Page images

Courtney Mr. his fpeech in re-
ply to Mr. Flood on the
third reading of the India
bill 455. on the ordnance
Courts Martial, trials before,
Lieut. Col. Cockburne for
the lofs of St. Boitatius 2.
his defence and witneffes
112. his Majefty's approba-
tion of the fentence 119.
twelve feamen on board the
Raifonable for mutiny 72.
Lieut. Col. Wall on fundry
charges against him tor.
King of France's order for
holding one on the Count
de Graffe
Coventry Earl of, his fpeech
on the India bill

[ocr errors]


cory of the addrefs to the
King ioid. his Majefly's
anfwer 337. expeition of
Mr. Atkinfon ibid. Mr.
Fox's India bill 338. re-
ceipt tax 409, 415. navy e-
ftimates and fmuggling ibid.
Srt reading of the first
India bill 410. fmuggling
414, 416. Mr. Aikinfon's
expulfion 415. Eat India
Director's petition 416. fe-
cond India bill 417. fepa-
ration of the English and
Frith post offices 418. 443.
debate on the motion for
commitment of first India
Bill 419, 435. in the com-
mittee 441. Mr. Atkinfon
expelled 443. receipt tax
1bid. réport of the com-
mittee on the India bill 444. Dallas Mr. his fpeech in
third reading of India bill
445. army eftimates 461.
Volunteers of Ireland 462..
ordoance estimates 464. Mr.
Baker's two motion 477.
Mr. Erfkine's motion 480.
change of Ministry 481.
question of adjournment
ibid. Earl Temple's refig.
nation 483. land tax bill
ibid. ftate of the nation,
484. addrefs against diffolv-
ing the Parliament 493. his
Majefty's anfwer 494. In.
dia directors not to be per-
mitted to accept bills 496.
Duchy of Lancalter 496.
Commons Houfe of, alterations
in fince the general election
366. members fitting by de-
cifions of Committees 367
Conftantinople, plague there 71,
159, 160, 289, 313. fitua-
tion of
Contracts and Inventories, new

tax on

[blocks in formation]

the India House on the
motion of thanks to Gover-
nor Haftings
Dartmouth East Indiaman, ac-
count of her lofs
Davenport Sir Thomas, his
motion for the proceedings
of the Court of King's
Bench against Mr. Atkin-
fon 337. further motion ref-
pecting it

Dempfier Mr. bis opinion ref-
pecting the India bulinefs
Derby Lord, his fpeeches on

Lord Shelburne's motions
on the loan 145, 147. on
the India bill
Derry Bishop of, anecdote of
Deveaux Col. retakes the Ba-
hamas II. account of him
Dolben Sir William, propofes
falaries for the India com-
Drake Admiral Sir F. S. his

letter of thanks to the
Mavor of Poole on being
prefented with the freedom
of the corporation 95
Duncombe Mr. feconds Mr.
Pitt's motion for a reform
in Parliament
Dundas Mr. Henry, (late Lord


Advocate of Scotland) moves
his bill for the better regu-
lation of the government of
India 56. moves the exten-
fion of Sir Thomas Rum-
bold's restraining bill 216,
221. fpeech on the India bill
439. defends his India bill of
last year 453. motion of ad-
journment 481. on Mr. Er-

a 2

[blocks in formation]

Arthquake, account of one
felt in Cornwall and
Devon 183. terrible one at
the land of Formofa in
China 184. Sir William
Hamilton's account of thofe
in Calabria, Scilly, &c.
296. violent one at Salonica
Eat India bill, propofed by
Mr. Fox, fubftance of it
376. divifion on the propo-
hition in the Houfe of Com-
mons 399. debate on the
first reading of the bill for
appointing commitioners

410. fecond bill brought in
417. debate on the commit-
ment of the first bill 419.
divifions in both Houfes on
it 403. Peers who voted for
and againit it 404. blanks
in the first filled up by the
Committee 441.regulations
refpecting the conduct of
the Directors 442. thrown
out by the Lords 446
Eaft India Company, ftate of
their debts and credits laid
before the House of Com-
mons 419. authentic paper
fhewing the means used by
them for the recovery of
their debts in India
East India Directors, their

petition to Parliament a-
gainst Mr. Fox's bill 416
Eaft Indies, advices from 71,
73. homeward bound fhips
there 73. natives attack the
Danish fettlement of Tran-
quebar 74. lofs of the Dart-
mouth on the Inland of Car
Nicabar 74. Sir Byre Coote
communicates the King's
thanks to the army there
75. motions of the French
fleet and Admiral Hughes's
ibid. manoeuvres and escape
of the Hawke 76. defeat of
Tippo Saib 232. ftate of the
flect there ibid. Dutch 54


