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Act titles, and must meet the requirements for Statewideness. These services may not include housing management and maintenance services which are the sole responsibility of the LHA and cannot be funded as welfare services. This statement in no way should inhibit staffs working with residents in development of programs and activities aimed at the improvement of the residential environment.

If the approved State plans do not already include the scope and coverage which is desired for the jointly funded unit, (i.e., services to special groups, or former and potential as well as current recipients) the State has two alternatives:

a. Amend its plan to extend the scope and coverage as prescribed in the Handbook of Public Assistance or, if this is not feasible or desirable.

b. Request a waiver of State-wideness for a project under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act.

2. Location of Program Responsibility

Consistent with the single State agency principle, the responsibility for the administration of the jointly funded services program rests with the public welfare agency.

3. Requirements for Federal Matching (LHA Funds)

The LHA contribution has been determined to represent local public funds and therefore non-Federal funds. Consequently these funds may be used as the State's share to earn 75% Federal financial participation.

A LHA contribution of funds may become a part or all of the non-Federal share of the costs of a joint program of services in public housing when it is made available to the Welfare Department by:

a. a transfer to the Welfare Department of cash, or

b. the expenditure of its funds by the LHA in accordance with the terms of this section.

The transfer of funds by the LHA to the Welfare Department is strongly recommended over the method by which LHA expenditures are ascribed as "in kind" contributions. Such expenditures are difficult to document as the costs of social services rather than housing responsibilities as is essential in the second method. To be eligible for matching under Titles of the Social Security Act, the use of LHA funds must comply with the following general principles:

1. Matching requirements for grants under the Social Security Titles cannot be satisfied by use of other Federal funds or by State funds which are already being used to match other Federal funds, except where otherwise provided by Federal statute.

2. Funds must be spent for social services and for the administration of those services as defined in the State plan.

3. Expenditures must be made under the approved State plan.

4. Expenditures must be made under the control of the State Welfare agency. The agency designated in the approved State plan to administer the program has final responsibility in the State for determining whether or not an expenditure is to be made and if so, for what purpose and in what amount. In joint programs such as these, control may be met through the use of an agreement between the welfare agency and the LHA when supported by a budget with both the agreement and budget approved by both agencies. In this case, the actual disbursement of funds made available or otherwise budgeted by the LHA for the program may be made by the LHA in accordance with the terms of the approved agreement and budget and such other methods of fiscal accountability imposed by the State welfare agency.

5. LHA funds, accepted by the State welfare agency to earn Federal funds for use in these joint programs, must be used to provide services to residents which represent new services or new patterns of services.

New Services are those services provided by staff of the social service unit which are not a part of the LHA program. They may not be services which the LHA is legally obligated to provide.

New Patterns of Services might include previously existing services of the LHA which have been, through agreement, modified, or otherwise changed. and re-oriented so that they become by definition social services. The new pattern must provide discernible contrast favoring social service activity.


1. The proposal


When a local welfare agency (DPW) and a Local Housing Authority (LHA) wish to set up a jointly funded social services program together they prepare a written proposal for establishing a social service unit to serve residents in the housing projects and/or residents living in other subsidized dwellings under LHA management.

The proposal should include the following:

a. The purpose and objectives of the program.

b. The services to be provided and the groups eligible for such services.

c. The number and composition of staff needed for the unit.

d. Duties and functions of staff of both agencies, supervision, and accountability.

e. Records and reports that are to be shared jointly.

f. The anticipated budget for the proposed program, reflecting the financial contributions of both participants.

g. Proposed date and schedule for implementation.

h. Provide for regular conferences between management and social services staff.

i. Provide for annual review and approval of contract by the appropriate agency and set conditions governing renewal or termination of contract.

j. Provisions for an advisory committee made up of community residents and agency representatives.

2. Approvals

a. The proposal is cleared first by the LHA Board, then sent to the State Welfare agency for review against the State plan.

b. If the State agency approves, a written agreement is drawn up providing that LHA will contribute 25% of the total expenditures incurred by DPW in setting up the unit and providing the services to LHA tenants.

A sample Form of a Joint Funding Agreement is appended.

