Code of Federal Regulations: Title 7: AgricultureTitle 7 presents regulations governing the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and forty subordinate departments and agencies. Regulated activities include: marketing services, food and consumer services, crop insurance, plant and animal inspection, agricultural resources, natural resources, etc. |
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Page 46
... petition . Within 30 days after receiving service of the Judge's decision , if the decision is a written de- cision ... petition with the Hearing Clerk . As provided in §1.141 ( h ) ( 2 ) , objections re- garding evidence or a ...
... petition . Within 30 days after receiving service of the Judge's decision , if the decision is a written de- cision ... petition with the Hearing Clerk . As provided in §1.141 ( h ) ( 2 ) , objections re- garding evidence or a ...
Page 47
... Petition requisite- ( 1 ) Filing ; serv- ice ; ruling . A petition for reopening the hearing to take further evidence , or for rehearing or reargument of the pro- ceeding , or for reconsideration of the decision of the Judicial Officer ...
... Petition requisite- ( 1 ) Filing ; serv- ice ; ruling . A petition for reopening the hearing to take further evidence , or for rehearing or reargument of the pro- ceeding , or for reconsideration of the decision of the Judicial Officer ...
Page 94
... petition . Within 10 cal- endar days after receiving service of the Judge's decision , a party who dis- agrees with the decision , or any part thereof , or any ruling by the Judge or any alleged deprivation of rights , may appeal such ...
... petition . Within 10 cal- endar days after receiving service of the Judge's decision , a party who dis- agrees with the decision , or any part thereof , or any ruling by the Judge or any alleged deprivation of rights , may appeal such ...
144 | 45 |
National Environmental Policy | 100 |
Determination of parity prices | 279 |
Copyright | |
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Common terms and phrases
action activities Adminis Administer agen agreements Agri Agricul amended 42 amended 7 U.S.C. appeal applicant approval assessment authority award cation ceeding certified Civil penalty cluding codified commodities compliance Conduct conservation Consumer Information Act cooperative Coordinate copy debt decision delegated Department Departmental determination documents employee Environmental Executive Order Farm Service Agency Federal fees filed Food Foreign Agricultural Services Forest functions grams grants Hearing Clerk hydric soils issued Judge Judicial Officer land loans ment motion National Noise Control Act offset paragraph partment party person petition procedures proceeding Program 7 U.S.C. Promotion pursuant records regulations request respect responsibilities retary Rural Development Rural Development Act Rural Utilities Service Secretary of Agriculture served Service sion sourcing area Stat suant subpart subpoena sumer thority tion tive tural United USDA violation wetland