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M. de la Force, therefore, sent Du Gast to the arsenal, to Madame de Brisembourg, his sister-in-law: he informed her of the situation of himself and his children, acquainting her that Captain Martin had saved their lives, on his promising to pay him 2000 crowns, and requesting her assistance in this pressing necessity.

She sent him word, that she hoped to be able to remit the sum he requested; and mentioned, that it was the common report they were made prisoners, and, if it reached the King's ears, she was afraid they would immediately be put to death.

Du Gast, on his return, confirmed this news; and told them that, since they had now an opportunity to make their escape, it ought not to be neglected.

In short, the Swiss, to whose care they had been committed, did not scruple to affirm, that they would conduct them wherever they pleased, and willingly hazard their lives for their preservation.

M. de la Force replied, I have engaged myself by a solemn promise, which I will not violate. I resign myself to the providence of God, who shall dispose of us according to his good pleasure.

Du Gast then pressed him to permit the children to save their lives ; since the Swiss had voluntarily offered to assist in conducting them to a place of safety but still continuing firm to his word, he declared he left the event to the will of God.


The same evening on which the promised ransom was to have been paid, the Count de Coconas, with forty soldiers, arrived at the house where they were. They all went up into the chamber, and the Count told M. de la Force, that the King's brother, having been informed they were detained prisoners, had sent for them, desiring to speak with them; and, directly stripping them of their cloaks and bonnets, they soon perceived their death.was intended. M. de la Force loudly complained of this breach of their engagement; as the money he had promised for his ransom was now ready.

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It is to be remarked that the youngest of the children talked incessantly, reproaching them with their perfidy, and comforting his father.

Another remarkable circumstance, which I have often heard him mention, is, that he plainly saw their design was to murder them all, but was always pessuaded his life would be preserved.

The murderers, finding only four persons, enquired what was become of the fifth. This was Du Gast, who, perceiving their barbarous intentions, had hid himself in a loft; but they soon found him, and then driving them out of the house, they led them to slaughter.

Being arrived at the bottom of the Rue de Petits-champs, they all cried out together, Kill! kill! The eldest son was first wounded, who, falling, exclaimed, O God! I am murdered! The youngest did the same, though, he had received no hurt, and fell down in the same manner as his brother.

The father and brother were repeatedly struck, by their assassins, even after they were down, but the youngest received not the least wound; and, though they were instantly stripped entirley (naked, the ruffians did not perceive he had not a scar.

As they imagined them quite dead, they left them; and the inhabitants of the neighbouring houses coming, out of curiosity, to look on the dead bodies, a poor man approaching young Caumont, could not forbear crying sut, Alas! here is a poor little boy! Caumont, hearing this, immediately

lifted up his head, and said, I am not dead; have pity on me, and save my life.

The good man directly put his hand on his head, to keep it down, saying, Silence, do not stir, for they are still here; and going from him, returned a short time after, and said to him, Come, child, rise directly, for they are now gone.

He then threw over him an old cloak, for he was quite naked, and somebody asking him who he had got there, It is my nephew replied the man; he is drunk, but I shall whip him well when I get him home.

He conducted him to a small chamber, at the top of an old house, where he brought him some ragged clothes, belonging to the nephew he had mentioned.

This man who was very poor, perceiving rings on the lad's fingers, ́ asked them of him, to go and procure some wine.

He kept him there all night, and, early in the morning, asked him where he should convey him. Caumont replied, to the Louvre, where he had a sister, who attended on the Queen. But his preserver alledged, there would be too many guards to pass, or he might possibly be known, in which case they would both be put to death.

Caumont then proposed to go to the Arsenal, where he had an aunt. To this, the other consented. But, continued he, as I am very poor, you must solemnly promise to give me thirty crowns.

This agreement concluded, they both set out at break of day; Caumont in the old clothes of his benefactor's nephew, and wearing a red bonnet, to which was fastened a leaden cross.

They presently arrived at the Arsenal, and Caumont said to his conductor, Stay here, I will soon send you back your clothes, and the thirty crowns I promised you.

The poor youth remained some time at the gate, not daring to knock, lest they should enquire who he was. But somebody going out, he got in without being perceived. He crossed the first court-yard, and passed on to the apartment of his aunt, without meeting any one who knew him. At last he saw the Page, mentioned before, who had been saved by a Swiss, who had taken him home, saying, Make your escape, for these (meaning the relations of young Caumont) will all be murdered.

