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these capital notes would be always debased by a bad mixture."

If, as is here conceded, the mocking - bird be fully equal to the song of the nightingale, and, as I can with confidence add, not

almost every other bird; besides being capable of exactly imitating various other sounds and voices of animals, his vocal powers are unquestionably superior to those of the nightingale, which possesses its own native notes alone. Farther, if we consider, as is asserted by Mr. Barrington, that "one rea|| son of the nightingale's being more attended to than others, is, that it sings in the night;" and if we believe with Shakspeare, that

The nightingale, if she should sing by day,
When every goose is cackling, would be thought
No better a musician thau a wren-

server on this subject, the Hon. Daines Barrington, who, at the time he made the communication, was Vice-President of the Royal Society, to which it was addressed. "It may not be improper," says that gentleman, "to consider whe-only to that, but to the song of ther the nightingale may not have a very formidable competitor in the American mocking-bird; though almost all travellers agree, that the concert in the European woods is superior to that of the other parts of the globe. I have happened, however, to hear the American mocking-bird in great perfection at Messrs. Vogel and Scott's, in Love-lane, Eastcheap. This bird is believed to be still living, and hath been in England these six years. During the space of a minute he imitated the wood-lark, chaffinch, thrush, and sparrow; I was also told that he would bark like a dog: so that the bird seems to have no choice in his imitations; though his pipe comes the nearest to our nightingale of any bird I have yet met with. We are still at a loss, however, with regard to the original notes of this bird, and these can only be known by persons accurately acquainted with the notes of the other American birds. Kalm, indeed, informs us, that the natural song is excellent; but this traveller seems not to have been long enough in America to distinguish what were the genuine notes: with us mimics do not often succeed but in imitations. I have little doubt, however, that this bird would be fully equal to the song of the nightingale in its whole compass; but then, from the attention which the mocker pays to any other sort of disagreeable noise,

what must we think of that bird, who, in the glare of day, when a multitude of songsters are straining their throats in melody, overpow ers all competition; and by the superiority of his voice, expression, and action, not only attracts every ear, but frequently strikes dumb bis mortified rivals--of that bird to whose melody the silence of night, as well as the bustle of day, bears witness, and who even in captivity in a foreign country, is declared, by the best judges in that country, to be equal to the song of the sweetest of its birds in its whole compass? The supposed degradation of his song by the introduction of extraneous sounds and unexpected imitations, is, in fact, one of the chief excellencies of this bird; as these changes give a perpetual novelty to his strain, keep

building. Into this place a male and female mocking-bird were puť and soon began to build. The fe

attention constantly awake, and impress every hearer with a deeper interest in what is to follow. The native notes of the mocking-male laid five eggs, all of which bird have considerable resemblance to those of the brown thrush, but may be easily distinguished by their greater rapidity, sweetness, energy of expression, and variety. Both, however, have in many parts of the United States, particularly in those to the south, obtained the name of the mocking-bird; the first, from its inferiority of song, being called the French, and the latter the English: a mode of expression probably originating in the prejudices of our forefathers, with whom every thing French was inferior to every thing English.

The mocking-bird may, by proper management, be made sufficiently tame to sing in confinement The usual price of one is from seven to fifteen and even twenty dollars. I have known fifty dollars paid for a remarkably fine singer, and 100 refused for a still more extraordinary one.

Attempts have been made to induce these charming birds to pair and rear their young in a state of confinement, and the result has proved it to be, by proper manage- || ment, perfectly practicable. In the spring of 1808, a Mr. Klein, of Philadelphia, partitioned off about 12 feet square of the third story of his house. This was lighted by a pretty large wire-grated window. In the center of this room he planted a cedar bush, five or six feet high, in a box of earth, and scattered about a sufficient quantity of materials suitable for

she hatched, and fed the young with great affection until they were nearly able to fly. Business calling the proprietor from home for a fortnight, he left the birds to the care of his domestics; but on his return, found, to his regret, that they had been neglected in food. The young were all dead, and the parents themselves nearly famished. The same pair have again commenced building this season (1809) in the same place, and have at this time. (July 4) three young ones, likely to do well. This place might be fitted up with various kinds of shrubbery, so as to resemble their native thickets; and ought to be as remote from noise and interruption of company as possible, and strangers rarely allowed to disturb or even approach them.

