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respond to the registered call, leaving the second car free to respond to other calls.

Senator BARTLETT. These are not ordinary elevators?

Mr. RUBEL. No, sir.

Senator BARTLETT. But they are entirely different in structure from the passenger elevators?

Mr. RUBEL. Yes, sir; they are not used for the general passenger traffic. They are used primarily by the employees of the Library and for transporting books within the bookstacks

Senator BARTLETT. I am still curious as to how you can do it so cheaply.

Mr. RUBEL. They are not being replaced completely, sir. It is a question of replacing the signaling system and some outmoded parts that were installed in 1938.

Senator BARTLETT. Where are you going to get those parts if the company is out of business?

Mr. RUBEL. From a company currently in business. The outmoded parts will be completely replaced by currently available parts.


Senator BARTLETT. The next largest items are $30,000 for painting exterior structures and $40,000 for installation of protective grilles on the ground floor windows of the main building.

Please explain the necessity for this work.

Mr. HENLOCK. For pointing the exterior work, Senator, the request is $30,000; that is, to point up the cornices and upper wall stonework

Senator BARTLETT. It is not painting, it is pointing.

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes sir. On the exterior walls of the northwest and southwest courtyards of the main building (except the north and south walls of the northwest courtyard, which were pointed up in fiscal 1965). About 50 percent of the wall areas in these courtyards need this repair treatment. Work will include cutting and raking out bad joints, pointing up all joints deficient in mortar, and striking off new work to match existing adjacent work.

Funds would be used for the purchase of materials and scaffolding and the employment of temporary stonemasons and brickmasons to do the work under the supervision of the Architect of the Capitol. Most other exterior stonework on the main building has been pointed up in fairly recent years and appears to be in good condition.


The other item, $40,000, for the installation of protective grilles on the ground floor windows of the main building was disallowed by the House. We do not ask for the restoration of this House cut. The Librarian indicated that this item, although highly desirable, does not fall in the category of absolute urgency.

Senator BARTLETT. No appeal?

Mr. HENLOCK. No, sir.

Senator BARTLETT. Have there ever been grilles on these windows before?

Mr. HENLOCK. No, sir.

Senator BARTLETT. Anyone ever broken into the Library and stolen books?

Dr. MUMFORD. I don't think we have any instance, Mr. Chairman, of anyone breaking in. We have had materials stolen from the Library, most of which has been recovered, because when it shows up in the hands of bookdealers, they notify us about it. The theft of books is not extensive, however.

This item was requested to provide greater assurance against unauthorized entry through these ground floor windows, some 96 of them; although we have not had instances of breaking in, this could happen fairly easily. The grilles would also prevent egress from the inside to the outside. We wished to bring this item to the attention of the committee of the House and committee of the Senate as something that is desirable to provide greater security for the vast collections in the Library, but we have not felt that it was of sufficient urgency to ask this committee to reconsider it.


Senator BARTLETT. Do many Members of Congress or others authorized to take books from the Library keep them longer than they should?

Dr. MUMFORD. In general, only the Members and committees of Congress borrow books from the Library; and books are lent to other Government agencies for official use, and in an extremely limited number of cases to individuals who are doing research for publication.

We do lend books, of course, on interlibrary loan to other libraries throughout the country where a person is doing advanced research and may not be able to obtain a book that is badly needed from his own local libraries. This loan is made for a limited period of time and only if we can lend it without anticipating inconvenience to the Congress and Government here.


Senator BARTLETT. That is a good explanation, but I am going to renew my question.

Dr. MUMFORD. I am sorry, sir.

As to the keeping books overtime, those that are lent to other libraries and governmental agencies, we have no problem, and generally not with the Members and committees of the Congress. We send periodic reminders to the Members if they have kept them an inordinate period of time and they usually respond by returning them.

If they are lost, the Members replace the book or provide money to purchase another item if the book itself cannot be replaced.

Senator BARTLETT. Speaking for myself, I confess complete and inexcusable guilt in that regard. [Laughter.]

Senator KUCHEL. I will not go quite that far. I will say I maybe make a different decision on what is a reasonable length of time. [Laughter.]

Dr. MUMFORD. And I might also say, Mr. Chairman, that if a book is badly needed by another Member or by a committee and some other Member has it on loan, that Member is generally quite cooperative and responsive in making it available at once.


Senator BARTLETT. Now, Mr. Stewart, for the Senate restaurants you are requesting $365,000 to cover the operations of these restaurants for the fiscal year 1968. That is $2,000 more than the appropriation for the current fiscal year.

Pages 238 to 242 of the justifications will be placed in the record at this point.

(The justification follows:)

Senate restaurants_‒‒‒‒


Effective August 1, 1961, management of the Senate Restaurants in the Capitol and Senate Office Buildings was placed under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, subject to approval of the Senate Committte on Rules and Administration as to matters of general policy, pursuant to Public Law 87-82, 87th Congress, approved July 6, 1961.

The following units are in operation:

Capitol building

Main dining room and private dining rooms for Senators (S-109, S-113, and S-114).

