STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 115 In the county of Choctaw, second district, on Thursday after the first Monday of March and September, three days. In the county of Winston, fourth Monday of March and September, six days. In the county of Lowndes, second Monday of April and October, twelve days. In the county of Noxubee, fourth Monday of April and October, twelve days. In the county of Leake, second Monday of February and the third Monday of August, six days. In the county of Neshoba, second Monday of May and first Monday of November, six days. In the county of Kemper, third Monday of July and December, six days. Processes and rights heretofore issued in Lowndes county validated; trials of said cases in said counties. Sec. 2. All processes and rights of any kind and character heretofore issued and returnable at the term of court for said county of Lowndes and Holmes as heretofore existing when the date of the term shall be changed by this act, shall be legal and valid process, and rights for the term herein fixed for the holding of said chancery court in said county of Lowndes and Holmes and that all cases triable, at the time the above provided by this act of 1912 shall be triable at the time provided in this act, and that all process shall be considered returnable at the next court succeeding their issuance as fixed by this act. Sec. 3. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 21, 1918. CHAPTER 115. HOUSE BILL NO. 520. AN ACT to amend chapter 246 of the laws of 1916 with reference to the time and terms of the circuit court of the first judicial district, so as to permit Prentiss county to hold one term in August instead of October. To change circuit court terms in Prentiss, Alcorn and Tishomingo counties. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 20 of chapter 246 of the laws of 1916 fixing the terms of circuit courts in the first judicial district be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Circuit court Prentiss county-terms changed. Sec. 674 code amended. (Hemingway code sec. 445.) Sec. 20. In the county of Tishomingo on the first Monday of January and the third Monday of August, twelve days each. In the county of Alcorn, on the third Monday of January, eighteen days, and on the second Monday of July, eighteen days. In the county of Prentiss, on the second Monday of February, and the first Monday of August, twelve days each. In the county of Itawamba, on the fourth Monday of February, six days, and the first Monday of September, twelve days. In the county of Monroe, on the first Monday of March and on the third Monday of June and the fourth Monday of October, eighteen days each. In the county of Lee, the fourth Monday of March, the second Monday of May, and the third Monday of November, eighteen days each. In the county of Pontotoc, the third Monday of April and September, eighteen days each. In the before-mentioned district, in the counties of Monroe, Lee and Pontotoc the last week of each term shall be devoted to civil business only; and at the May term of the county of Lee and at the June term of the county of Monroe, the judge by order in vacation entered on the minutes of the court, prior to the assembling thereof, may dispense with the grand jury, if he deems it advisable. Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 28, 1918. CHAPTER 116. HOUSE BILL NO. 260. AN ACT fixing the time for holding terms of circuit court in the counties comprising the second judicial circuit court district of Mississippi. Circuit court second district-terms changed. (Hemingway code sec. 446.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the terms of the circuit court shall be held in the counties comprising the second judicial circuit court district of the state of Mississippi as follows: In the county of Stone, on the third Monday of January, twelve days, third Monday of July, twelve days. In the county of George, on the first Monday of January, twelve days, first Monday of July, twelve days. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 117 In the county of Jackson, on the second Monday of February, eighteen days, second Monday or August, eighteen days. In the county of Hancock, on the first Monday of March, eighteen days, first Monday of September, eighteen days. In the county of Harrison, on the fourth Monday of March, for civil business only, forty two days; third Monday of May, for criminal business only, twenty four days; first Monday of October, for civil business only, forty eight days; first Monday of December, for criminal business only, twenty four days. Effective from May 1, 1918. Sec. 2. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed from and after the first day of March, 1918, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after the first day of May, 1918. Approved March 19, 1918. CHAPTER 117. HOUSE BILL No. 236. AN ACT to amend chapter 252 of the laws of 1916; fixing time of holding circuit court in the eighth judicial district. Circuit court eighth district-terms changed. (Hemingway code sec. 452.