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§ 401.12 Program management.

(a) Upon approval of each fiscal year's proposed program, the granting agency will transmit to the grantee an award which will incorporate the application and assurances.

(b) The grant is effective and constitutes an obligation of Federal funds in the amount and for the purpose stated in the award document at the time of the Director's signature.

(c)(1) Acceptance of the award document certifies the grantee's assurance that the grant will be administered in compliance with OMB regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements as described in:

(i) Circular No. A-21, revised, Cost Principles of Educational Institutions;

(ii) Memorandum No. M-92-01, Coordination of Water Resources Information;

(iii) Circular No. A-88, revised, Indirect Cost Rates, Audit and Audit Follow-up at Educational Institutions;

(iv) Circular No. A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and other Nonprofit Organizations; and

(v) Circular No. A-124, PatentsSmall Business Firms and Nonprofit Organizations.

(2) Copies of the documents listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be available from the granting agency.

[50 FR 23114, May 31, 1985, as amended at 58 FR 27204, May 7, 1993]

§§ 401.13-401.18 [Reserved]

Subpart D-Reporting

§ 401.19 Reporting procedures.

(a) The institutes are encouraged to publish, as technical reports or in the professional literature, the findings, results, and conclusions relating to separately identifiable research projects undertaken pursuant to the Act.

(b) Each institute shall submit to the granting agency, by a date to be specified in the award document, an annual program report which provides:

(1) A statement concerning the relationship of the institute's program to the water problems and issues of the State;

(2) A synopsis of the objectives, methods, and conclusions of each project completed within the period covered;

(3) A progress report on each project continuing into the subsequent fiscal year;

(4) Citations of all reports, papers, publications or other communicable products resulting from each project completed or in progress;

(5) A description of all activities undertaken for the purpose of promoting the application of research results;

(6) A description of cooperative arrangements with other educational institutions, State agencies, and others.

(c) One manuscript of reproducible quality and two copies of the annual program report shall be furnished to the granting agency. One copy of a complete report on the objectives, methods, and conclusions of each research project shall be maintained by the institute and open to inspection.

(d) Appropriate acknowledgment shall be given by institutes to the granting agency's participation in financing activities carried out under provisions of the Act. Such acknowledgment shall be included in all reports, publications, news releases, and other information media developed by institutes and others to publicize, describe, or report upon accomplishments and activities of the program.

(e) An original and two copies of the final "Financial Status Report," SF 269, shall be furnished to the granting agency within 90 days of completion of the grant period.

§§ 401.20-401.25 [Reserved]

Subpart E-Evaluation

§ 401.26 Evaluation of institutes.

(a) Within 2 years of the date of its certification according to the provisions of § 401.6, each institute will be evaluated for the purpose of determining whether the national interest war

rants its continued support under the provisions of the Act. That determination shall be based on:

(1) The quality and relevance of its water resources research as funded under the Act;

(2) Its effectiveness as an institution for planning, conducting, or arranging for research;

(3) Its demonstrated performance in making research results available to users in the State and elsewhere; and

(4) Its demonstrated record in providing for the training of scientists through student involvement in its research program.

(b) An evaluation team, selected by the granting agency on the basis of the members' knowledge of water research and administration, shall evaluate each institute, and may with the concurrence of the granting agency, visit such institutes as it considers necessary. The team is to include at least one individual from each of the following categories:

(1) Employees of the Department of the Interior;

(2) University faculty or other professionals with relevant experience in the conduct of water resources research;

(3) Former directors of water research institutes; and

(4) University faculty or other professionals with relevant experience in information transfer.

(c) The granting agency may request recommendations for team selections from the National Research Council/ National Academy of Sciences and from other organizations whose members include the types of individuals cited in paragraph (b) of this section. (d) The granting agency shall, as an administrative cost, provide the funds for travel and per diem expense of the team members, within the maximum limits allowable under Federal travel regulations (41 CFR subtitle F).

(e) The granting agency has the right to select dates for evaluation visits, and notice of the team's visit shall be provided to the institute being evaluated at least 60 days in advance.

(f) It shall be the responsibility of each institute to provide such documentation of its activities and accomplishments as the granting agency and

evaluation team may reasonably request. The request for this documentation shall be made at least 60 days prior to the due date of its receipt.

(g) The team shall, within 90 days after completion of its evaluation, submit a written report of its findings to the granting agency for transmittal to the institute. If an institute is found to have deficiencies in meeting the objectives of the Act, it shall be allowed 1 year to correct them and to report such action to the granting agency. The decision as to the institute's eligibility to receive further funding will rest with the granting agency.

(h) After the initial evaluation, each institute shall be reevaluated at least every 5 years.

[58 FR 27204, May 7, 1993]

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(a) Grant is used in these rules as a generic term for a Federal assistance award, including project grants and cooperative agreements.

(b) Act means the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 (Pub. L. 98-242, 98 Stat. 97).

(c) Educational institution means any educational institution-privately and/or publicly owned.

(d) Dollar-for-dollar matching grant means for each Federal dollar provided to support the projects, a non-Federal dollar also must be provided to the project.

§ 402.4 Information collection.

