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this distinction that their's are generally the offspring of over refinement, our's proceed from the want of it. In their nature they are quite distinct, though the former are often as pernicious as the latter, and not so likely to be remedied. Take thou care of thyself, and wherever thou goests, hold fast thy love of virtue and truth, for these, as has been said by a a learned observer of mankind, are respected every where.

"Turn thee" was his observation, "from East to West, from the South to the North, thou wilt find on all sides impious men who blaspheme against the deity, but true virtue has that of singular; That she is always respected, and even by the most profligate.”



Ram Chunder to Krishen Churn Gooros.

The sight of a spring of water to the thirsty Arab in a desert, or the view of the high Towers of Mecca to the holiest votary of Mahomet have never been productive of more delight than the letter from my venerable teacher, which assured me of his health and welfare.

While the instruction you have afforded me excites me to the improvement of my mind and the attainment of further knowledge, I shall also trust that the moral principles you have conjoined with them may lead me to a right application of what I acquire; which indeed as you have often told me, is the part of education most generally neglected, though in reality the most essential of the two.

The date of my letter will acquaint you that I am still a sojourner within the walls of Shahjehanabad. When I reflect upon the former grandeur of this seat of the Moslem Power, and the ruins which now cover a spot the residence in former days of so much homage and dignity, and the centre of so great an Empire, I cannot help calling to mind the inefficiency of a Government which has been reduced from so much splendor to its present insignificance, and the wisdom which must guide the counsels of that people by whom so small a power could obtain its present superiority over so great a multitude. Of the evils which existed under the former dynasty it is likely that there are still many remaining in the present age; and since the constitution of the Government and the laws of a country impart so great bias on the character and habits of the people, it would be no difficult task to trace the most remarkable features in their present state of life to that dispotic thraldom under which they were once held. To this may in great measure be ascribed the servile obsequiousness which so long bowed before the Yoke of foreign oppression-and the duplicity and cunning which where first called into action to evade the rigour of their laws. To this also is partly owing that strict and bigotted adherence to ancient forms and customs which has gained strength from the opposition it met with, and increased under the very measures taken to oppose it. In like manner it will be found that most of the paculiarities in the character of this as well as of other nations, may be traced to the principles of the Government under which they have lived. This reflexion too obviously suggests the remedy. That which tyranny and oppression has established or strenghtened the most, gentle means will most effectually remove. The delicacy of the succeeding government in admitting only a partial interference with the laws which were already established, has not as yet perhaps effected so visible a change as might at first have been expected from the introduction of a Government in all respects of so very different a character. But by

such prudent and conciliating counsels it is supposed that such change, when it does appear, though not so striking will be more durable, and more purely established than the hasty revolutions which preceded it.

But not till the time shall arrive when my countrymen are them. selves more deeply impressed with the value of this change, when the love of their country and a zeal for its improvement, feelings altogether incompatible with their present thoughts, shall have been introduced by the study of European letters and European principles, and when they themselves shall lend their aid to what a foreign hand has begun; then and not till then will the improvement which has advanced so slow ly, acquire a more vigorous character and wider growth.

This amor patriæ then is the principle which must precede the way to most improvements among the inhabitants of India. But in respect to this and other noble qualities of the mind, it is curious to observe that the more they are encouraged and instilled into the minds of the people by the present Governors, the more uncertain will be the tenor of their dominion over them; so that in such respect this country presents the very singular feature of a Government whose individual interests and the progressive improvement of the people they govern, are at variance with each other. I think, therefore, it will be a point of no small interest to future historians and politicians to observe what degree of assistance has been given by them to the advancement of a people who in all probability when arrived at a maturer intellect, will separate themselves from their dominion.

On this score, however, England if she proceeds in her present course will not have much to fear from the censure of posterity; but will rather enjoy the glorious reputation of paying but little regard to such mercenary interests, which is a good deal to say of the measures of a body of men who first established themselves and are still recog pised under the name of merchants.



From Ram Chunder to Krishen Churn Gooroo.

