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(Witness: Olmsted.)

Mr. OLMSTED. I returned in September or October, 1904, I think it


The CHAIRMAN. And how long did you continue to act under the Philippine government, or the Bureau of Insular Affairs?

Mr. OLMSTED. I continued to act with them here in Washington up to the latter part of January, 1905.

The CHAIRMAN. At a salary of $3,000 a year?

Mr. OLMSTED. At a salary of $3,000 a year from the Philippine government; yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Up to the latter part of January, 1905?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. When did you go into the Department of Agriculture?

Mr. OLMSTED. I went into the Department of Agriculture, if my recollection serves me right, on April 1, 1904.

The CHAIRMAN. In what capacity?

Mr. OLMSTED. As chief of the Division of Domestic Crop Reports. The CHAIRMAN. And at what salary?

Mr. OLMSTED. At $2,800 a year.

The CHAIRMAN. So that from April, 1904, until the last of January, 1905, you were drawing two salaries?

Mr. OLMSTED. I drew two salaries; not from the United States Government, however. I drew one from the United States Government and one from the Philippine government, with the full understanding of both parties, both departments, that I should do that, and at their solicitation.

The CHAIRMAN. That is what I wanted to inquire about. Were you rendering service to both Bureaus?

Mr. OLMSTED. I was.

The CHAIRMAN. If I understand it correctly, from the first of April,


Mr. OLMSTED. Some time in April; I am not sure about the date. (April 1, 1904.)

The CHAIRMAN. Well, some time in April-that is near enough. Of course we do not care anything about the exact dates. From some time in April, 1904, until the last of January, 1905, you were drawing $3,000 a year from the Philippine government, or the Insular Bureau, whatever it may be, and at the same time $2,800 a year from the Department of Agriculture?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Under the Department of Agriculture?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. So that aggregated, during that period, $5,800? Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. What was this position in the Department of Agriculture to which you were appointed at the rate of $2,800?

Mr. OLMSTED. Chief of the Division of Domestic Crop Reports of the Bureau of Statistics.

The CHAIRMAN. Is that the division under which the cotton statistics are collected?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; and all the other crops-wheat, rye, oats, barley, and everything.

(Witnesses: Olmsted, Zappone.)

The CHAIRMAN. Is that the division that all the hubbub was created about later on?

Mr. OLMSTED. It was partly the work of that division that was handled by the Statistician.

The CHAIRMAN. Oh, it was?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Who occupied this place of chief of the division before you occupied it; or was there any such position?

Mr. ŎLMSTED. I do not know that it had been designated as such. There was a man named Harrison doing the work.

The CHAIRMAN. What salary was he getting?

Mr. OLMSTED. I do not know. I do not know what salary he got, I am sure.

The CHAIRMAN. Was there any such position as that before you occupied it?

Mr. OLMSTED. I do not believe there was, officially.

The CHAIRMAN. Then the position, so far as the position is concerned, was created at that time?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir; I think it was.

The CHAIRMAN. By whom was it created, so far as you know? Mr. OLMSTED. It was created by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Chief of the Bureau-by the Secretary of Agriculture at the solicitation of the Chief of the Bureau, I suppose.

The CHAIRMAN. Who was the Chief of the Bureau?

Mr. OLMSTED. A man named Hyde, Mr. John Hyde.

The CHAIRMAN. Who is this Mr. Hyde? Is he this man that got into trouble?

Mr. OLMSTED. He is one of them.

The CHAIRMAN. I know nothing about that except what I have seen and heard. You say that Mr. John Hyde was at that time Chief

of the Bureau?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. And so far as your understanding of it is concerned, this position was created at that time?

Mr. OLMSTED. I think it was.

you will permit me.

The CHAIRMAN. Certainly.

However, I will explain to you, if

Mr. OLMSTED. Before that time, the work that I took charge of when I was appointed to that position had been carried on under the supervision of another man.

The CHAIRMAN. By an eighteen-hundred-dollar man?

Mr. OLMSTED. I do not know what his salary was. I think it was $1,800 or $2,000, I am not sure.

