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Improved lighting, office areas-Continued

office spaces and reading rooms on the ground floor of the
main building is presently in the process of being replaced
with suitable fixtures capable of producing proper illumina-
tion for library tasks. Although a good start has been made,
much remains to be done.

The offices on the 1st floor of the annex are now adequately
lighted, but there are 3 other main floors in that building
which need similar treatment. The installation of improved
lighting on the ground floor of the main building, now in
progress, will still leave large expanses on other floors where
the lighting is anything but satisfactory under present-day
standards. The objectives are to raise the quantity of illu-
mination throughout from foot-candle reading as low as 8 in
some places at present to at least 75, the minimum require-
ment for library work; improve the quality of light by the
use of modern, efficient fixtures; and enhance the surround-
ings in certain areas where architectural features are now
obscured by poor illumination.

Installation of additional elevator, annex....

This is a resubmission of an item requested for 1967, but denied (without prejudice), to install a passenger elevator in an existing empty shaft on the east side of the annex. At present there are only 2 elevators on the east side, but on the basis of observations by the elevator engineers they have to handle about as much traffic as the 4 elevators on the west side. As a result, waiting time on the east side is frequently excessive, sometimes, during busy periods being as high as 22 minutes. Service further deteriorates when it is necessary to shut down 1 of the 2 east side elevators for repairs.

Since this request was submitted a year ago, the annex 4th floor, a storage area converted to office space but then only partly occupied, is now fully occupied. Library staff working in the building has increased as a result of new positions allowed in the Library's appropriations and the initiation of new projects (for example, the shared cataloging activities). Visitor traffic to the 7 reading rooms, Copyright Office, Processing Department Office, and other locations has also increased. Although the Library staff in the annex outnumbers that in the main building by several hundred, there are the same number of elevators in both buildings for general passenger use, and in most cases the annex elevators are called upon to serve more floors than those in the main building. The proposed new elevator would be tied in with the other 2 automatically operated elevators on the east side for automatic group operation of all 3 elevators. Modernization of four bookstack elevators, Annex....

These elevators are located in 2 control rooms. Elevators Nos. 9 and 12 are on opposite sides of the "control room" in the south stack area and elevators Nos. 10 and 11 are on opposite sides of the "control room" in the north stack area. Although these elevators are arranged in pairs, the controls are individual selective-collective type and each elevator reponds to its own riser of car-call buttons. This arrangement creates a very unsatisfactory condition because the majority of passengers who register hall calls press both buttons forcing both cars to answer a single call. The result is a tremendous number of false stops during a normal days operation and sacrifices about 60 percent of the otherwise available elevator service.

The loss of traffic handling capacity could be eliminated by converting the 2 pairs of elevators-Nos. 9 and 12 in the south control room and Nos. 10 and 11 in the north control room-to duplex selective-collective control with the double




Modernization of elevators-Continued

car-call button risers connected together so that by pressing
a single button in one control room or both buttons for a spe-
cific direction, the nearest available car will respond to the
call leaving the 2d car free to answer other calls. Included
also in these improvements would be the replacement of obso-
lete equipment, some of which was installed in 1938 and is
outmoded and difficult to maintain.

Installation of bronze handrailings, stairs, west front, main

This item is requested to provide for the installation of a suitably designed bronze handrail in the center of each of 4 flights of stairs from the 1st Street, Southeast, sidewalk to the flagstone terrace at the west front of the main building. The stairs here have from 11 to 13 risers, 2 flights are 17 feet wide, the other 2 are 40 feet wide, and none provides any support for pedestrains aside from the balustrade at each end. A railing in the middle of each set of stairs would add a needed safety feature and help prevent accidents. Although not seriously injured, a visitor slipped and fell on one of these flight of stairs several months ago. This item should be allowed to safeguard the Government against tort claims. Roof repairs, main building--

Funds provided for this purpose in fiscal 1967 have been expended but they were not sufficient to complete all of the roof repair work needed to be done. Many of the more critical areas were repaired and the most troublesome leaks were stopped. In order to repair all sections that need attention, however, and assure better protection to the interior of the building and collections, it is estimated now that $10,000 additional will be required-$5,000 for fiscal 1968 and a like amont in fiscal 1969. Funds requested would be used to buy materials (copper, solder, and other necessary materials), and employ temporary mechanics to carry on the work. Pointing exterior stonework, main building....

