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On a production of $1,700,000 worth of tungsten, we made $16,000. We built over this period of 15 years a very efficient organization. We have developed a very large mine. We are going to try to preserve that mine regardless of whether we have to shut it down or not. We will try to keep it in a standby condition. We hope we will be prepared financially to do that.

We know that the time is going to come, and I personally think it is going to come very soon, when the supposed large stockpiles of tungsten which we have wisely created here in the hands of the Government are going to be insufficient for the new needs that tungsten is going to be called upon to supply.

On that theory, we have been holding together our organization at a loss and we propose, at least for the present, to try to continue to do so until we see what action is finally taken at this session of Congress. The CHAIRMAN. There are extensive deposits of tungsten in other parts of the country.

Mr. LONG. That is right. In 1955, we produced a million units of tungsten in the United States amounting to a little over 15 million pounds of pure metal.

Mr. REDWINE. Mr. Chairman, may I interrupt at this point?

The CHAIRMAN. Certainly.

Mr. REDWINE. What are the deposits, Mr. Long, in Montana? How extensive are they there?

Mr. LONG. Not very extensive in Montana, so far as we know.
The CHAIRMAN. And they are low grade, too?

Mr. LONG. No; some of them are high grade.

The CHAIRMAN. And these deposits are in veins, are they not?

Mr. LONG. In a number of instances in this country they occur as open-cut formations. You mine it like you would a quarry in some of the deposits.

Our deposit in North Carolina is in quartz veins in granite. Most of the deposits in this country are veins descending to great depths. There have been found deposits like the great deposits in Idaho that saved the situation in the beginning of World War II. It took care of the situation which confronted us when we were in desperate need for tungsten at the outbreak of World War II.

But we are sitting right on the edge, in my opinion, of the development of new uses of tungsten which will solve the high-temperature needs of this era.

In that connection, I want to read to you and put in the record, if you will, a few recent very authoritative statements in that connection. The first one I want to read is a statement of the President, as reported in the New York Times on Thursday, October 10, 1957, in a press interview. I read you this as a statement the President himself made, talking about the failure of our missile development program:

I can say this: I wish we were further ahead and knew more as to accuracy and to the erosion and to the heat-resistant qualities of metals and all the other things we have to know about. I wish we knew more about it at this very moment.

He was speaking, no doubt, with the advice of his technical assistants, upon the necessity of our knowing more about heat-resistant materials to cope with the situation that is presently confronting us.

Next I would like to read to you the statement of Lt. Gen. C. S.

Irvine, Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel of the Air Force. General Irvine said:

Clearly then, improved use of engineering manpower and capabilities is an essential forward step in the production of air vehicles. But beyond this step lie many problems which must be solved if we are to progress as rapidly as necessary in the efficient design of future air vehicles. Foremost among these problems, we must find ways of developing and using new materials capable of withstanding sonic vibration and high temperatures.

This is the problem that is confronting the Air Force.

I would like to read to you a recent statement taken from the U. S. News & World Report of November 15, 1957, by Dr. Theodore Von Karman, senior missile adviser to NATO. This is what he has to say on the subject:

I do not think we are far behind. The United States has been slow, however, in exploring new fuels and materials for rocket construction. The materials we are now using in rockets cannot stand very high temperature. New materials are needed, and we have been a little slow in exploring these possibilities, such as new metals, plastics, and ceramics.

Now, that is from the chief missile expert of the NATO, our allies in Europe.

This is from an interview with Admiral Rickover in the U. S. News & World Report on March 21, 1958, last Friday

Mr. REDWINE. Will you identify Admiral Rickover and comment on his accomplishments?

Mr. LONG. Admiral Rickover is generally known as the man who designed and made possible the first atomic submarine we built, and as one of the foremost engineers in the utilization of atomic energy. Mr. REDWINE. Thank you, sir.

Mr. LONG. Admiral Rickover says this:

When you talk about hydrogen power you are talking about very high temperatures. We will have to develop means for handling those high temperatures. We have not made much progress in metals for high temperatures. Over the last 10 years we may have gone up another 200° F. or so, but, for H-power, temperatures as high as those of the sun are involved, millions of degrees.

These are current comments on the situation that confronts us in the high-temperature field, from the President himself, and from the man best qualified to have an informed and accurate opinion about this matter as currently reported.

