mitting him to engage in any Parochial Cure, he pass'd the nine following Years in great Retirement. But during that Interval his Time was most usefully employ'd in such Studies as are requifite to form the Character of a Compleat Divine; I mean the Holy Scriptures, and the Writings of the Primitive Fathers, with which he was much converfant; as indeed he could read them in their Original Languages with equal Eafe and Pleasure. In the Year 1723 he was ordain'd Prieft, and officiated at Chartham near Can terbury the remainder of that and the two following Years. In the Year 1729 he was, without any Application of his own, presented to the Rectory of IronActon in the Diocese of Gloucefter; but this he quitted in the end of the Year 1735, upon being collated to the United Livings of St. Mary Bredman and St. Andrew in the City of Canterbury. After a long and gradual Decay of Nature, he departed this Life Dec. 9th. 1744, in the 55th Year of his Age. He was a Perfon of unaffected Piety, great Probity and ftrict Virtue. It is well known to all who remember him with what Fidelity he difcharg'd the Duties of the Paf toral toral Office whilst his Health permitted him, and how universally he had acquir'd the Character of a folid and useful Preacher. And it is chiefly in Compliance with the Request of feveral who heard them, that these Difcourses are now offered to the Publick; to which per haps more may be added, if these meet with a favourable Reception. : : ER ERRATA. PAGE ST judicially. line 26. for judiciously read P. 86. 1. 11. r. Conquerors. P. 224. 1. 22. r. shall not fet. 1. 24. r. nor claim. 1. 25. r. nor pretend. P. 389. 1. 24. r. fastest. Several Errors there are in the Pointing, which the Reader is defir'd to correct. |