The mocking-bird is 9 inches long and 13 in breadth, some longer and others smaller, those of the first hatch being uniformly the biggest and stoutest. The upper part of the head, neck; and back are a dark brownish ash, and when new moulded, a fine light grey; the wings and tail are nearly black. The chin is white; the sides of the neck, breast, belly, and vent a brownish white, much purer in wild birds than in those which have been domesticated; the iris of the eve yellowish cream coloured, inclin ing to golden; bill black; the legs and feet likewise black and strong. The female very much resembles the male.




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ported, in flour, from Europe and New England. They import their rice (besides what they grow themselves) from Madagascar and some ports in India; their slaves and cattle from Madagascar, besides some of the former from the coasts of Africa; and their specie (piastres) from Cadiz.

M. de la Bourdonnais, when intendant of these islands, which post he occupied from 1734 to 1746, had formed the idea (among the many useful and splendid works and designs which he schemed for their welfare), to make Mauritius a general depot for the commerce of the East: so that the Company's ships from Europe should proceed no farther eastward than this island, but should take in their homeward or Indian cargoes at this place, after having

To the particulars already given respecting the Islands of Mauritius and Bourbon, we shall now add the price of provisions in 1800.-Beef, kid, and mutton, 1s. per lb.; a fowl, 2s. 6d.; a chicken, Is. ; a duck, from 2s. to 3s.; a goose, 7s. to 8s.; a turkey, 10s. to 12s.; a pair of pigeons, from 2s. to 6s. ; wine, from the European price, to eight times more; bread from the same to four times more; but these two articles fluctuate, according as it is peace or war. All the inhabitants having the above commodities, as well as others, to dispose of, it is their interest to sell then as dear as possible to foreigners, who come hither only for the purposes of commerce, or for refreshments, after a long voyage. At this period, also, a plantation, entirely cleared, and large enough to maintain a family in great comfort, might be pur-landed here those which they chased for about 6000 piastres, or £1500. This would require about 30 slaves, of both sexes, to cultivate it, at about £39 each upon an average; but whether the slaves are included in the above sum, the document from which we obtained our information, is not precise enough to determine. These islands imported from Europe at this time (1800) almost all their necessaries and objects of consumption, except linens, cottons, and stuffs, which are obtained from the coasts of Coromandel and Bengal; China ware and silk from China. Their corn is partly of their own growth; the surplus consumption of their bread and biscuit is imNo. LV. Vol X.


brought from Europe; while the forwarding of the cargoes to India, and bringing back those intended for Europe, should be performed by country ships, navigated by Lascars, or Indian seamen. By these measures he expected to obtain the following advantages: First, the expences would be lessened, as both the pay and maintenance of Indian sailors are very trifling; and, secondly, the European ships' crews would be more effectually preserved; as it was well known that they suffer greatly, not only from the length of the voyage alone, but still more frequently from the elimate, especially that of Arabia and Bengal. This plan, however, was


not adopted, for the following rea- have much less pay and are victualsons:-It was feared that the Com-led cheaper than those of Europe,

pany would fall into contempt, unless they displayed in these distant latitudes a naval force sufficient to ensure respect; secondly, because it is more advantageous to obtain all articles of merchandize from the place itself which produces or manufactures them; and, thirdly, because although the Indian sailors

this alone does not render the na

vigation of vessels in the Indian seas more economical, or more advantageous, than the navigation of European vesseis, as a ship manued by Indian sailors requires one third more bands than if the crew were

composed entirely of Europeans.


(Continued from Vol. IX. p. 358.)

