AN INTRODUCTION TO THE USE of the GLOBES, AND THE ORRERY: ALSO, The Application of Aftronomy to Chronology; In which are contained RULES and MEMORIAL CANONS for finding the Adapted to The INSTRUCTION and ENTERTAINMENT of WITHAN APPENDIX, Attempting to explain the Account of the First and Fourth By DAVID JENNINGS, D. D. THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J. NOURSE in the Strand, Bookseller in Ordinary MDCCLXVI. Nest, Sci. Fayl 1-27-27 14277 THE PREFACE. **HE Persons for whose Sake and ****** T Ufe the following Treatife was at first drawn up, (or rather I should say, as to the greater Part *** of it, this Collection made out of many other and larger Books) are chiefly such, who, though they have not the Opportunity of attending to the more abstruse Parts of Mathematic Science, are defirous at least, of some general Knowledge in these Matters; such who, though Providence has marked out their Tract of Life amidst Scenes of worldly Business, yet have Souls large enough to extend themselves, now and then, beyond this little Planet, and take a distant View of more remote Worlds; in the Contemplation of which, both the philosophic and pious Mind may find Entertainment and Profit. The Works of the Lord are great, Jought A 2 |