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guidelines issued by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee.

(v) Psychiatric partial hospitalization services. Institutional and professional services provided under the psychiatric partial hospitalization program authorized by paragraph (b)(10) of this section shall be cost shared as inpatient services.

(3) Former members and dependents of former members. CHAMPUS beneficiary liability set forth for former members and dependents of former members is as follows:

(i) Annual fiscal year deductible for outpatient services or supplies. The annual fiscal year deductible for otherwise covered outpatient services or supplies provided former members and dependents of former members is the same as the annual fiscal year outpatient deductible applicable to dependents of active duty members of rank E-5 or above (refer to paragraph (f)(2)(i)(A) or (B) of this section).

(ii) Inpatient cost-sharing. Cost-sharing amounts for inpatient services shall be as follows:

(A) Services subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. The costshare shall be the lesser of: an amount calculated by multiplying a per diem amount by the total number of days in the hospital stay except the day of discharge; or 25 percent of the hospital's billed charges. The per diem amount shall be calculated so that, in the aggregate, the total cost-sharing amounts for these beneficiaries is equivalent to 25 percent of the CHAMPUS-determined allowable costs for covered services or supplies provided on an inpatient basis by authorized providers. The per diem amount shall be published annually by OCHAMPUS.

(B) Services subject to the CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system. The cost-share is dependent upon whether the hospital is paid a hospitalspecific per diem or a regional per diem under the provisions of §199.14(a)(2). With respect to care paid for on the basis of a hospital specific per diem, the cost-share shall be 25% of the hospital-specific per diem amount. For care paid for on the basis of a regional per diem, the cost share shall be the lower of a fixed daily amount or 25% of

the hospital's billed charges. The fixed daily amount shall be 25 percent of the per diem adjusted so that total beneficiary cost shares will equal 25 percent of total payments under the mental health per diem payment system. These fixed daily amount shall be updated annually and published in the FEDERAL REGISTER along with the per diems published pursuant to § 199.14(a)(2)(iv)(B).

(C) Other services. For services exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system and the CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system and services provided by institutions other than hospitals, the costshare shall be 25% of the CHAMPUSdetermined allowable charges.

(iii) Outpatient cost-sharing. Former members and dependents of former members are responsible for payment of 25 percent of the CHAMPUS-determined allowable costs or charges beyond the annual fiscal year deductible amount (as described in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section) for otherwise covered services or supplies provided on an outpatient basis by authorized providers.

(iv) Psychiatric partial hospitalization services. Institutional and professional services provided under the psychiatric partial hospitalization program authorized by paragraph (b)(10) of this section shall be cost shared as inpatient services.

(4) Former spouses. CHAMPUS beneficiary liability for former spouses eligible under the provisions set forth in § 199.3 of this part is as follows:

(i) Annual fiscal year deductible for outpatient services or supplies. An eligible former spouse is responsible for the payment of the first $150.00 of the CHAMPUS-determined reasonable

costs or charges for otherwise covered outpatient services or supplies provided in any one fiscal year. (Except for services received prior to April 1, 1991, the deductible amount is $50.00). The former spouse cannot contribute to, nor benefit from, any family deductible of the member or former member to whom the former spouse was married or of any CHAMPUS-eligible children.

(ii) Inpatient cost-sharing. Eligible former spouses are responsible for payment of cost-sharing amounts the same as those required for former members and dependents of former members.

(iii) Outpatient cost-sharing. Eligible former spouses are responsible for payment of 25 percent of the CHAMPUSdetermined reasonable costs or charges beyond the annual fiscal year deductible amount for otherwise covered services or supplies provided on an outpatient basis by authorized providers.

(5) Cost-Sharing under the Military-Civilian Health Services Partnership Program. Cost-sharing is dependent upon the type of partnership program entered into, whether external or internal. (See paragraph (p) of §199.1, for general requirements of the MilitaryCivilian Health Services Partnership Program.)

(i) External Partnership Agreement. Authorized costs associated with the use of the civilian facility will be financed through CHAMPUS under the normal cost-sharing and reimbursement procedures applicable under CHAMPUS.