This item is requested to permit pointing up the cornice and upper wall stonework and the glazed brickwork below on the exterior walls of the northwest and southwest courtyards of the main building (except the north and south walls of the northwest courtyard, which were pointed up in fiscal 1965). About 50 percent of the wall areas in these courtyards need this repair treatment. Work will include cutting and raking out bad joints, pointing up all joints deficient in mortar, and striking off new work to match existing adjacent work. Funds would be used for the purchase of materials and scaffolding and the employment of temporary stone and brick masons to do the work under the supervision of the Architect of the Capitol. Most other exterior stonework on the main building has been pointed up in fairly recent years and appears to be in good condition.

Replacement of catwalks, main building-

This item provides for the replacement of existing wooden catwalks in attic space above deck A with noncombustible metal catwalks. These catwalks are used by maintenance mechanics to service the heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment in this attic, by guards on their inspection routes, and as access to the roof. Since this attic is isolated and unoccupied, containing mechanical and electrical equipment, it is advisable to replace the combustible catwalks with fireproof ones.





Installation of protective grilles, ground floor windows, main

This item is requested to provide for the installation of
wrought iron grilles on the exterior of 96 windows on the
ground floor of the main building. These windows are easily
accessible from the ground, so that the installation of the
grilles would improve security against any attempted unau-
thorized entry to the building from that direction. They
would also prevent egress through the windows from the in-
side and guard against the passing of library books through
the windows. These grilles would be suitably designed by
the Architect of the Capitol to be in keeping with the build-
ing's architecture, similar to grilles already existing on a few
windows in the 1932 east addition to the building.
Materials handling and cleaning equipment---

The following items of equipment in this category are requested for the purposes indicated: 1 set of storage batteries for an electric tram to replace a set now 11 years old (a similar replacement was made on the other electric tram in fiscal 1967); a magnesium truck and fiberglass boxes for the transportation of serial materials between the 2 buildings to replace a heavy and cumbersome wooden truck and boxes; 4 medium vacuum cleaners and 2 medium floor polishers to improve floor cleaning operations; 6 platform trucks to replace old wornout equipment; 18 mop carts to replace old, wornout equipment; 10 sections of roller conveyors and 4 file case dollies to raise efficiency of materials handling tasks. Replacement of tractor--

A new tractor is needed to replace an old 1945 model which was originally obtained in used condition as an excess property transfer through the General Services Administration, is now beyond economical repair (some parts, in fact, are no longer available), and is fully depreciated. This equipment is used for grounds maintenance work-cutting grass, plowing snow, hauling fertilizers, sand, loam, seeds, plants, and other miscellaneous work on the Library Grounds, removing debris, and related tasks, and is essential for efficient operations.


Total estimate for 1968 (including $5,900 budget amend-


6, 100

5, 500

+417, 000

1, 166, 900


Senator BARTLETT. For this appropriation you are requesting $1,166,900, a net decrease of $244,900.

Please detail for the committee some of the larger nonrecurring items contained in the appropriation last year. Has all of that work been completed or just how much progress has been made?


Mr. STEWART. I will ask Mr. Henlock to discuss those items. Mr. HENLOCK. The principal items added for 1967 were $200,000 for replacement of the book conveyors in the annex; $136,000 for replacement of three passenger elevators in the bookstacks of the main building; $115,000 for construction changes in the cellar areas of the annex; $30,000 for installation of fire sprinkler systems in the cellar areas of the annex; and $50,000 to continue the program of improved lighting in the office areas of both buildings.

When we appeared before your committee last year, we asked that those funds be made available through June 30, 1968. Because we knew the work would require extensive surveys, we doubted if these items could be gotten under contract by June 30, 1967, and, on that basis, your committee agreed to the action of the House, making these funds available until June 30, 1968.

Some work has been done under contract with respect to the lighting improvements, but not with respect to the other items. As to the status of the plans and specifications for those items, if you want any further details, Mr. Rubel is familiar with that point.

Senator BARTLETT. I don't think we need that.


What about some of these other requests, an additional $46,100 for equipment and office machines, Card Division, for example? How does this compare with prior years?

Mr. HENLOCK. That is a request put in the budget at the request of Dr. Mumford, who may wish to discuss that item.

Senator BARTLETT. I got ahead of myself, but we are going to consider Library furniture and furnishings, and I will ask pages 185 through 192 be placed in the record.

(The justification follows:)

1967 appropriation in annual act. Deductions:

Card catalog cases, Copyright Office: 40 15-drawer sections to replace obsolete equipment in the Copyright card catalog_--Duplicator, offset, Office of the Secretary: Replacement of 10year-old model 1250_.

