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The Interstate Commerce Act Since 1920-Address of John J. Esch, former
Commissioner, and former Chairman, and for 18 Years a Member of
Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Repre-

не 2157 .1937





Honored guests, fellow Commissioners, former Commissioners, and employees of the Interstate Commerce Commission: It is, indeed, a very great honor to have the privilege of opening these exercises and welcoming our guests; but it is with some embarrassment that I appear before you because I am the only young Commissioner to speak here today, having been a member of the Commission less than 4 years, while the other Commissioners on the program are those approaching the 50-year-service mark, or at least those closest to it, which is entirely appropriate for a semicentennial celebration.

Please do not think that I am putting them in the "old men" class. To emphasize my innocence of such imputation, I will admit that in years I am older than at least one of the four Commissioners that appear on the program today.

The reason I am here is that I happen to be Chairman this year. It comes not as a reward of merit but in accordance with the custom of rotation every year.

We have set apart this day to observe the completion of 50 years of official work. The celebration, however, really began last evening with a most enjoyable dinner which was given in honor of this occasion by the Association of Practitioners before the Interstate Commerce Commission.

The history of the Commission has been written. You will hear reminiscences and more history from the speakers to follow. A historical exhibit has been prepared and is open for inspection.

As I can hardly say anything of the history of the Interstate Commerce Commission without the fear of anticipating the other speakers, I will confine my few remarks to the near future.

Within the past 3 years additional duties have been given to the Commission by the passage of the Air Mail and Motor Carrier Acts. In consequence of this, many employees have been added to our staff and more office space is still needed. The lack of sufficient funds and inadequate office space have kept the Bureaus of Air Mail and Motor Carriers from making the desired progress. Nevertheless, headway

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