Now, Mr. Chairman, I want to call specifically to your attention in this same connection an excerpt from the report to the Honorable Gordon Gray, Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization, by the Special Stockpile Advisory Committee. That Committee was comprised of men who have had great experience in Government, and, like these gentlemen whom I have been quoting, all of them have access to the secret information to which people like me do not have


So, they have better information than the ordinary man has from which to form accurate and reliable judgments.

Now, this Committee, looking into the stockpile, making a serious, careful, long study and report, makes this recommendation on page 8 of its report dated January 28, 1958:


It is not possible to know with certainty at this time which of the hightemperature or other special-property materials will be in greatest demand for specific applications as new techniques develop from research and practice.

Known world supplies of many of these materials are limited. Several, but not all, are on the stockpile list. Up to now, conventional practices have resulted in only relatively small uses of many of these materials. However, if they become important not just as minor alloys but as metals or mixtures composed exclusively of the materials themselves, demand could increase sharply. The Committee recommends that a mechanism be established to appraise the possible effects of resarch and development activities on requirement for hightemperature and other special-property materials. Instead of relying on past use patterns, possible needs 5 to 10 years hence must be surveyed and stockpiles built up as need is indicated.

Thus the Committee clearly recommends that special treatment be given to the high-temperature materials.

In that connection, I wish to say, Mr. Chairman, that in the work of the Tungsten Institute, which continues at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park under the direction of R. H. Thielemann, we believe we are making very real progress in the development of a tungsten-base alloy which will meet the high-temperature needs of our advanced jet turbines and of our missile and rocket development. We have already developed and there has been put in use one of our alloys which Mr. Thielemann testified about when he was here before this committee 2 years ago.

That is an alloy known as WI-52, which has raised the operating temperature of a jet turbine from an effective 1,650° F. to 1,800° F.

That alloy has 12 percent tungsten and after having been tested in the engines by Pratt & Whitney and by General Electric, has been adopted as being the best presently available alloy for use in the hot spots of the blades and vanes of these turbines.

That alloy will enable an engine to run at 1,800° F. instead of 1,650° and last just as long as it used to last at 1,650°.

Mr. REDWINE. Mr. Long, translating that into increased payload or speed or whatever advantage it gives, what does it mean?

Mr. LONG. This makes possible roughly something like a third more power developed by the same engine.

The CHAIRMAN. I have not heard any mention of titanium. Is that not supposed to be one of the greatest heat resistant metals?

Mr. LONG. No, sir. Titanium is not one of the high-temperature metals. The only four high-temperature metals that we have, that are available in any quantity at all, are molybdenum, columbium, tantalum, and tungsten. They are the four principal ones.

Titanium cannot stand up and its melting point is far below the melting point of these other metals.

When you get into really high temperatures, titanium, just from its nature, its own melting point, cannot operate in that field.

The CHAIRMAN. They were talking about titanium a few years ago. Mr. LONG. Yes, but they were talking about high temperatures then, Mr. Chairman, which are considered low temperatures today. What was a high-temperature metal alloy 5 years ago is now a lowtemperature metal.

The thing that we have got to develop is something that will enable us to operate our engines and our rockets at very high temperatures. We are hoping and believing and expecting that we are shortly going to be able to come forth with such an alloy with tungsten as the base.

Now, it seems to me that when we have in tungsten a known quality as being the most heat resistant of all metals, it would be the one to

which we would normally turn first to meet high-temperature requirements.

Now, that has not been the case for this reason: You are in an entirely new world when you get over 1800° F. There are no machines that will roll, there are new mechanisms to develop, there is no known metallurgy. You are a pioneer. You are in a new world and you are working at elevated temperatures where nobody has ever worked before, where mechanisms have not been developed, where reactions are not known.

That is why we are pioneering. This work has been going on at Stanford in a small way by the cooperative effort of the tungsten producers who pooled their resources and put up the money to carry on this work. We are hopeful that having carried it as far as we have, having borne the fruit it has borne and having made this splendid contribution to the improvement of our aircraft engines, that the United States Government will now come along and back up our work by giving us, through research and development, funds from the Air Force or from the Interior Department or from somewhere, real assistance to carry forward further and more quickly this work which is being done at Stanford Research Institute.

