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Aaker, Mabel O.-b. Minnewaukan, N. Dak.; high sch. grad.; Univ. of Minn. 1933, 1935-36; Jamestown Coll. 1934; clk. 1931-32; app. clk. at $1,260 in the Dept. of State Jan. 6, 1936; at $1,440 Jan. 1, 1937.-DCR.

Abbey, Glenn Allan.-b. Dodgeville, Wis., June 11, 1898; business sch. grad.; Marquette and George Washington Univ.; Georgetown, B. S. 1925; grad. work, Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1929; teacher in public sch. 1917-18; U. S. Army 1918–19; clk. 1919-21; instructor in Eng. and hist., Devitt Prep. Sch., 1924-25; sec. to the Am. High Commr. at Port au Prince 1925-27; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career July 5, 1927; assigned to the For. Ser. Sch. Sept. 29, 1927; to Johannesburg Feb. 24, 1928; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. July 1, 1931; assigned as 3d sec. at Managua July 31, 1931; at Caracas Mar. 31, 1932; class eight July 1, 1934; cons. Jan. 22, 1935; assigned as 3d sec. at Asunción May 28, 1936; also as cons. Sept. 25, 1936; class seven Apr. 1, 1937; 2d sec. at Asunción in addition to duties as cons. May 6, 1937.

Abbott, George Manlove.-b. Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1904; Case Sch. of Applied Sci., B. S. 1925; Ecole de Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, 1926; George Washington Univ., 1927; construction work 1920-21; salesman 1922-24; asst. research assoc. 1926; tech. asst., Bureau of Standards, 1927; app. after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career July 5, 1927; assigned to the For. Ser. Sch. Sept. 29, 1927; to Calcutta Feb. 24, 1928; to Oslo Aug. 26, 1930; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. May 2, 1934; assigned as 3d sec. at Riga May 24, 1934; class eight July 1, 1934; cons. Jan. 22, 1935; assigned also as cons. at Riga Nov. 7, 1935; class seven Apr. 1, 1937; 2d sec. at Riga in addition to duties as cons. May 6, 1937; married.

Abbott, Wainwright.-b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 27, 1891; St. Paul's Sch.; Yale two yrs.; employed in mfg. companies two yrs.; ambulance ser. in France 1916; French Army 1917-18; U. S. Army 1918-19, lt.; app., after exam., sec. of emb. or leg. of class four Apr. 7, 1920; assigned to Stockholm May 26, 1921; to Athens Apr. 13, 1922; class three Sept. 22, 1922; on detail at Constantinople Oct. 15-Dec. 1, 1923; For. Ser. officer of class six July 1, 1924; assigned as 2d sec. of leg. at Caracas Oct. 2, 1924; class five Apr. 30, 1925; assigned as 2d sec. at Dublin June 9, 1927; class four July 24, 1930; assigned as 1st sec. at London Dec. 23, 1930; at Belgrade Feb. 28, 1934; as For. Ser. officer at Hamburg June 15, 1936; cons. and assigned as cons. at Hamburg June 22, 1936; married.


Abrams, Belle Jenvey (Mrs.)-b. Marietta, Ohio; high sch. grad.; attended private sch. and business sch.; Sherwood Cody Univ. corr. course; app. clk, temp., in the Dept. of State Feb. 18, 1915; permanently, at $900 under Ex. order June 22, 1916, effective July 1; temp., at $1,000 Oct. 18, 1916; permanently Nov. 1, 1916; at $1,500 July 1, 1924; at $1,620 July 1, 1928 (Welch Act); at $1,740 July 1, 1930.-PD.

Achilles, Theodore Carter.-b. Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 29, 1905; The Hill Sch.; Stanford, B. A. 1925; Yale 1926-28; newspaper work 1928-30; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 17, 1931; assigned as v. c. at Habana Jan. 4, 1932; to the For. Ser. Sch. Jan. 28, 1933; to Rome June 13, 1933; to the Dept. Apr. 25, 1935; asst. sec., Gen. Disarmament Conf., Geneva, 1935; married.-EU.