The information-collection requirements contained in sections 402.10, 402.11, and 402.15 have been approved by the OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and assigned clearance number 1028-0046. The application proposals being collected will contain technical information that will be used by the USGS as a basis for selection and award of grants. The progress reports being collected will contain a descrip

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(a) Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Water-Resources Research Program will provide support, in the form of a dollar-for-dollar matching grant, to educational institutions, private foundations, private firms, individuals, and agencies of local or State governments for research concerning any aspect of a water-resource related problem Ideemed to be in the national interest. Federal agencies are excluded from receiving matching grants. Grants may be awarded on other than a dollar-fordollar matching basis in cases where the USGS determines that research on a high-priority subject is of a basic nature that otherwise would not be undertaken.

(b) The types of research to be undertaken under this program are listed below, without indication of priority:

(1) Aspects of the hydrologic cycle; (2) Supply and demand for water; (3) Demineralization of saline and other impaired waters;

(4) Conservation and best use of available supplies of water and methods of increasing such supplies;

(5) Water reuse;

(6) Depletion and degradation of groundwater supplies;

(7) Improvements in the productivity of water when used for agricultural, municipal, and commercial purposes; and

(8) The economic, legal, engineering, social, recreational, biological, geographic, ecological, and other aspects of water problems.

(9) Scientific information-dissemination activities, including identifying, assembling, and interpreting the re

sults of scientific and engineering research on water-resources problems.

(10) Providing means for improved communications of research results, having due regard for the varying conditions and needs for the respective States and regions.

§ 402.7 Water-Resources Technology Development Program.

(a) Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Water-Resources Technology Development Program will provide funds in the form of grants or contracts to educational institutions, private firms, private foundations, individuals, and agencies of local or State governments for technology development concerning any aspect of water-related technology deemed to be of State, regional, and national importance, including technology associated with improvement of waters of impaired quality and the operation of test facilities. Federal agencies are excluded from receiving grants or contracts. The types of technology-development to be undertaken under this program shall include paragraphs 1 through 10 of § 402.6(b).

(b) The USGS may establish any condition for the matching of funds by the recipient of any grant or cost-sharing under a contract under the technology-development program which the USGS considers to be in the best interest of the Nation.

§8 402.8-402.9 [Reserved]

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may be funded on other than a dollarfor-dollar basis. Program announcements will be distributed to names on the current USGS mailing list for the Water-Resources Research Program announcements, including new requests received in response to published notices of upcoming program announcements.

(c) Notification of the availability of the program announcement will be published in the Commerce Business Daily and/or FEDERAL REGISTER.

(d) The application for funds must be signed by an individual or official authorized to commit the applicant and it must contain:

(1) A Standard Form 424 "Federal Assistance," sections I and II completed by applicant, used as the cover sheet for each proposal.

(2) A project summary of no more than one typed, single-spaced page providing the following specific information:

(i) Identification of the water or water-related problems and the problem-solution approach;

(ii) Identification of the proposed scientific contribution of the problem solution;

(iii) Concise statement of the specific objectives of the project;

(iv) Identification of the approach to be used to accomplish the work; and (v) Identification of potential users of the proposed work.

(3) Narrative information, as specified in the published program announcement, such as project title, project objectives, background information, research tasks, methodology to conduct the research task, the relevancy of the proposed project to water-resources problems, qualifications of the principal investigators and their organizations, and proposed budget with supporting information sufficient to allow evaluation of costs.

§ 402.11 Technology-development project


(a) Grant awards will be used to support those portions of the program for which the principal purpose is other than as described in § 402.11(b). Program announcements and applications

will be governed by the same procedures provided in § 402.10.

(b) If it is determined that the principal purpose of a planned award (or awards) is to acquire goods or services for the direct benefit or use of the Government, the action must be regarded as a procurement contract. A competitive solicitation prepared in accordance with applicable acquisition regulations will be issued to interested parties. Notification of the availability of any contract solicitation will be published in the Commerce Business Daily, unless waived in accordance with § 5.202 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Contracts may be awarded without full and open competition only if justified in accordance with FAR subpart 6.3.

§ 402.12 Evaluation of applications for grants and contracts.

(a) Grants. (1) Each grant application will receive technical evaluations from Government and/or non-Government scientific or engineering personnel. Utilizing the criteria for evaluation identified in the applicable announcement, each reviewer will assign a technical score.

(2) Grant applications with low technical ratings will be screened out, and the remaining grant applications will be rank-ordered by review panels.

(3) USGS program officials will compile a single, consolidated rank-ordered list of the grant applications based on technical scoring, program needs and published priorities, and the available Federal funds.

(b) Contracts. Proposals for contract awards will be evaluated by a USGS panel. Contracts will be awarded according to procedures contained in the FAR, the Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation, and in acquisition policy releases issued by the Department and by the USGS.

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Subpart D-Reporting

§ 402.15 Reporting procedures.

(a) Grantees or contractors will be required to submit the following technical reports to the USGS address identified under the terms and conditions of each award.

(1) Quarterly Technical Progress Report. This report shall include a description of all work accomplished, results achieved, and any changes that affect the project's scope of work, time schedule, and personnel assignments.

(2) Draft Technical Completion Report. The draft report will be required for review prior to submission of the final technical completion report.

(3) Final Technical Completion Report. The final report and a cameraready copy shall be submitted to the USGS within 90 days after the expiration date of the award and shall include a summary of all work accomplished, results achieved, conclusions, and recommendations. The cameraready copy shall be prepared in a manner suitable for reproduction by a photographic process. Format will be specified in the terms and conditions of the award.

(4) Final Report Abstract. A complete Water-Resources Scientific Information Center Abstract Form 102 and National Technical Information Service Form 79 shall be submitted with the final report.

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