SERMONS UPON Select Subjects. BY THE Reverend ISAAC TERRY, А. М. CANTERBURY: Printed for J. Abree and Tho. Smith, Booksellers. D. THE PREFACE. THE Author of the following Discourses was born in the City of Canterbury, and educated in the Grammar School there, founded by King Henry the 8th Being thoroughly instructed in the Learned Languages, and fuch other Parts of Literature as are usually taught in those publick Seminaries to the best Advantage; He removed to that that Celebrated House of Learning Christ-Church in the University of Oxford. His eldeft * Brother was at that Time an eminent Tutor there; under whose Care he was admitted a Commoner in the Year 1707. As his Natural Endowments were good, and his Industry very great, He foon made a confiderable Improvement in the whole Circle of Human Learning. Having taken two Degrees in Arts, and being ordained a Deacon A. D. 1714, he returned to his Native City; • where, his ill Health not permitting : * The Rev. Thomas Terry. afterwards D. D. Canon of Christ Church, and King's Profeffor of Greek in the University of Oxford. L |