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Sibbern N. P.

ribus rerum Dano-Norvegicarum Commentarius historico-lite-
12mo. Hambergi, 1716


Sibley J. L. History of the Town of Union, in the County of Lincoln, Maine, to the middle of the nineteenth century, with a family register of the settlers before the year 1800, and of their descend12mo. Boston, 1851 Sibly E. A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology, or the art of foretelling future events and contingencies, by the aspects, positions, and influences of the heavenly bodies, founded on natural philosophy, scripture, reason, and the mathematics. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1826 Sibson A. Agricultural Chemistry. A familiar explanation of the chemical principles involved in the operations of the farm. New Edition. 12mo. London, 1859 Sibthorp John. Floræ Græcæ, sive plantarum rariorum historia, quas in provinciis aut insulis Græciæ legit, investigavit et depingi curavit. Hic illic etiam insertæ sunt pauculæ species quas vir clarissimus, Græciam versus navigans in itinere, præsertim apud Italiam et Siciliam invenerit. Characteres omnium descriptiones et synonyma elaboraverunt. J. E. Smith, Vol. 1-7; J. Lindley, Vol. 8-10.


10 vols. Fol. London, 1806-40

Flora Græce Prodromus sive plantarum omnium enumeratio,
2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806-13
Sibyllæ Libri 11-13, ex codicibus vaticanis editi. In Mai Collectio
Nova, Vol. 3, pars 2.

Libri octo. Appendix ad Oracula ex Palæogr. Græc. In Gal-
landius Bibl. Patr. Vol. 1.

Same, Latine interprete S. Castalione. In Despont Bib. Max.
Patr. Vol. 2.

Same, translated from the best Greek copies and compared with
the sacred prophecies, especially with Daniel and the Revela-
tions, and with so much History as plainly shows that many of
the predictions are exactly fulfilled. By Sir J. Floyer.

12mno. London, 1713 Sibyllina Oracula, ex veteribus codicibus emendata ac restituta et commentariis diversorum illustrata, opera et studio S. Gallai; acce. dunt etiam Oracula magica Zoroastris, Jovis, Apollinis, Astrampsychi Oneiro-criticum, etc., Græce et Latine cum notis variorum. 4to. Amstelodami, 1689

See also Gallæus and Oracula.

Sicard M. F. Histoire des institutions militaires des Français, suivie d'un aperçu sur la marine militaire avec un Atlas de 200 planches, représentant les uniformes anciens et modernes, les armures, les machines de guerre, etc., etc.

Atlas et 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831 R. A. Élémens de Grammaire générale appliqués à la langue Française. Seconde édition revue, corrigée et augmentée.

2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801 Sicardus Cremonensis Epis. Mitrale, sive summa de officiis ecclesiasticis. Chronicon ex editione Muratori. In Migne Cursus Patrist. Vol. 213.

Sicardus, &c.

Chronicon a nativitate Christi usque ad annum 1213. In Mura-
tori Rer. Ital. Vol. 7.

Sicca A. Rivista delle varie Lezioni delle Divina Commedia sinora
avvisati col Catalogo delle piu importante Edizioni. 8vo. Padua, 1832
Siccama S. T. De judicio centumvirali. In Grævius Thes. Vol. 2.
De veteri Anno Romano, Romuli et Numa Pompilii Antitheses.
In Grævius Thes. Vol. 8.

Commentarius in fastos Kalendares Romanorum. Ibidem.
De judicio triumvirali. Ibid. Vol. 2.

