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doing and did more. Olmsted busy?

(Witnesses: Clark, Zappone.)

Now, was there additional work that kept Mr.

Mr. CLARK. They kept right on doing the same clerical work that they had been doing before, but they did not keep on doing the supervisory work and the initiative work that they had been doing, that had been done before.

The CHAIRMAN. What was the initiative work that they had been doing? Who did that initiative work, Mr. Olmsted?

Mr. CLARK. Mr. Olmsted, in many matters. What I call the supervisory and initiative work was the preparation of bulletins and such work as the initiating of this "cost-keeping" tabulation, the improvements in methods of tabulating, and other such matters as these.

The CHAIRMAN. Was the work of that character of sufficient quantity to keep Mr. Olmsted fully employed and did it keep him fully employed after he went with the Bureau? What was the fact about that?

Mr. CLARK. I should say that it did.

The CHAIRMAN. Was he there all the time; and if not, how much of the time?

Mr. CLARK. I could not say exactly how much of the time. Mr. Olmsted, during the time that he was working on the final completion of the Philippine census, would come to the office always on time, or before 9 o'clock, to receive the reports and the correspondence that would come into that division, and would give his directions and orders; and some few days each week I can not tell you just how many he would come into the front office, where I was and where Mr. Hyde was, and say that he was going up to the Census Bureau and would be back at a certain time, stating specifically, a half hour or an hour or two hours mostly the shorter periods of time. We have two telephones, and occasionally he would come and use the 'phone and telephone up to the Census Bureau. This all lasted, I should say, for two or three months, so that he, during that time, was in direct touch with the Bureau of Statistics personally and in a supervisory character practically continuously. Mr. Olmsted was at that time in as close touch physically with that division as nearly all bureau chiefs are, because Mr. Olmsted is different from some bureau chiefs. He is at the office every morning before 9 o'clock, and he leaves at or after the ring of the bell at 4.30, and always has since he has been in the Bureau.

The CHAIRMAN. You say he is different from some other bureau chiefs. What do the other fellows do? I do not know anything about it. Wherein is he different?

Mr. CLARK. Well, I probably should not make statements along that line.

Mr. ZAPPONE. You mean in other departments?

Mr. CLARK. Yes, in other departments.

Mr. ZAPPONE. He certainly does not mean in the Department of Agriculture.

Mr. CLARK. It is generally accepted

The CHAIRMAN. I wanted Mr. Clark to state what the facts are. Of course all this goes on the record. We want to get what the fact is. I do not know anything about it. Of course the comparison of Mr.

(Witnesses: Olmsted, Clark.)

Olmsted with other bureau chiefs sheds no light for me unless I know what the others do. What is the condition?

Mr. CLARK. Some bureau chiefs may not be as strict in their continuous personal attendance; it is so reported. I have not any specific knowledge or evidence of it, but it is reported that sometimes they are not so strict in their attendance as the clerks necessarily have to be in their attendance. They are probably out of their offices at intervals engaged on work or investigations in relation to their offices; but Mr. Olmsted has always been very strict in his personal attendance as an example to his clerks.

The CHAIRMAN. How much of the time did Mr. Olmsted, during this period of three or four months, devote to the Philippine census during office hours at the Department of Agriculture, on the average, if any?

Mr. CLARK. I do not know of any time while he was at the Bureau of Statistics that he was engaged on any other work than Bureau work.

The CHAIRMAN. No, that was not the question. The question was, during office hours how much time did he devote, so far as you could judge, to the work of the Philippine census, if any? I do not know what the facts may be.

Mr. CLARK. That is incorporated in my former reply, that two or three times a week he would leave the Bureau with the statement that he was going to the Census Bureau, and that was with the approval of Mr. Hyde, and he would leave for an hour or a half an hour from a half hour to an hour and a half at a time.

Mr. OLMSTED. These temporary absences you speak of two or three times a week were always with the consent of the chief of the Bureau, Mr. Hyde, were they not?

Mr. CLARK. They were always with his consent, and they were always after a request for permission to go had been made to him. Mr. OLMSTED. At that time you were chief clerk of the Bureau? Mr. CLARK. Yes.