Ackerson, Garret G., Jr.-b. Hackensack, N. J., May 13, 1904; Kelvin Sch.; Univ. of Va. 1922-24; Har vard, S. B. 1927; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career May 17, 1928; assigned to the For. Ser. Sch. May 24, 1928; to Cape Town Nov. 3, 1928; assigned as For. Ser. officer to the leg. at Pretoria June 27, 1930; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Aug. 16, 1930; assigned as 3d sec. at Pretoria Aug. 27, 1930; at Lima Apr. 8, 1931; as v. c. at Copenhagen Nov. 14, 1933; as 3d sec. at Budapest Mar. 19, 1935; class eight and cons. Oct. 1, 1935; assigned also as cons. at Budapest June 19, 1936; married.

Acly, Robert Austin.-b. Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1906; Williams Coll., B. A. 1928; app. For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 19, 1929; assigned as v. c. at Montreal, temp., Jan. 7, 1930; to the For. Ser. Sch. July 18, 1930; to Tegucigalpa Nov. 8, 1930; also as 3d sec. at Tegucigalpa Jan. 17, 1933; as v. c. at Ceiba, temp., July 30, 1934; as v. c. and 3d sec. at Tegucigalpa Aug. 18, 1934; as v. c. at Strasbourg Aug. 9, 1935; at Johannesburg June 12, 1937; married.

Adam, Hector Cameron, Jr.--b. South Nyack, N. Y., July 2, 1909; Phillips Exeter grad.; Princeton, A. B. 1931; app. clk. in Am. Leg. at Managua Sept. 26, 1934; also v. c. at Managua Mar. 19, 1935; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. and assigned as v. c. at Managua Oct. 1, 1935; at Ciudad Juárez Jan. 8, 1936; to the For. Ser. Sch. Aug. 4, 1936; as v. c. at Montevideo Dec. 18, 1936.

Adams, George Henry.-b. Purmela, Tex., Aug. 12, 1907; attended high sch.; U. S. Marine Corps 192630; Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua 1927-30, 2d It.; clk. in U. S. and Honduras 1930-32; aviator in Nicaragua and Honduras 1932; app. clk, in Am, consulate at La Paz Jan. 6, 1933; v. c. at La Paz Nov. 16, 1934; at Callao-Lima Mar. 11, 1936; married.

Adams, Philip.-b. Honolulu, T. H., June 26, 1881; Cambridge Latin Sch. grad.; Harvard, A. B. 1903; instructor in Eng., Univ. of Wis., 1903-5; foreign travel 1905-8; artistic and literary work 1908-18; Bu. of War Risk Insur. 1918-20; app. drafting officer at $2,500 in the Dept. of State July 23, 1920; chief, Division of Passport Control, July 26, 1920; resigned Aug. 16, 1922; app., after exam., cons. of class seven June 22, 1922; detailed to Paris Aug. 28, 1922; to Malta May 28, 1924; For. Ser. officer of class eight July 1, 1924; class seven Aug. 8, 1924; assigned to Malta June 22, 1925; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Mar. 11, 1926; assigned as 3d sec. at Tirana Mar. 27, 1926; as cons. at Campbellton July 11, 1928; class six Oct. 16, 1929; cons. at Sarnia Oct. 19, 1929; at St. John, N. B., Apr. 30, 1932; at London Mar. 7, 1935.