3. State Plan Amendments or Application for Waiver under Sec. 1115

If the proposal includes scope and/or coverage not included in the approved State plan, the State agency must submit to the SRS regional office amendments to the State plan or a demonstration project application requesting a waiver of State-wideness requirements. Until the amendment is approved, or the project waiver granted, the State agency is not authorized to claim Federal financial participation in the cost of the unit,

Public welfare agencies are encouraged to view such outreach social service programs in public housing as an appropriate and productive use of staff. Such programs do not require detachment of regular DPW personnel; necessary staff may be directly employed for this special purpose.

Requests for further information or advice in initiating jointly funded programs should be addressed to the Commissioner, Community Services Administration, Social and Rehabilitation Service, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 330 Independence Avenue, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20201.



The Social and Rehabilitation Service, HEW, and the Office of Renewal and Housing Management, HUD, have developed the enclosed documents for joint issuance.

Attachment I-Memorandum of Agreement on Housing-Welfare Cooperation which sets forth mutual program responsibilities and concerns.

Attachment II-explains the HEW policies and conditions under which joint

funding of social service units in public housing takes place. The purpose of this document, Attachment III-is to instruct LHA's in the procedures to be followed in developing joint funding agreements under which LHA's contribute 25% of the cost of financing social service units in public housing to the State Department of Welfare which, in turn, secures 75% in Federal matching funds. Since 1967, several jointly funded social service programs in Pennsylvania housing authorities have operated successfully, providing a wide range of individual, group, and community services. The HEW-HUD cooperative agreement makes possible the provision of specialized and in-depth multiple services needed by the large and growing low-income populations of the elderly, youth, and children. Ancillary services such as security, educational and vocational training, health, and recreation services, can be improved and coordinated through this cooperative program.

The objective of the HEW-HUD Agreement is to promote and facilitate the physical, social, and economic advancement of residents by establishing specialized services for unmet needs, increasing accessibility of community services, and coordinating all existing community social services. The purpose of a cooperative program is to provide group and individual services to residents of public housing so as to improve family and community living. Services provided should be preventive as well as rehabilitative and available to all public housing residents, including former or potential recipients of public assistance.


1. When an LHA in collaboration with residents has determined its interest in the cooperative program, LĦA should contact the HUD Area Office Community Services Adviser to discuss a plan with the HUD Regional Office Community Services Adviser. (Responsibility for on-going coordination of policies and programs will be carried out jointly in the Regional Offices.)

2. The Area Community Services Adviser will assist the LHA in making contact with the executive officer of the local county welfare agency to explore the potential for joint funding of cooperative services. (The Area CSA relates to the LHA as the Executive Officer of the State Welfare Agency to the local DPW.)

3. The LHA presents the proposed plan to the Board for discussion and approval.

4. If approved, the LHA and the local welfare agency prepare jointly a comprehensive written proposal describing the social services program. The proposal should include the following:

a. The purpose and objectives of the program.

b. The services to be provided and the groups eligible for such services.

c. The number and composition of staff needed for the unit.

d. Duties and functions of staff of both agencies, supervision, and accountability.

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e. Records and reports that are to be shared jointly.

f. The anticipated budget for the proposed program, reflecting the financial contributions of both participants.

g. Proposed date and schedule for implementation.

h. Provide for regular conferences between management and social service staff.

i. Provision for annual review and approval of contract by the appropriate agency and set conditions governing renewal or termination of contract.

j. Provisions for an advisory committee made up of community residents and agency representatives.

5. The proposal should be presented to the LHA Board for approval and then sent to the HUD Area and Regional Offices for approval.

6. Following HUD clearances, the proposal is sent to the State Welfare Agency for review and approval.

7. When the State Welfare Agency has approved the proposal, a written agreement is prepared which defines the financial and functional responsibilities of each, the LHA and the local welfare agency.

A sample Form for a Joint Funding Agreement is appended. Previous experience in Pennsylvania suggests that the director of such a cooperative program should be a person skilled in community organization with experience in coordinating programs and services of multiple agencies; that paraprofessional and resident staff positions be included in the program design; and that monthly conferences be held to review progress, policies, and procedures.