Siccardi L. Dei Lavacri degli antichi popoli Christiani. 8vo. Lucca, 1834
Sicé E. Traité des lois Mahometanes, ou recueil des lois, us et costumes

des Musulmans du Décan. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Sichel J. Iconographie ophthalmologique ou description avec figures coloriées des maladies de l'organe de la vue, comprenant l'anatomie pathologique, la pathologie et la thérapeutique medicochirurgicales. Accompagnée d'un Atlas de 80 planches dessinées après nature, gravées et coloriées. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Paris, 1852-59 Spectacles, their uses and abuses in long and short sightedness, and the pathological conditions resulting from their irrational employment, translated from the French by permission of the author, by H. W. Williams. Svo. Boston, 1850 Sicily and Naples, or the Two Sicilies. Elementi della storia e geographia del regno delle due Sicilie, seguiti da una carta politicogeografica e da tavole sinottiche delle produzioni, delle manifatture, e del commercio delle provincie. 8vo. Napoli, 1828

For works on the Island of Sicily and the K. of the Two Sicilies
see under-

Amari M., Bartels J. H., Bonanni G., Brydone P., Capozzo G., Caruso G. B., Cluver P., Ebert J. F., Fazello T., Ferro G. M., Foucher V., Goldicutt J., Gourbillon T. A., Gregorio R., Haussez B. L., Hittorf u. Zanth, Houel J., Knight A. G., La Salle M. de, Letronne J. A., Light H., Mongitore A., Naples, Ortolani G. E., Orville J. P. d', Parthey G., Paruta F., Saint Non J. C. R. de, Serradifalco Duca di, Seume C. G., Smyth W. H., Spallanzani L., Swinburne H., Tuckerman H. T., Varenne C. de la, Vaughan T. W., and the Thesaurus Antiquitatum Siciliæ. Sickler F. C. L. Die Heilige Priestersprache der alten Egyptier als ein dem Semitischen Sprachstamme nahverwandter Dialect aus historischen monumenter erwiesen. Erster, zweyter und dritter Theil. 4to. Hildburghausen, 1822-26 Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbs unterricht, mit steter Rücksicht auf die numismatische Geographie. 2 vols. 8vo. Cassel, 1832 Siddhanta Kaumudi, or Sanscrit Grammar of Bhattoji Dikshita.

Fol. Calcutta, 1812

Siddons G. A. Praktischer und erfahrener Englischer Rathgeber oder

Rezeptbuch für Ebenisten, Kunsttischler, Möbelschreiner, Ge-
wehrschäfter und Büchsenmacher, Lackirer, Kutschen-und Chai-
sen-fabrikanten, Vergolder, etc., nebst gründlichen Anweisungen
über die Behandlung und Anwendung der gegebenen Rezepte,
übersetzt von C. H. Schmidt.

18mo. Weimar, 1842

Siddons J. H. Norton's Handbook to Europe, or how to Travel in the

Old World.

12mo. New York, 1860

Mrs. S. Beauties of, or a Review of her Performance of the
Characters of Belvidera, Zara, Isabella, Margaret of Anjou, and
Lady Randolph.

Svo. London, 1786

See Boaden J. and Campbell T. for Lives of Mrs. S. Sidereal Messenger. A Monthly Journal devoted to Astronomical Science. 2 vols. 4to. Cincinnati, 1847-48 Sidney Algernon. Works, with a Memoir of his Life. 4to. London, 1772 The volume contains Sidney's Discourses concerning Government. His Letters taken from Thurloe's State Papers. His Letters from the Sidney Papers. His Letters to Henry Savile. His Trial and Condemnation for High Treason. His Apology on the day of his death. A General View of Governnient in Europe.

Letters to the Hon. H. Savile now first printed from the ori-
Svo. London, 1742

S. Papers, consisting of a Journal of the Earl of Leicester, and
original letters of A. Sidney, edited with notes by R. W. Blen-


E. The Life of Sir Richard Hill, Bart.

Svo. London, 1825
Svo. London, 1839

H. Diary of the Times of Charles the Second, including his
Correspondence with the Countess of Sunderland, and other dis-
tinguished persons at the English Court; to which are added
letters illustrative of the times of James II. and William III.,
edited with notes by R. W. Blencowe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843
Phil. (Sir). The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. 10th Edi-
Fol. London, 1655

Correspondence with Aubert Languet. Now first collected and
translated from the Latin with notes and a memoir of Sidney by
S. A. Pears.