(ii) Internal Partnership Agreement. Beneficiary cost-sharing under internal agreements will be the same as charges prescribed for care in military treatment facilities.

(6)–(7) [Reserved]

(8) Cost-sharing for services provided under special discount arrangements—(i) General rule. With respect to services determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS (or designee) to be covered by §199.14(1), the Director, OCHAMPUS (or designee) has authority to establish, as an exception to the cost-sharing amount normally required pursuant to this section, a different costshare amount that appropriately reflects the application of the statutory cost-share to the discount arrangement.

(ii) Specific applications. The following are examples of applications of the general rule; they are not all inclusive. (A) In the case of services provided by individual health care professionals and other noninstitutional providers, the cost-share shall be the usual percentage of the CHAMPUS allowable charge determined under § 199.14(i).

(B) In the case of services provided by institutional providers normally paid on the basis of a pre-set amount (such as DRG-based amount under §199.14(a)(1) or per-diem amount under §199.14(a)(2)), if the discount rate is lower than the pre-set rate, the costshare amount that would apply for a beneficiary other than an active duty dependent pursuant to the normal preset rate would be reduced by the same percentage by which the pre-set rate was reduced in setting the discount rate.

(9) Waiver of deductible amounts or cost-sharing not allowed-(i) General rule. Because deductible amounts and cost sharing are statutorily mandated. except when specifically authorized by law (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS), a provider may not waive or forgive beneficiary liability for annual deductible amounts or inpatient or outpatient cost sharing, as set forth in this section.

(ii) Exception for bad debts. This general rule is not violated in cases in which a provider has made all reasonable attempts to effect collection, without success, and determines in accordance with generally accepted fiscal management standards that the beneficiary liability in a particular case is an uncollectible bad debt.

(iii) Remedies for noncompliance. Potential remedies for noncompliance with this requirement include:

(A) A claim for services regarding which the provider has waived the beneficiary's liability may be disallowed in full, or, alternatively, the amount payable for such a claim may be reduced by the amount of the beneficiary liability waived.

(B) Repeated noncompliance with this requirement is a basis for exclusion of a provider.

(10) Catastrophic loss protection for basic program benefits. Fiscal year limits, or catastrophic caps, on the amounts beneficiaries are required to pay are established as follows:

(i) Dependents of active duty members. The maximum family liability is $1,000 for deductibles and cost-shares based on allowable charges for Basic Program services and supplies received in a fiscal year.

(ii) All other beneficiaries. For all other categories of beneficiary families (including those eligible under CHAMPVA) the fiscal year cap is $10,000.

(iii) Payment after cap is met. After a family has paid the maximum costshare and deductible amounts (dependents of active duty members $1,000 and all others $10,000), for a fiscal year, CHAMPUS will pay allowable amounts for remaining covered services through the end of that fiscal year.

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(10): Under the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993, the cap for beneficiaries other than dependents of active duty members was reduced from $10,000 to $7,500 on October 1, 1992. The cap remains at $1,000 for dependents of active duty members.

(g) Exclusions and limitations. In addition to any definitions, requirements, conditions, or limitations enumerated and described in other sections of this part, the following specifically are excluded from the Basic Program:

(1) Not medically or psychologically necessary. Services and supplies that are not medically or psychologically necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of a covered illness (including mental disorder) or injury, for the diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy or well-baby care except as provided in the following paragraph.

(2) Unnecessary diagnostic tests. X-ray, laboratory, and pathological services and machine diagnostic tests not related to a specific illness or injury or a definitive set of symptoms except for cancer screening mammography and cancer screening papanicolaou (PAP) tests provided under the terms and conditions contained in the guidelines adopted by the Director, OCHAMPUS.

(3) Institutional level of care. Services and supplies related to inpatient stays in hospitals or other authorized institutions above the appropriate level required to provide necessary medical


(4) Diagnostic admission. Services and supplies related to an inpatient admission primarily to perform diagnostic tests, examinations, and procedures that could have been and are performed routinely on an outpatient basis.