Main dining room for staff, press and public (S-112).

Vandenberg Room for staff and public (S-138).
Family dining room for staff and public (S-115).
Special Breakfast and Luncheon room (S-120).
Snack Bar (Basement).

New Senate Office building

North Cafeteria for Senators and Senate employees (Basement).
South Cafeteria for visitors and agency employees (Basement).
Carry-out (Basement-off northeast corner of South Cafeteria).
Senators' private dining rooms (Ground Floor).

Old Senate Office building

Coffee Shop and Carry-out (Basement Floor).


For the fiscal year 1968, a total of $365,000 is requested to finance the Senate Restaurant losses. This compares to $363,000 granted for the fiscal year 1967 for this purpose.

If the fiscal year 1967 figure of $363,000 is used as a base for 1968, and the necessary funds are added for wage board increases and the annualization for the August, 1966 wage-board pay schedule adjustments, the total amount required would be in the neighborhood of $393,000. In view, however, of recent action taken by the Subcommittee on the Restaurants, involving the closing of all restaurant facilities on Saturdays (when the Senate is not in session on those days), except for one cafeteria and the private dining room in the new Senate Office Building, and the likelihood of some upward adjustment in menu prices, we are willing to attempt operation of the restaurants during the fiscal year 1968 on the budgeted figure of $365,000.


For the current year, $363,000 was appropriated to finance Senate Restaurant losses. Of this amount, $275,000 was included in the regular act and $88,000 in the Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1967. The $88,000 supplement covered the following items:

General pay increases (2.9 percent) for 22 management and office employees, effective July 3, 1966––

Pay increase for 185 wage-board employees, due to adjustment of the District of Columbia wage-board pay schedules, effective Aug. 28, 1966 53, 000 Additional operating expenses--



Total in supplemental funds.


[blocks in formation]

Senator BARTLETT. Please set forth the details as to how the Saturday closings of some of the facilities will affect your total cost. Mr. STEWART. If I may, I would like to call on Mr. Diamond to answer that question.

Mr. DIAMOND. This was the effect of the Saturday closings?
Senator BARTLETT. Yes.

Mr. DIAMOND. This was designed to effect a saving in an amount which I estimated before we set the thing up at somewhere in the neighborhood of $600 per Saturday. I have a rough breakdown of it. the results of a typical Saturday in January.

If the total sales at that time were $786, the total wages of $1,446, taking the cost of food at the arbitrary 40 percent and operating costs also at 10 percent, so that your net loss is $1,092.

The rearranged schedules called for closing of all Capitol facilities on Saturday, the closing of the Old Senate Office Building which previously had a carryout line on Saturday, and a modification of the cafeteria in the New Senate Office Building. I projected-this was in advance a payroll cost of $526, estimated sales of $500, and a reduction of the deficit in the area of $600.

This has proved almost accurate; the results of two or three Saturdays show that we have actually saved $585 on one Saturday, which is analyzed here, by comparison with a full Saturday in the previous operation. So on that basis, we would get an annual figure of somewhere around $32,000 if all Saturdays were affected.

Now the actual saving, when we excluded the adjournment period and take into account a few considerations that I had not gotten into in the estimates here, but have since developed, the actual annual saving in 1968 over 1967 would be-30 Saturdays at roughly $600 for a round figure or $18,000 from this change in operation.


Senator BARTLETT. Your basic problem in respect to these deficits, is it not, is that you don't have enough customers for breakfast and you don't serve any dinners as a rule?

Mr. DIAMOND. Yes, sir. I would say that would be the basis of it, because of the fact that we have the organization in being and are not getting use of the facilities at all times.

Those are the weakest points. We don't have enough morning business and we have no evening business, with the exception of the time when the Senate stays late.

Senator BARTLETT. Thank you.


Senator KUCHEL. How many employees do we have in the restaurant today?

Mr. GEARY. Sir, I have an organizational chart with me, which shows the total employment of 179 wage board personnel plus 23 administrative and supervisory personnel, for a total of 202 employees. I will make this chart available if you would like to look at it.

Senator KUCHEL. How does that compare with prior years? Mr. GEARY. It is approximately the same number of people that we have had since we assumed operation of the new restaurant facilities in the Capitol in December 1961. I think there may be a very small increase in the number, but not very much, not a substantial number.


Senator KUCHEL. Either I read or listened to one of you gentlemen testify that there was going to be an increase in price in some of the items which would possibly reduce the amount of the resturant next year.

Mr. GEARY. Yes, sir; that is correct. These prices which have been approved by the committee, verbally-and we expect formal approval within the next few days-will affect only the cafeteria.

Senator KUCHEL. This is the Rules Committee?

Mr. GEARY. Yes, sir; their Subcommittee on the Restaurant.

Senator KUCHEL. And the Rules Committee has the responsibility

Mr. GEARY. To approve all prices; yes, sir.

Senator KUCHEL. And what you are telling this committee here this morning is that a recommendation has been made to increase the charges for certain items in the cafeterias?

Mr. GEARY. Yes, sir.

Senator KUCHEL. Why not in the other restaurants?


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