Of all the means by which the improvement of this country will afterwards be carried on, there will be none probably of greater avail than the advantage of printing, and a free liberty of the press. By which I would understand not that unrestrained and licentious freedom which gives men permission to breed dissensions among the state, or to wound the peace of private society, but that which admits and promotes fair discussion without abusing the means, which makes known public worth with the view of recommending it to others, and points out the evils of life for the sole purpose of amending them. It is by this engine, when thus directed, that purity of principle and high feelings of honor are instilled into the character of a people. For as men know that their misdeeds may be easily detected, so they may be assured that there will be always in every state a sufficient number of discontented and captious spirits, who will be ready to take advantage of their errors, and bring them to public notice. It may be observed too, however pernicious such detractors may be in private life, they will seldom be found to do much injury in public. In the former case the individual has seldom the means of justifying himself. In the latter he may generally meet the accusations, and excuse himself if he is innocent. But these benefits of the liberty of the press will make

very little way where some degree of good principle and sense of character is not planted before hand: for it is only a keen sense of the honor of merit, and the sting of public disgrace that can give any effect to the remarks thrown out by others; and where such feelings are not previously known the praises or animadversions of the crowd will pass unheeded. The want of such principles among the people of this country is too well known, and therefore the press, as the nurse of public virtue and patriotism, which is by far its most essential character, will not probably for many years to come be of much avail in India.

In another department however its advantages may be sooner developed. As its effect in the moral world is to elevate all its best principles, and give a higher tone and refinement to the virtues of the mind, so in the natural world its efficacy has been wonderfully felt in every civilized country in the encouragement it gives to arts and sciences, and especially in bringing together the ideas and projects of different persons on those points, where individual skill or knowledge would have served them to little effect. The usefulness of a press in this particular, if it can be widely circulated, will in all likelihood very soon shew itself in India. In all the arts of life, in agriculture especially, there may be many contrivances adopted in one part of the country which, without some such assistance, might never be known in any other; and though the inhabitants of India are not very willing to adopt any new methods or practices, yet it is to be supposed that this prejudice will be soon gradually overcome; particularly as the progress of education shall introduce among the rising generation a more extensive knowledge of natural Philosophy, and the usages to which it is made applicable for all the purposes of life. And such knowledge will in all probability be sooner acquired, than those moral attainments which have so much greater obstacles to meet with in the present system of superstition and idolatry.

The blessing of a free press will I have no doubt in future ages, in this as well as in many other countries, be looked back to with pride and wonder by the people, as the great engine from which arose the civilization and improvement of their ancestors. Its effects will perhaps be first seen in the objects of the natural world--but will then take a wider range, and through the blessing of heaven introduce, though slowly yet gradually, truer notions of moral excellence, till the puerilities of their own idolatry give way before the pure and exalted practice of Christian virtues.

I have often thought it matter of regret that the periodical papers now issued from the native press, should be so much taken up with trifling anecdotes, and a succession of puerile remarks and information. These indeed are perhaps more suited to the infant powers of mind of the present mass of Hindoos, than more learned controversies or dissertations; but we are inclined to regret that they should not rather assume somewhat of the style of European writers, and have more rational objects in view than those we find them now employed on. Indeed I have often wondered that some learned native has not undertaken to translate regularly one of the best European papers-especially the part dedicated to Asiatic news, which would go a great way to introduce a better style of composition, and impart a taste for obtaining that useful and agreeable information, which presents itself in such a variety of shapes in the newspapers of the present day.

(To be Continued.)





Ir is with great pleasure, that we announce the re-establishment of this Committee, which was originally formed by the Asiatic Society, as a subdivision of itself in 1808. Its object, as stated in the 13th vol. of the Asiatic Researches, was the promotion of every branch of knowledge comprehended under the general term Physics, including especially Natural History, Medicine and the Improvement of Art. The Committee entered on its duties with zeal, and continued during many sittings to receive and discuss a great variety of interesting communications, but ultimately fell into disuse, from the difficulty of finding a sufficient number of co-laborers, to keep up a spirit of connected and useful enquiry by frequent intercourse. More promising appearances having of late disclosed themselves, in an extensive manifestation of zeal for science, amongst the European Inhabitants of British India, the Asiatic Society have re-established the Physical Committee under the conviction, that they thus promote the interests of knowledge by providing a central receptacle for the numerous important scientific, but comparatively insulated facts, which are every day collecting in different parts of India. A large proportion of these facts have been continually lost, from there being no institution to receive and record them; or whose object has been to ascertain their relative situation in the scale of

that branch of science, to which they may belong, or to award a proportionate and well earned credit to those, who impart them. For these, amongst its other purposes, the Physical Committee has re-assembled ; but in order to effect its objects it must make them generally known, and for this reason we are glad to observe, that at its first meeting it was resolved to address a circular letter, explanatory of its views to different Members of the Asiatic Society, and other Gentlemen resident in India.