Adams, Walter Alexander.-b. Greenville, S. C., Dec. 16, 1887; Carlisle's Sch. for Boys; Clemson Coll. one yr.; Georgetown, LL. B. 1913; private tutors three yrs.; mem. of bar of U. S. Court for China, Shanghai; clk. and stenog. 1907-10; stenog. in Govt. depts. 1911-13; clk., Philippine Civil Ser., 1913-14; clk. in Am. Consulate General at Shanghai Apr. 1, 1914; court reporter and dep. clk. of court, U. S. Court for China, 1915; teacher of legal mechanics, Comparative Law Sch. of China, Shanghai, 1916; v. c. at Shanghai Feb. 26, 1916; at Batavia Oct. 4, 1918; app., after exam., v. c. of career of class three Dec. 23, 1919; assigned to Canton Apr. 12, 1920; class two May 24, 1920; assigned to Swatow Nov. 15, 1920; to Changsha Feb. 24, 1921; to Tsingtao Oct. 1, 1921; class one Nov. 17, 1921; cons. of class seven June 22, 1922; class six Mar. 1, 1923; For. Ser. officer of class seven July 1, 1924; class six Aug. 8, 1924; assigned to Chungking Apr. 10, 1925; class five June 2, 1926; class four May 17, 1928; assigned to Hankow July 17, 1928; to Nanking June 11, 1929; class three July 24, 1930; cons. gen. June 11, 1931; assigned to Hankow June 15, 1931; to Harbin June 29, 1934; class two Oct. 1, 1935; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. May 14, 1936; married.

Adams, Ware.-b. Washington, D. C., Mar. 1, 1905; Emerson Inst. grad.; George Washington, A. B. 1929; paymaster, D. C. govt., 1927-29; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career Nov. 12, 1929; assigned to Habana, temp., Nov. 27, 1929; to Matanzas, temp., Mar. 19, 1930; to the For. Ser. Sch. Apr. 19, 1980; to Lyon July 22, 1930; to Berlin Nov. 11, 1933; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Apr. 25, 1936; class eight Apr. 1, 1937; cons. Apr. 22, 1937; cons. at Berlin Apr. 26, 1937; married.

Affeld, William Charles, Jr.-b. Clarinda, Iowa, Oct. 20, 1906; attended business sch.; Univ. of Minn., B. A. 1930; stenog. 1925-26; app. clk. in

Am. Consulate at Windsor Sept. 19, 1931; v. c. at Windsor Oct. 31, 1931; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 17, 1931; assigned as v. c. at Windsor Jan. 2, 1932; to the For. Ser. Sch. Jan. 8, 1932; to Singapore Apr. 7, 1932; to Bremen May 17, 1935; to Kobe July 13, 1937.

Agostini, Caesar Franklin.-b. Tarragona, Spain, of Am. parents, Aug. 8, 1884; Commercial Coll. of Barcelona 1896-99; engineering course 1900-3; mgr., shipping agency, 1903-27; customs broker since 1915; app. cons. agt. at Tarragona Oct. 2, 1914; v. c. at Marseille Sept. 12, 1936; married.

Aguirre, Stephen Earnest.-b. Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 11, 1892; Calif. Sch. of Mech. Arts, San Francisco, 1911-13; cml. employment in Mexico 1909–10; clk., 1910, 1913-15; app. clk. in Am. Consulate at Ciudad Juarez July 22, 1915; v. c. at Ciudad Juarez June 5, 1917; at Chihuahua Apr. 13, 1920; resigned Oct. 13, 1920; app. v. c. at Manzanillo May 25, 1921; at Nuevo Laredo Sept. 29, 1925; at Piedras Negras, temp., Feb. 7, 1927; at Nuevo Laredo Feb. 18, 1927; at Mexico City Nov. 2, 1929; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Jan. 7, 1932; assigned as v. c. at Mexico City Jan. 9, 1932; 3d sec. at Mexico City Jan. 26, 1932; married.

Ailshie, William Knight.-b. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 30, 1905; Va. Mil. Inst.; Univ. of Washington, B. A. 1927; Downing Coll., Cambridge Univ., England, 1927-28; clk. in Am. Emb. at Paris 1928-29; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career Nov. 12, 1929; assigned to Habana, temp., Nov. 27, 1929; to Nuevitas, temp., Mar. 19, 1930; to the For. Ser. Sch. Apr. 19, 1930; to Caracas July 22, 1930; to Batavia June 30, 1931; to Warsaw Oct. 5, 1933; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Apr. 25, 1936; to Montreal May 28, 1937; married.

