Chapter 142 (S. B. 349) AN ACT to amend section 4489, chapter 125, of the code of 1906, so as to make more definite the duties of the state board of education Page 149 143 (Н. В. 710) AN ACT to amend section 4617 code of 1906, in regard to exchange price of books, and to repeal chapter 168, laws of 1912, entitled, "An act to limit the number of text books changed at any regular state adoption".. 149 144 (S. B. 292) AN ACT to amend section 4704 of the code of 1906 providing how funds arising from the leasing of sixteenth sections may be used.. 145 (S. B. 28) AN ACT to amend section 4726, chapter 130 of the Mississippi code of 1906 so as to fix the salary of the assistant state librarian at one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 146 (S. B. 475) AN ACT to amend section 4824 of the Mississippi code of 1906, as amended by chapter 192 of the laws of 1916, so as to provide for an assistant and an additional clerk for the state superintendent of public education, and to fix salaries. 147 (Н. В. 420) AN ACT to amend section 4875 of the code of 1906 so as to change the time as to when railroads shall make their annual reports to the railroad commission. 148 (S. B. 437) AN ACT to amend chapter 112, section 2, acts of 1904, and chapter 136 of laws of 1906, entitled an act to provide for the management, control and supervision of the state charity hospital, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and to repeal all laws in conflict with this act, and for other purposes. 149 (S. B. 96) AN ACT to amend chapter 166, laws of 1908 entitled, An act to amend section 707 of the Mississippi code of 1906 in relation to venue of actions so as to provide that the venue of actions against domestic corporations may be in the county of their domicile or in the county where a place of business of such corporation may be located, or in the county where the cause of action may occur or accrue... 150 (S. B. 89) AN ACT to amend chapter 136, laws of 1910, so as to prohibit minors from entering and remaining in pool rooms or billiard halls and to prohibit the owner or manager of such pool room or billiard hall from permitting any minor to enter and remain in any such pool room or billiard hall and prescribing the penalty for the violation of this act.. 150 151 152 152 153 154 154 Chapter Page 151 (Н. В. 203) AN ACT to amend section 22 of chapter 105 of the laws of Mississippi of 1910, as to the time of holding circuit court in third circuit court district of Mississippi. 152 (S. B. 159) AN ACT to amend chapter 160 of the laws of Mississippi of 1910, entitled "An act to amend section 2 of an act entitled an act abolishing the office of cotton tax collector and regulating the duties and bonds of the employees of the board of Mississippi levee commissioners, and the time of meeting of said board, and providing penalties for evading the cotton tax and trespassing on the property of said board," being an act approved March 11th, 1904, and to increase the salary of the secretary," so as to authorize said board of Mississippi levee commissioners to fix the salary of the secretary. 155 156 153 (S. B. 270) AN ACT to amend section one of chapter 224 of the acts of the legislature of the state of Mississippi of 1910, providing for state depositories, so as to authorize the deposit, by banks designated as depositories, of coupon bonds of the state of Mississippi, certificates of indebtedness, and notes of the state of Mississippi which are legal, recognized, binding obligations of the said state of Mississippi, under the constitution and laws thereof when offered as security, in addition to those bonds enumerated in said section one of chapter 224 of the laws of 1910.... 157 154 (Н. В. 80) AN ACT to amend chapter 228 of the laws of 1910 entitled, "An act to amend section 17 of chapter 109 of the laws of 1908 so as to allow municipalities to make contracts with the board of supervisors for the working of prisoners convicted of a violation of municipal ordinances" so as to provide for working municipal convicts on the county farms or county roads.. ...... 155 (Н. В. 424) AN ACT amending section 1 of chapter 104 of the laws of 1912, so as to relieve Young Men's Christian associations from paying taxes on billiard or pool tables... 156 (S. B. 369) AN ACT to amend section 1, chapter 162 of the laws of 1912, so as to permit corporations to farm part of their cutover pine lands. 157 (S. B. 279) AN ACT to provide for the organization or admission and the regulation and taxation of incorporated mutual insurance companies, other than life, and to repeal chapter 171 of laws of 1912 158 (S. B. 130) AN ACT to amend section 3, chapter 194, of the laws of 1912, providing that banks may qualify as county depositories and designating the securities therefor.. 158 159 160 161 167 Chapter Page 159 (S. B. 489) AN ACT amending section 4, of chapter 195, of the laws of the state of Mississippi, of 1912, as amended by the provisions of chapter 269, of the laws of 1914, so as to make clear the authority of the commissioners therein mentioned to borrow money and execute negotiable notes or other evidence of indebtedness therefor, for the purposes specified in said sections.. 160 (S. B. 398) AN ACT to amend section 10 of chapter 120 of the laws of Mississippi of 1914, as to compensation of clerical assistance to the auditor in the enforcement of the requirements of said chapter 120 of the laws of Mississippi of 1914...... 161 (Н. В. 396) AN ACT to amend section 2, chapter 120, laws of 1914, as amended by chapter 93, laws of 1916, so as to make the privilege tax on motor vehicles the same each year. 162 (Н. В. 394) AN ACT to amend sections 7 and 8 of chapter 120, laws of 1914, so as to require the registration of motor vehicles annually 163 (Н. В. 395) AN ACT amending section 10 of chapter 120, laws of 1914, so as to change the price allowed to be charged for motor vehicle tags 164 (Н. В. 472) AN ACT to amend section 6, of chapter 120, of the laws of 1914, entitled "An act to levy a privilege tax on motor vehicles and motor cycles for using the public roads and to provide for the registration of motor vehicles and motor cycles. 