The importance of this agreement and authorization for joint funding cannot be overemphasized as we continue in our efforts to provide opportunities for public housing residents that promote and encourage social and economie mobility.

In the event additional information is needed, please contact the Central Office, Director, Counseling and Tenant Assistance Staff.



An Agreement for Joint Funding of a Social Service Unit in Public Housing between (Welfare Agency) and the Local Housing Authority, serving the community of (City). (County) (State).

A. State why program is needed and objectives.

B. Describe services to be provided and estimated number eligible for services; give number of dwellings under LHA management, by bedroom size. Specify services presently provided by each agency and describe what services each agency will provide.

C. Functions and responsibilities of each agency under the agreement.

1. Describe the responsibility for administration of the program and the lines of supervisory and administrative authority. Indicate clearly the organizational unit or position in the welfare agency with primary responsibilities for this program. Indicate any delegation of authority by the State welfare agency to positions included in the joint program.

2. Describe briefly the duties and responsibilities of the personnel in each agency who will be engaged in the joint program. If some personnel of the LHA are assigned full or part time to the social service unit and all or part of their salaries are ascribed to the unit for FFP, describe the duties and responsibilities of such personnel both in the service program and in LHA activities in which they are engaged. In such instances describe also the method to be used in ascertaining and documenting the time devoted by such personnel to the service program.

D. Personnel.

1. Indicate that when engaged in social services as indicated in C2 above all personnel in the joint program shall be under the supervision and direction of the welfare agency except as noted below in item 2.

2. If the joint program is located on the premises of the LHA, specify any control over personnel exercised by the third part agency such as hours when the office or facility is open, and such other housekeeping and administrative procedures are as pertinent.

E. Space, equipment and other items.

1. Describe the facilities to be used for the joint program, in terms of location, available space, arrangements for financing the cost of this space and maintaining it and an assurance that adequate space will continue to be available to the service program.

2. Equipment and other items needed to carry out the purpose of the joint program should be described in relation to procurement, maintenance, control. use and ultimate disposition in the event it ceases to be of value in carrying out the purposes of the joint program. Indicate that ownership of equipment purchased is vested in the State welfare agency; if not explain.

F. Records and reports.

1. Indicate what statistical, financial and other records will be maintained by the LHA, what will be maintained by the welfare agency and what will be maintained by personnel as part of the joint program.

2. Describe the kinds of statistical, financial and other reports and the frequency with which such reports will be made by personnel engaged in the joint program.

G. Civil Rights. Indicate that both parties will comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

H. Financial provisions.

1. Indicate the sources of State public funds being made available for the service program. Describe the procedures by which they are made available to the State agency.

2. Attach a budget showing the amount of public funds available for the period involved and the amount of Federal funds to be requested. Describe the activities and services for which the funds will be expended.

I. Legal authority and clearance. Cite the legal authority for the joint program and provide for signatures of approving officials.

Hon. SAM J. ERVIN, Jr.,

Washington, D.C., April 10, 1969.

Chairman, Subcommittee on Separation of Powers,

Committee on the Judiciary,

U.S. Senate,

Washington, D.C.

DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: This is in reply to your letter of February 5, 1969, requesting information on the instances since 1945 in which the Bureau of the Budget withheld funds appropriated to the Department of Commerce.

Records are not readily available to allow all bureaus and offices to go back to FY 1945. However, we have searched through those records which are available and we find the following instances in which the Budget Bureau withheld funds from the Department. These instances may be properly classified under category 1 of your letter, except that we do not have any information that these reserves were established in the name of the President. These instances involved the following appropriations and dollar amounts:

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The above figures do not represent amounts placed in reserve resulting from the operation of appropriation rescission legislation.

I hope the above information will be helpful to the Committee in the study being undertaken.



Secretary of Commerce.

Washington, D.C., March 20, 1969.

Chairman, Subcommittee on Separation of Powers,

Committee on the Judiciary,
U.S. Senate,

Washington, D.C.

DEAR SENATOR ERVIN: In response to your letter, dated February 3, 1969, to the Secretary of the Interior requesting information concerning action taken by the Bureau of the Budget in reserving funds appropriated by Congress, the Bureau has prepared the enclosed statement.

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