Svo. London, 1845

Miscellaneous Works, with a life of the author, and illustrative
notes by W. Gray.

8vo. Boston, 1860

Containing Life, Defence of Poesy, Astrophel and Stella, Miscel-
laneous Poems, The Lady of May, Favour Anatomized in a
Fancy, Letter to Q. Elizabeth, Defence of the Earl of Leicester,
Letters reprinted from the Sidney Papers, Letters from the
unpublished Originals in the British Museum.
The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney.
See also Life by Zouch T.

12mo. Boston, 1859

S. Gauge Evidence. The History and Prospects of the Rail-
way System, illustrated by the evidence given before the Gauge

Svo. London, 1846

The Three Colonies of Australia-New South Wales, Victoria,
South Australia. Their pastures, copper mines, and gold fields.
With Engravings.

8vo. London, 1852 12mo. Lugduni, 1699

Sidobre A. Tractatus de Variolis et Morbillis.
Sidonius Apollinaris C. S. Episc. Epistolæ et Carmina Jo. Savaronis
studio et diligentia castigatius recognita.
Same. J. Sismondi cura et studio recognita notisque illustrata.

12mo. Parisiis, 1598

12mo. Parisiis, 1614

Epistolæ et Carmina. In Migne Cursus Patrolog. Vol. 58.

Siebigke C. A. Museum berühmter Tonkünstler. In Kupfern und Schriftlichen Abrissen; Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Zumsteeg, Clementi, Rust. 12mo. Breslau, 1801

Siebmacher J. See Wappenbuch.

Siebold C. T. u. Kölliker A. See Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche

and Stannins H. Comparative Anatomy, translated from the
German, and edited with notes and additions, recording the
recent progress of the science, by W. I. Burnett. Vol. I.
Anatomy of the Invertebrata by C. T. Siebold.

Svo. Boston, 1854
Nouveau manuel d'anatomie comparée traduit de l'Allemand par
MM. A. Spring et Th. Lacordaire. Vol. I. Animaux invertebrés,
par C. T. Siebold.
18mo. Paris, 1850

E. C. J. Abbildungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der theoret-
isch-praktischen Gebürtshülfe nebst beschreibender Erklärung
der selben.

Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1835

Ph. Fr. von. Nippon; Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und
dessen Neben- und Schutsländern; Jezo mit den südlichen
Kurilen, Krafto, Koorai und den Linkiu-Inseln nach Japanischen
und Europäischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen bear-
2 vols. 4to. and 2 vols. Pl. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1832
Containing I. Mathematische und physische Geographie von
Japan, Jezo, etc. II. Volk und Staat. Beschreibung der Be-
wohner von Japan ihrer Sitten, etc. III. Mythologie, Ge-
schichte, Archaeologie und Numismatik. IV. Künste und
Wissenschaften, besonders Sprache und Literatur. V. Religion
unter dem Titel "Nippon Pantheon." VI. Landwirthschaft,
Kunstfleiss und Handel. VII. Die Neben- und Schutzländer

von Japan, Jezo, etc.

The two remaining parts VIII. and IX. have not been received.
Fauna Japonica, sive descriptio animalium, quæ in itinere per
Japonicam suscepto annis 1823-30, collegit, notis, observatio-
nibus et adumbrationibus illustravit Ph. Fr. de Siebold conjunctis
studiis C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel pro vertebratis atque W.
de Haan pro invertebratis.
5 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1838-50
Vol. I. Reptilia elaborantibus C. J. Temminck et II. Schlegel.
Cum Mappa Geographico-Zoologica et tabulis lithogr. 27.

Imp 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1838
II. Crustacea. Elaborante W. de Hahn cum tabulis lithogra
phicis 70.
Imp. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1850
III. Mammalia. Fasciculi 1-3. Title wanting.
IV. Pisces. Fasciculi 1-15. Title wanting.

