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February 8. I saw a polypus which was taken out of Mr. Townsend's nose; it was of a soft fleshy substance, with divers glandules in it, it was about three inches longe. Mr. Croppe extracted it.

February 9. The Bishop's son of Skalhault in Islande was here this afternoon, of whom I enquired many things concerninge his country.

February 10. I dissected a badger.

February 13. Wee drew valentines and danced this night at Mr. Howards. Hee was gat by Ms. Liddy Houghton and my sister Betty by him.

February 16. I went to visit Mr. Edward Ward, an old man in a feaver, where Ms. Anne Ward gave me my first fee, 10 shillings.

February 22. I set forward for my journey to London, baited at Thetford, and reached Cambridge this night, 46 miles of; where I was entertained by my good friends, Mr. Nurse, Mr. Craven, Mr. Bridge, &c.

February 23. I proceeded in my journey to London, as farre as Hodsdun, 27 miles more; where I lodged this night with some of my countrey men.

February 24. This morning I rode the last seventen mile to London, where, setting my horse at the George, I visited Mr. Nat. Scottow, Dr. Windate, Ms. Howell, and laide this night at my cosin Barker's in Clarkenwell.

February 25. I went to hear an anatomy lecture at Chirurgeons hall, and ordered my businesse so as to see the dissection on preparing of body by the chirurgeons, as well as to hear the discourse of the parts by Dr. Tearne,2 who reads this time; this is the third humane body I ever saw dissected at Chirurgeon's hall.

February 25. This morning Dr. Tearne made a speech in latine and afterwards read de Cuticula. I din'd at Dr. Windates, and in the afternoon heard the second lecture, wherein these parts following were insisted upon; Ventriculus cum orificiis suis, intestina, mesenterium, which I having before the lecture well observed in the anatomizing roome, did receive the greatest satisfaction from the lecture. This night I walk'd into St. James his Parke, where I saw 2 Dr. Christopher Tearne, of Leyden, M.D. originally of Cambridge, Fellow of the College of Physicians. He died in 1673.

many strange creatures, as divers sorts of outlandish deer, Guiny sheep, a white raven, a great parot, a storke, which, having broke its owne leg, had a wooden leg set on, which it doth use very dexterously. Here are very stately walkes set with lime trees on both sides, and a fine Pallmall.

February 26. I heard the third lecture, in which these parts following were taken notice of; glandula renales, renes, vesica, arteria et vena præparantes, testiculi, penis.


I went to the signe of the Queen's armes in St. Martins, where in the celler, being arched and close, the roof is all covered with a slimy substance formed into the figures of grapes or bunches of grapes, which, although sometimes wiped of, will encrease againe by the steame or vapour of the wine from the vessels; a pretty rarity and worth the observation. I brought some of these grapes away with mee. this cellar, not long since, one pulling down a partition of boardes founde the body of a dead man with his leg in a payre of stocks, the body afterwards stirred fell into ashes. I met with Mr. Hollingworth and Mr. Udal, who promised, if it pleaseth God to continue our healths, to meet mee at Paris the first of November next or else to forfeit forty shillings.

February 28. It being Sunday, I went to the Queen Mother's chappel, which is a stately one, well painted and adorned with a large golde crucifixe, a most admirable paynted crucifix, tapers, lamps, and the like. I noted some at confession, in little wooden apartments, and having satisfied my curiositie in observing the manner of their worship, I left this chappell of Sommerset house, and passing through a crowde of Irish beggars, I went to the Savoy church, where the liturgye of England is read in French. In the afternoon I read a sermon to Madam Fairfax, my dear sister Cottrell, and Nansy; and afterwards waited upon Madam Cottrell home to her house in St. James his parke, which is handsomely built upon a piece of grounde, which the kinge gave to Sr. Charles.3

February 29. I was at the chymists to inquire for spiritus

3 Sir Charles Cottrell, master of the ceremonies to King Charles II. married Sir Thomas Browne's daughter. He translated Cassandra, and was one of the translators of Davila's History of the Civil Wars of France.

urinæ, spiritus cornu, sal cornu cervi et cinnaberis antimonii.

I carried some Islande stones to one Royall, a stone cutter living over against the spur, at the upper end of Woodstreet. I eat for my dinner a Woodstreet cake, which cakes are famous for being well made.

