THE SALVATION OF ALL MEN STRICTLY EXAMINED; AND THE ENDLESS PUNISHMENT OF THOSE WHO DIE IMPENITENT, ARGUED AND DEFENDED AGAINST REV. DOCTOR CHAUNCY, OF BOSTON, IN HIS BOOK ENTITLED "THE SALVATION OF ALL MEN," &c. SECOND EDITION. BY JONATHAN EDWARDS, D. D. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX, BY REV. NATHANIEL EMMONS, ID. D. Franklin, Mass. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY C. EWER, AND T. BEDLINGTON. .......... J. H. A. FROST, Printer. 1824. Ir is to be hoped, that no man, who believes a future 'state of existence, will grudge the time and pains which are necessary to obtain satisfactory evidence concerning the nature of that state. A mistake here may be fatal. If the doctrine advanced in the following pages be true, it is a most important, a most interesting doctrine. However contrary to the wishes of any, however mortifying to their feelings, however dreadful, it is by all means necessary to be known. Surely no man would wish " to flatter himself in his own eyes, till his iniquity be found to be hateful." To a rational and scriptural view of the truth in this case, and to a satisfactory solution of the difficulties which have been objected to it, great attention and close examination are necessary. And whether both our duty and interest require us to subject ourselves to the labour of this attention and examination, rather than to sit down easy in the expectation " of peace and safety, till sudden destruction come upon us;" no rational man can hesi tate. |