The CHAIRMAN. Perhaps Mr. Zappone can tell me. Do you remember about that?

Mr. ZAPPONE. You refer to Mr. Harrison?

Mr. OLMSTED. Mr. Harrison; yes.

Mr. ZAPPONE. He received $1,800.

The CHAIRMAN. Then that work that you did was done by an eighteen-hundred-dollar man before that time?

Mr. OLMSTED. It purported to be done by him.

The CHAIRMAN. Well, he was "making a shy at it," at any rate?

(Witness: Olmsted.)

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; well, not fully, not fully, because he, as I am informed, only had charge of a small branch of that work.

The CHAIRMAN. What did he do after you took that appointment? Mr. OLMSTED. He was employed there for a short time as a clerk, when his health failed and he quit the office.

The CHAIRMAN. Did he continue right along in the same work he had been doing?

Mr. OLMSTED. Oh, no.

The CHAIRMAN. Did you do the work that he had been doing? Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; and a good deal more than he had been doing. The CHAIRMAN. And you still did all your work under the Insular Bureau, did you?

Mr. OLMSTED. My work under the Insular Bureau by that time had become so small that it took very little of my time. I only worked nights.

The CHAIRMAN. Am I to understand that it was substantially perfunctory, and that you were drawing the salary without rendering any services for it?

Mr. OLMSTED. No, sir; it was not perfunctory, but

The CHAIRMAN. Well, you say it had become very small.

Mr. OLMSTED. It had become of a character that did not require very much time; but I had to examine-for instance, I will tell you: The material we collected in the Philippine Islands was brought back here and compiled and tabulated in the Census Bureau.


Mr. OLMSTED. It was my duty to s pervise that tab lation, and, when it was done, analyze it and prepare the text for publication, and to supervise the editorial work and do semieditorial work. Now, at the time, Mr. Hyde had been after me several times to come back to the Department, stating that work was in bad condition; the tabulating work in the Division of Domestic Crop Reports was getting into a chaotic condition, and he was calling on me to come back. told him for awhile that I could not possibly do it; that the work of the Philippine census was pressing, and that I could not quit it, but that as soon as I co. ld see my way clear so that I co ld do this work without infringing on the work that I should do for him I wold let him know. After awhile the Philippine censes work dropped to the point where I did not have to stay at my desk all the time. I would take the material as it came from the tabulating divisions and go down there every evening and work until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, and every Sunday, and in that way I would do my work for the Philippine census bureau outside of the ho rs I devoted to the Department of Agriculture. Now, I could do that, and I did do it, and kept the work right up to date all the time, so that by the time the tab lations were done I had them in shape for publication.

The CHAIRMAN. When did you get back into this country from the Philippines?

Mr. OLMSTED. In September or October, 1903, I think it was. The CHAIRMAN. From some time in September, 1903, up to April, 1904, then you were drawing $3,000 a year?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; and it occupied all my time up to that time. The CHAIRMAN. Exactly so.

Mr. OLMSTED. And practically all of my nights, too.

(Witness: Olmsted.)

The CHAIRMAN. From April, 1904, to January, 1905, you continued to do the same work you were doing under the Insular Bureau, and then did, in addition, the work under the Agricultural Department?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; except that the Ins lar Bureau work did not require all of my time, as it had prior to that time.

The CHAIRMAN. Exactly; that is what I understood you to say a few minutes ago.

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir; but it was of the same character.

The CHAIRMAN. The work had decreased very much?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes; the quantity of work had decreased, but the importance of it had not decreased. It was the finishing touches I was putting on it, you know.

The CHAIRMAN. Oh, yes; and of course you were thoroughly familiar with the matter, as far as that is concerned, and the quantity was the thing that fig red.

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. How many hot rs a day were you req: ired to work in order to earn those two salaries?

Mr. OLMSTED. I worked in the Breau of Statistics from 9 o'clock in the morning until half past 4 in the evening. Then I would go home and get my dinner and rest an hour or two, and then go down to the Census Bureau and work; while I was not required to work any specified number of hours, I generally did work until midnight or 1 o'clock in the morning, and I worked all day Sundays.