gun flip taken 233. fuccefs
of Gen. Matthews ibid. in-
furrection on Hyder Ally's
death 234. thips to fail from
before Christmas 344. ad-
vices from communicated to
the Court of Proprietors 381.
advices from published by
the Committee 383. Lon-
don Gazette intelligence of
the operations in 384. news
of peace arrives there 339
Eaft India Hovfe, Court of
Proprietors vote thanks to
Governor Haftings 377. de-
bate there on Mr. Fox's In-
dia bill 381. their petition
to the Houfe of Commons
against the bill 382. to the
Houfe of Lords
Eden Mr. his fpeeches on the
American trade bill 51, 61,
Bingham Lord, his speech on
the India bill
Eliott Gen, his letter on being
invetted with the Order of
the Bath 71. to the town
clerk of Southampton on
being prefented with the
freedom of the Corporation
96. to the Secretary of the
Society of Arts on being
elected a Vice President ibid.
penfion voted him by Par-
liament 286. anecdotes of


Empress of Ruffia's full powers
to her Ambafadors for me-
diating a peace between
France and Great Britain

[blocks in formation]

· England, Lord Sheffield's ac-.
count of the goods exported
from and imported into from
1778 to 1780
Erskine Col. recompence pro-
pofed in the Houfe of Com-
mons to the Swifs officers
in his corps
Erskine Mr. his fpeeches on
Mr. Fox's India bill 413,
430. moves a refolution a-
gain diffolving the Par-
liament 480. his fpeech on
the flate of the nation and
for an addrefs to the King
not to diffolve the Parlia-
Pfwick Mr. complains of Mr.
Burke's altering the Pay
Office reform bill


[blocks in formation]

Fletcher Sir Henry, his fpeech

on Mr. Dundas's bill for re-
gulating the government of
India 58. his motion for a
bill of indemnity to the
Eaft India Company 64. his
fpeech in the India Hofe
on the motion for thanks to

.Governor Hastings 379. in
the Houfe of Commous on
Mr. Fox's India bill 412
Flood Mr. grand difpute be-
tween, him and Mr. Grattan
in the Irish House of Com-
mons 347. his defence of
himself to the House 355.
account of his being appre-
hended ibid. anedotes of him
ibid. his motion for reduc-
ing the army 358. his speech
in the British Houfe of
Commons on the third read-
ing the India bill 454. his
1peech on the army eítimates,
and attempt to introduce a
debite on the Irish Volun-
Formfa Ifland of, in China
account of the dreadful dif-
after at

Fox Mr. Secretary, his speech

on the American trade bill
49, 50, 65, 66. Answers
Com. Johnftone's queries
51. fpeech on the loan 64.
on Meffrs. Powell and Bem-
bridge 143. on Mr. Pitt's
plan of reform 156. his let-
ters to the Lord Mavor on
the figning the Definitive
Treaties 163. his manage-
ment of the negotiation
with the Dutch 167. pre-
fents the American Trade
bill to the Houfe of Lords
185. fpeech on the bill for
preventing expences at elec-
tions 223. on the army ef-
timates 225. on Mr. Pitt's
reform in the Treafury, &c.
269. 287. on the Loyalifts
petition 276. on the Prince
of Wales's establishment
278. on the Tellerfhip pro-

mited to Lord Thurlow
288, 289. on the book of

forty four millions 293. on
the addrefs on the King's
fpeech 330. fpe ch and me-
tion on India affairs 338.
urges the necefity of his In-
dia bills being expedited 413-
brings in his fecond India
bill 417. pledges himself to
make objections to the East
India Company's statement
of their accounts 419. his ob-
jections to articles in them
to the amount of twelve mil- -
lions 421. his reafons for
propofing and fupporting his
India bills 426. anfwers ob-
jections against them 439-
his fevere reprimand to Mr.
Pitt 440. names the India
Commifhoners 441. answers
Mr. Huffey's objections to
the India Commiffioners be-
ing Members of Parliament

bid. propofes that fuch of
the Directors as are at pre-
fent Members may remain
444. replies to the obferva-
tions of Mr. Powys 450.
his fpeech on the rumours
refpecting fecret influence
479. on Mr. Dundas's mo-
tion for the House meeting
on a Saturday 482. on Mr.
Temple's refignation 483.
on the land tax bill ibid. on
Mr. Erfkine's motion for an
addrefs not to diffolve Par-
liament 488, 489. on his
Majesty's answer to that ad-
France and Bourbon Itles of in
the East Indies, their pro