He enquired of this Page, who had fled to the Arsenal the same night, but who, at first did not know his young master in this disguise, what was become of M. de Beaulieu, gentleman to his father: on which the Page took him to M. de Beaulieu, who was extremely astonished at sceing young Caumont, not doubting but they had all been murdered. He requested the Marshal of Madame de Brisembourg, who was then with him, to conduct the child to that Lady, who then kept her bed.

As soon as they were introduced to her, she embraced him, with much emotion, having entertained no doubt but they had all been massacred; and, returning God thanks that she saw him again, enquired by what miracle he had been preserved.

After some conversation, she caused him to be conducted to her wardrobe, and put to bed; but before he left her apartment, he entreated her instantly to pay the thirty crowns to the poor man who had saved his life, and also to return the old clothes to him.

About two hours after, he was dressed in the habit of one of the Pages of Marshal Biron, then grand master of the artillery; and he was directed to retire to the Marshal's closet, where the Page before-mentioned, kept him company, to divert his melancholy."

He remained there two days, when the Marshal was informed the King had been told that several Huguenots had taken refuge in the Arsenal, and had resolved to have it strictly searched.

Alarmed at this, he was taken from the closet, and secreted in the Lady's chamber; where he was put between two beds, and covered with fardingales, which were then much worn. In this situation he remained

three or four hours.

About half an hour after midnight he was brought back to the same closet; but Madame de Brisembourg was very anxious on his account, and could not rest till he was removed, because a report had been spread that he was still alive, and had taken refuge there.

The next morning, therefore, M. de Born, lieutenant-general of the artillery, took him from the closet, dressed like a Page, in the livery of Marshal Biron. Then leaving the Arsenal, he took him to M. Guillon, comptroller of the artillery, who was his intimate friend, and instructed Caumont, if enquiry should be made concerning him, to say his name was Beaupuy, and that his father was a lieutenant in M. Biron's company; expressly charging him not to leave the house, or do any thing to make himself known.

When they came to the house of the comptroller, he said to him, You are my friend: permit this young lad to remain with you. He is my relation, the son of M. de Beaupuy, who commands the Marshal's company of the Gens d'armes. I have brought him to Paris to get him a Page's place, but shall wait till these troubles are over.

This was readily granted by Guillon; but, though M. de Born had a great friendship for him, he would not inform him who the boy was, Guillon, however, suspected he had not told him the whole truth.

He continued there eight days. The comptroller, who went every day to the Arsenal, to receive his orders, never failed, before dinner, to visit M. de Born.

It happened that, about the time when Guillon usually returned home to dinner, Caumont hearing somebody knock at the door, and supposing it to be M. Guillon, ran to open it, but, seeing another person, hastily shut it again; on which the stranger said, Do not be frightened, child: I was sent by Madame de Brisembourg, who wishes to know how you and immediately went away.


The comptroller, presently after, coming home to dinner, asked, as he usually did, if any one had been there. On which Caumont told him what had passed. This much alarmed M. Guillon, he instantly left his dinner, and mounted his horse to go to M. de Born, who also as instantly repaired to Madame de Brisembourg, to make enquiries. That Lady, no less surprised, and more terrified, had sent nobody to M. Guillon's.

Some days before, a passport had been obtained of the King for M. de Biron's Maitre d'Hotel, and one of his Pages, whom he was to send to carry his orders to his company of Gens d'armes. When M. Guillon, therefore, returned home, he immediately provided young Caumont with. a horse, on which he told him to mount and follow him.

He met, however, with an accident which much alarmed him: for, a procession passing near him, the hired horse, on which he rode, being something unruly, he was very much afraid of a discovery. What had already happened had rendered him so suspicious that he imagined himself known by every one he saw.


But God permitted him to arrive in safety at the gate of the city; when M. de Born, who accompanied him, told the officer on duty, Captain, here is the Maitre d'Hotel of Marshal Biron, who is going to carry orders to his company of Gens d'armes, and I send this Page, who is my relation, with him; for which here is the King's passport.

It is very sufficient, replied the Captain, they may pass.

As soon as they had passed the gate, M. de Born said to Caumont, I now resign you to the care of M. de Fraisse, who has proper orders to conduct you; and took his leave.