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That chapter 252 of the laws of 1916 be amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 27. For the eighth judicial district-In the county of Rankin, on the third Monday of January and July, eighteen (18) days. In the county of Neshoba, on the second Monday of February, eighteen days, and on the third Monday of September, twelve days. On the fourth Monday of October, twelve days for civil business exclusively. In the county of Newton, on the third Monday of March, and the second Monday of August, eighteen days. In the county of Leake, on the second Monday of April, and the second Monday of November, twelve days. In the county of Scott, on the second Monday in June and the first Monday in December, eighteen days." Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 27, 1918. 118 LAWS OF THE CHAPTER 118. HOUSE BILL NO. 661. AN ACT to amend chapter 255, house bill No. 931 of the laws of 1916, εο as to fix the time of holding circuit court in Pike county. Circuit court Pike county-time of changed. (Hemingway code sec. 460.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 1, chapter 266 of the laws of 1914 be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. For the fourteenth district. In the county of Copiah, first Monday of May, twenty-four days; and third Monday of November, twenty-four days. In the county of Lincoln, the first Monday of January, thirty days; and the third Monday of June, thirty days; and first Monday of September, twenty-four days. The June term shall be for civil business only. In the county of Pike, the first Monday of March, twenty-four days; the second Monday of July, twelve days for civil business only; and third Monday of October, twenty-four days. In the county of Walthall, the first Monday of February, eighteen days; and the second Monday of August, eighteen days. Sec. 2. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 27, 1918, CHAPTER 119. HOUSE BILL No. 419. AN ACT amending chapter 268 of the laws of Mississippi, 1914, fixing the terms of the several circuit courts of the seventeenth circuit court district of Mississippi as follows: Circuit court seventeenth district-fixing terms of. (Hemingway code sec. 463.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section 36 of chapter 268 of the acts of the legislature passed at the regular session thereof in 1914 be amended so as to read as follows: Section 36. For the seventeenth district. - In the county of Yalobusha, second district, on the first Monday of January, eighteen days, and on the second Monday of June, twelve days. In the county of Yalobusha, first district, on the fourth Monday of January, twelve days, and on the first Monday of July, twelve days. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 119 In the county of DeSoto on the second Monday of February and the second Monday of November, eighteen days. In the county of Tallahatchie, second district, on the first Monday of March and the first Monday of September, eighteen days. In the county of Panola, first district, on the fourth Monday of March and the fourth Monday of September, twelve days. In the county of Panola, second district, on the second Monday of April and the second Monday of October, twelve days. In the county of Tate, on the fourth Monday of April, eighteen days, and on the fourth Monday of October, twelve days. In the county of Tallahatchie, first district, on the third Monday in May, and the first Monday in December, eighteen days. Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 27, 1918. CHAPTER 120. SENATE BILL NO. 468. AN ACT to amend section 81, of the Mississippi code of 1906, so as to provide for an appeal for the state or any county or municipality from any assessment as finally approved by the board of supervisors or the municipal authorities of a city, town or village. Tax assessments-appeals-sec. 81 code 1906. (Hemingway code sec. 61.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, (81. (80)-Appeal from assessment of taxes) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the board of supervisors or the municipal authorities of a city, town, or village, as to the assessment of taxes, may, within five days after the adjournment of the meeting at which such decision is made, appeal to the circuit court of the county, upon giving bond, with sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the matter in dispute, but never less than one hundred dollars, payable to the state, and conditioned to perform the judgment of the circuit court, and to be approved by the clerk of such board, who, upon the filing of such bond, shall make a true copy of any papers on file relating to such controversy, and file such copy certified by him, with said bond, in the office of the clerk of the circuit court, on or before its next term ; and the controversy shall be tried anew in the circuit court at the first term, and be a preference case, and, if the matter be decided against the person who appealed, judgment shall be rendered on the appeal-bond for damages at the rate of ten per centum on the amount in controversy and all costs. If the matter be decided in favor of the person who appealed, judgment in his favor shall be certified to the board of supervisors, or the municipal authori |