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19 State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, 1388-1777 11 in F. Hargrave


20 Another copy..

Supplement to ditto


1407-1710 4
1388-1724 4

21 State Papers, Memorials, &c., of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 7

Secretary, first to the Council of State, and after

wards to the two Protectors, Oliver and Richard

J. Thurloe
T. Birch

1776. 1781

1719 1730. 1735


22 State Papers relating to Affairs in the Reigns of 1542-1570 Henry 8, Edward 6, Mary, and Elizabeth, left

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by William Cecill, Lord Burleigh.

23 Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen 1558-1613
Elizabeth and King James 1st; including Nego-
tiations with France, Spain, Holland, Venice, &c.

[blocks in formation]

24 The Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Secretary of State 1673-1680
to King Charles II, Judge of the High Court of
Admiralty, Ambassador and Plenipotentiary for
the General Peace at Cologne and Nimeguen.
(Decisions on Points of Law, and on Laws of
Merchants and of Nations.)

25 The Ambassador and his Functions; Historical
Discourse on the Election of the Emperor, and
the Electors of the Empire of Germany.
British Embassies to France, Spain, Holland, Den- 1578-1678
mark, &c., and from Persia.


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[blocks in formation]

30 Histoire des Traités de Paix et autres Négocia- 1576-1666 2

tions, depuis la Paix de Vervins jusqu'à la Paix


de Nimêgue.

[blocks in formation]

33 Mémoires et Négociations Secrètes de la Cour de 1644-1646 1 France, touchant la Paix de Munster.

34 Acta Pacis Westphalica Publica.

35 Relations de divers Voyages curieux, qui ont esté traduites d'Hacluyt, de Purchas, et d'autres Voyageurs Anglois, Hollandois, Portugais, Allemands, Espagnols, et de quelques, Persans, Arabes, et autres Auteurs Orientaux.



-1663 4

36 The Oxford and London Gazette.

37 L'Avant Moniteur. (France).

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38 La Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel. Mai, Nov.,
(France). Introduction Historique, contenant un
Abrégé des Anciens Etats Généraux des Assem-
blées des Notables, et des principaux Evénements
qui ont amené la Révolution.

39 L'Analyse du Moniteur. (France).



40 Tables Alphabétiques et Chronologiques du 1787-1854 6 Moniteur. (France).

41 La Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel. Nov. 1789-148

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42 Chronology and History of the World.


-1768 1 1768-1834

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46 Surveys of the Cities of London and West- 1598. 1720


47 Collection of Voyages and Travels (of various

Travellers) into the East and West Indies,
Africa, and South America, China, &c., with a
History of Navigation.

48 Collection of Voyages and Travels of upwards of
600 of the most authentic Writings in English,
Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Dutch, &c. (Europe, Asia, Africa, America).
Royal Genealogies; or Table of Emperors, Kings,
and Princes, of Asia, Europe, Africa, and
America, from the earliest Period.

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[blocks in formation]


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56 Oraculum utriusque Testamenti ad promiscuas in sacra Biblia Interrogationes, servato literarum ordine, responsa reddens, &c.

57 Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie. Géologie, 1840-1842

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M. Postlethwayt


Laws of Trade and Customs of Traders: with
everything essential that is contained in Savary's

60 Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana; compuesto 1726. 1739
por la Real Academia Española.


Diccionario Enciclopedico de la Lengua Española.

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[blocks in formation]

62 A new Law Dictionary. Words and Terms used 1739.
in the Law. History and Antiquity of the Law.
(4th and 10th Editions.)

63 A new and complete Law Dictionary. General
Abridgment of the Law. Interpretations of
Words used in ancient Charters, Chronicles, &c.
(3rd Edition.)

64 Digest of Accounts of Manufacturing Establish

ments in the United States and of their Manu-



65 The West India Pilot, with Maps and Plans.
66 Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Jamaica. 1681—1737
67 Inventory of the Lands, Tenements, &c., of the
Directors of the South Sea Company.


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[blocks in formation]

68 Chronological History of the European States, with 1678-1792
their Discoveries and Settlements; Biographical
Sketches of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Warriors, &c.

69 Aperçu Statistique des États de l'Allemagne

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72 Rapports du Comité Secret de la Chambre des 1793-1798 1
Communes, et de la Chambre des Pairs d'Irlande,
relatives aux Sociétés Séditieuses d'Irlandois

73 Correspondance entre Le Maréchal Duc de Belleisle
et le Maréchal de Contades. (France).
74 Regulations, Orders, and Instructions, formed and
issued for the use of the Army. (Great Britain).
75 Royal Warrants. Appointment of Supreme Board
of Commissioners, and Collegiate Board, and
Statutes for the Government and Conduct of the
Royal Military College (England).

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89 Collection of all the Statutes relating to the Revenue 1282. 1779 2

and Officers of the Customs in Great Britain and
the Plantations.

90 Further Report of the Commissioners and Trus

tees of Forfeited Estates in Scotland.

91 Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique et Géographique.

92 Synopsis of the Prices of Wheat and of the circumstances affecting them, particularly the Statutes, &c.

93 Fastes Universels; ou Tableaux Historiques, Chronologiques, et Géographiques, depuis les Tems les plus réculés.

94 Historical, Military, and Picturesque Observations




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95 Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientalium
qui in Museo Britannico asservantur.

Pars prima. Codices Syriacos et Carshunicos am-

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96 The compleat Ambassador. (Correspondence with 1570-1581
Sir Francis Walsingham, English Ambassador in

97 Digest of the Criminal Code of Great Britain; 1825. 1829
Coining, Forgery, Burglary, Housebreaking,
Church-robbing, Game Laws, Larceny.

98 Tabular Statistical Views of the Commerce, Popu-
lation, Navigation, Public Lands, Post Office,
Revenue, Mint, Military and Naval Establish-
ments, Expenditures, and Public Debt of the
United States.





1825. 1829


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99 Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c., attached to the Library of King George III., and presented to the British Museum.



100 Collection of State Tracts, on occasion of the 1688-1701 3 Revolution in 1688, and during the Reign of

William III.

101 Douanes de France.

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Tarif Général des Droits

1816-1826 1

1816. 1826

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Tariffs and Custom-house Regulations of Portugal.. 1782-1829 103 Rerum Scoticarum Historia. De Jure Regni apud Scotos dialogus.

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104 Manuscript Documents relating to the Commission

for the Revision of the Stade Duties. Minutes of
Proceedings, Despatches, &c.

105 Entwurf eines neuen Brunshauser Zolltarifs
106 Tableau Général du Commerce de la Grèce avec
les Nations Etrangères.

Modification du Tarif des Douanes de la Grèce.

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[blocks in formation]

109 Histoire de l'établissement de la République des 1549-1651 3 Wicquefort


Provinces Unies des Pays Bas (Actes, Memoires,
&c., qui ont précédés, accompagnés et suivis la


C. Cole


110 Memoirs of Affairs of State of Great Britain. 1697-1708 1 Letters of Ministers employed in Foreign Nego

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113 Novisima Recopilacion de las Leyes Pragmaticas, 1387-1804 4

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1805. 1807

J. A. y. Mendi-1837-1845 zabal

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