Adding and ealculating machines, Stack and Reader Division and Legislative Reference Service---

Card catalog cases, Processing and Reference Departments: 143 15-drawer, 3 inch by 5 inch wooden sections for expansion and replacements in divisions in these departments--Microfilm reading machines: 3 reading machines to provide better service in the microfilm reading room.

Motion picture equipment, Prints and Photographs Division: Various items of equipment to supplement existing equipment and thus provide improved service to expanding motion picture film collection_

Exhibit case: Needed for the proper display of the Library's
"Showcase exhibit," west ground floor entrance lobby, Main

Equipment and office machines, Card Division: Mailing equip-
ment, steel cases and trays for card stock, rotary filing unit,
card counting and imprinting equipment, adding machines,
and wooden card catalog cabinets--
Bookkeeping machines Copyright Office and Office of Fiscal
Services: Replacement of obsolete equipment in these offices__
File cabinets, Office of the Secretary and Prints and Photographs
Division: 268 metal 5-drawer file cabinets to replace a like
number of old, wooden, 4-drawer cabinets.......
Checkstand equipment, Buildings and Grounds Division: Re-
placement of old equipment, plus provisions for expanding ca-
pacity of the checkstand....

Chairs, law library reading room: Replacement of 126 wornout chairs

Dictating and transcribing machines, Reference Department: 1 machine to replace obsolete equipment, 2 to handle increased correspondence



5, 600


26, 000


3, 100


81, 000

10, 200

13, 500





Rotary power files, Loan Division: To accommodate the Central
Charge file records___.

Bookracks, Stack and Reader Division: 100 2-shelf units for in-
stallation on desks occupied by users of research and study

Recording equipment: To replace old equipment, some of which was 25 years old and in unsatisfactory condition_-_.

Base for 1968.


Typewriters, increased from $34,000 to $55,000.

Of the total amount requested, $34,000 is for regular an-
nual replacements and other recurring needs, and is the
same as allowed for fiscal 1967. The remainder requested,
$21,000, is a nonrecurring item needed to obtain suitable
equipment in sufficient quantities to meet the demands of
expanding operations in the Legislative Reference Service
and Copyright Office, demands that cannot be met from the
funds provided for regular annual replacements and other
recurring needs. The larger part of this nonrecurring item
would be used for the replacement of old typewriters, while
the remainder is required to obtain equipment for addi-
tional clerical personnel.

Card catalog cases, metal, Copyright Office and Science and
Technology Division___.

Copyright Office: 88 15-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, sec-
tions are needed, 80 to accommodate growth in the Copy-
right card catalog which is currently expanding at the rate
of 625,000 catalog cards annually, and 8 to replace obsolete
sections in the Office of the Register of Copyrights; 20 8-
drawer, 4 inches by 6 inches sections needed for expansion
of the assignment card file (record of the assignment of
copyrights from 1 copyright holder to another). Science and
Technology Division: 40 8-drawer, 4 inches by 6 inches sec-
tions are required for the orderly storage of microfiche and
microcards, which are now kept in cardboard boxes and
similar makeshift containers.
Card catalog cases, wood, Processing and Reference Departments.

Catalog Maintenance and Catalog Publication Division: (a) 235 15-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, sections are needed for expansion of and relief of crowding in the official catalog which normally increases by more than 600,000 catalog cards annually but which is expected to increase at a much greater rate in the future due to expanded cataloging activitives; (b) 50 15-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, sections are required for expansion of the main (public) catalog near the main reading room which is becoming crowded; (c) 16 15-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, sections are needed to replace the old and wornout sections now housing the catalog of serial publications in the main reading room. Serial Record Division: 18 15-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, sections are needed to replace old wornout metal sections containing parts of the serial record catalog. Descriptive cataloging Division: 7 60-drawer, 3 inches by 5 inches, cabinets are needed to replace existing obsolete equipment housing the music catalog shelf list. Reference Department: 48 15drawer sections, 3 inches by 5 inches, are required to replace existing old, wornout equipment, to provide expansion space, and relieve crowding in special reference catalogs used in various divisions of the Reference Department. Visible file cases, Serial Record Division___.

10 18-drawer visible file cases are needed to accommodate entries being added to the catalog of new serial titles and to permit relief for overcrowded portions of existing file





144, 000



75, 400

4, 200

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