Mr. OLMSTED. Do you recollect this fact, that during that period of two or three months when I left the office in the daytime for those short times, I did not take the annual leave that I might have taken up to within about eighteen days; that is I let about eighteen days of my annual leave lapse, which was more than enough to offset these little temporary absences I was guilty of, two or three times a week, from the Bureau? Do you remember that fact?

Mr. CLARK. I remember the fact that you had taken hardly any annual leave since you had been in the Bureau-nearly all of it was unused. I do not remember just the time.

Mr. OLMSTED. That year my recollection is that I only took twelve days on account of sickness; when I broke myself down and had to


The CHAIRMAN. You have stated the facts as to these absences, in your own statement?


(Witness: Lundy.)


The witness was sworn by the chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. What is your position in the Bureau of Statistics? Mr. LUNDY. Chief clerk, at the present time.

The CHAIRMAN. How long have you been chief clerk?

Mr. LUNDY. Since November 16, 1905.

The CHAIRMAN. Prior to that, what position did you occupy?

Mr. LUNDY. I had been a clerk in the various grades since I came in, in 1903.

The CHAIRMAN. Were you about the Bureau of Statistics when Mr. Olmsted came to the Bureau in 1904, in April, 1904?

Mr. LUNDY. Yes, sir; I was employed there at that time as clerk. The CHAIRMAN. In what capacity were you there then?

Mr. LUNDY. I was appointed in July and took my position in August, 1903, as a clerk in one of the lower grades at $840 per annum, and at the time Mr. Olmsted came there I was still at that salary. The CHAIRMAN. Where were you at work?

Mr. LUNDY. I was at work in what is called the library at the particular time when Mr. Olmsted came in there. I had been in the front room and also in Mr. Blodgett's section prior to that, but I was in the library at that time.

The CHAIRMAN. Do you have any personal knowledge of the amount of work done in that division before and after Mr. Olmsted came?

Mr. LUNDY. No, sir; I have not, except in a general way. When I first came in there I did some tabulation work on the township sheets, which work was in Professor Blodgett's section, and I also did some compilations and computations on some other statistical work which was being done there. After I had been there three or four months I was taken off of the statistical work, except during the periods in which we made the crop reports, and my work was changed to the charge of stationery, straightening up the storeroom, superintending the printing of circulars and schedules, and things of that kind, although I continued to tabulate during the crop-reporting period. All the knowledge I have of the increase of work being done is that there was an increased amount of printing that was being done. For instance, we have one schedule which we send out to postmasters, and the number of those schedules printed was increased probably onehalf. Those schedules are used for the purpose of getting new correspondents. Then we have a certain color of schedule on our township lists, which we send to new correspondents; that was 4,000—had been from July, 1903, up to April, 1904. About May or June, 1904, it was increased to 5,000 and continued to increase gradually during the year until we printed 8,000 of those each month. The entire township list was increased about the same amount-two, three, or four thousand each month. I also know there were schedules printed that had never been printed before that time; that schedules were revised; that there was more printing, and that there were more stationery and more schedules which were used for revision of lists and in correspondence and other reporting than had been used at that time. The State that I tabulated increased up to August, 1904, when I quit working on it. That was the State of Texas, and it increased

(Witnesses: Olmsted, Lundy, Clark.)

right along. Whether the others increased that much I do not know. I have not much personal knowledge on that subject, because I have not had a great deal to do with it.

The CHAIRMAN. What do you know of the presence of Mr. Olmsted during office hours from April, 1904, to January, 1905, when his connection with the Philippine census ceased?

Mr. LUNDY. I can shed very little light on that, because of the fact that I was in the library for probably a year after Mr. Olmsted came there, and the library is a room which is on the opposite side of the hall, and what we call back, down the hall from the entrance where Mr. Olmsted is. I have gone in to see Mr. Olmsted about the printing of some schedule or other matter and have been told that he was out of the building, and on four or five occasions they understood that he was over at the Census, and on two or three occasions I have happened to be in the front room when Mr. Olmsted would tell Mr. Hyde that he was going to the Census; but beyond that I have no personal knowledge, because I was rarely in that portion of the building unless I was called up there.