The CHAIRMAN. How many clerks did you have under you in the Bureau of Insular Affairs? Was it Insular Affairs?

Mr. OLMSTED. No; it was the Bureau of the Census, Mr. North's bureau. The work was done by Mr. North's clerks, and they were under him, but I simply mapped out the work to his subordinates as to what I wanted done.

The CHAIRMAN. You were working then in conjunction with the Census Bureau?


The CHAIRMAN. That certainly is a United States Government bureau, is it not?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir. Under the law and under an arrangement with the War Department the tabular work-the clerical work of the census returns of the Philippine Islands-was to be performed by the United States Census Bureau, because they had the equipment and the machinery and the clerks employed there, and they had the manual labor. They made the tables, the footings, etc., for my use, to work up for the books.

The CHAIRMAN. The supervision of it was done by the Philippine government; that is, was the Philippine government furnishing the men to supervise the work of one of the government departments, from your understanding of it?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir; in a way. I did not exactly supervise the actual details of the work. For instance, I furnished Mr. North, or his proper subordinates, with a statement of what kind of tables I wanted made.

The CHAIRMAN. Exactly.

Mr. OLMSTED. The box heads, etc., and I showed him how I wanted them tabulated. That he would have his clerks do in accordance my directions. I did not supervise the clerks immediately.

(Witness: Olmsted.)

The CHAIRMAN. Did they reach the final results?

Mr. OLMSTED. They reached the final figure results which I wanted; yes, sir. They made the footings.

The CHAIRMAN. The figures, I take it, are the final results?

Mr. OLMSTED. Yes, sir; but those things had to be explained and analyzed and treated textually before they were published. There was a great deal of other matter that the Census Bureau did not do, in the way of textual matter that we had collected that had to be edited and rewritten and adjusted, and a good deal of compilation.

The CHAIRMAN. What was this textual matter?

Mr. OLMSTED. If I had a volume I could show you.
The CHAIRMAN. I mean just generally?

Mr. OLMSTED. It was matter on the production of rice, for instance, and on the production of tobacco in the Philippine Islands, and textual matter on the subject of express and telephone and telegraph companies.

The CHAIRMAN. Who prepared the original manuscript for that

textual matter?

Mr. OLMSTED. I did, mostly.

The CHAIRMAN. Did you have stenographers?

Mr. OLMSTED. I had one stenographer and typewriter.

The CHAIRMAN. By whom was that stenographer employed, the United States Government or the Philippine government?

Mr. OLMSTED. He was appointed by the Philippine government. The CHAIRMAN. When you received your compensation from the time you got here in September, 1903, up to January, 1905—that is, your $3,000 per annum-upon what official were those checks drawn?

Mr. OLMSTED. They were drawn, I think, upon the treasury of the Philippine Islands. I used to get a draft from the disbursing officer here at the Insular Bureau, and I think they were drawn on the Treasury of the Philippine Islands. That is my recollection.

The CHAIRMAN. Who drew those drafts in the Insular Bureau? Mr. OLMSTED. The disbursing officer, Mr. Jester.

The CHAIRMAN. Then the thing comes down in the end, at any rate, since you were in this country, after you were over there, to the management of the Insular Bureau? They had charge of all that


Mr. OLMSTED. Oh, all my financial affairs were arranged through them. As far as the compensation was concerned, I received it through the Insular Bureau; yes.

The CHAIRMAN. Who is the disbursing officer of the Insular Bureau? Mr. OLMSTED. Mr. Jester was the disbursing officer at that time. The CHAIRMAN. What is his name?

Mr. OLMSTED. I do not remember his full name. He is now, I understand, disbursing officer of the Canal Commission on the Isthmus of Panama.

The CHAIRMAN. Your recollection is not distinct whether those checks were drawn or whether those drafts were made upon the Treasury of the United States or upon the Philippine treasury?

Mr. OLMSTED. I know positively that they were made upon the Philippine treasury, because I was paid from the funds of the Philip

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