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churches in other parts of the country. Of Lu- | therans there are 51, and of the Reformed Church 10, congregations. The English have a chapel of their own at Warsaw. The government, according to the budget of the last five years, has contributed during that time 7,533,319 florins to the maintenance of religion, and 1,701,000 florins to the building of new churches and the repairing of old ones. The population of the kingdom, according to an official statement just published, may be estimated as follows:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The press is subjected in Poland to exactly the same system of censorship as in Russia. In 1840 there existed in Poland six political papers, and 19 other periodicals. The public libraries, which suffered terrible devastations in consequence of the insurrection, have been to some extent refurnished, through the exertions of M. de Uvaroff, who has directed the Imperial Library at St. Petersburgh to forward its duplicates to Warsaw. This is in some measure the repayment of an old debt, for the Imperial Library was originally formed by spoliations from Poland.


The Jews in Prussia according to a recent statistical table published in the State Gazette, amount to 191,558. In the province of Posen there are 77,102; in Silesia, 26,703; in the Rhine province, 26,367; in the province of Prussia, 25,779; in Westphalia, 13,766; in Brandenburg, 13,747; in Pomerania, 6832; in Saxony, 4262. Two-fifths of all the Jews in Prussia, therefore, resided in the province of Posen, or Prussian Poland, where they form one-sixteenth of the population.

By a decree dated the 31st of May, 1842, the King of Prussia has instituted a new branch of the Order of Merit, for the purpose of conferring a distinction on men eminent in science, literature, and the arts. The German Knights of the civil branch of the Order are to be thirty in number, one of whom is to be the Chancellor of the Order. In case of a vacancy, each knight is to have the right of proposing a successor. These votes are to be collected by the Chancellor, and submitted by him to the King, who reserves to himself the ultimate selection of the new knight. In addition to thirty German Knights, there are to be foreign knights, who are never to exceed thirty, but need not always amount to that number. The following is the list of what may be called the original members of the order.


W. Bessel, Director of the Observatory at Königsburgh, and Member of the Academy of Sciences at Berlin.

A. Boekh, Secretary to the Academy of Sciences at Berlin.

F. Bopp, M. A. S. B.

L. von Buch, M. A. S. B.

F. Dieffenbach, Professor at the University of Berlin.

G. Eichhorn, M. A. S. B.
G. Ehrenberg, S. A. S. B.

F. Enke, Director of the Observatory at Berlin, and S. A. S. B.

F. Gauss, Director of the Observatory at Göttingen, and M. A. S. B.

J. Grimm, M. A. S. B.

A. von Humboldt, M. A. S. B.

J. Jacobi, Professor at Königsburg, and M. A.
S. B.
Prince Clement von Metternich-Winneburg,
at Vienna.

E. Mitscherlich, M. A. S. B.
J. Muller, M. A. S. B.

C. Ritter, M. A. S. B.

F. Ruckert, Professor at Berlin.
C. von Savigny, M. A. S. B.

J. von Schelling, M. A. S. B.

A. W. von Schlegel, Professor at Bonn, and M. A. S. B.

L. Schonlein, Physician to the King, and Professor at Berlin.

L. Tieck, of Dresden and Berlin.

GERMAN KNIGHTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. P. von Cornelius, Member of the Academy of Arts at Berlin.

F. Lessing, Professor at the Academy of Arts at Düsseldorf.

F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, M. A. A. B.
J. Meyerbeer, M. A. A. B.

C. Rauch, Professor and M. A. A. B.

G. Schadow, Director of the Academy of Arts at Berlin.

(W. Schadow, Director of the Academy of Arts at Dusseldorf, is to have the reversion of his father's vote.)

J. Schnorr von Carolsfield, Professor at the Academy of Arts of Munich.

M. Schwanthaler, Professor at the Academy of Munich.


Arago, Perpetual Secretary to the Academy of Sciences of Paris.