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Gazettes, London, fire at Pe-
tertburgh 70. letter from
Gen. Eliott 71. plague at
Conftantinople ibid. 159,
160, 239, 313. renewal of
treaties with the Emperor
of Morocco ibid. advices
from the East Indies ibid.
violent thunder form in
Germany ibid. plague in the
Crimea ibid, recapture of
the Bahamas 148. procla-
mation for diffolving the I-
rith Parliament and calling
a new one 159. delivery of
the Queen ibid. provifional
treaty with America rati-
fied 160. prelim naries with
the Dutch and definitive
treaties figned 163. Ruffian
Manifefto against the Turks
234. new illand rofe out of
the fea near Iceland 237,
240. prorogation of Parlia-
ment 237. embargo on pro-

vifions taken off ibid. order
of Council refpecting trade
to America ibid. proclama-
tion for proroguing the Irith
Parliament 238. City ad-
drefs on the Queen's delive-
ry ibid. his Majetty's an-
fwer ibid. confirmation of
the Mahratta peace 239.
young Princefs chriftened
ibid. proclamation of peace
ibid. farther prorogation of
Parliament 240. coronation
day at Dublin 313. Lord
Lieutenant's fpeech to the
Irith Parliament 314. ad-
drefs of the Irish Houfe of
Lords to the King 315. of
the Commons 316. of the
Houfe of Lords to the Lord
Lieutenant ibid. of the
Commons 317. Proclama-
tion of peace at Dublin 318.
operations in India 384.
news of the peace received
there 389. anniversary of
the Irish rebellion 394. an-
niversary of the Emprefs of
Ruffia's coronation 395. ad-
drefs of the county of lover-
nefs to the King ibid. Lord
Mayor's day ibid. addrefs of
the inhabitants of Exeter
395. order for Baronets
proving their titles 407.
new Ministry
Gloucefter Bishop of, his fpeech
on general refignation bonds

[blocks in formation]


Gordon Lord Adain, his speech
on the half pay to Provin-
cial Corps
Gorver Earl of, his fpeech on
the India bill
Grantley Lord, his fpeech on
the India bill
Grattan Mr. grand difpute
between him and Mr. Flood
in the Irish Houfe of Com-
mous 347. account of his
being apprehended 355
Graves Capt. Thomas, ac-
count of him
Grenville Mr. W. his speech
on the half pay to provin
cial corps 282. on the book
of forty four millions 293.

on Mr. Fox's India bill
410. on the rumours of se-
cret influence 479. announ-
ces Lord Temple's refigna-


Hamilton Mr. a new Mem-

ber, his fpeech in oppofi-
tion to the third reading of
the India bill


Hamilton Sir William, his ac-
count of the earthquakes in
Calabria, communicated to
the Royal Society
Hampden Vifc. his fpeech on
the motion for an addrefs
on the King's fpeech 324.
Haflings Governor, thanks of
the Court of Proprietors
of the India Company mov-
ed and voted to him 377.
extracts from his letter to
the Court of Directors in
reply to their charges a
gainst him 389. his fervices
flated 391. obfervations on
his letter to the Directors,
interfperfed with authentic
Hawke Indiaman, her ma-
noeuvres and escape from a
fuperior force
Herries Sir Robert, his speech
on the American trade bill

Hervey Lord, his letters to

Lord Howe
Hill Sir Richard, his fpeech
on taking away the right
of compounding for molt
271. humourous one on Mr.
Fox's India bills 428. on
the third reading the bill
Hood Lord, his letter of thanks
to the Mayor of Poole on
receiving the freedom of
the corporation
Howard Gen. Sir G. his pre-


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Ames Sir William, defends
the conduct of Sir R. Bic
Iceland, account of a new 11-
land formed in the neigh
bourhood of
237, 240.


Indians, in America, their o-
pinion of the peace
Invernefs, addrets of the coun-
ty of, to the King 395-
Johnstone Commodore, his que
ries refpecting the tranfmit-
ting the news of peace 10
India 51. fpeech on Mi
Dundas's bill for regulating
the government of India
57, on the East India in-
demnity bill 64, 69. moves
for the minutes of the feleét
India committee 191. fpeeck
in reply to Mr. Burke's de-
fence of Powell and Bem-
bridge 195. on the City pe-
tition against the receipt
tax 223. on the addrefs on
the King's fprech 334. com-
pliments Mr. Fox on his
candour in the India bu-
finefs 344 his fpeech and
motion in the India Houte
for thanks to Govenor Haf-
tings 377. in the House of
Commons on the state of
the Company's affairs 381.
on Mr. Fox's India bill 41,
427. on Mr. Erikine's mo-
tion for an addrefs not to
diffolve Parliament 484.
House of Commons, their
addrefs to the King 316. to
the Lord Lieutenant 312.
debate in on the American
commercial treaty 343. ou
prifoners and fees 346. on
retrenchment ibid. 363. dif-
pute between Mr. Flood and
Mr. Grattan 347. debate na
the Portugal trade 353. o
the Grand Canal 354. a

