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ties, as the case may be, which shall conform thereto, and shall pay the costs. The county attorney, the district, or the attorney general, if the state, county or municipality be aggrieved by a decision of the board of supervisors or the municipal authorities of a city, town, or village as to the assessment of taxes, may, within twenty days after the adjournment of the meeting at which such decision is made, or within twenty days after the adjournment of the meeting at which the assessment rolls are corrected in accordance with the instructions of the state tax commission, or within twenty days after the adjournment of the meeting of the board of supervisors at which the approval of the roll by the state tax commission is entered, appeal to the circuit court of the county in like manner as in the case of any person aggrieved as hereinbefore provided, except no bond shall be required, and such appeal may be otherwise governed by the provisions of this section.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 27, 1918.



AN ACT to amend section 334 of the code of 1906, changing the date of payment of loan warrants issued by boards of supervisors.

Loan warrants issued by board of supervisors-sec. 334 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 3707.)

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 334 of the code of Mississippi of 1906, be amended so as to read as follows:

334. May borrow money, etc. (Laws 1904, chapter 133) In counties of more than thirty thousand inhabitants the board of supervisors may borrow money not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars in one year and in counties of less than thirty thousand inhabitants not more than fifty thousand dollars in one year, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the county, and may execute loan warrants upon the treasury of the county therefor. And said board may borrow said money, as hereinbefore provided, from its county treasurer, who is authorized to lend said board not exceeding said amount out of any fund or funds in the treasury thereof not otherwise appropriated, for the expense of the current year. The loan warrants shall bear interest at a rate to be fixed by the board, not exceeding six per cent per annum; and they shall be payable not later than the fifteenth of February of the year succeeding the year in which they are issued. For the



payment of such loan, the board of supervisors may levy a special tax each year sufficient to pay the amount borrowed for use that year, with interest, and such loan warrants shall be paid out of money collected for taxes for the year in which they are issued. Loan warrants shall not be issued upon the limitations, restrictions and conditions as are provided in this chapter for the issuance of bonds.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force sixty days from the date of its passage.

Approved March 22, 1918.



AN ACT to amend section 348 of the Mississippi code of 1906 in reference to the salary of the county auditors.

County auditors-salary of-sec. 348 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 637.)

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 348 of the Mississippi code of 1906, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

The clerk, as county auditor, shall receive a salary, to be annually fixed by the board of supervisors, payable at the end of each year, as follows:

In counties where the assessed valuation of the real, personal and public service corporations property does not exceed three - million dollars, the salary shall not exceed $600.00.

In counties where the assessed valuation of the real, personal and public service corporations property is over three million and does not exceed five million dollars, the salary shall not exceed $750.00.

In counties where the assessed valuation of the real, personal and public service corporations property is over five million and does not exceed seven million dollars, the salary shall not exceed $850.00.

In counties where the assessed valuation of the real, personal and public service corporations property is over seven million and does not exceed ten million dollars, the salary shall not exceed $900.00.

In counties where the assessed valuation of the real, personal and public service corporations property shall exceed ten million dollars, the salary shall not exceed $1,000.00.

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But, an allowance therefor shall never be made until a committee of three members of the board shall have been appointed for that purpose and reported that they have carefully examined into the matter and found that every duty had been performed by the county auditor, and that all of his books have been correctly kept and posted. The report shall be sworn to and be entered in the minutes immediately preceding the order of allowance.

The board of supervisors may, in their discretion, raise or reduce the salary of the auditor in proportion to the amount of work done by him but in no event shall said auditor receive more than the maximum sum herein provided.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 22, 1918.



AN ACT to amend section 545 of the code of 1906, relative to the procedure for removal of disabilities of a minor, where the petition is an ex parte application.

Minors-removal of disabilities-sec. 545 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 302.)

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 545 of the Mississippi code of 1906, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to read as follows:

545 (495) Same; when the application ex parte. If the minor has no kindred within the prescribed degree whose place of residence is unknown to him or his next friend, or if any two of such kindred known to him or his co-petitioners shall unite with him in his application, it shall not be necessary to make any person defendant thereto. But the court shall proceed to investigate the merits of such application, and decree thereon as in other cases.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 26, 1918.




AN ACT to amend section 932 of the Mississippi code of 1906 as amended by chapter 238, laws of 1914, as to the dissolution of corporations.

Corporations-dissolution of-sec. 932 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 4108.)

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 932 of the Mississippi code of 1906, as amended by chapter 238, laws of 1914, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:

932. How corporations formed under the laws of Mississippi may surrender their charter. Whenever any of the stockholders in any corporation formed under the laws of Mississippi shall desire to surrender its charter, a meeting of the corporation shall be called for the purpose, after three weeks's notice, published in some newspaper published in the county of the domicile of the corporation, and a copy of said paper shall be mailed to each stockholder at his postoffice address, if known, and if at said meeting the holders of two-thirds of the stock of the company shall vote either in person or by proxy for the dissolution of the corporation, a petition shall be filed in the chancery court of the county in which the domicile of the corporation is situated, in the name of the corporation and against the dissenting stockholders, if any, if none the proceedings shall be ex parte. If, upon the hearing, of the petition it shall appear that the holders of twothirds of the stock have voted for said dissolution, and that it would be to the best interest of all parties in interest that the corporation be dissolved, then liquidators of the corporation shall be appointed by the chancery court, not exceeding three in number, who shall give bond in such sums as the court may fix, and conditioned to faithfully perform their duties as liquidators, and if there are creditors of such corporation said liquidators shall pay pa out of the assets the debts of the corporation in full, if there be sufficient assets, and if not, then pro rata, and if there shall be any assets left after paying the debts, then the same shall be distributed among the stockholders. The chancery court may allow the liquidators such compensation as may be just and proper. When the assets of the corporation have been fully liquidated, or when the liquidators, in cases in which there are no debts and no assets, shall have ascertained this fact, the liquidators shail report to the chancery court and the chancery court shall thereupon enter a decree dissolving the corporation, confirming the accounts and report to the liquidators and ordering their discharge, and a certified copy of said decree shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and after the filing of said decree in said office the corporation shall be dissolved. And all rights, privileges, easements, and franchises which had theretofore been granted to such

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corporation by the state or any county or municipal corporation shall revert to and become the property of the grantor. But if the corporation does not owe any debts and the petition sets forth the name, residence and postoffice addresses of the stockholders, and the number of shares held by each, and the names, residences and postoffice addresses of the officers and directors and that the corporation does not owe any debts, and the petition is signed and sworn to by all the stockholders, officers and directors, a decrec shall be entered in term time or in vacation dissolving the corporation without appointment of liquidators as hereinbefore provided, and the assets of the corporations shall thereupon revert to, and become the property of, the stockholders, as cotenants, in proportion to the amount of stock held by each.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force, from and after its passage.

Approved March 28, 1918.



AN ACT to amend section 2058 of the code of 1906, so as to authorize the court or chancellor to allow an executor or administrator to cultivate or lease the farm or lands of the decedent for fifteen months.

Lands of decedent may be cultivated or rented-sec. 2058 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 1723.)

SECTION 1. (2058-Farm may be cultivated or rented). Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, The court, or chancellor, upon the application of the executor or administrator may allow him to cultivate or lease the farm or lands of the decedent for a period of not exceeding fifteen months from the grant of letters testamentary or of administration, if the interest of the estate in the opinion of the court or chancellor would be promoted thereby, or the court or chancellor, upon the application of the executor or administrator, may allow him to cultivate or lease the farm or lands of the decedent from year to year for the purpose of paying the debts of the decedent.

Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 15, 1918.

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