Accounting Office, the Congressional Joint Economic Committee and the Equal Opportunity Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor. The views of the Subcommittee are partially reflected in the following exchange between former Secretary of Labor John Dunlop and Congressman William Clay of Missouri: SECRETARY DUNLOP: MR. CLAY: I think it is much deeper than that, Mr. Secretary. SECRETARY DUNLOP: Well, help me. MR. CLAY: It has nothing to do with image A similar view was expressed by the minority 2 member of the subcommittee, Congressman John Buchanan of Alabama, in an exchange with the Solicitor of Labor: 3 2. Hearings before the Equal Opportunity Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee, June 18, 1975, p. 137. 3. III. MR. BUCHANAN: Recommendations Three basic options for restructuring the OFCCP program in the Labor Department are discussed below. A. Federal Contract Compliance Administration With the consolidation of the total Federal contract compliance program within the Department of Labor, OFCCP will have complete responsibility for a compliance and enforcement program covering some 29,000 contractors employing approximately 31 million persons, affecting the Federal Government's total procurement budget. This fact, coupled with the program's staff and budgetary resources of over 1,900 positions and $42 million justifies the creation of a Federal Contract Compliance Administration under the leadership of an Assistant Secretary. In addition to enabling the Department to overcome problems relating to research planning, administrative support, coordination and field operations, the elevation of the contractors alike that the enforcement of equal employment opportunity carries a degree of priority within the Department of Labor at least equal to that of Employment and Training, Occupational Safety and Health, Employment Standards, and other programs for which the Department has responsibility. B. Employment Rights or Equal Rights This structure would be essentially the same as that described above but with the addition of the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination activities and/or the addition of the activities of the Women's Bureau. A primary consideration, however, is whether OFCCP has the capability to take on added responsibilities prior to demonstrating its capability to institute the reforms necessary to realize its maximum potential under the Executive Order, Section 503 and Section 402 and to achieve optimum EEO results after such reforms have been put in place. The Task Force doubts the ability of OFCCP to take on any such additional responsibilities within the next 1 to 2 years. c. Employment Standards Administration The Task Force finds that forces against OFCCP's complete success in its current location are more institutional than related to the personal attributes of remaining in the Employment Standards Administra tion poses three central questions: can be revised in such a manner as to accommodate |