Aldridge, Clayson Wheeler.-b. Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1899; Princeton, A. B. 1922; American-Scandinavian fellowship, Univ. of Copenhagen, 1922-23; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. Mar. 20, 1925; v. c. of career and assigned to Jerusalem Sept. 2, 1925; sec. In the Diplo. Ser. Feb. 17, 1927; assigned as 3d sec. at Athens Feb. 23, 1927; v. c. at Aden, temp., Aug. 31, 1927; 3d sec. at Athens June 21, 1928; also v. c. at Athens Oct. 18, 1929; class eight, cons., and assigned to Athens Dec. 19, 1929; to the Dept. Feb. 5, 1930; resigned Nov. 30, 1930; app. divisional asst. at $4,600 in the Dept. of State Dec. 1, 1930; reinstated as For. Ser. officer, by Ex. order of Dec. 27, 1933, and assigned to the Dept. Jan. 11, 1934; For. Ser. officer of class seven, cons., and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Jan. 15, 1934; assigned as 2d sec. at Athens Feb. 21, 1934; class six Oct. 1, 1935; at Nanking Jan. 27, 1936; married.

Alexander, F. Virginia.-b. Mount Crawford, Va.; high sch. grad.; attended business sch.; studied under private tutor two yrs.; clk. 1910-12; secretary 1913-15; app. clk., temp., in the Dept. of State Dec.

7, 1915; permanently, at $1,200 under Ex. order June 22, 1916, effective July 1; at $1,400 Sept. 1, 1919; at $1,600 Mar. 1, 1921; at $1,800 Feb. 1, 1924; at $2,100 July 1, 1924; asst. chief, Division of Passport Control, Nov. 4, 1925; at $2.200 Dec. 1, 1925; at $2,400 Mar. 1, 1926; at $2,500 Nov. 1, 1927; at $2,700 July 1, 1928 (Welch Act); at $2,800 July 1, 1928; at $2,900 July 1, 1930; at $3,200 Dec. 1, 1930; mem., Conciliation Committee of the Dept. of State, 1933-.-PD.

Alexander, Robert Clark.-b. near Paris, Tenn., July 28, 1896; attended public sch.; studied under private tutor; Y.M.C.A. Sch. of Accountancy 1925; Southeastern Univ. Law Sch. 1925-26; Washington Coll. of Law 1927; clk. 1911-17, in the Dept. of State 1917-24; private sec. to the sec. of state 1920; law clk. with counsel for Chile in Tacna-Arica Arbitration 1924-25; income tax accountant and secretary 1924-28; app. clk. at $1,800 in the Dept. of State Jan. 1, 1929; at $1,920 July 1, 1930; at $2,300 June 1, 1931; admin. asst. at $3,200 Nov. 19, 1934; married.-VD.

Allee, Lois Dorothy-b. Minneapolis, Minn.; high sch. and business sch. grad.; private tutors; secretary July-Oct. 1929; stenog., Veterans' Admin., 1929-33, and Bu. of Internal Revenue, 1933-34; app. clk. at $1,440 in the Dept. of State Mar. 5, 1934; at $1,620 Feb. 1, 1935.-PR.

Allen, Charles W.-b. Boulder, Colo., Jan. 21, 1883; attended business sch.; Univ. of Wyo. one and one-half yrs.; stenog. and substitute court reporter 1902-7; law clk. 1905-6; in U. S. Land Office, Lander, Wyo., 1907-18; U. S. Civil Ser. sec., Lander, Wyo., several yrs.; app. v. c. at Cape Town Oct. 24, 1918; at Zürich Sept. 6, 1921; at Berne Apr. 5, 1924; at Basel Jan. 23, 1926; at North Bay Apr. 13, 1927; at Calgary Sept. 29, 1930; married.

Allen, Edgar Poe.-b. Sharon, Pa., Jan. 13, 1904; high sch, and business sch. grad.; George Washington, LL. B. 1927; National Univ., Sch. of Economics and Govt. 1933-34, Law Sch., LL. M., M. P. L. 1935; capt. O. R. C.; mem. of bar of D. C.; clk. in accounting dept. of steel corp. 1922-23; in Dept. of State 1923-29; special agt., Dept. of Justice, 1929-31; app. admin. asst. at $3,200 in the Dept. of State Aug. 24, 1931; divisional asst. at $3,800 Dec. 16, 1935; married.-CA.

