FOOD AND DRUGS ANIMALS, MEATS, AND MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 1380 (21) a. Meat Inspection Act amended and extended with respect to its application to farmers, retail butchers and retail dealers.-That within the meaning of this Act-[Meat Inspection Act of March 4, 1907]. (a) A "farmer" means any person or partnership chiefly engaged in producing agricultural products on whose farm the number of cattle, calves, sheep, lamps, swine, or goats is in keeping with the size of the farm or with the volume or character of the agricultural products produced thereon, but does not mean any person or partnership engaged in producing agricultural products who (1) actively engages in buying or trading in cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, swine, or goats; or (2) actively engages, directly or indirectly, in conducting a business which includes the slaughter of cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, swine, or goats for food purposes; or (3) actively engages, directly or indirectly, in buying or selling meat or meat food products other than those prepared by any farmer on the farm; or (4) actively engages, directly or indirectly, in salting, curing, or canning meat, or in preparing sausage, lard, or other meat food products; or (5) slaughters, or permits any person to slaughter, on his or their farm cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, swine, or goats which are not actually owned by him or them. (b) A "retail butcher" means any person, partnership, association, or corporation chiefly engaged in selling meat or meat food products to consumers only, except that the Secretary of Agriculture, at his discretion, may permit any retail butcher to transport in interstate or foreign commerce to consumers and meat retailers in any one week not more than five carcasses of cattle, twenty-five carcasses of calves, twenty carcasses of sheep, twenty-five carcasses of lambs, ten carcasses of swine, twenty carcasses of goats, or twenty-five carcasses of goat kids, or the equivalent of fresh meat therefrom, and to transport in interstate or foreign commerce to consumers only meat and meat food products which have been salted, cured, canned, or prepared as sausage, lard, or other meat food products, and which have not been inspected, examined, and marked as "Inspected and Passed" in accordance with the terms of the Meat Inspection Act of March 4, 1907, and Acts supplemental thereto, and with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. (c) A "retail dealer" means any person, partnership, association, or corporation chiefly engaged in selling meat or meat food products to consumers only except that the Secretary of Agriculture, at his discretion, may permit any retail dealer to transport in interstate trade or foreign commerce to consumers and meat retailers in any one week not more than five carcasses of cattle, twenty-five carcasses of calves, twenty carcasses of sheep, twenty-five carcasses of lambs, ten carcasses of swine, twenty carcasses of goats, or twenty-five car casses of goat kids, or the equivalent of fresh meat therefrom, and to transport in interstate or foreign commerce to consumers only meat and meat food products which have been salted, cured, canned, or prepared as sausage, lard, or other meat food products which have not been inspected, examined, and marked as 'Inspected and Passed' in accordance with the terms of the Meat Inspection Act of March 4, 1907, and Acts supplemental thereto, and with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. That the provisions of the Meat Inspection Act of March 4, 1907, requiring inspection to be made by the Secretary of Agriculture shall not apply to animals slaughtered by any farmer on the farm and sold and transported in interstate or foreign commerce, nor to retail butchers and retail dealers in meat and meat food products, supplying their customers: Provided, That all meat and meat food products derived from animals slaughtered by any farmer on the farm which are salted, cured, canned, or prepared into sausage, lard, or other meat food products at any place other than by the farmer on the farm upon which the animals were slaughtered shall not be transported in interstate or foreign commerce under the farmers' exemption herein provided, and all fresh meat and all farm-cured or prepared meat and meat food products derived from animals slaughtered by any farmer on the farm which are to be used in interstate or foreign commerce shall be clearly marked with the name and address of the farmer on whose farm the animals were slaughtered: Provided further, That if any person shall sell or offer for sale or transportation for interstate or foreign commerce any meat or meat food products which are diseased, unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, knowing that such meat food products are intended for human consumption, he shall be guilty of a disdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment: And provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to maintain the inspection in this Act provided for at any slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment notwithstanding this exception, and that the persons operating the same may be retail butchers and retail dealers or farmers; and where the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish such inspection then the provisions of this Act shall apply notwithstanding this exception. (Nov. 4, 1907, 34 Stat. 1265; June 29, 1938, 52 Stat. 1235; 21 U. S. C., sec. 91.) FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS, CONGRESSES, ETC. 1422-1. Participation in international conferences restricted._* Hereafter the Executive shall not extend or accept any invitation to participate in any international congress, conference, or like event, without first having specific authority of law to do so. (Mar. 4, 1913, sec. 1, 37 Stat. 913; 22 U. S. C., sec. 262.) HIGHWAYS FEDERAL HIGHWAY ACT 1456-1. Apportionment of funds for forest highways, roads and trails.— For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of section 23 of the Federal Highway Act (42 Stat. 218), there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for forest highways, roads, and trails the following sums, to be available until expended in accordance with the provisions of said section 23: The sum of $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and the sum of $13,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941: Provided, That the apportionment for forest highways in Alaska shall be $400,000 for each of the fiscal years, and that such additional amount as otherwise would have been apportioned to Alaska for each of said fiscal years shall be apportioned by the Secretary of Agriculture among those States, including Puerto Rico, whose forest highway apportionment for such fiscal year otherwise would be less than 1 per centum of the entire apportionment for forest highways for that fiscal year: Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture may make apportionments among those States, including Puerto Rico, whose forest highway apportionments for such fiscal year otherwise would be less than 1 per centum of the entire apportionment for forest highways for that fiscal year without regard to the provisions of said section 23 relating to apportionments, but in no case shall the Secretary of Agriculture make apportionment to any State under this provision in excess of 20 per centum of the total of funds affected thereby. (June 8, 1938, sec. 5, 52 Stat. 635.) 