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TABLE IV.-Trend of man-days of idleness due to strikes compared with trend of business activity, January 1935-June 1939

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Does not include bituminous coal stoppage: there were an estimated 4,226,000 man-days of idleness during April and 2.694,000 during May as a result of this stoppage.

Source: Strike data: U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Strike Statistics Section. Industrial production index: Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System.






American Federation of Labor. American Federationist. Washington. Monthly.
(Contains section "National Labor Relations Board decisions.")
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
Chester M. Wright and Associates.

Labor relations reporter. Washington. Weekly.
Chester Wright's labor letter. Washington.

Commerce Clearing House. Labor, law service. New York. Irregular.
Congressional Intelligence. Labor relations service. Washington. Weekly.
International Juridical Association. International Juridical Association bulletin.
New York. Monthly.
Prentice-Hall. Labor and



insurance service. New York.



American Forum of the Air. A radio discussion of the National Labor Relations Act, by Charles R. Hook, J. Warren Madden, and Charles Fahy, John C. Gall, Ernest K. Lindley, Walter Gordon Merritt. Washington. Jan. 1939. 19 p.

A radio discussion of the National Labor Relations Act, by Edward R. Burke, Sherman Minton, and Clare E. Hoffman, Joseph Padway, Lee Pressman, Richard L. Strout. Washington. Apr. 1939. 15 p. American Management Association. Personnel Series No. 32. The status of industrial relations, by Thomas G. Spates, Charles Fahy, Russell L. Greenman, H. L. Nunn. 1938. 43 p.

Personnel Series No. 36. Management's responsibilities in industrial relations, by C. M. Chester. 1939. 14 p.

Personnel Series No. 37. Employer associations in collective bargaining, by Almon E. Roth, Ivan L. Willis, A. B. Gates. 1939. 27 p.

America's Town Meeting of the Air. Should the Wagner Act be revised? by Roy W. Moore, William M. Leiserson. New York. Columbia University Press. Jan. 1939. 33 p.

Baldwin, Roger N. and Randall, Clarence B. Civil liberties and industrial conflict. Cambridge. Harvard University Press, 1938. 137 p. Brooks, Robert R. R.

sity Press. 1939.

Unions of their own choosing. New Haven. Yale Univer296 p.

Cayton, H. R. and Mitchell, G. S. Black workers and the new unions. Chapel Hill. The University of North Carolina Press. 1939. 473 p.

Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Amendment of the National Labor Relations Act. Washington. Oct. 1939. 19 p.

Greenman, Russell L. The worker, the foreman and the Wagner Act. New York. Harper. 1939. 137 p.

Griffin, J. I. Strikes; a study in quantitative economics. New York. Columbia University Press. 1939. 319 p.

Harris, Herbert. American labor. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1939. 459 p.

1 Extends bibliography included as Appendix to Third Annual Report. Covers period November 1938-October 1939. The controversial literature centering around the National Labor Relations Act and its administration is far too voluminous to be included with any completeness here. No attempt is made to cover all statements that have been issued, in article or pamphlet form, presenting divergent points of view with respect to the administration of the Act and the question of amendment. The recent Congressional Hearings, included under section B., provide very ample statements.


Leiserson, William M.

Right and wrong in labor relations. Berkeley. Uni1938. 86 p.

versity of California Press. Lien, H. A. Labor law and 1938. 747 p.

Marquand, H. A. and others. 1939. 518 p.

relations, with supplement. New York. Bender.

Organized labour in four continents. Longman's.

McCabe, D. A. and Lester, R. A. Labor and social organization. Boston. Little, Brown and Co. 1938. 374 p.

Ross, Malcolm.

1939. 385 p.

Death of a Yale man. New York. Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.

Rotwein, A. and N. 259 p.

Taylor, A. G. Labor 1938. 663 p.

Labor law. Brooklyn. Harmon Publications. 1939.

problems and labor law. New York. Prentice-Hall.

U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor laws and their administration, 1937: Proceedings of the twenty-third convention of the International Association of Governmental Labor Officials, Toronto, Canada, September 1937. Bulletin No. 653. Washington. 1938. 241 p.

U. S. Congress. House of Representatives. Proposed amendments to the National Labor Relations Act: Hearings before the Committee on Labor, May 4 to July 26, 1939. 76th Cong., 1st sess. Washington. 1939. 2289 p. U. S. Congress. Senate. National Labor Relations Act and proposed amendments: Hearings before the Committee on Education and Labor, Apr. 11 to Aug. 2, 1939, on S. 1000, S. 1264, S. 1392, S. 1550, S. 1580, and S. 2123. 76th Cong., 1st sess. Washington. 1939. U. S. National Labor Relations Board: 16, 1938-Apr. 30, 1938. Washington. Decisions and orders. vol. VII. ton. 1938. 1345 p.

4156 p.

Decisions and orders. vol. VIII. ington. 1938. 1425 p.

Decisions and orders.

ton. 1933. 1349 p.

Decisions and orders.

ton. 1939. 1530 p.

Decisions and orders.

ton. 1939. 1534 p.

Decisions and orders. vol. VI. Mar. 1938. E65 p.

May 1, 1938-June 30, 1938. Washing

July 1, 1938-Sept. 30, 1938. Washvol. IX. Oct. 1, 1938-Nov. 30, 1938. Washingvol. X. vol. XI. Feb. 1, 1939-Mar. 31, 1939.

Dec. 1, 1938-Jan. 31, 1939.



Decisions and orders. vol. XII. Apr. 1, 1939-May 31, 1939. Washington. 1939. 1557 p.

Third Annual Report

Washington. 1939. 292 p.


for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1938.

