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t only the super
ose of every na-
onsumed them,
At present our
at we could not
or prevent by
and thereby
Imit of dispute,
ne clothes, pos
ses, &c. is not,
stry; the occa

is consumed in
United States
g wealth. He
ensed, perhaps,
ho draws a fish
shall) be atten-
rivals, with all
cannot much
Seas, and, like
a Hercules,
of our parents
1 vigour to re-


y, or by let-
o is well ac-
of transport-
country, but
ince, mista-
be obtained

vent incon-
nd voyages
r and truer
ar to have

he inhabit-
of reward-
all the sci-
sessing tal-
t be highly
easily rich


and servility;
d expectants;
er among the
through in-
rofitable as to
ts ought to be
the United

, who has the
self in hopes
erica; and as
the war, the
it advisable

er quality to ope it has in

at cannot be
of America,
g a stranger,

as any use
es it, and be
I know him:
count wants
lary, will be
an is in hon-
se their em-
greatest in
mired more
s handicraft

They are
I frequently
white man)
se workee,
ee, only de
drink, he
he lib like
the Amer-
ore obliged

at his an-
had been

ivers, tan

that they

could only ing of valere fruges thing, till

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