Avellino, Member of the Herculanean Society at Naples.

J. von Berzelius, Secretary to the Academy of Sciences of Stockholm.

Count Borghesi, of San Marino.

Robert Brown, Member of the Royal Society of London.

Viscount Chateaubriand, Member of the Institute at Paris.

Faraday, Member of the Royal Society of London.

Count Fossombroni, of Florence. Gay-Lussac, Member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris.

Sir John Herschel, of Hawkhurst, in the county of Kent, Member of the Royal Society of London.

Was de Jukoffski, of St. Petersburg.

Kopitar, Professor of Slavonian Literature, and Custodium of the Imperial Library at Vienna.

B. von Krusenstern, Admiral, and Member of ❘ of the Society of Naturalists of Moscow; but, tothe Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Peters-wards the termination of the second year, the burg.

Letranne, Director-General of the Archives, and Member of the Academy of Inscriptions at Paris.

Melloni, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Naples.

Thomas Moore, of Great Britain.

society notified to him that its pecuniary means would not longer allow it to defray the charge. M. Karelin has, however, been directed by the government to continue his investigations, which he will now extend to the frontiers of China. During the first two years he forwarded to the Society of Moscow twelve chests of zoological,

Oerstedt, Secretary of the Royal Academy of botanical, and mineralogical specimens. Among Sciences of Copenhagen.


Daguerre, Landscape Painter at Paris. Fontaine, Architect to the King, and Member of the Institute at Paris.

Ingres, Member of the Institute at Paris.
Fr. Liszt, of Paris.

Rossini, of Bologna, Member of the Institute.
Thorwaldsden, of Copenhagen.

Toschi, of Parma, Member of the Institute.
Horace Vernet, Member of the Institute of


the botanical specimens sent home in the first year, 190 were collected among the Altai Mountains, and previously unknown to naturalists.

Kohl's works on Russia have been placed among the books, the importation of which into Russia has been prohibited. His work on Southern Russia is indeed allowed to circulate there, but not till several passages of considerable length have been carefully obliterated. Yet Kohl, though he speaks with frankness, manifests throughout all his works a decided partiality for Russia and the Russians. Nürnberger's Stillt Leben, oder ueber die Unsterblichkeit der Menschlichen Seele, and Weisse's Philosophische Geheimlehre von der Unsterblichkeit des menschlichen Individuums, have shared the fate of Kohl's amusing works. Among the works, the introduction of which has long been and still is prohibited, are:-the historical works of Rotteck and Pölitz, the Conversations-Lexicon of Brockhaus, Keller's Andachtstunden, Malten's Britrage zur neuesten Weltkunde, Cotta's periodical Das Ausland, &c.

There are 139 periodicals and newspapers now published in Russia, being five more than were in existence a year ago. Of the existing publications, ninety-eight are printed in Russian, twenty-two in German, eight in French, four in English, three in Polish, one in Italian, and three in the Lettish dialect. Three only of these periodicals are of a decidedly scientific tendency: namely, "The Journal of the Ministry for Pub- The Emperor and Empress of Russia, celelic Instruction," "The Bulletin of the Academy brate this year (on the 13th of July) their silver of Sciences," and "The Memoirs of the Univer-wedding-day, as it is called in Germany, namely, sity of Kasan." An imperial order was issued in 1837, to establish local newspapers at the chief towns of the different governments. Of these provincial papers, forty-one only have as yet been established. Their contents are almost exclusively of local interest.

M. Karelin is still engaged in his scientific journey through south-eastern Siberia, which has now lasted for upwards of two years. He commenced his undertaking in 1840, at the expense

the 25th anniversary of that happy event. The imperial festivities are to take place at the palace of Peterhof, and a million of silver rubles are said to have been set aside for the purpose.


Spanish literature has suffered an irreparable loss by the death of Espronceda, the deputy, and the first lyric poet of Spain. He died on the 23d of May, after an illness of only two days.