Caumont then asked M. de Fraisse, whither they were going. Into the country, replied the other, if God permit. Ah! returned Caumont, I humbly pray he may.

After travelling two days, they put up at an inn, where a person of rank had just arrived, who was incessantly remarking, that the wicked Huguenots had at length met with their deserts.

The next day this person and they continued their journey together; and, when their companion came to the place where he was to lodge, he put on his night-gown, which Caumont immediately knew to have been his brother's.

This stranger, likewise, continually expressed his regret at not having been able to discover M. de Caumont; for while he was attempting, he said, to enter the front door, he had escaped by another. But as for, M.

de la Force, his brother, he had been dispatched, and so had his sons ; and several times repeated that, if he could have found M. de Caumont, he would have treated him as he had the rest. At length, de Fraisse, and Caumont, pushing on with great haste, got before him; and thus freed themselves from company which could not be very agreeable.

Two days after they met with another dangerous adventure.

As nothing was talked of, at that time, but the massacre, which had just taken place throughout France, M. de Fraisse, disputing on that subject with three or four persons, in an inn where they were, so far forgot himself as to say, it was a wicked action; to which assertion his opponents replied with much asperity. He instantly perceived his imprudence, since they might thence be led to suspect they were. Huguenots, who had escaped from the massacre.

The next morning, therefore, they purposely set out very early, but found those persons prepared for them, at the skirts of the town, all mounted on good horses, and armed with pistols. They appeared to be refreshing themselves at the door of a public-house; but they had not gotten to the distance of a quarter of a league before they perceived them coming after them, at which they were much alarmed, as they could not doubt but that they followed then with a mischievous intent.

Just then they arrived at a valley, which Eid them from the sight of their enemies. They therefore began to gallop as fast as possible, to escape their wicked designs, and arrived at a great town before they could come up with them.

There they stopped, as if they intended to take refreshment; upon which their pursuers did the same, and accosted them.. But M. de Fraisse, who was now determined to make them change their opinion, respecting their being Huguenots, began to inform them, that he carried orders from Marshal Biron, to bring up his company of Gens d'armes, and was going express, with a passport from the King, who had determined to assemble a large army, to complete the destruction of the Hu guenots.

Having finished this conversation, they continued their route, and perceived that their followers had now returned back.

On the eighth day after their departure from Paris, they arrived at the castle of Castlenau-des-Mirandes, whither M. de Caumont, the youth's uncle had retired, who received his nephew, whom he had supposed dead, with the greatest satisfaction.

In short, though he had an only son, he shewed the most tender regard for his nephew, and openly avowed he had more hope in him than in his own son. He frequently made him relate the manner in which his father and brother had been murdered, and himself preserved; admiring that Divine Providence by which he had been so wonderfully delivered from such an imminent danger. He took great care of his effects, when he took upon himself his guardianship; and he would frequently take him into his closet to strengthen him in the fear of God by his good instructions, and to exhort him to be continually thankful for his wonderful preservation.

But he did not long enjoy these salutary instructions; for, fourteen or fifteen months after, his uncle died, so that young Caumont was, at a very early age, deprived of father, mother, and uncle.

This same Caumont, who thus escaped the massacre of St. Bartholomew, was the celebrated Marshal de la Force, who afterwards acquired such great reputation, and lived to the age of eighty-four.

He has left Memoirs which never were printed, but which are preserved, however, in the archives of the house of De la Force.



HE sun appearing above the horizon, Solyman prostrated himself in


the profoundest adoration. When he arose from his devotions, he advanced towards the English merchant, his fellow-traveller, with a look of kindness mixed with pity and concern. The merchant understood him but as he was unwilling to controvert the principles of his religion, he made no apology for his conduct during the devotions of Solyman.

The mild morning light which was diffused over the vallies and streams, the various beauties of the meadows, the regular disposition of blossomed hedge-rows, the soothing murmurs of bees at their early labour, and the full concert of the feathered creation, drew their conversation on the universal beneficence of nature. I feel,' said Solyman, a delight which I can neither account for nor describe. These mountains, gilded with the rays of the orient sun, those painted vallies that shame the rich carpets of Persia, yon distant waters which gleam with the shifting effulgence of light, the general busy voice of joy and activity in the animal creation, conspire to fill my heart with inexpressible pleasure.'

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