NOTE: If it is determined that the diagnostic x-ray, laboratory, and pathological services and machine tests performed during

such admission were medically necessary and would have been covered if performed on an outpatient basis, CHAMPUS benefits may be extended for such diagnostic procedures only, but cost-sharing will be computed as if performed on an outpatient basis.

(5) Unnecessary postpartum inpatient stay, mother or newborn. Postpartum inpatient stay of a mother for purposes of staying with the newborn infant (usually primarily for the purpose of breast feeding the infant) when the infant (but not the mother) requires the extended stay; or continued inpatient stay of a newborn infant primarily for purposes of remaining with the mother when the mother (but not the newborn infant) requires extended postpartum inpatient stay.

(6) Therapeutic absences. Therapeutic absences from an inpatient facility, except when such absences are specifically included in a treatment plan approved by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee. For cost-sharing provisions refer to § 199.14, paragraph (f)(3).

(7) Custodial care. Custodial care except as otherwise specifically provided in paragraphs (e)(12) (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section.

(8) Domiciliary care. Inpatient stays primarily for domiciliary care purposes.

(9) Rest or rest cures. Inpatient stays primarily for rest or rest cures.

(10) Amounts above allowable costs or charges. Costs of services and supplies to the extent amounts billed are over the CHAMPUS determined allowable cost or charge, as provided for in

§ 199.14.

(11) No legal obligation to pay, no charge would be made. Services or supplies for which the beneficiary or sponsor has no legal obligation to pay; or for which no charge would be made if the beneficiary or sponsor was not eligible under CHAMPUS; or whenever CHAMPUS is a secondary payer for claims subject to the CHAMPUS DRGbased payment system, amounts, when combined with the primary payment, which would be in excess of charges (or the amount the provider is obligated to accept as payment in full, if it is less than the charges).

(12) Furnished without charge. Services or supplies furnished without charge.

(13) Furnished by local, state, or Federal Government. Services and supplies paid for, or eligible for payment, directly or indirectly by a local, state, or Federal Government, except as provided under CHAMPUS, or by government hospitals serving the general public, or medical care provided by a Uniformed Service medical care facility, or benefits provided under title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid) (refer to § 199.8 of this part).

(14) Study, grant, or research programs. Services and supplies provided as a part of or under a scientific or medical study, grant, or research program.

(15) Unproven drugs, devices, and medical treatments or procedures. By law, CHAMPUS can only cost-share medically necessary supplies and services. Any drug, device or medical treatment or procedure, the safety and efficacy of which have not been established, as described in this paragraph (g)(15), is unproven and cannot be cost-shared by CHAMPUS.

(i) A drug, device, or medical treatment or procedure is unproven:

(A) If the drug or device cannot be lawfully marketed without the approval or clearance of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and approval or clearance for marketing has not been given at the time the drug or device is furnished to the patient.

NOTE: Although the use of drugs and medicines not approved by the FDA for commercial marketing, that is for use by humans, (even though permitted for testing on humans) is excluded from coverage as unproven, drugs grandfathered by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 may be covered by CHAMPUS as if FDA approved.

Certain cancer drugs, designated as Group C drugs (approved and distributed by the National Cancer Institute) and Treatment Investigational New Drugs (INDs), are not covered under CHAMPUS because they are not approved for commercial marketing by the FDA. However, medical care related to the use of Group C drugs and Treatment INDS can be cost-shared under CHAMPUS when the patient's medical condition warrants their administration and the care is provided in accordance with generally accepted standards of medical practice.

CHAMPUS can also consider coverage of unlabeled or off-label uses of drugs that are Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs that are used for indications or

treatments not included in the approved labeling. Approval for reimbursement of unlabeled or off-label uses requires review for medical necessity, and also requires demonstrations from medical literature, national organizations, or technology assessment bodies that the unlabeled or off-label use of the drug is safe, effective and in accordance with nationally accepted standards of practice in the medical community.

(B) If a medical device (as defined by 21 U.S.C. 321(h)) with an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) approved by the Food and Drug Administration is categorized by the FDA as experimental/investigational (FDA Category A).