Allen, George Venable.-b. Durham, N. C., Nov. 3, 1903; Duke Univ., A. B. 1924; Harvard, A. M. 1929; teacher in high sch. 1924-28; newspaper reporter 1926, 1927, 1928; editorial clk., Census Bu., 1929; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Apr. 15, 1930; assigned as v. c. at Kingston, Jamaica, Apr. 29, 1930; to the For. Ser. Sch. July 16, 1930; to Shanghai Nov. 8, 1930; to Patras Aug. 15, 1934; to Athens, temp., Jan. 17, 1936; to Patras Feb. 10, 1936; v. c. and 3d sec. at Cairo July 21, 1936; class eight Apr. 1, 1937; cons. Apr. 22, 1937; cons. at Cairo in addition to duties as 3d sec. Apr. 26, 1937; married.

Allen, Henry Edward.-b. Washington, D. C., June 23, 1912; George Washington Univ. 1930-31; Washington and Lee, B. S. 1934; messenger, Fed. Trade Commn., 1930-31; clk., Dept. of State, 1932, 1933, Int. Boundary Commn., U. S. and Mexico, 1934-36: app. clk. at $1,620 in the Dept. of State June 25. 1936; at $1,800 Sept. 16, 1937.-TA.

Allen, Percy F.-b. Allen, Md., Feb. 11, 1879; attended public sch. and business sch.; bookkeeper and cashier 1897-1902; clk. and bookkeeper, dept. of education, Porto Rico, 1902-4; asst. to disbursing officer, Porto Rican teachers' study trip to U. S.. 1904; head bookkeeper, disbursing office, insular govt. of Porto Rico, 1905; clk., civil Ser. Commn., 1905-6; app. clk. at $900 in the Dept. of State July 3, 1906; at $1,200 May 1, 1907; at $1,400 Nov. 2, 1908; at $1,600 June 27, 1911; sec. of Bd. of Examiners for Diplo. and Cons. Ser. 1913-18; at $1,800 Apr. 22, 1914; act. chief clk. Mar. 22-Apr. 5, 1918; app. special asst. at $2,100 Dec. 31, 1919, effective Jan. 1, 1920; drafting officer at $2,500 June 17, 1921, effective July 1; representative of the Dept. in connection with the preparation of the Official Register of U. S. since 1919; at $3,000 May 7, 1924; asst. to chief elk. and chief of appt. section Aug. 19, 1924; at $3,200 May 1, 1925; at $3,300 Nov. 1, 1927; at $3,400 July 1, 1928 (Welch Act); at $3,600 July 1, 1930; at $3,700 July 3, 1930 (Brookhart Act); acting chief clk. and admin. asst. Sept. 8-Dec. 31, 1931; married.—AP.

Allen, Stuart.-b. St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 13, 1902; St. Paul Acad. grad.; Princeton, B. S. 1926; teacher, Peking Coll. of Com. and Finance and Peking Union Medical Coll., China, 1926–28; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career Mar. 26, 1929; assigned to the For. Ser. Sch. July 1, 1929; to Tientsin Sept. 12, 1929; class eight, cons., and assigned to Tientsin Oct. 1, 1935; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. May 27, 1936; cons. at Chefoo July 10, 1936; married.

Alling, Paul Humiston.-b. Hamden, Conn., July 15, 1896; Trinity Coll., A. B. 1920; Univ. of Pa., M. A. 1924; clk. 1913-15; U. S. Army 1917-19, 1st lt., overseas service; foreign service training class of N. Y. bank 1920-21; research and editorial work 1921-24; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass. and v. c. of career Oct. 16, 1924; assigned to Beirut Nov. 8, 1924; to Aleppo, temp., Mar. 30, 1926; to Beirut Aug. 17, 1926; to Damascus Oct. 25, 1926; to Beirut Jan. 27, 1927; to the Dept. Apr. 2, 1928; class eight and cons. May 23, 1929; resigned Nov. 30, 1930; app. divisional asst. at $5,600 in the Dept. of State Dec. 1, 1930; asst. chief, Division of Near Eastern Affairs, at $6,500 Nov. 19, 1934; adviser, Conf. for Revision of Capitulatory Regime in Egypt, Montreaux, 1937; married.-NE.