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]



addrefs to the King 315. to
the Lord Lieutenant 316.
refolve their thanks to the
Volunteer Corps 317. de-
bate in, on annual parlia-
ments 354. motion for an-
nual Parliaments,
Irish Parliament, fpeech of
the Lord Lieutenant at the
meeting of,
Irish Volunteers, refolutions
of the Delegates of 171. ad-
drefs of the Delegates of to
the Volunteers of Leinster,
Munster, and Connaught
173. Duke of Richmond's
Letter to the Committee of
259. thanks of the Iith
Houfe of Peers to them 317.
Ireland, trial before the
court of oyer and terminer
there for counterfeiting
Judges, the twelve, give their
opinion on the questions
put to them by the Houfe
of Lords refpecting bonds of
general refignation




KEnyon Mr. explains to the

House his conduct respect-
ing Powell and Bembridge
Keppel Lord, his fpeech on
Lord Shelburne's motions
on the loan
King's Bench, Court of, trials
before them, of Mr. Bem-
bridge for conniving at a
concealment 13. of Lieut.
Bourne for a libel and af-
fault on Sir James Wallace
36. of Chriftopher Atkin-
fon for perjury 72. new
trial moved for by Mr.
Bembridge 372. rejected by
the Court 374. his fentence

bid. Counfel for Mr. At-
kinfon afk farther time to
move for a new trial ibid.
refufed by the Court, and
his default of non-appear-
ance recorded 375. proceed-
ings before refpecting Mr.

Kingdoms of Europe, their
prefent annual revenue 108.
population and revenue of
those united against Britain
in the late war

Etters, from D. Wheeler
on the recapture of the
Bahamas i. from Colonel
Deveaux on the fame ibid.
from Sir J. Wallace in an-
fwer to an anonymous para-
graph 37. Lieut. Bourne in
aufwer to Sir James ibid.
from Mont. Defoudronios
giving an account of the
lofs of the La Bourgogne of
74 guns 41. from the go-
vernor of St. Helena on the
lofs of the Grofvenor India-
man ibid. from Gen. Eliott
at Gibraltar 71. from Ver-
failles on the fituation of
affairs between Ruffia, the
Porte, and France bid.
from a feaman giving an
account of the fs of the
Dartmouth East Indiaman
74. from Admiral S F.
S. Drake and Lord Hood
to the Mayor of Poole 95.
from the Town Clerk of
Southampton to Gen. Eliott
96. Gen. Eliott's anfwer
ibid. from Gen. Eliott to
the Secretary of the Society
of Arts ibid. from the Mar-
quis La Fayette to Sir Hen-
ry Clinton 97. Sir H. Chin-
ton's anfwer ibid. from Gen.
Galvez to Prince William
Henry 10. the Prince's
anfwer ibid. from New York
on the peace and the flate
of the Loyalitis 123. circu-
lar from Gen. Wathington
to the American Governors
on his refignation 125. from
Philadelphia on the prefent
fate of government there
132. from Cok Deveaux to
Sir Guy Carleton on the
recapture of the Bahamas
158. from Mr. Fox to the
Lord Mayor on the figning
the definitive treaties 163.
from the King to their
High Might ineffes


States General on the deli-
very of the Queen 167.
from Wilmington, giving
an account of the robbing
the French trealary there
176. from Paris on the air
ballons 177. from Paris on
Mr. Maddifon's death 180.