NOTE: CHAMPUS will consider for coverage a device with an FDA-approved IDE categorized by the FDA as non-experimental/ investigational (FDA Category B) for CHAMPUS beneficiaries participating in FDA approved clinical trials. Coverage of any such Category B device is dependent on its meeting all other requirements of the laws and rules governing CHAMPUS and upon the beneficiary involved meeting the FDA-approved IDE study protocols.

(C) Unless reliable evidence shows that any medical treatment or procedure has been the subject of well-controlled studies of clinically meaningful endpoints, which have determined its maximum tolerated dose, its toxicity, its safety, and its efficacy as compared with standard means of treatment or diagnosis. (See the definition of reliable evidence in §199.2 of this part for the procedures used in determining if a medical treatment or procedure is unproven.)

(D) If the consensus among experts regarding the medical treatment or procedure is that further studies or clinical trials are necessary to determine its maximum tolerated doses, its toxicity, its safety, or its effectiveness as compared with the standard means of treatment or diagnosis. (See the definition of reliable evidence in §199.2 of this part for the procedures used in determining if a medical treatment or procedure is unproven.)

(ii) CHAMPUS benefits for rare diseases are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Director, Office of CHAMPUS, or a designee. In reviewing the case, the Director, or a designee,

may consult with any or all of the following sources to determine if the proposed therapy is considered safe and effective:

(A) Trials published in refereed medical literature.

(B) Formal technology assessments. (C) National medical policy organization positions.

(D) National professional associations.

(E) National expert opinion organizations.

(iii) Care excluded. This exclusion from benefits includes all services directly related to the unproven drug, device, or medical treatment or procedure. However, CHAMPUS may cover services or supplies when there is no logical or causal relationship between the unproven drug, device or medical treatment or procedure and the treatment at issue or where such a logical or causal relationship cannot be established with a sufficient degree of certainty. This CHAMPUS coverage is authorized in the following circumstances:

(A) Treatment that is not related to the unproven drug, device or medical treatment or procedure; e.g., medically necessary in the absence of the unproven treatment.

(B) Treatment which is necessary follow-up to the unproven drug, device or medical treatment or procedure but which might have been necessary in the absence of the unproven treatment.

(iv) Examples of unproven drugs, devices or medical treatments or procedures. This paragraph (g)(15)(iv) consists of a partial list of unproven drugs, devices or medical treatment or procedures. These are excluded from CHAMPUS program benefits. This list is not all inclusive. Other unproven drugs, devices or medical treatments or procedures, are similarly excluded, although they do not appear on this partial list. This partial list will be reviewed and updated periodically as new information becomes available. With respect to any procedure included on this partial list, if and when the Director, OCHAMPUS determines that based on reliable evidence (as defined in section 199.2) such procedure has proven medical effectiveness, the Director will initiate action to remove the procedure from this par

tial list of unproven drugs, devices or medical treatment or procedures. From the date established by the Director as the date the procedure has established proven medical effectiveness until the date the regulatory change is made to remove the procedures from the partial list of unproven drugs, devices or medical treatment or procedures the Director, OCHAMPUS will suspend treatment of the procedure as unproven drugs, devices, or medical treatments or procedures. Following is the non-inclusive, partial list of unproven drugs, devices or medical treatment or procedures, all of which are excluded from CHAMPUS benefits:

(A) Radial keratotomy (refractive keratoplasty).

(B) Cellular therapy.

(C) Histamine therapy.

(D) Stem cell assay, a laboratory procedure which allows a determination to be made of the type and dose of cancer chemotherapy drugs to be used, based on in vitro analysis of their effects on cancer cells taken from an individual. (E) Topical application of oxygen. (F) Immunotherapy for malignant disease, except when using drugs approved by the FDA for this purpose. (G) Prolotherapy, joint sclerotherapy, and ligamentous injections with sclerosing agents.

(H) Transcervical block silicone plug. (I) Whole body hyperthermia in the treatment of cancer.

(J) Portable nocturnal hypoglycemia detectors.

(K) Testosterone pellet implants in the treatment of females.

(L) Estradiol pellet implants. (M) Epikeratophakia for treatment of aphakia and myopia.

(N) Bladder stimulators.

(0) Ligament replacement with absorbable copolymer carbon fiber scaffold.

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