Allison, John Moore.-b. Holton, Kans., Apr. 7, 1905; Univ. of Nebr., A. B. 1927; teacher of Eng. in Japanese sch. 1927-29; cml. work in China and Japan 1929-30; app. clk. in Am. Consulate General at Shanghai Apr. 28, 1930; v. c. at Kobe Oct. 20, 1931; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., V. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 17,

1931; assigned as v. c. at Kobe Jan. 2, 1932; as language officer at Tokyo Jan. 15, 1932; as v. c. at Tokyo May 9, 1934; at Dairen Sept. 5, 1935; class eight, cons., and assigned to Dairen Oct. 1, 1935; to Tsinan July 7, 1936 to Tsingtao, temp., Aug. 28, 1937; 3d sec. at Nanking, temp., Sept. 8, 1937; married.

Altaffer, Leland Charles.-b. West Unity, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1896; high sch. grad.; Toledo Univ. 1917, 191920; Colgate Univ. 1921; U. S. Navy 1917-19; cml. employment 1922-25; newspaper reporter 1926-27; app. clk. in Am. Consulate at Colombo July 2, 1927; at Rangoon Mar. 4, 1928; v. c. at Rangoon July 31, 1929; at Madras June 25, 1932; at Amoy June 5, 1936.

Altaffer, Maurice Willard.-b. West Unity, Ohio, May 10, 1893; high sch. grad.; U. S. Coast Guard Acad., Coll. of the City of New York, and extension courses at Columbia; teacher in public sch. 1912-14, 1916; cadet, U. S. Coast Guard, 1914-15; U. S. Navy 1917-19, It. (Jg); shipping business 1920; clk. in Am. Consulate General at Berlin 1921-22; in Am. Consulate at Stuttgart 1922-23; app. v. c. at Stuttgart May 23, 1923; app., after exam., v. c. of career of class three July 6, 1923; assigned to Stuttgart July 10, 1923; to Frankfort-on-the-Main Sept. 6, 1923; For. Ser. officer unclass. July 1, 1924; assigned to Aleppo Aug. 7, 1924; to Nogales May 26, 1926; to Agua Prieta, temp., Oct. 8, 1926; to Nogales Jan. 15, 1927; class eight, cons., and assigned to Nogales Aug. 24, 1927; class seven May 9, 1930; assigned to Dresden Jan. 5, 1931; to Zürich May 31, 1933; class six Apr. 1, 1937; married.

Anderson, Daniel Virden.-b. Dover, Del., Dec. 31, 1908; Univ. of Va., B. A. 1930; app. clk. in Am. Consulate at Rome June 15, 1931; v. c. at Rome Aug. 25, 1931; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 17, 1931; assigned as v. c. at Rome Jan. 2, 1932; to the For. Ser. Sch. Aug. 19, 1932; to Lisbon Dec. 22, 1932; sec. and disbursing officer to Am. del., 3d meeting of Int. Tech. Consulting Committee on Radio Communications, Monte Estoril, Portugal, 1934; assigned to Oporto, temp., Feb. 12, 1935; to Lisbon Mar. 21, 1935; to Bombay May 28, 1936; to Karachi, temp., Aug. 14, 1937.

Anderson, Edward, Jr.-b. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 7, 1907; Univ. of Fla. and Univ. of the South; Vanderbilt Univ., B. A. 1928; Tulane Univ. 1928-29; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 19, 1929; assigned as v. c. at Nassau, temp., Jan. 7, 1930; to the For. Ser. Sch. Apr. 19, 1930; as v. c. at Port Said July 22, 1930; at Singapore Nov. 26, 1930; at Montreal June 20, 1934; at Mexico City Dec. 3, 1936.