1456-2. Forest highway appropriations to be administered jointly by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Federal Works Administrator. That hereafter appropriations for forest highways shall be administered in conformity with regulations jointly approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Federal Works Administrator. (Sept. 5, 1940, Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 869.) 1456-3. Location of parkways on national forests to be jointly determined by Department of Agriculture and National Park Service. That hereafter the location of such parkways upon public lands, national forests, or other Federal reservations shall be determined by agreement between the department having jurisdiction over such lands and the National Park Service. (Sept. 5, 1940, Sec. 9, 54 Stat. 869.) INTERNAL REVENUE CODE INCOME TAX 1477-1. Short title. That this Act may be cited as the "Public Salary Tax Act of 1939." (Apr. 1939, 53 Stat. 574; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477--2. Exemptions covering State employees, agencies or instrumentalities. Any amount of income tax (including interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts) for any taxable year beginning prior to January 1, 1938, to the extent attributable to compensation for per sonal service as an officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing (a) shall not be assessed, and no proceeding in court for the collection thereof shall be begun or prosecuted (unless pursuant to an assessment made prior to January 1, 1939); (b) if assessed after December 31, 1938, the assessment shall be abated, and any amount collected in pursuance of such assessment shall be credited or refunded in the same manner as in the case of an income tax erroneously collected; and (c) shall, if collected on or before the date of the enactment of this Act, be credited or refunded in the same manner as in the case of an income tax erroneously collected, in the following cases (1) Where a claim for refund of such amount was filed before January 19, 1939, and was not disallowed on or before the date of the enactinent of this Act; (2) Where such claim was so filed but has been disallowed and the time for beginning suit with respect thereto has not expired on the date of the enactment of this Act; (3) Where a suit for the recovery of such amount is pending on the date of the enactment of this Act; and (4) Where a petition to the Board of Tax Appeals has been filed with respect to such amount and the Board's decision has not become final before the date of the enactment of this Act. (April 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 201, 53 Stat. 575; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-3. Method of compensation of gross income for taxable year 1938. In the case of any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1937, and before January 1, 1939, compensation for personal service as an officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, shall not be included in the gross income of any individual under Title I of the Revenue Act of 1938 and shall be exempt from taxation under such title, if such individual either (a) did not include in his return for a taxable year beginning after December 31, 1936, and before January 1, 1938, any amount as compensation for personal service as an officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing; or (b) did include any such amount in such return, but is entitled under section 201 of this Act to have the tax attributable thereto credited or refunded. (Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 202; 53 Stat. 575; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-4. Credits and refunds.-Any amount of income tax (including interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts) collected on, before, or after the date of the enactment of this Act for any taxable year beginning prior to January 1, 1939, to the extent attributable to compensation for personal service as an officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, shall be credited or refunded in the same manner as in the case of an income tax erroneously collected, if claim for refund with respect thereto is filed after January 18, 1939, and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under regulations prescribed by him with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, finds that disallowance of such claim would result in the application of the doctrines in the cases of Helvering against Therrell (303 U. S. 218), Helvering against Gerhardt (304 U. S. 405), and Graves et al. against New York ex rel O'Keefe, decided March 27, 1939, extending the classes of officers and employees subject to Federal taxation. Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 203, 53 Stat. 576; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-5. Effect of Statute of Limitations.-Neither section 201 nor section 203 shall apply in any case where the claim for refund, or the institution of the suit, or the filing of the petition with the Board, was, at the time filed or begun, barred by the statute of limitations properly applicable thereto. (Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 204, 53 Stat. 576; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-6. Compensation defined.-Compensation shall not be considered as compensation within the meaning of sections 201, 202, and 203 to the extent that it is paid directly or indirectly by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof. If the amount of the deficiency in income tax for any taxable year beginning before January 1, 1939, attributable to compensation paid indirectly by the United States, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, for personal service as an officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision therof, or any agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing, is paid on or before March 15, 1941, then with respect to failure to pay such amount or make return of such compensation: (a) No criminal penalty shall apply; and (b) the additions to tax provided in sections 291 and 293 of the Internal Revenue Code shall not apply. (Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 205, 52 Stat. 576; June 25, 1940, Title IV, sec. 401, 54 Stat. 527; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-7. Terms governed by Internal Revenue Code. The terms used in this Act shall have the same meaning as when used in Chapter I of the Internal Revenue Code. (Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 206, 53 Stat. 576; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-8. Limitation on collection of State taxes from Federal employees, agencies, etc.-No collection of any tax (including interest, additions to tax, and penalties) imposed by any State, Territory, possession, or local taxing authority on the compensation, received before January 1, 1939, for personal service as an officer or employee of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof which is exempt from Federal income taxation and, if a corporate agency or instrumentality, is one (a) a majority of the stock of which is owned by or on behalf of the United States, or (b) the power to appoint or select a majority of the board of directors of which is exercisable by or on behalf of the United States, shall be made after the date of the enactment of this Act. (Apr. 12, 1939, Title II, sec. 207, 53 Stat. 576; 26 U. S. C., sec. 22 note.) 1477-9. Nonapplicability of act where policy of States is to collect taxes. This title shall not apply with respect to any officer or employee of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, after the Secretary of the Treasury has determined and proclaimed that it is the policy of such State to collect from any individual any tax, |