In reference to the Constitution of the Physical Committee it may be well to remark, that all the Members of the Asiatic Society are Members of the Committee.

Proceedings of the Physical

On Wednesday evening the 9th
of February, the PHYSICAL COM-
MITTEE held its first revived meet-
ing at the Rooms of the ASIATIC SO
CIETY, when the following Gentle-
men being present :---
JAMES CALDER, Esq. in the Chair.
H. H. WILSON, Esq. Sec. to the
Asiatic Society.
Mr. Ross,

Dr. ABEL, Sec. to the Committee.

It was resolved, that the ordinary Meetings of the Committee should alternate monthly with those of the Asiatic Society, that a circular letter be addressed to different Members of the Society and other Gentlemen in India, soliciting their promotion of the objects of the Committee; and

with a view to one very important branch of inquiry, that an application be made to the Surveyor General for copies of his metereological reports.

As this was the first Meeting, after an interval of several years, it went into the examination of the former proceedings of the Physical Committee, and found in its records several notices on interesting subjects. Amongst those, which do not appear to have been before the public, were,

1. A Letter from Calicut by Mr. J. Thompson On the Cobra Manilla, and two venomous sea snakes, accompanied by a figure of each. It appears from this communication, that the late General Gillespie was bitten by the Cobra Manilla, when in the act of gathering a peach, and that he was in consequence deprived in two or three minutes of all sensation, but recovered by the free use of Eau-de-Luce, externally and internally. The two sea snakes are called Manyla or sand snake, and the Chabi, or mud snake of Malabar, are stated to be the terror of fishermen, and to have generally the name of Kada-pompa or sea snake. The Manyla is said to have the fang teeth of venomous land serpents, and to have been fatal to a fowl in ten minutes. According to the drawing of the Manyla, this snake offers an exception to one of the general characters of venomous serpents, in having the scales of the head, larger than those of the body; the reverse being usually the case. The Cobra Capello, however resembles it in this respect, but it would be desirable to ascertain how far the rule extends,

2. An Enquiry (addressed to the Physical Committee, by Dr. Carey), whether there be any difference in the quality ofrecently fallen rain water in different places, and if there be, wherein it consists." In this inquiry Dr. Carey observes,

that it is necessary to keep entirely out of view the effects of heavy rain, as noxious from quantity, it being only to the effects of a peculiar kind, produced by rain water, to which he looks. Dr. Carey was led to make the enquiry by the effects, which he had seen produced by recent rain water on some vegetables, and on the human body. The former especially the Passerina filiformis, and Colutea arborea are often destroyed by a heavy shower of rain, which gives an appearance to the leaves of having been scorched or frozen. A resembling chilblains, occurring painful disease, common in Bengal, principally about the ears, eyes or the Hindoos to bathing in recently cheeks, is universally attributed by fallen rain water.

3. An analysis by Dr. Hare of a brick from the ruins of Babylon, presented by Mr. Home, Gave specific gravit: 2,6666.

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4. A very interesting communi cation by Mr. Wilson, On different chemical substances, known to the natives of India, opens a very important branch of enquiry, in reference to the purposes, for which they may be employed, and to their che mical constitution. The subjects of Mr. Wilson's examination were the Rus Kupoor, Hire Kass, and two varieties of Soorma. The Rus Kupoor, which bears a close analogy to calomel, has a specific ing to Mr. W. of 80.8 of mercury, gravity of 8.8, and consists accord10.2 of oxygen, and 9 of acid in 100 parts. In this respect the RusKupoor differs from the other combinations of chlorine with mercury, and therefore merits further investigation, in reference to the doc

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