Anderson, Walter H.-b. Rockford, Ill., Sept. 6, 1900; attended high sch.; La Salle Extension Univ. two yrs.; cml. work 1916-19; U. S. Army 1919-21; app. clk. at $900 in the Dept. of State Mar. 8, 1921; 137100-37-1 -10

at $1,000 Oct. 7, 1921; at $1,080 Sept. 1, 1922; at $1.140 Dec. 1, 1922; at $1,200 Dec. 30, 1922, effective Jan 1, 1923; at $1,500 July 1, 1924; at $1,680 July 1, 1925; at $1,740 Nov. 1, 1927; at $1,860 July 1, 1928 (Welch Act); at $1,920 July 1, 1928; file clk., London Naval Conf., 1930; at $2,100 July 1, 1930; clk., Int. Monetary and Economic Conf., London, 1933; at $2,200 Aug. 1, 1936; married.-DCR.

Anderson, Walter Stratton, Jr.-b. New York City Apr. 21, 1912; Fordham 1929-30; Harvard, B. S. 1933; bank teller 1934-35; editorial research asst. for newspaper 1935; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass., v. c. of career, and sec. in the Diplo. Ser. July 2, 1937; assigned to Havre July 8, 1937.

Andrews, George Davis, Jr.-b. Greenwood, Va., Aug. 30, 1902; McCallie Sch. and Phillips Andover; Yale 1920-22; Univ. of Va., B. S. 1924; Oxford, A. B. 1926; app., after exam., For. Ser. officer unclass, and v. c. of career Aug. 24, 1927; assigned to the For. Ser. Sch. Sept. 29, 1927; to Warsaw Mar. 13, 1928; as For. Ser. officer to the leg. at Habana Nov. 29, 1930; sec. in the Diplo. Ser. Dec. 20, 1930; assigned as 3d sec. at Habana Jan. 8, 1931; at Tokyo Nov. 10, 1933; class eight July 1, 1934; cons. Jan. 22, 1935; class seven Apr. 1, 1937; 2d sec. at Tokyo May 6, 1937; married.

Angel, Virginia Burbank (Mrs.)-b. Chicago, Ill.; Univ. of Wis., summer 1929; Royal Italian Univ., Perugia, Italy, summer 1930; George Washington, A. B. 1931; app. editorial asst. at $1,500 in the Dept. of State Apr. 1, 1927; at $1,620 July 1, 1928 (Welch Act); at $1,800 Aug. 1, 1928; at $2.000 May 1, 1929; at $2,200 July 1, 1930; at $2,300 Feb. 1, 1936.-RP.

Angelo, James P.-b. Charleston, W. Va., Mar. 7, 1914; Georgetown, B. F. S. 1937; clk. in office of U. S. Senator 1936-37; app. clk. at $1,620 in the Dept. of State Sept. 10, 1937.-TA.

Ansley, Everett Barth.-b. Rockville, Md., Mar. 14, 1894; St. Bernard's Sch. grad.; business sch. grad. ; Georgetown, LL. B. and M. P. L. 1916; private tutors; law clk. 1913-16; v. c. at Vladivostok 1916-19; sec., Allied Commn. to Vladivostok, 1918-19; branch mgr. and auditor for private firm in China 1920-23; legal, promotion, and sales work 1924-28; field sec., U. S. Chamber of Com., 1929; asst. trade commr. in Athens, Bern, and Riga 1930-33; asst. to v. pres. and sec., Credit Committee, Export-Import Bank, 1934-35; commr. of conciliation, Labor Dept., 1935-36; app. economic analyst at $4,600 in the Dept. of State July 19, 1937; married.-TA.

Anthony, Nicholas.-b. Scotland Neck, N. C., July 28. 1877: app. laborer in the Dept. of State Oct. 15, 1917.-CC.

Armour, Norman.-b. Brighton, England, of Am. parents, Oct. 14, 1887; St. Paul's Sch.; Princeton, A. B. 1909, A. M. 1915; Harvard, LL. B. 1913; mem. of bar of N. J.; served in Am. Emb., Vienna, three

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