165 (Н. В. 328) AN ACT to amend sections 2, 7, 10, 28 and 65, respectively, of chapter 124, laws of 1914, in relation to manner and election of bank examiners and selection of chairman and defining authority of chairman; in relation to the salary of bank examiners, expenses of assistant examiners and how payable; in relation to establishment of clearing houses with authority to adopt rules and regulations, and providing that all rules and regulations receive the approval of the board of bank examiners. And also enacting a section authorizing employment of counsel and attorneys. Chapter 124, laws of 1914, being an act entitled "An act establishing a banking department for the state of Mississippi, creating a board of bank commissioners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensation, providing for the election of state bank examiners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensation, defining what shall constitute a bank and banking business in the state of Mississippi, fixing the capital required to do a banking business, and providing for the examination, regulation and control of national banks and postal savings banks, and fixing the assessment for the revenues of the de Chapter Page partment, fixing qualifications and liability of officers, stockholders and directors of banking corporations; fixing the qualifications and liability of persons, firms and corporations in the banking business; providing for the payment of deposits to minors and other persons disability and on joint account; prohibiting banking except under the provisions of this act; providing for the liquidation of banks and the distribution of the assets thereof; providing for giving publicity to deposits more than five years old; and prescribing penalties for the breach of any of the provisions thereof, and to provide a system for guaranteeing deposits, and for other purposes, without expense to the state." Chapter 207 of the laws of Mississippi 1916, being an act entitled, "An act to amend sections 15, 19, 23, 34, 35, 38, 39, 56 and 59, respectively of chapter 124, laws of 1914, in relation to certain credits on examination prohibited; in relation to charges for copies of bank reports; in relation to assessments; deposits guaranteed; securities to be deposited with the state treasurer; kind and amount of same; assessments for guarantee fund; when to cease; fund to be maintained unimpaired; what deposits are subject to guarantee; amount of same certified; deposits bearing interest; record kept of same; uniform rates of interest to be maintained; penalty for claiming deposits guaranteed in violation of this act; how officers and employees may borrow money from such banks; and liability of stockholders". 176 166 (S. B. 58) AN ACT to amend section 52 in relation to the penalty for receiving deposits when insolvent, of chapter 124 of the acts of 1914, being an act establishing a banking department for the state of Mississippi, creating a board of bank commissioners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensation, providing for the election of state bank examiners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensations, defining what shall constitute a bank and banking business in the state of Mississippi, fixing the capital required to do a banking business, and providing for the examination, regulation and control of banks and banking business conducted by a corporation, other than national banks and postal savings banks and fixing the assessment for the revenues of the department, fixing qualifications and liabilities of officers, stockholders and directors of banking corporations; fixing the qualifications and liabilities of persons, firms, and corporations in the banking business; providing for the payment of deposits to minors and other persons under disability and on joint account; prohibiting banking under these provisions of this act providing for the liquidation of banks and the distribution of the assets thereof; providing for giving publicity to deposits more than five years old; and prescribing penalties for the breach of any of the provisions thereof, and to provide a system guaranteeing deposits, and for other purposes, without expense to the state........ 181 172 (S. B. 415) AN ACT to amend house bill No. 92, chapter 197, laws of 1914, the same being "An act to amend senate bill No. 79, chapter 159, of the acts of the legislature of 1912, being an act to au Chapter Page 167 (Н. В. 460) AN ACT to amend section 4 of chapter 158 Mississippi laws, 1914, the said act hereby amended being an act giving qualified electors of any municipality in the state of Mississippi the right of the initiative, the referendum and the recaii. 168 (S. B. 283) AN ACT to amend section six of chapter 176 of the law of 1914, authorizing boards of supervisors to levy an annual tax of not exceeding three mills. 169 (S. B. 294) AN ACT to amend section 17 and section 18 of chapter 176 of the laws of 1914, so as to exempt teams and implements from liability for road work.. 170 (S. B. 90) AN ACT providing where road districts have been created under the provisions of chapter 176, laws of 1914, and amendments thereto, and the bond issue of such proposed district is in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) that the commissioners of such district may construct the roads and to that end may purchase material and purchase or lease anything necessary to construct said roads, and may employ labor therefor, and that the payment shall be made by the board of supervisors on certificates issued by the engineer, and approved by said commission. And that the commissioners may purchase material for the construction and maintenance of said roads without competitive bids, where the amount of such purchase does not exceed five hundred dollars, and further providing that the commission may reject all bids if they deem the same too high where there are competitive bids, and further providing, that the surplus funds of said road district may be loaned on real estate security or may be used to purchase bonds, or other evidences of debt of the state or of any county, municipality, drainage or road district in said state, or notes or bonds of the United States or any allied power or may be accepted as security for loans thereon, or that the said funds may be invested in liberty bonds of the United States, and further providing that all acts of the commission shall be subject to the approval of the board of supervisors of the county. 171 (Н. В. 224) AN ACT to amend section 2, chapter 188 of the acts of the legislature of 1914, entitled: "An act to amend chapter 104, of the laws of 1908, relating to offering prizes to the corn clubs of the public schools," so as to allow the county superintendent of education, with the approval of the county boards of examiners, to offer prizes to pig clubs, baby beef clubs, or other agricultural clubs that may hereafter be organized. 182 184 184. 185 187 |