273. Portrait of A. Papworth,

Esq.-J. Green.

whole-length portraits we cannot but approve of the costume being THE general display of portraits of a character that does not mark excites little interest in the public a particular fashion. Perhaps none mind, although they form so large is more congenial to the general a portion of the present Exhibition, taste, or better suited to adorn the excepting where the attractions de- || figure, than the Spanish dress. Of pend, as in some instances, up-modern costume, black is least obon their excellence as paintings.jectionable. The drawing is good, The best works of Reynolds, of the colouring, and light and shadow, Opie, Lawrence, Hopner, Owen, are well managed, and the picture Beechy, Shce, Thomson, and some superior to any we remember to others, will always command atten- have seen from the pencil of this tion, even though the persons whom artist. they represent are little known, or 517. less regarded. The portrait in review we cannot forbear to mention, as it is a faithful resemblance of a very ingenious professor of architecture; and we are never more gratified, than in numbering, amidst so many physiognomies, a few that may be remembered hereafter for having contributed somewhat to science by their genius, and to society by their private worth. This is one of Mr. Green's best performances.

Portraits of the Misses Core.
-A. E. Chalon, A.

We have more than onee adverted to the progressive improvement of this artist. The group of young ladies, so elegantly employed, and so tastefully designed, in this com position, remind us of the finė feeling of Titian. We forget that this picture is in miniature; there is a greatness of effect and a power of chiaro oscuro pervading the subject, that produces an illusion, and renders the fair musicians the size


405. Portrait of Sir C. Coote, Bart. of life.
-J. Green.
There is much grace in this figure
of the elegant young baronet. In

Portrait of an Artist.—Mrs.

Much observation of nature, and

a free hand to execute, are visible | since the appearance of the former picture, and we think this his last, by far the best production of his admirable pencil.

in this miniature resemblance of An Artist. So true a resemblance, it is obvious, has been painted con amore. It is justly owing to the fair artist who has so faithfully delineated this countenance, to meet from the original a similar compliment; and should he succeed in his delineation with equal success, his study will be attended with no common felicity.

148. Blind Man's Buff.-D. Wilkie,

R. A.


has so frequently disgraced the architects and their employers within the last century. Previously to this

river were richly ornamented with palaces and noble mansions, with their gardens and checrful terraces

View of Lambeth from the top of a gentleman's house on the side. of the Thames.-G. Arnald, A. Of the very few remaining antiquitics upon the banks of the Thames, within the metropolis, or immedi-. ately within a short distance thereof, the palace of the Archbishops of Canterbury is the only one that has, in a certain degree, resisted the raThe splendid colouring of Adrian Van Ostade and the lively humour from the mutability that has marked. vages of time, or been exempted of Jean Stien are happily united in this rustic composition. Mr.structive rage for improvement that every other great seat, by the deWilkie has successfully studied the executive part of his art, in the contemplation of the Flemish and Dutch schools, and has incorpo-period, the banks of this beautiful, rated enough of his own to claim the honour of being ranked among original painters. We cannot forget the pleasure so often experien-washed by the tides. ced in viewing his highly finished pictures. It has been unfortunate for many men of talent, poets, as well as painters, to come before the public at once with great powers, in displaying a poem or a picture of high merit: for the world will ever be disposed to compare a subsequent work to the first, and unMr. Arnald has viewed the scene less a great and an obvious im-with the true feeling of a painter, provement be evinced, the compa- and has produced a picture that rison will be constantly made at will increase in value as long as a the expence of every new perform-love for topographic art exists. ance. It is not likely, that any picture from this artist will again excite so much attention as the Village Politicians; but it is strictly due to Mr. Wilkie, to say of this picture of Blind Man's Buff, as of others, that he has supported his reputation by much improvement

To the painter, Lambeth yet affords sonic excellent subjects for study. The fishermen's houses, with their rude boats, and the pebbly shore, and the venerable palace, with the Gothic gate towering above, lead the imagination back

to ancient times.

8. A Storm.-G. Arnald, A.

Meanwhile loud thunders ratile round the sky,
And hail and rain, in mingled tempests, fly;
While floods on floods, in swelling turbid tides,

Roll roaring down the mountain's channel'd


The young Ascanius, and the hunting train,
To close retreats fled diverse o'er the plain;

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