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Absorption of nutriment by plants, | Avery's rotatory steam engine, 60


Agricultural chemistry, 26
Agricultural intelligence, fairs,
&c., 67, 147, 225, 307, 383, 467
Agricultural queries, 148, 160
Agricultural reports, 62, 143, 218,
304, 380, 462

Agricultural school in the county
Fermanagh, 90
Agricultural societies, 33-East
Essex, 8; English, 56, 86, 114,
133, 234, 371, 317, 437; York-
shire, 249, 251; Lincolnshire,
259; East Suffolk, 290; North-
amptonshire, 297; Chelmsford
and Essex, 324; Highland,
361; Liverpool, 374; Saffron
Walden and Dunmow, 374;
West Cumberland, 375; Not-
tinghamshire, 375; Lancaster,
376; Northumberland, 376;
Braintree and Bocking, 414;
Saffron Walden, 422; Cork,

Agricultural societies, on the ad-
vantages resulting from the es-
tablishment of, 135
Agricultural statistics, 279
Agriculture, 19

Agriculture and commerce-their
interests identical, 250
Agriculture, improvements in, 436

Ayrshire, general agricultural as-
sociation for 1839-376

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Blacker, Mr., on the currency, 136
Blinkers, 257

Bones as a manure for turnips, 175
Bloomsbury, winner of the Derby,

Bone dust, machine for depositing,


Bone manure, 57
Bones in the Desert, 355
Botanical society, royal, 51
Braintree and Bocking agricultural
association, 414

British America-review, 198
Brutes, on humanity to, 23

Calf reeds, 273
Cattle, 53

Cattle, on feeding on boiled bar-
ley, 440

Cattle, on the rearing and feeding
of, 5

Agriculture in British North Ame-Cattle, sheep, &c., on the external

rica, 444

Agriculture of the South of Eng-
land, notes on the, 91
Agriculture, on the use and abuse
of certain terms when applied
to, 169
Agriculture, practical improve-
ments in, 408
America, British, historical and
descriptive account of, 443
American cattle show, an, 261
Amputation of a horse's tongue, 59
Answers to queries on draining
and cultivating a poor clay soil,

Apple, propagation of the, 35
Assessing of new plantations to
the poor and other parochial
rates, 86
Averages, imperial, 73, 153, 231,
312, 392, 472

conformation of, 95
Cattle, the present epidemic
among, 264, 314, 451
Caution against planting certain
vegetables too near your beeary,

Challenge-the Sussex v. Short-
horns, 85

Charles XII and Euclid running
the deciding heat for the Don-
caster St. Leger, 1839-plate,


Chelmsford and Essex agricultural
society Witham district
ploughing match, 324
Chelmsford Chronicle, letter to
the Editor of the, 445
Clod and clay burning, 348
Comparison of speed, 299
Cork agricultural society, 424
Corn laws, the, 7, 449

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Cows, on the gestation of, 321
Crediton ploughing match, 448
Crops, rotation and distribution
of, 170

Cultivation of strawberries, 199
Currant, the, 443
Currency, the, 275
Customs and practice on entry,


Cypresses, remarkable, 458

Deanston frequent drain system,
as distinguished from and com-
pared with the furrow-draining
and deep ploughing of the Mid-
land counties, 22
Deception, winner of the Oaks,
1839-plate, 206

Defence of the small farmers of
Ireland, 281, 330
Deformity in the roots of turnips,
on, 298
Description of a long-horned bull,
the property of R. Hortin, Esq.,
of Sherbourne-plate, 233
Description of a Devon bull, the
property of Mr. Paull, of Comp-
ton Pauncefoot, Somerset
plate, 393

Dibbling wheat, 191, 237
Distribution of landed property in
Ireland, 270

Draining, on, 50, 58, 323
Draining, on the best means of
encouraging, 446

Drill husbandry, and a scientific

education to agriculturists, 2
Drugs, poisonous, on the use of,
to prevent the smut in wheat,


Duke of Northumberland, a short-
horn bull, the property of T.
Bates, Esq.,-pedigree and de-
scription-plate, 156

East Essex agricultural society, 8
East Suffolk agricultural associa-
tion, 290
Egyptian wheat, 263

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