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they know how to discern the true from the false?" (in allusion to the contest about the genuineness of the second Epistle of Peter, James, the second and third of John, and the Revelation,) does he not afford a licence for scepticism in this respect? Mr.Bevans, however, will maintain that Barclay does not apply the terms true or false to the present canon of Scripture. In answer, it is only sufficient to ask him whether the above mentioned books form a part of the Canon ? Certainly the quotations which he makes from the fathers of the Quaker church do not fully establish the point for which they are adduced.

The charges against Hannah Barnard are most strenuously defended by Mr. Bevans; who regards her refusal to admit the divine commands for the wars of the Jews on the Canaanites, as a denial of the divine mission of Moses and Joshua. H. B.however, we are told, did not dispute the facts, but only the divine commands; in which she has been countenanced by many christians, in order to obviate the objections which infi dels have levelled against this portion of the history of the O. T. We have no inclination for becoming a party in this controversy; and we shall only remark that it is somewhat sin gular that the Quakers, who are the most magnanimous opposers of war, should partly ground their ejectment of an individual from their communion on her refusal to attribute one of the most sanguinary wars ever waged to the express injunction of the Father of Mercies. They make a distinction, we find, between the old and the new dispensation: but, as God is immutable, could he give orders under the former which would be inconsistent with his perfections under the latter?

Mr. B. succeeds better in his animadversions on Verax's justification of H. B., when he proceeds to the charges, of her want of faith in some important articles of the N. T. Her refusal to acknowlege the miracles, and her expressed disbelief of the resurrection of Christ, amount to a proof of Deism, which disqualified her from being a preacher to a Christian society. Mr. B.'s vindication of the authenticity of the Gospelhistory, especially that part which relates the miraculous conception, evinces much reading; and it shews that the Society of Friends endeavour to be critically acquainted with the sacred records. We recommend these pages to the consideration of Verax, and the introductory letter to that of Mr. Evans, who is accused of giving an unfair account of the Quakers: but, as the language of the Society of Friends on some of the points here agitated is peculiar, the controversial reader will probably find it difficult, in certain cases, to ascertain its precise import.


ART. XI. Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c. selected from the Correspondence of the Bath and West of England Society, for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. X. 8vo. pp. 394.

Wilkie and Robinson.

8s. Boards.

SON OME years have elapsed since this Society has presented any fresh fruits of its labours to the world; the last preceding volume having been published in 1799, as appears by our account of it in Vol. xxxi. N. S. p. 388. For a circumstance so unpromising, as indicative of declining zeal, an apology is attempted by the editor; who hints at the occurrence of impediments of a particular nature,' and at the tardiness of members in transmitting the arrears of their subscription, by which the Society is prevented from securing a regular fund for the va rious objects which it has in view. While he laments the loss of old correspondents by infirmity, distant removal, and death, Mr. Matthews requests gentlemen who are engaged in useful experiments, whether members of the Society or not, to communicate their experience, or their observations, on topics of improvement in agriculture, manufactures, and the most useful of the rural arts, in order that so long an interval between the usual publications may not again occur.

that this application to experimentalists will not be made in vain; and that the members of this society will feel themselves especially called to give a fresh stimulus to this institution, not only by forwarding their annual guinea, but by furnishing papers which shall reflect credit on their printed trans


This volume is introduced by an energetic eulogy on the late President of the Society, Francis Duke of Bedford; in which the editor endeavours to express their feelings of poig-. nant regret at the unexpected death of this truly illustrious nobleman, and to portray his superior genius and striking character for the information of posterity. His agricultural exertions for the improvement of soils and live stock, and for the accommodation of the peasantry by building cottages, are here particularly recorded; and the summary of his virtues concludes with a reference to the singular fortitude which he displayed in his concluding moments. Mr. M. indirectly replies to certain fanatical strictures which were offered at the time, on the manner in which this nobleman met his end:

Such was the exemplary ardour in all the varieties of rural dignity, which shone forth in the great character of our revered and lamented President: nor had those various occupations of his mind the least tendency to dim the lustre of his academical education, or the graceful accomplishments which were attached to it: for as no-.

thing is more shining than genuine benevolence, so the amiable politeness and suavity of his manners were native, conspicuous, and universal. With equal justice may it be said, that his pursuits had no tendency to lessen his regard for moral maxims, or the higher ob ligations of a rational, dependent, and accountable nature. On the contrary, they most undoubtedly added much to a contemplative reverence towards the Author of his being, the Divine Source of all his powers, and of all the blessings which he wished to promote by the use of them. Of this last habitual attainment, which indeed is the perfecting feature of every valuable excellence, the mild serenity. and even moral majesty of his countenance was a fair and expressive indication. It will not be deemed beside the province of a Society writer on the present occasion, to notice with pleasure so remarkable a part of an elevated and great character; although, perhaps, those topics with which we have chiefly to do might not be expected to lead to it. His end was remarkably instructive, by the suddenness of transition from high health to languishing weakness, and from that to the silence of mortality! But as he had lived a life of sobriety, temperance, and useful activity, so his closing scene was marked by correspondent composure, patience, and resignation to his lot! a state of mind commonly attendant on the last hours of a serious meditative man; and we trust happily superseding the necessity of any human intercession for final acceptance with his Maker!'

