DEIGN to accept this Volume, as a Mark of Esteem and Gratitude, for Favours received. There will appear a peculiar propriety in the introduction of your Name at the head of a Volume of this nature: for as our גדולה צדקה שמקרבת הגאולה,Rabbins obferve GREAT IS CHARITY WHICH HASTENETH THE REDEMPTION. This Work being written with a manifest intention of shewing the foundation of our Hopes in the future Redemption of our Nation; it could not not with greater propriety have been Dedicated, than to a Gentleman of your exalted character, for Integrity and Probity in every transaction of Public Life: and by your Affability, Kindness, and UNBOUNDED LIBERALITY to the neceffitous, Daily, and Hourly, tending (according to the Maxim quoted), to forward that GREAT, GLORIous, and HAPPY event. That you may long live an Honour, and an Ornament to our Nation, is the fin cere and ardent prayer of SIR, Your much obliged, And most Obedient, Green Street Mile End New Town. March 25. 1800. Humble Servant, D. LEVI, ERRATA: Page 28, line 18, &c. instead of All the tribes had a share &c. read, will have a share in the heaveoffering, because they all will contribute &c. p. 29, 1. 2, instead of lay, r. will lie. 86, 1. 1, after captivity, place a comma, instead of a period. 94, 1. last, instead of unparalelled r. unparallelled. p. 188, Note, 1. 3, instead of make r. makes. p. 219, 1. 14. instead of there r. their. |