V. Aves. Fasciculi 1-9. Title wanting.

Flora Japonica. Sive plantæ quas in imperio Japonico collegit,
descripsit, ex parte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit Ph. Fr. de
Siebold. Sectio prima: Centuria prima, continens plantas orna-
tui vel usui inservientes, digessit J. G. Zuccarini.

Vol. 1. Imp. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1835-41
Volumen secundum. Fasciculi 1-5. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1842-44
Bibliotheca Japonica sive selecta quædam opera Sinico-Japonica
in usum eorum qui literis Japonicis vacant. In lapide exarata
a Sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang et edita curantibus Ph. Fr. de


Siebold et J. Hoffmann. Libri sex. Annexo systemate scrip-
turæ Japonicæ et Koraianæ ac Librorum catalogo.

Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1833-38
Liber primus. Sin zoo zi lin gjok ben. Novus et auctus lite-
rarum ideographicarum thesaurus sive collectio omnium litera-
rium Sinensium, secundum radices disposita, pronuntiatione
Japonica adscripta. Opus Japonicum in lapide_exaratum a
Sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang et redditum curante P. F. de S.
Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1834

Liber Secundus. Wa kan won seki. Sio gen zi ko. Thesaurus
linguæ Japonica sive illustratio omnium quæ libris recepta sunt
verborum ac dictionum loquelæ tam Japonicæ quam Sinensis
addita Synonymarum literarum ideographicarum copia. Opus
Japonicum in lapide exaratum a Sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang
editum curante Ph. Fr. de Siebold.
Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1835

Liber tertius. Tsián Dsú Wén, sive mille literæ Ideographicæ.
Opus Sinicum origine cum interpretatione Kouraiana in penin-
sula Koorai impressum in lapide exaratum a Sinensi Ko Tsing
Dschang et redditum curante Ph. Fr. de S. Annexo systemate
scripturæ Kooraianæ ac versione Japonica, Germanica, et An-
Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1833
Liber quartus.
Lui ho, sive vocabularium Sinense in Korai-
anum conversum. Opus Sinicum origine in peninsula Korai

Liber quintus. Insularum Japonicarum tabulæ geographicæ
secundum Opus Nippon jo tsi no tei sen tsu. Tab. lithog. IV.
in Fol.

Liber sextus. Wa nen kei sive succincti Annales Japonici.
Opus originale cum interpretatione Germanica. 4to.

Isagoge in Bibliothecam Japonicum et studium literarum Japo-
nicarum auctore Ph. Fr. de Siebold.
Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1841

Catalogus librorum et manuscriptorum Japonicorum a Ph. Fr.
de Siebold collectorum. Annexa enumeratione illorum qui in
museo regio Hagano servantur. Auctore Ph. Fr. de Siebold.
Libros descripsit J. Hoffmann. Accedunt Tabulæ lithogra-
phicæ 16.
Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1845

Epitome linguæ Japonicæ cum tabulis IX. Xylographicis in
ipsa Japonia incisis. 8vo. in Verhandl. van het Batav. Genoot.
Vol. 11.

Siegesbeck J. G. Examen epicriseos in systema Plantarum Linnæi.
8vo. Aboæ, 1739

Siena. Statuti dell' università de' Mercanti, e delle corte de gl' offiziali
della Mercanzia della città di Siena.
Fol. Siena, 1619
Annales Senenses, 1385-1422. In Muratori Rer. Ital. Vol. 19.
Arme delle famiglie nobili di S. che al presente si trovano.

See Ilari L.

4to. Siena, 1706

Biblioteca comunale. Siestrêncewicz de Bohusz S. Recherches historiques sur l'origine des Sarmates, des Esclavons et des Slaves et sur les époques de la conversion de ces peuples au Christianisme. St. Petersbourg, 1812 Précis des recherches historiques sur l'origine des Slaves, ou Esclavons et des Sarmates, seconde édition revue.

4to. St. Pétersbourg, 1824

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