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Pursuant to Department of Defense regulations as contained in
the terms and conditions of prime contracta, Martin Corpany par-
ticipates in the Government's Small Business Program. As a result,
it is necessary that our suppliers furnish us with information
regarding their status as to small or large business for the purpose
of reporting to them. Determination of this status should be based
on definitions contained in the Armed Services Procurement
Regulation 1-701.1, dated 15 November 1961 quoteu as follows:

Small Busi... Concern Definition. A
amall business concern is a concern
that la (1) independently owned and
operated, is Bot dominant in the
field of operation in which it is bid
ding on Government contracte, and,
with its affiliates employs not more than
500 employees, or (ii) le certified as a
small business concern by the Small
Business Administration.

Number of Employoon! In connection
with the determination of omall
business statue, except as the Small
Business Administration otherwise det-
ermines is a particular industry or part
therool, "number of emplovess" means

[ocr errors]

the average employment of including the employees совсема mestic and foreign affiliates, baged on the number of persons employed on a full-time, part-time, temporary or other basis during the pay period ending seor out the 15th day of the third month in four quarters. Il a concern has not been oach calendar quarter for the preceding in existence for four full calendar quartere "number of employees" means the average employment of such concern and its affiliates during the period such concern has been in existence based on the sumber of persons omployed during the pay period ending aearout the 15th day of each month.

We would appreciate your entering the information requested below and the return of this form in the enclosed envelope.

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Martin Orlando Disbursement Report shall include Cocoa Division's disbursements (except cash purchases which will be submitted to Baltimore directly by Cocoa in a separate report) and cover all payments to other business concerns for any article, material or service entering into the performance of our Military contracts. In addition to articles, materials, supplies, and services normally identified through purchase orders and subcontracts, this report shall also include payments for "Sundry" expenses of the following general nature: Purchases of books, publications and periodicals.

Rental of buildings and warehouses.
Rental of equipment including IBM.
Consulting fees and technical services.
Advance payments to suppliers.

Freight and express.

Cartage and hauling.

Telephone, telegraph and teletype.



Fuel oil and gasoline.

Water and sewer services.

Petty cash purchases.

The report shall not include payments or disbursements for the following:

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Hospital expense.

Travel and hotel expense.

Cafeteria-food and supplies.

Re-sales to employee-tools, shoes, etc.

Capital expenditures for new construction and facilities.
Payments to government agencies and company employees.
Employment Agency Fee.

Employee moving expense.


Atlanta, Georgia.


Subject: Prime contract

Request for small business vendors, in accordance with the prime contracts small business sbucontracting clause.

GENTLEMEN: Martin-Marietta Corporation has advised of their intent to pro


Martin has no knowledge of small business sources and has stated that schedule requires the award of an order by

Martin advises that schedule will not allow investigation and qualification of new sources, and that the procurement of the above-described work must be made immediately. However, additional procurements are anticipated for the same or similar items.

Please advise the undersigned of small business sources capable of performing this work.

Yours very truly,

Contracting Officer.

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The purpose of this operating instruction is to establish a basic small business program for the Canaveral division in accordance with Martin Co. Materiel Instruction II-1.




A small business concern is one that is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding and, with its affiliates, employs not more than 500 employees or is certified as a small business company by the Small Business Administration.


A fair portion of the total purchases and contracts for suppliers and services for the Department of Defense will be placed with small business concerns. This will be insured through the following steps:

A. The list of suppliers made available to the Canaveral division will indicate whether or not the suppliers meet the requirements of a small business


B. The materiel department shall compile small business reports in accordance with Martin Co. Materiel Instruction II-1.

C. The Canaveral division shall assure the equitable opportunity for small businesses to compete in bidding by :

1. Planning procurement consistent with contract requirements to encourage participation by small business concerns.

2. Soliciting quotations utilizing available records of small business concerns, and allowing small and large business concerns sufficient time to submit bids.

3. Making sufficient allowances, consistent with contract requirements, for appropriate economic quantities and reasonable delivery schedule to encourage small business firms to compete.

4. Making available to technically and financially competent small business concerns applicable specifications, drawings, and other pertinent data to enable them to intelligently prepare bids.

D. Appropriate purchase orders shall have incorporated a small business clause essentially the same as that included in related prime contracts.

E. When negotiating large purchase orders which could offer small business subcontracting opportunities, suppliers will be requested to establish and conduct defense subcontracting small business programs. If the suppliers agree to conduct defense subcontracting small business programs, the request for them to do so shall become a provision of the purchase order. G. Q. BUTLER, Director, Materiel Department.

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