Division of Economic Research. Collective bargaining in the newspaper industry. Bulletin No. 3. Washington. Oct. 1938. 194 p.

Division of Economic Research. Effective collective bargaining, by David J. Saposs and Lyle Cooper. Washington. Outline No. VII. Dec. 1938. 7 p. (mimeographed).

Division of Economic Research. Role of supervisory employees in spreading employer views, by David J. Saposs, Katherine P. Ellickson, and Bernard W. Stern. Research Memorandum No. 3. Washington. Nov. 1938. 6 p. (mimeographed).

Division of Economic Research. Savings resulting from the effective operation of the National Labor Relations Act in 1938, compared with costs of its operation, by David J. Saposs and Morris Weisz. Research Memorandum No. 7. Washington. June 1939. 4 p. (mimeographed).

Division of Economic Research. Union-employer responsibility, by Lyle Cooper. Research Memorandum No. 4. Washington. Jan. 1939 (mimeographed).

Report to the National Labor Board by Special Commission. Feb. 11, 1934. Second impression, 1939. Washington. 14 p. (mimeographed). U. S. Works Progress Administration. Labor relations in the petroleum industry by Daniel Horowitz. Second Edition. New York. 1938. 82 p. Newswriters' unions in English speaking countries, by Estelle Murasken. Second Edition. New York.


The petroleum industry: a study of its interstate aspects, by David Levine. New York. 1938. 92 p.

University of Chicago. Round Table.

A radio discussion of the Wagner Act Reviewed, by Charles O. Gregory, William H. Spencer, Raleigh W. Stone. Chicago. March 12, 1939. 12 p.

122 p.

Second Revised Edition.

Wright, Chester M. Here comes labor. Macmillan. 1939.
Yoder, D. Labor economics and labor problems.
New York. McGraw-Hill. 1939.
669 p.

[blocks in formation]

Administrative procedure: National Labor Relations Board (address.), by J. Warren Madden. West Virginia Law Quarterly and The Bar. Feb. 1939. 45: 93–108.

"Amend the Labor Law, change the Board" (says industrial plant management in Factory survey). Factory Management and Maintenance. Jan. 1939, 97: 38-47.

Appropriate collective bargaining units; National Labor Relations Board deci sions, by R. A. Nixon. Harvard Business Review. Spring 1939. 17 no. 3: 317-25.

Changing character of American industrial relations, by S. H. Slichter. American Economic Review. Mar. 1939. 29: sup. 121–37.

Collective bargaining and personal freedom, by Ordway Tead. Society for the Advancement of Management Journal. Nov. 1938. 3: 161-6.

Conflict and collaboration; recent literature on labor relations, by B. M. Selekman. Havard Business Review. April 1939. 17 no. 3:356-68.

Congress tackles the Labor Relations Act. Congressional Digest. June-July, 1939. 18: 165-92.

Consolidated Edison Company labor decision, by C. F. Marsh, Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics. Feb. 1939. 15: 105-8.

"Discrimination" under the National Labor Relations Act, by Chester Ward. Yale Law Journal. May 1939. 48: 1152-99.

Drive to amend the Wagner Act, by E. M. Herrick. Womans Press. May 1939. 33: 214.

Economics of collective bargaining, by M. Bronfenbrenner. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Aug. 1939. 53: 535-61.

Evidence before the National Labor Relations Board, by Ralph M. Goldstein.
Boston University Law Review. Jan. 1939. 19: 32–38.

The Fansteel case; employee misconduct and the remedial powers of the
National Labor Relations Board, by Henry M. Hart, Jr., Edward F.
Pritchard, Jr. Harvard Law Review. June 1939. 52: 1275-1329.
Freedom for wage earners, by Witt Bowden. Annals of the American Academy
of Political and Social Science. Nov. 1938. 200: 185-209.
"From nosc-thumbing to sabotage"; the Fansteel sit-down decision, by J.
Denson Smith. Louisiana Law Review. Mar. 1939. 1: 577-92.
G- D- Labor Board. Fortune. Oct. 1938. 18: 52-74.
The "Globe rule" for determining appropriate bargaining units under the
Wagner Act. University of Chicago Law Review. June 1939. 6: 673-87.
Governmental determination of units for industrial representation, by F. M.
Keller. Political Science Quarterly. Sept. 1939. 54: 343-63.
Government's role in the adjustment of labor disputes (address.), by Edwin
E. Witte. Minnesota Law Review. Dec. 1938. 23: 64-75.

Industrial relations executive and collective bargaining, by H. Baker. Society
for the Advancement of Management Journal. July 1939. 4: 105-7.
Industrial relations in 1938, by Florence Peterson. Monthly Labor Review.
Mar. 1939. 48: 493-708.

Industry's adjustment to recent labor legislation (address.), by William M. Le'serson. Society for the Advancement of Management Journal. Jan. 1939. 4: 5-10.

The influence of the National Labor Relations Board upon inter-union conflicts, by Thomas F. McGovern. Columbia Law Review. Nov. 1938. 38: 1243-67. "Interference” in labor relations acts, by A. Howard Myers. Boston University Law Review. Apr. 1939. 19: 208-25.

Interunion disputes and the employer. Yale Law Journal. Apr. 1939. 48: 1053-82.

Judicial interpretation of labor laws, by Osmond K. Fraenkel. University of Chicago Law Review. June 1939. 6: 577-606.

2 In addition to the sources listed under this heading there are numerous periodicals which often devote space to the subject. These include publications with a general circulation (e. g., Business Week, The Nation, New Republic, Saturday Evening Post, Newsweek), publications of employer groups, trade papers, and trade union publications.

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