We are making all our information available to the interested agencies of the Government and laying before them the need for increased expenditures so that we can bring about this situation more rapidly.

Now, that is one aspect of tungsten that I wanted to bring to your attention. There are one or two others I want to bring to your attention also.

I have been very much concerned for some years to try to find out if I could, what the tungsten production was in Russia. I have been told constantly up until the going down of the Iron Curtain that so far as we knew there was no appreciable production of tungsten in Russia itself.

Now, after China went Communist, supplies of tungsten from China became available to Russia, but Russia claims now-this is a book which I got hold of the other day by Pyotr Antropov, Minister of Geological Survey: Mineral Wealth of the U. S. S. R. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1956.

Now, in this book Russia makes the specific claim that she is now first in the world reserves of tungsten.

The CHAIRMAN. In tungsten?

Mr. LONG. Yes. Ahead of China or anybody else. I am reading now from this booklet on page 6:

Planned exploration and exploitation of mineral wealth have resulted in the Soviet Union outstripping many countries as regards explored sources of minerals. The Soviet Union now holds a leading position in the world reserves of such important minerals as iron, petroleum, manganese, coal, copper, lead tungsten, chromite, and potassium salts.

This is proof of the vastness of its mineral wealth.

That is their claim. Now over here they make this further state


Tungsten and molybdenum. The raw material foundation of the tungsten industry has been built up completely in Soviet times. Large-scale prospecting carried out in the U. S. S. R. beginning with 1930 quickly brought to light numerous tungsten deposits in a number of districts and advanced the Soviet Union to first place in the world in known reserves of the metal.

The deposits are concentrated in Kazakhstan, the north Caucasus, Central Asia, Buryat-Mongolia, the Transbaikal region and other areas.

Now we did not know that that was the case. I have asked any number of the Government agencies. None of them could give me that information. Now Russia makes that claim. We may believe that they are bragging, but we do know that most of the things that they claimed there are true. We know that they have got the world's greatest sources of manganese. We know that they have a lot of iron. We know that we have a lot of chromite. We know that they have substantial production of several materials. So I do not think that we can afford to take too lightly their statement that they have developed the world's leading reserves of tungsten. I know that we should not take too lightly their statement that they are increasing their concentrate production capacity in Russia by 57 percent in the new 5-year plan which they are inaugurating this year.

There is another thing in this connection that I want to call to your attention. That is this: This little booklet put out by the State Department, Together We Are Strong. Now I subscribe entirely to that statement. I subscribe entirely to assisting our allies in every way that is proper.

I have always been of that opinion and always will be. But in arriving at that we ought not mislead our people and we ought not weaken our own economy in doing it. In this little booklet they list Minerals Vital to United States Industry, and Source of 1955 Supply. Now in your first column they have tungsten. You start up here with graphite. We imported all. We imported quartz crystal, all; tantalum, all.

In platinum we produce a little. In tungsten we imported-according to this, we imported about 55 percent of our tungsten. Now the United States did import about 55 percent of all the tungsten which appeared in the United States in 1955 but the imports were not vital to industry.

Much of the imports were for the United States stockpile and went into our stockpile. The United States produced that year, according to the Bureau of Mines, 15,833,000 pounds of tungsten. Our consumption was 8,907,000. We produced about 50 percent more domestically in the same year than we consumed. Our productive capacity was amply sufficient for this country's normal needs.

But if you look at this booklet you would think that you had to pass the Reciprocal Trade Act extension in order to keep on getting this essential tungsten to industry. That is the fallacy of the argument, and that is the burden of my song at this moment.

Mr. REDWINE. May I ask a question or two to develop that point? The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Redwine.

Mr. REDWINE. Mr. Long, what your chart really demonstrates is that we were buying for the stockpile 45 percent, is that not true?

Mr. LONG. We imported more than we produced.

Mr. REDWINE. Just a minute. We were buying for the stockpile from foreign sources 45 percent.

Mr. LONG. Fifty-five percent, some of which went to the stockpile. Mr. REDWINE. Fifty-five percent, that is correct. We were producing almost twice as much actually as we were consuming in this country, we were buying for the stockpile from our domestic producers but we were also buying from foreign sources importing 55 per

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