Among the articles here published, we meet with a paper by John Billingsley, Esq., intitled Remarks on the Utility of the "Bath and West of England Society," with an Account of the Progress of Improvements in the County of Somerset ;' which ought, from the nature of its contents, to have been placed at the head of the volume.. It is stated that, since the establishment of the Society in the year 1777, such improvements have been effected on the Mendip hills, on marsh lands, and by means of inclosures, that the rental of the county of Somerset has been advanced at least 60,000l.; and these ameliorations are attributed in a considerable degree to the knowlege and spirit of enterprise diffused by this institution. In as much as it has given to country gentlemen a taste for experiment, it may claim merit; and it is certainly fortunate for those who are forced to take their land into their own hands, in order to increase their income so as to oppose the pressure of the times, that they have been induced, by the fashion of the day, to study farming as a science. That common farmers should speak with affected contempt of agricultural societies and publications, by means of which landlords are assisted in appreciating. the true value of their estates, is no matter of surprise; and it is better to reply to these gentry with a joke than with argugument, after the manner here recorded: A member of this Society was accosted by a farmer, who sarcastically remarked, that He had been thinking whether the Bath Society had


« why.

done harm or good?" "Have you," said our friend; then, you may rest assured that it has done good." rejoined the farmer. "Because it has led you to think, who seldom thought before!"


The letter of Mr. Billingsley being unfinished, the editor has supplied the omissions; in doing which he bears testimony to the spirited and extensive improvements made by this their Vice-President in the county of Somerset. Such an example merits imitation.

We shall notice the other papers in their order.

On the Food of Plants. By the Rev. Joseph Townsend.— From a variety of experiments with plants inserted in pots of different soils and composts, Mr. Townsend was induced to consider carbon as the chief pabulum of plants; and that the principal source from which they derive their nutriment is to be sought in the vegetable earth, the produce of animal and vegetable substances decayed. He notices, also, the utility of admitting air to the roots of plants, and in this view recommends frequent hoeing.

On reclaiming Waste Lands. By Mr. Wagstaffe.- This gentleman here records his success in bringing into profitable cultivation an acclivity consisting of gravelly and moory soil, broken into hollow spaces, in which water rested and aquatic plants grew.

On Drag Harrows, newly constructed. By Mr. Lewin Tugwell. Mr. T.'s drag-harrows appear to possess an advantage over those in common use from the construction of their tines, as scuffles to clean and pulverize land, and they are well represented in the accompanying plate: but the letter, in which the inventor endeavours to explain their operation, is not most happily written.

Answers to a List of Queries inculcated by the Society, relative to the State of Crops, Farms, &c. in the latter Part of the Year 1800. with additional Observations. By Thomas Davis, Esq.We are informed by the editor that this paper has been distinguished from other returns made to the queries proposed at the above-mentioned period, on account of the amplitude of its reflections and the importance of its reasoning.' It is on the whole a proof of Mr. Davis's accurate observation and sound judgment. He controverts the opinion that this kingdom is not able even in favourable years to feed itself;' and he calls on the country to seek her resource from herself in point of agricultural produce. An extended cultivation is recommended: but Mr. D. thinks that tillage culture will not


be carried to the extent of the demand, till a minimum can be fixed on the price of wheat, or till it shall bear a regular, teady, and fair price. This want, however, of a fixed minimum is not the only obstacle in the way.

On the Advantages of the Use of Oxen and Neat Cattle in Husbandry. By Lord Somerville.

Practical Statement on the foregoing Subject, with Claim of Premium. By John Billingsley, Esq.-Though Lord Somerville waives the claim of premium in favour of Mr. Billingsley, he says, after having stated the amount of the work which he has performed by oxen,

In twenty years labour I have not lost one ox or steer, or ever broke a yoke or pair, by sickness, death, or accident. And I may further add, that so far from incurring any loss of value from working cattle after their full growth, as is supposed to be the case with horses, amounting to 25 per cent. or more; my own experience; and the concurring opinion of the Committee sent to examine our stock in the month of June last, warrant me in declaring, that workingcattle, from three to six years of age, do actually gain at the rate of 20 per cent. yearly; the loss in my own case in twenty years, being nothing!'

Mr. B. states that on a farm of 800 acres, with a team of six oxen and a double furrowed plough, 385 acres have been ploughed, and 291 acres harrowed, in the space of eleven months; and he gives it as his opinion that, though oxen will not answer in every situation, yet on all level soils, unincumbered with stones, and where good pasture may be found for summer and good hay for winter keeping, oxen, with the double-plough, are preferable to horses.

An Account of the Produce of Ten Fleeces of Merino Wool, made. into Broad Cloth, from the Flock of Lord Somerville, with Remarks by Manufacturers, &c. From Lord Somerville.-Of these ten fleeces, were made 14 yards of broad cloth (the usual superfine breadth): but, according to Mr. Billingsley's report, this sample was, in respect to fineness of avool, somewhat inferior to the best superfine cloth. The editor adds that Dr. Parry and others have been more successful than Lord S. The Merino race are represented to surpass other sheep in carcase as much as in fleece. In regard to profit, therefore, this species must increase in public estimation; and those who saw and ate any part of the carcases sold by the butcher, Brooks, must acknowledge the quality of flesh and flavour far superior to any other


Report of a Committee appointed by the Bath and West of England Society to investigate the Claim of the Right Hon. Lord So

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