March 1. I went to see Dr. Dee living in Crouchet Friers, but hee was not within. I was at Mr. King's, living in little Britain, an ingenious chirurgeon, who shewed mee parts of many things that hee had dissected, as a liver of a man excarnated, a spleen excarnated, a man's vena porta, the chorion and amnion of a woman, the uterus and all parts belonging to it, the coats in the third stomach of an ox neatly separated. I being desirous to see the inside of a man's stomacke hee cut up one for mee which hee had by him, the gutts opened and dried, the cæcum part of the colon and ilium dried, so as there was plainly to see the manner of the iliums insertion into the colon of a man, and the valve; and many other parts, which_hee kept dryed in a large paper booke. This afternoon I went to see a collection of rarities of one Forges, or Hobarte, by St. Paules, among which were many things which I never saw before, as a sea-elephantes head, a Lazy of Brazil, an Indian Serpente, &c. I went to Arundell house where I saw a great number of old Roman and Græcian statuas, many as big again as the life, and divers Greek inscriptions upon stones in the garden. I viewed these statuas till the approching night began to obscure them, beinge extreamly taken with the noblenesse of that ancient worke, and grieving at the bad usage some of them had met with in our last distractions. From hence by water to Sr. Charles Cotrels, where taking leave of my dear sister, I returned to my cousin Barkers in Clarkenwell.

March 2. I went to Mr. Foxe's chamber in Arundell house, where I saw a great many pretty pictures and things cast in brasse, some limmings, divers pretious stones, and one diamonde valued at eleven hundred pound; and, having received letters from him to carry to his honour Mr. Henry Howarde at Norwich, I tooke horse at the George in Lumbard street, and gat to Chelmsford this night, travelling 25 miles through that pleasant county of Essex.

March the 3d. I rose very early, and set forward on my journy by four of the clock, so as betwixt eight and nine I got to Colchester; a very large, but a stragling towne, the heart of the towne standing upon an hill, but it shoots out long streets into the valleys, on all hands. From hence to Ipswich, where I dined. A very great and clean neat towne, standing advantagiously upon a river so as ships come up to the towne. There are about 12 churches in it, and it gives place in bignesse to nere a towne in England. From hence this afternoon I rode to Thwait, through the Pye roade, a very deep uneven roade; so, having roade about 45 miles this day, I thought it best to ride no further, although it were not yet night, and I might easily have reached Scole. The man of the house seemed to bee a very honest fellow, and gave as kinde entertainment as his house was capable of. Hee had a daughter which was not fifteen, and yet as tal as most women. I observed that to one in the jaundice hee gave the green ends of goose dunge steep'd in beere, and then strayned and sweetned, a country remedy.

March the 4. Having roade about two mile, I came to the white horse; a horse carv'd in wood, upon a wooden structure, like a sighne post, an old woman and a gardener one standing behind and another before the horse; underneath hanges a globe, out of which comes four hands, which directs passengers in the crosse roads (which meet iust in these places) one standes towards Norwich, the contrary towards Ipswich, one to Bury and the other to Framlingham. About three mile further I came to Scoale, where is very handsome inne, and the noblest signe post in England, about and upon which are carved a great many stories, as of Charon and Cerberus, of Acteon and Diana, and many other, the sighne it self is the white harte, which hangs downe carved in a stately wreath. Fifteen mile more to Norwich, whether I gat about eleven of the clocke; and in the afternoon waited upon Mr. Howard, and delivered him his letters, and to little Mr. Fox (heir to Mr. Fox of London), who dances a jig incomparably.

March 5. I dissected a shoveler.

March 9. I went to Norris his garden where I saw black Hellebore in flower, which is white; the white Hellebore is not yet come up.

I drank some birch tree liquor, which now runneth. March 10. I saw Mr. Howards closet, in which are a great number of delicate limmings, but one pretty large one, of our blessed lady with our Saviour in her armes, more than extraordinary. There are two heads in agate pretty large, a great many things cut and turnd in ivory, delicate china dishes, divers things cut in fine stones, a pearle in the fashion [of] a lion very large, and child's head and thigh bone very neat; divers things in gold and delicate workmanship, worthy so noble a person's closet.

March 11. I had a great deal of discourse with one Mr. Flatman a chirurgion that had lived in the gold country in Guiny, about that country, the inhabitants, their manners, our plantation at Cormontine, and the trafficke with the natives: as also about Lisbone, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, where hee had likewise been.

March 12. I dissected a frog, whose skin doth not stick close to the membrana carnosa, but is easily flead.

March 13. Mr. Flatman told mee the Portuguez used this way to the Jews or those that are in the inquisition, to make them dye in the Christian religion of the Church of Rome; they put a cord about their neck the end of which is put through the hole of a great post so as they on other side may streitn or slack the rope, choke or save them again as they please which they doe till with the extremity of the paine they professe what they will have them, and then immediately strangle them.

March 17. I received a letter from Mr. Rand, wherein hee sent mee the inscription of the columne to bee set up at Rome upon the Corsican's expulsion.

March 18. I received a letter from my worthy friend Mr. Isaac Craven, who, being sent by the society of Trinity College in Cambridge, of which he is fellow, to compliment the Marquisse of Newcastle and the Marchionesse for their workes presented to our library, was pleas'd to write me a short relation of his journy through Stamford, Grantham, Newark, Southwell, (where is a pretty minster,) and Mansfield, to Wellbeck the Marquisse his house; where hee saw many pictures of Vandike, and a fine cabinet, but above all his fine stable and brave horses for the great saddle, of which the Marquisse (as his noble booke horsmanshippe

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