The CHAIRMAN. So that you had no occasion to know?

Mr. LUNDY. No, sir; unless I had some consultation with Mr. Olmsted.

The CHAIRMAN. That is all that I want to ask you. Have you some further statement that you want to make yourself?. Mr. LUNDY. None that I know of.

ADDITIONAL STATEMENT OF MR. VICTOR H. OLMSTED, CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Mr. SAMUEL. Will you kindly explain the occasion for what occurs to me as the rapid promotion of Mr. Lundy from a clerk of class 1 up to class 4?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; I will explain it to you. I do not remember the dates of his promotions. Mr. Lundy was promoted, I believe, and when I came there he was getting $1,400.

Mr. CLARK. One thousand two hundred dollars.

Mr. OLMSTED. He was made assistant to the chief clerk of the office, who was then Doctor Clark, and was given $1,400, his duties being enlarged and his work increased. He developed great capacity. In fact, he showed such marked ability that when Doctor Clark was made assistant chief of the Bureau, Mr. Lundy was the best, most available man to make chief clerk. He had been trained to the duties of the position under Doctor Clark and he performed them just as well as anybody possibly could.

In the interim, while he was assistant to Doctor Clark, the work had increased, due to the increase of the work of the Bureau, and he had much more to do than Doctor Clark had had to do when he was chief clerk. There is really 50 per cent more work there to be done now. As we called on him to perform the duties of this position, and as the work increased largely, we though that it was only right that he should have the salary. I was not then statistician, but I was glad to concur in it and glad that we had a man in the division who did not require any training, but who knew what the duties were and could perform them. His promotion was rapid, but it was a deserved promotion, and the duties he performed required the money.


(Witnesses: Olmsted, Clark, Graham.)

was the only available man that we had for the position. It was a statutory position, and he was the only available man we had for the position in the office, and we put him in the position, which necessitated the paying him of that salary.

Mr. SAMUEL. I did not intend any criticism.

Mr. OLMSTED. No; it is a very natural and proper inquiry to make. Mr. SAMUEL. It was a rapid promotion, and I wondered how it came about.

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; it was a rapid promotion. But he was the only man trained for the position, and it was a statutory position. Congress had provided for a chief clerk at $1,800; he was the man for the place, and we gave him the place, and he got the salary.

The CHAIRMAN. If he can perform the duties, it is all right.

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; he does perform them perfectly, and the duties have increased as the work of the Bureau has grown, and they continue to increase.

The CHAIRMAN. I notice that some of these people here are spoken of as professors and doctors. Have those titles any special signification?

Mr. OLMSTED. My idea is that Professor Blodgett was formerly a professor in some institution of learning. I have known him for twenty-five years, and he has always had that title. We have some doctors. I do not think they are doctors of medicine, necessarily, but the title has been given them because of some collegiate degrees which they have taken. I do not know that we have a single doctor

of medicine in the office. Have we [addressing Doctor Clark]? Mr. CLARK. Not now.

Mr. OLMSTED. Doctor Clark is a doctor of laws. He graduated in law and took a post-graduate. course. Mr. Lundy is also a graduate in law. He is studying. He studies at night, or has done so in the past.

The CHAIRMAN. I think that covers everything that we want to know.

At 5.45 o'clock p. m. the committee adjourned until Friday, February 1, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m.


The witness was sworn by the chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. You are employed in the Bureau of Statistics? Mr. GRAHAM. Yes.

The CHAIRMAN. In what capacity?

Mr. GRAHAM. Clerk of class 2.

The CHAIRMAN. How long have you been employed there in that capacity?

Mr. GRAHAM. I have been a clerk of class 2 for about a year.

The CHAIRMAN. And prior to that were you in the Bureau?
Mr. GRAHAM. Yes.

The CHAIRMAN. In what class?

Mr. GRAHAM. I came from a thousand dollars up to class 2.
The CHAIRMAN. That is-

Mr. GRAHAM. One thousand four hundred dollars.

The CHAIRMAN. What duties have you been discharging?

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