) AN ACT to authorize counties in which is situated a national military park to issue bonds for the purpose of raising money with which to discharge outstanding warrants, heretofore issued which cannot be discharged out of their revenues, under the limitations provided by law as to taxation...

238 (S. B. 440) AN ACT to authorize the attorney general and district attorneys to represent to tax commission and conferring other powers



239 (S. B. 481) AN ACT to provide for an increase of salary for the two stenographers in the department of justice of Mississippi on account of the increased cost of living.


240 (S. B. 486) AN ACT to provide an increase of salary for the assistant rate expert for the Mississippi railroad commission on account of the increased cost of living.


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