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Mr. HARRISON. Thank you, sir.

Senator YARBOROUGH. I think these figures show the constant attrition of the printing done by the Government-that the private sector is getting a tremendous amount of printing.


I have a question. How far out from the Capitol will this plant be? Mr. HARRISON. Let me show you on a chart, if I may. It will be about 311⁄2 miles. It is well within the criteria that was set up by the committee. This is the Training School site here, and this has been circled with 1-mile lines.

Now, the Capitol falls just about in the middle between the thirdand the fourth-mile lines.

Senator YARBOROUGH. What effect will that have-can you still be rendering as efficient service in delivering to the Capitol and the departments?

Mr. HARRISON. We think we can give better service, because this in-line flow of production that we will be able to have in this building will enable us to produce the work quicker. So the few minutes more it will require to deliver, I think, will be made up entirely by the advantage gained in production.

Senator YARBOROUGH. It will be more than made up?

Mr. HARRISON. We have timed this from this point to the Capitol in our slow trucks, and we find only about a 5- to 6-minute difference in travel time required compared with our present location.

Senator YARBOROUGH. In a slow, loaded truck?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir; I think it took 16 to 18 minutes on an average from the Training School site, and our average from the present Office to the Capitol itself runs around 11 minutes, because of the stoplight situation.

Senator YARBOROUGH. Mr. Chairman, do you think we ought to have a copy of that map printed with our report, greatly reduced? Senator MONRONEY. I believe we would be wise to have a copy in there. I do not know whether it would photograph well. I think if you have someone in your shop to draw a sketch showing the location of the plant and the location of the Capitol and maybe the White House or Treasury or State Department, so we could identify those

as to their locations in the circle.

Senator YARBOROUGH. I would like to add that as an exhibit.

Mr. HARRISON. We could probably find a map that would be a little more adaptable to that, Mr. Chairman.

Senator YARBOROUGH. Mr. Chairman, that is all the questions I have. (The sketch requested follows:)



Senator YARBOROUGH. This site will be on trackage; will it have railroad trackage?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. This in itself will eliminate perhaps 1 or 2 or 5 percent of the cost of movement of the raw stock in and the raw stock out, will it not?

Mr. HARRISON. About 50 percent. We now have to bring half of our raw stock in from Franconia, Va., by truck. It is delivered there by freight, and trucked in from Franconia, which is 16 or 17 miles away.

Senator MONRONEY. You can bring it clear in by rail?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. So it is just rolled off into the storage dock; is that correct?

Mr. HARRISON. That is right, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. And unloaded out of the storage dock and right into the area where it is needed?

Mr. HARRISON. That is right.

Senator MONRONEY. The cost of handling then would represent a very definite saving in personnel and overhead that today is not possible.

Mr. HARRISON. It would save us nearly 300 employees.

Senator MONRONEY. 300 employees would be saved in handling that stock?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. May I ask Mr. Main's representative again, what is your name?

Mr. FLINT. Mr. Flint, sir.


Senator MONRONEY. May I ask you if in your recommendations for locations for new printing plants in your business, do you consider the location on trackage as an advantage to be sought for?

Mr. FLINT. Yes, we do.

Senator MONRONEY. And wherever possible you would recommend they be on trackage for a large, major operation?

Mr. FLINT. Yes, sir. For a large major operation that is using a large quantity of paper. We have on several occasions located plants that are not on trackage, but those are generally job printing plants using small quantities of paper.

Senator MONRONEY. Do you have any percentage in mind in your surveys the economies would represent, 2, 3, 5 percent in handling


Mr. FLINT. I do not.

Mr. LEWIS. There is no universal figure.

Mr. FLINT. It is not a universal figure. It depends on whether you buy roll stock

Senator MONRONEY. This is an essential advantage, to be on trackage so the paper only has to be moved once and can be rolled into storage and taken out for use with one handling.

Mr. FLINT. Yes, sir. There are other advantages than just the handling of paper and that is paper damage. Every time you handle a roll or skid of paper, you take a chance of damage to paper and this paper costs a lot of money.

Senator MONRONEY. This paper now has to be moved under how long a tunnel?

Mr. HARRISON. Under North Capitol Street.

Senator MONRONEY. You said under a stream?