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Commentaire géographique sur l'Exode et les
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Polge. 8vo. 6s.

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sichtl. zusammengest. Crefeld. 6s.
Stilling, Untersuchung. üb. d. Functionen d.
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Zeitschrift für Geburtskunde v. Busch, d'Outre-
pont, etc. 12 Bd. Berlin, 12s.


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Berghaus, Kleiner geographisch-statist. Atlas d. Preuss. Monarch. Gotha.

Bröcker, L. O., Vorarbeiten zur römischen Geschichte. 1 Bd. Tübingen. 4s. Dönniges, W., Geschichte des deutschen Kaiserthums im 14ten Jahrhundert. Vol. II., part 1. Berlin. 8vo. 13s.

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Wildenhahn, E A., Philipp Jacob Spener. 2
Thle. Leipzig. 7s.
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Abregé Elémentaire de chimie considerée comme science accessoire à l'étude de la Médecine,etc., par J. L. Lassaigne. 2 vols. 8vo. 16s. Annalen d. Physik u. Chemie. Hersg. v. J. C. Poggendorf. Jahrg., 1842. 12 Hfte. Lpz. 21. 5s. Berzelius, J., Jahresbericht., deutsch v. Wöhler. 21 Jhrg. 2 Hft. Tübingen. 6s. Bibra, E. v., Chemische Untersuchungen verschiedener Eiterarten, etc. Berlin. 4s. 6d.

Handwörterbuch der Chemie, hrsg. v. Liebig. Poggendorf, etc. 1 Bd. 6 Lf. Brusw. 4s. 6d. Hlubek, Beleucht. d. organ. Chem. v. Liebig. in ihr. Anwendung auf. Agricultur. etc. Grätz. 4s. 6d.

Hoffman u. Salzenberg. Trigonometr. Nivellement der Oder. Berlin 12s..

Jahrbuch, Berliner astronomisches, f. 1844. Hrsg. von J. F. Encke. Berlin. 16s. Kreil, K., Astronomisch-meteorologisches Jahrbuch f. Prag. 1 Jhrg. 1842. 8vo. 6s. Lehmann, J. H. W., Die Sonnenfinsterniss am 8 Juli, 1842. Bradenburg. 2s. 6d. Lettres de F. Euler à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie, précedées de l'Eloge d'Euler par Condorcet, et annotées par M. A. A. Cournot. 2vols. 8vo. 12s. Studer, Anfangsgründe der mathematischen Geographie. 2 Ausg. Bern. 5s. 6d.


Abich, H., Geologische Beobachtungen üb. d. vulkanischen Erscheinungen, etc. I. Bd. 1 Lf. & Atl. folio. Brschw. 12s.

erläuternde Abbildungen geolog. Erschein ungen, beobachtet am Vesuv u. Aetna. folio. 12s.

Abbildung. u. Beschreib. blühend. Cacteen, v. Fr. Otto u. L. Pfeiffer. 5 Lfg. Cassel. 4s. 6d. Antoine, F., Die Coniferen, 4 Heft. Wien. 6s. Coloured plates, 9s.

Archiv für Mineralogie, etc., Hrsg. v. Karsten u. v. Dechen. XVI. 1. Berlin. 11s. 6d. Bulletin scientifique, pub. par l'acad. imp. des sciences. Tome X. Petersburg 7s. Burmeister, Genera Insectorum, Iconibus illustravit et descripsit. Vol. I. Rhynchota, No. 7. Berlin 4s.

Dietrich, A., Flora Borussica. Vol. 10 6 parts. Berlin 36s.

Endlicher, St., Die Medicinal-Pflanzen der österreichischen Pharmakopoe. Wien 15s 6d. Erichson, W.F., Bericht üb. d. wissenschaftlichen Leistung d. Entomologie im J. 1840 Berlin


Flora. Allgemeine botanische Zeitung.v.Hoppe u. Fürnrohr. 25 Jahrg. 1842 1/ 5s. Lettres à Sophie, sur la physique, etc., par L. L. Aimé-Martin 12mo. 3s.