[blocks in formation]

Lloyd Mr. Maurice, fpeech re-

fpecting the dividends un-
claimed at the Bank
London, City of, their reve-
Dues 76. their addrefs on
the delivery of the Queen
238. their petition against
the India Bills
London Bishop of, his honour

able conduct to Mr. Ffytche
on carrying his appeal re-
fpecting general refignation

Lords, Houfe of, debates in,
Bayntun's divorce bill 43,
47, 58, 62, 216. Irith ju-
rifdiction bill 55, 52. Ame-
rican trade bill 142. loan
144. Lewis's divorce bill
-149. refignation bonds re-
fpecting church livings 185,
196, 205. opinion of the
Judges on a claufe in Bayn
tun's divorce bill 188. put-
ting the Great Seal in com-
million, and independence
of the Judges 216. Petitions
against the receipt tax 270
duty on bills of exchange
and receipts 271. Prince of
Wales's eftablishment 273.
bribery and expence at elec-
tions 277. penfion to Lord
Rodney and General Sir G.
Eliott 283. Mr. Pitt's re-
form in the Treasury, Ad-
miralty, Ordnance, Excife,
and Stamp Offices 284. in-
folvent debtor's bill 288
Speaker of the H. of Com-
mons addreffes the King at


the clofe of the feffions 295.
his Majesty's Tpeech 296.
ceremonial of the introduc-
tion of the Prince of Wales
323. King's fpeech at the
opening the feffions 243. de-
bate on the addrefs in an-
iwer ibid. copy of the ad-
drefs 325. his Majesty's an-
fwer ibid. coalition print
440. first reading of India

bill 456. fecond reading In-
dia bill
466, 471.
Loughborough Lord, his speech
on the Irith jurisdiction bill
53, 55 on the loan 147,
on the Duke of Richmond's
motion respecting the Great
Seal being put in Commif-
fion 216. on the reform in
the Treasury, &c. 284. on
the India bill 458, 467.
Loyals, letters from New

York respecting their dif
treffed fituation 123. pro-
teft in the General Court of
the Mallachusetts State in
their favour 131. refolves
of the inhabitants of Balti
more in Maryland againft
them 173. abstract of the
act appointing Commiffion-
ers to enquire into their
laffes 175. their petition to
Parliament $
Luttrell Capt. his fpeech on
Mr. Pitt's reform
Luttrell Gen. his remarks on
Mr. Flood's fpeech respect-
ing the Irith Volunteers


MAcdonald Mr. his peech

on Mr. Fox's India bill
Maddifon Mr. Secretary to our
Amoaffador in France, par-
ticulars of his death 180.
Mabon Lord, his fpeech on
the new taxes 199. on the
rumours of fecret influence
Maitland Lord, fupports the
India bill 430. feconds Mr.
Baker's refolutions againth
fecret influence
Manchefter Duke of, his fpeech

on the India bill 467, 473.
Mansfield Lord, his fpeech on
Bayotun's divorce bill 59..
on Lewis's divorce bill 149.
on general refignation bonds
213. on the India bill 469.
Marattabs, copy of the treaty
of peace with them 168. ac-
count of the peace confirm-




Martin Mr. his fpeech on the
-third reading the India bill
448. on the motion for an
addrefs against diffolving the
Maryland, refolves of the in-
habitants of Baltimore a-
gainit the Loyalists 173.
act of the General Affembly
of, refpecting the entry and
clearing of thips to and from
the British dominions 175.
Maffacbufetts State, protest in
their General Court in fa-
vour of the Loyalitis 131.
act of impoting duties 225,
Matthews General, account of

his operations in India 384.
Mawby Sir Jofeph, his fpeech
on the addrefs to the King
328. on the Ordnance efti-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Norfolk, county of, average
price of land in
North Lord, his fpeech on Mr.
Dundas's bill for regulating
the government of India 58.
on the loan 67. his answer
to Mr. Pitt's question re-
fpecting his being called to
the other Houfe 150. fpeech
on Mr. Pite's parliamentary
reform 155. on the new

taxes 200. moves the efti-
mates of the colony civil
establishments 222. speech
on the Quaker's petition ro-
fpecting negroes 266. on
Mr. Pitt's bill for a reform
in the Treasury, &c. 268.
on the Loyalists petition
276. on the Prince of
Wales's establishment 278.
on the half pay for provin
cial corps 279. on the Tel-
berthip promifed to Lord
Thurlow, and the Exches
quer reform 290. on the
book of forty-four millions
292. propofes a bill for re-
gulating the English and I-
rish pott offices 418. fpeech
on Mr. Fox's India bills
427 his reply to Mr. Flood
on the army estimates 462.
on the rumours of fecret in-
furnce 478. fupports Mr.
Erfkine's motion again a
dillolution 480. humourous
Speech on the change of Mi-
niftry 482. and on Mr. Er-
fkine's motion for an addrefs
against diffolving the Par-
liament 490. fupports Lord
Beauchamp's motion for re-
fricting the Treasury's per-
mitting the Eaft India Di-
rectors to accept bills 496.
Nugent Lord, his speech on
Mr. Baker's motions re-
fpecting fecret influence
478. on the land tax bill


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