Mr. HARRISON. Tiber Creek; every once in a while we get a leak and have to go in and put a patch on it. I might add, Mr. Chairman, that one of the requirements that the Committee on Printing approved was that this be on trackage.

Senator MONRONEY. One of the problems at the Bolling site was you had to put trackage down?

Mr. HARRISON. No, the track did come fairly close to the site. They have a B. & O. spur line that goes down to the Navy operations further down that track.


Senator MONRONEY. What is the situation regarding dockage for trucks loading in and loading out vis-a-vis the old location in relationship to the new!


Mr. HARRISON. We have practically no dockage in our present location. I think the maximum number of trailer trucks that we can handle would be six at any one time and we have about five docks for short-coupled trucks, and that is it. It means a long line of trucks standing, waiting to get to the docks, and it means that in our own operation we cannot handle tractor-trailer trucks because we do not have a place for them, so we have to handle all short coupled or motor bed attached trucks.

Senator MONRONEY. Which adds to the cost of doing business materially?

Mr. HARRISON. And we cannot jockey them in Jackson Alley where the only docks are located which have direct entrance into the plant. proper. The other docks are away around in back of the post office building in our paper warehouse.


Senator MONRONEY. In your estimates of your $49 million, $49,163,000, you state design engineering supervision is $3,055,000; improvements, $43,028,000; fallout shelter, $80,000; costs incident to moving, $3 million; for the total of $49,163,000.


Now, will you show where the increase of the $2 million occurred? Did it occur in the improvement portion of the bill? I am sure it must have.

Mr. HARRISON. You see on page 11(a), Senator, which is just under that, I believe, a complete breakdown showing the difference in cost of site 1 compared to site 7.

Senator MONRONEY. But your original estimate-what is bothering us was the original estimate based on General Services Administration prospectus of $47,287,000. Now the estimate for site No. 7, which is Anacostia-Bolling, I would presume, was $52,140,000.

Mr. HARRISON. Total; yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. So you dropped back to $49,163,000, but you are still roughly $2 million above the original estimated cost. Now,

this original estimated cost is not broken down. It lumps all the basic improvements. What I wish you to tell us is why the site No. 1 figures against the basic improvement are some $2 million more than the original GSA estimate? Is this because it was made earlier and construction costs have gone up?

Mr. HARRISON. Partially that. Mr. Chairman, when General Services Administration made this original estimate it was, as I understand, on a so much per-square-foot basis for building an industrial building.

When the engineering concern came on board and began to study the problems of adapting a building to fit a particular type of operation such as a printing plant, there were some increases in costs.

For instance, the original estimate as I understand from General Services Administration covered only air cooling for comfort. In a printing plant you have to have humidity control in some departments as well, so there was an increase in air conditioning. There was an increase in several other small items to amount to that $1.8 million.


Senator MONRONEY. I note in here, too, site development for the Anacostia site was $569,000 but the site development for the training school site is $3,627,000.

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. But you compensate for that by the lack of relocating sewer costs at $1,750,000, extra foundations, $2,811,000; and roof parking of $600,000.

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.


Senator MONRONEY. Now, why is the cost of the site development so much higher than at Anacostia!

Mr. HARRISON. Because of the movement of the earth, Senator. Senator MONRONEY. That is a pretty cheap part of the construction cost. That is the one thing we can do cheaper now than before World War II.

Mr. HARRISON. The moving of earth for that is $2,371,000.

Senator MONRONEY. That is just for the site. That is not for any additional space you are giving to the Boys Training School?

Mr. HARRISON. No; this is just the site that will be assigned to the Government Printing Office. There is an under drainage situation there that we have to consider of $69,000 because the earth is heavy; the engineers tell us before we put the slab on we will have to put some under drainage. There is also a spread footing which will be about a half a million dollars which would not have been used if we piled. In the total, it washes itself out, the lack of piling.

Senator MONRONEY. You say the site will leave unencumbered most of the area there to be used for other purposes, and you will reallyyou utilize all of the space that will be taken away from the Boys Training School?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. I want to ask that the papers submitted, 11 and 11(a) be printed in the record, of course.

(These pages appear on pp. 192 and 193 of this hearing.)

Senator Hayden, do you have any further questions?

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