Kutorga, S., Naturgeschichte d. Infusionsthiere, vorzügl.n. Ehrenbergs Beobachtungen. Carlsr.


Linnaea, Ein Journ. f. d. Botan. Hrsg. von v.
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Martini u. Chemnitz, Conchyl. Cabinet. Hrsg.
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Nägeli, K., Zur Entwickelungsg. d. Pollens bei
d. Phanerogamen Zurich 2s.
Naumann's Naturgeschichte d. Vögel Deutsch-
lands, hrsgeg. v. F. J. Naumann, 11 Th. 5, 6.
Leips. 12s.
Schleiden, M. J., Grundzüge der wissenschaft-
lichen Botanik. 1 Thl. Leipzig. 7s. 6d.
Sowerby's Mineral.-Conchologie deutsch v.
Desormé, mit Anmerkungen v. Agassiz. 8 u.
9 Hft. Soleure. 25s.
Stupper, C. L., Medicinisch-pharmaceutische
Botanik. 1 Bd. Wien. 21. 5s.
Wibmer, K., Die Wirkungen d. Arzneimittel u.

Gifte. 4 Bd.
13s. 6d.

2 und 5 Bd. 2 Hfte.



Album von Prag. Malerische Wanderungen zu
seinen schönsten Kirchen, &c. Lfg. 1. Prague.
Architektur des Mittelalt. in Regensb. Fortg. v.
Popp. 10 Hft. Regensb. 16s.

Bonn und seine Umgebung. Maler. Original-
zeichn. in Stahl gest. 1-3 Heft. Bonn. 4s.6d.
Bauzeitung, allgemeine, mit Abbild.
1842. Wien. 27. 12s. 6d.


Cours méthodique du dessin et de la peinture,
par L. Delaistre. 2 vols. 8vo.
Euterpe. Ein musikalisches Monatsblatt, hrsg.
v. Hentschel. Jahrg. 1842. Erfurt. 4s. 6d.
Gerhard, E., Festgedanken an Winckelmann,
2 Denkmåler-Tafeln. Berlin. 4s.

etruskische Spiegel. 7 Heft. (Taf.

51-70). Berlin. 4s.

auserles. griech. Vasenbild. haupt-
19 u. 20 Hft. (Taf.
sächl. etrusk. Fundorts.
115-126.) 18s.

Jahn, O., Die Gemälde des Polygnotos in der
Lesche zu Delphi. Kiel. 2s. 6d.
Mnemonik des Schachspiels od. Versinnlichung
d. Bretes u. der Züge. 2 Bde. Leipzig. 79.
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etc. gez. v. F. Schubert.
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Zahn, A., Ornamente u Gemälde aus Pompeji,
Herkulanum u. Stabiae.
Splendid edition, 27. 12s. 6d.
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Le Paradis Perdu, de Milton; traduit en vers Français, par E. Aroux. 12mo. 7s. Mönchlein, d. zwölfjährige, altdeutsches. Gedicht, m. Uebertr. ins Neudeutsche. Schaffh 1s 6d. Nibelungen-Lied, der, in der alten vollendeten Gestalt, hrsg. von v. d. Hagen Berlin 6s. Nibelungen-Noth, der, illustr. m. Holzschn. u. Zeichn. v. Schnorr v. Carolsfeld. Part III. Stuttg 3s.

Wackernagel, W., Neuere Gedichte (18321841). Zürich 7s.

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17 1s.

Essai de satires sociales sur le dix neuvième siècle, par F. A. de Celles. 18mo 5s. Gaule et France, par Alex. Dumas. 12mo 4s 6d. Hanke, H., Geb. Arndt, sämmtl. Schriften. 1316 Bd. Claudine. Hanover 6s.

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